Koalas, Kidnappers, & Kingpins

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It was Wednesday.


Which usually, on any other day of the year would not be a problem. But it was Wednesday. And today was…well today. And today should not be Wednesday. Today being Wednesday screwed with things, messed things up, made things harder than they should have been.


Wednesday was usually one of their busier days of the week. What with dance practice, vocal practice and even a photo shoot…they didn’t have much time for anything else. Which would not be a problem if today wasn’t today.


Today was August 1st.


Today was someone’s birthday.


A certain pink-hating, hoodie and sweats loving, sarcastic-as-hell, hardened-on-the-outside-but-soft-and-sweet-on-the-inside…thug.


Today was Tiffany’s birthday.


And all the girls wanted desperately to do something for their oh-so-lovable-and-huggable thug. Tiffany meant a lot to them and they needed to let her know that. The girl was sharp and it was pretty much like she had eyes not just on the back of her head, but everywhere else too. It was beyond hard trying to plan something with her not catching on. But they had managed it well so far and Tiffany seemed to not have a clue.


The problem was Jessica.


The princess had the most contact with Tiffany, and she was having a really tough time keeping herself from cracking under the pressure and keeping her girlfriend from finding out. The days leading up to the surprise party was torture for the brunette. Jessica would jump at the smallest things and it became increasingly hard for her to be around Tiffany.


The older girl felt as if her pores were physically leaking out the secrets of the party, as if simply being physically close with her girlfriend would lead to Tiffany finding out. She forced herself to be less clingy to Tiffany. But Jessica is a girl that needed physical comfort, so she turned to her other members instead.


It was absurd to say the least. The members would just be going about their merry way, totally unsuspecting and unassuming…when koala-Jessi would strike. One minute you were free to roam and do as you please, and the next, you had a ninety-something pound brunette koala bear hanging off your neck and arms. To make matters worse, it seemed that being Tiffany-deprived meant that Jessica needed almost ten times more physical comfort than she did normally. If the brunette only needed one hug from Tiffany to get through the day, she needed ten hugs from her members to get her ‘Tiffany-fix’. Towards the end, it got so bad that the brunette was constantly jonesing for physical contact that she was never found further than a meter away from any of her members.


Her favorite ‘Tiffany-patch’ seemed to have taken the form of their poor maknae, who was either powerless against her unnie or just didn’t want to be disrespectful and refuse her unnie’s advances. Either way, it meant that the Seohyun was often found with Jessica hanging off of her like a koala on a tree. The maknae herself was not immune to Jessica’s rather ridiculous needs, in fact, Seohyun dealt with her stress in her own unique way.




The maknae turned to her favorite food for comfort. She consumed gogumas like candy, so much so that her hands started to turn yellow. But there was no other way. Seohyun had to have an outlet for her stress and it came in the form of stress eating.


The other members also had to deal with koala-Jessi, and if they weren’t careful, they would find themselves with their necks and backs aching by the end of the day. How the hell Tiffany had put up with all this they didn’t know. Perhaps it was because Jessica was at least was ‘getting some’ with Tiffany, therefore being able to tone down the amount of skinship needed to keep her happy during the day. Whatever it was, it just simply meant that the members had to deal with Jessica until the surprise party was over. During the last three days before the party, Jessica had even resorted to sleeping in Yuri’s bed, hugging the tan girl like a slipping lifeline.


Yoona had not said one word about it as she knew her unnie needed to get it out of her system, but she definitely was not ecstatic over the situation. Not that anyone else seemed to notice their second maknae’s silent distress. No one else but Yuri that is. In those last three days, the tanned beauty made sure to shower her lovable dongsaeng with more hugs and cheek kisses (that the two seemed to have gotten used to it as their normal show of affection for each other) than ever before. Something Yoona appreciated very much.


Tiffany herself was indeed curious as to why her girlfriend was being such a nut and avoiding her at every cost. At first she thought she had done something to make Jessica mad, but a quick talk with Taeyeon had shot that idea out the window. Tiffany knew something was bothering Jessica and had started to pick up on some quirks her girlfriend had when trying to hide something from her. But Jessica had always been patient with Tiffany, never forcing her to tell her the stories of her past. So Tiffany decided to extend Jessica the same courtesy, hoping Jessica would come to her when she was ready.


