Merry Christmas Tiffany

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Monday, October 31st 2022





Jessica had somehow convinced her parents to let her and Stephanie go back to that house alone, so when they got back to Jessica’s house via taxi, it was to find her parents and Krystal already up and waiting anxiously for the two of them to return.


The moment the two girls walked through the door, Jessica could hear her mother exclaim.


“Oh bloody fudgin’ hell! Thank the good gods above you girls are home!”


“Mom! Since when do you curse?!” Krystal exclaimed, affronted that her mother would use such language.


“Since your stupid sister and Tiffany decided to be complete idiots! Tiffany literally just recovered yesterday and they go galvanizing the town again! What’s a –”


“Hush jagiya…the girls are home safe now and that’s all that matters. Now lets make like merry little elves and celebrate Christmas shall we?” Mr. Jung said with a gentle smile at the sight of his eldest gently unraveling Tiffany’s scarf from around her neck.


It was like the younger girl was some present that his Sooyeonnie was unwrapping. Precious and fragile.


Perhaps it was the obsessive over-protective father in him reacting, but Mr. Jung found that he was more than ok with his little princess loving Tiffany as she did. Somehow, the thought of his Sooyeonnie in the arms of some boy rankled him some. Or perhaps he was adjusting his views to fit his daughter’s lifestyle choices to avoid disharmony. Whatever it was, Mr. Jung just knew that he was actually happy for his daughter.




Seeing as the relationship his daughter had with Tiffany was condemned in their society and often deemed aberrant.


Thank god for San Francisco.


Mrs. Jung bustled about the kitchen, readying breakfast. Her husband saw how flustered she was, probably from worrying over the two girls.


He smiled and chuckled before wrapping his arms around her, stilling her jilted movements.


“Jagi…when’s the last time we cooked breakfast together?” Mr. Jung cooed into his wife’s ear.


He felt her shudder as his breath cascaded down the sensitive skin of her neck. He could feel the girls watching their every move behind him, but for once, he chose to publicly shower his wife with affection.


Mr. Jung was a private man, often never showing much tender affection to his wife unless they were in the privacy of their bedroom. But today, his romantic side was jolted awake.


Perhaps it was because he saw how his princess was so tenderhearted and obviously smitten with Tiffany. He couldn’t help but feel that ‘love was in the air’.


So he ignored his usual routine of propriety and pulled his wife flush against him, feeling like some newlywed couple who could barely keep their hands off each other.


Mrs. Jung didn’t know what had gotten into her husband, but she unconsciously found her body to be responding quite aptly to his ministrations.


In truth, she sometimes wished he were more affectionate to her. She knew he loved her, but it was nice to be reminded of that more often.


“Let’s cook breakfast for the girls together…” Mr. Jung breathed, kissing his wife wetly behind the ears.


Mrs. Jung swallowed a moan and managed to nod.


Mr. Jung smiled against his wife’s neck before pulling away slightly to turn and look at the girls, who were staring at them wide-eyed.


“Girls, go to the living room and watch TV or something, your mother and I will take care of breakfast. We’ll call you in when we’re ready,” Mr. Jung commanded.


And it seemed that his daughters didn’t need him to tell them a second time, for they high-tailed it out of the kitchen, Jessica dragging Tiffany along behind her like they were running away from the three jaws of Cerberus.


Mr. Jung chuckled lowly before turning back to his wife, who had by now turned around to face him, their hips flush.


“Now…where were we…?”


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


“Jeezuz! What the hell was that?!?!” Krystal hyperventilated. The young girl had never seen her parents so lovey-dovey.


It was unsettling.


Stephanie was staring at the Jung sisters, somewhat amused by their reaction at their parents’ blatant romancing. She herself was not so perturbed by such displays of affection. Her own parents, when they were still alive, had always been very comfortable showering each other with tender hugs and loving kisses in front of them.


Mom used to say that it was important for children to know that their parents loved each other. It gave them a sense of stability. And dad was very much not averse to showing his wife just how much he loved his Allibear at all hours of the day.


Stephanie remembered once having a nightmare when she was about five or so. Dominic and Jaxon had both gone away on summer camp and were not home, otherwise little Stephanie would usually have ran to her brothers for comfort.


But that night, she stumbled into her parents’ room terrified and bawling her eyes out.


In fact, she kind of still remembers her nightmare.


It was something about…her mother selling her to some evil old witch who made her wash her stinky feet everyday…or something to that effect.


Regardless, little Stephanie had burst into her mom and dad’s room and thrown herself underneath the covers next to her mother. She hazily remembered her father sidling out of bed and running to the bathroom. But in her distraught state, the little girl never really much cared for her father’s disorderly state. She just wanted her mother to hold her and sing her to sleep. Thinking back, her mother was not wearing her pj bottoms like she usually did and she could feel the smooth skin of her mother’s thighs as her mommy held her and soothed her fears.


Stephanie smiled at that thought, now realizing that she probably interrupted her mom and dad’s ‘y time’.


Back in reality, Krystal was still hyperventilating while Jessica was silent and shifting uncomfortably beside her.


Stephanie decided to mess with the Jung sisters.


“You two do realize how you came into existence ri–”


“LALALALALALALALALA!!!! I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!!! LALALALALAAAAA!!!!!” Krystal screwed her eyes tight and screeched while clasping her palms over her ears.


Jessica just flushed crimson and turned away from Stephanie’s gaze.


Stephanie smiled crookedly and reached out to gather the brunette into her arms, nuzzling the crook of Jessica’s neck.


The younger girl deeply inhaled that distinct scent that never failed to soothe her.


“Thanks for coming with me this morning…” she breathed, letting Jessica’s scent wash over her and lull the heartbreak of this morning into a distant ache.


Jessica turned her head and pressed her lips to Stephanie’s forehead.


“Anytime baby…” Jessica murmured before trailing her lips down…down the bridge of Stephanie’s nose…down…down to capture passionate loving lips.


Beside them, Krystal finally decided stop her antics and opened her eyes, only to be met with the sight of her sister making out with her girlfriend.


Baby Jung’s eyes bulged and she sat there unable to move or blink for a second. Until…


…she saw her unnie pull away slightly and witnessed the unmistakable sight of a tongue being pushed into her unnie’s mouth.


Krystal shrieked and leapt up from her