And today…it seemed Jessica was ready.



~ ~ ~ ~ ~



They were in the dance studio waiting for their instructor to come in and start the session. The girls were sprawled out all over the floor, in their own little world. They were getting more and more antsy as the day wore on, getting closer to the surprise party, and it was apparent that the proximity of the unveiling was taking a toll on Jessica. Who was currently laying on top of the maknae, who in turn was laying stomach first on the floor, trying to read a book. ‘Trying’ being the operative word. The fact that Jessica periodically nuzzled her nose into the maknae’s hair, or rubbed her face on Seohyun’s back was a severe distraction for the poor younger girl. Seohyun’s lips were set into a thin line, her magnanimous amount of patience was wearing thin, and her stock of goguma was running low.


Tiffany finally decided to so something about it, wanting to save Jessica before their maknae decided to beat her to a pulp. Jessica’s behavior today, starting from the moment they woke up, had been erratic, bordering on insane. The brunette had made Yuri piggyback her to the bathroom and even brushed her teeth while still perched on Yuri’s back, frothy white toothpaste dripping down her chin and staining Yuri’s PJ’s.


Then, at breakfast, Jessica had plopped herself onto Taeyeon’s lap, completely disregarding the fact that Taeyeon herself needed to eat too. The walk towards SM was even more eventful, with Jessica being passed around like a piece of luggage as they made their way to their workplace. First it was Sooyoung Jessica had latched herself onto, and when Sooyoung finally managed to peel Jessica off her back, Jessica had lost no time in jumping onto Hyoyeon’s. Then it was Sunny, then Yoona, then Seohyun, and then for some unfair reason, Sooyoung again. Sooyoung had complained and complained and complained, but nothing she did could convince Jessica to get off her. The girl even fell asleep on the way there! Needless to say, Sooyoung was not amused.


So before her girlfriend could incur the wrath of all the other members, which at this point seemed very likely, Tiffany decided to perhaps try and soothe whatever it was that was turning her girlfriend into a complete nutjob. She walked over and effortlessly plucked Jessica from Seohyun’s back and threw Jessica over her shoulders in a perfect fireman’s lift. Jessica shrieked but no amount of flailing and flopping around like a dying fish seemed to be able to get Tiffany to release her hold. Like that, Tiffany carried Jessica out the door.


The other girls looked at each other worriedly, hoping Jessica wouldn’t crack under the pressure. But they would be lying if they said they weren’t relieved that they were granted a few Jessica-free minutes to themselves.


“God bless Tiffany,” Sooyoung effused.


All the girls nodded.


“May Allah grant that wonderful thug a long and prosperous life. May Krishna ensure Tiffany’s health. May Buddha’s light forever shine on her. May she find favor in God’s eyes. May Zeus never forsake her. May Ra forever

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A story nine and a half years in the making, it's grown and morphed with me as I lived my life. I still cannot fathom seeing over nine years of my life reflected in a story that's part of both the lowest and also the most formative years of my existence. Surreal.


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Chapter 147: I miss this story 😢
Chapter 145: No 😢😢😢😢😢😢
Chapter 143: I love Tiffany and Jessica's quality time with each other. They are the cutest together.
Chapter 142: Stephanie asking to try to do the sutures 🥲
Another step at leaving Tiffany behind 🥲
Chapter 140: I guess Jae and Teddy just worried about Tiffany, but oh well, she can manage well by herself, I think. To be in the group for the sake of the members, hm, I guess that’s a selfless thought but does she really want to be in the group though? Hehe.

Anyway, happy new year, author-nim!
Chapter 140: the siblings love the three of them share. tiffany deserves that love
Chapter 139: Merry belated Xmas author!!! Yay for baby!!! I hope this gives Jessi some baby fever lol. I'd love to see that!
Chapter 139: Merry Christmas author! This update is so good and warm <3 so happy for nayeong and a baby ... a wonderful baby is coming!!
Chapter 138: Thank you for the updates author! They always make my day ❤️
Chapter 137: So hot jeti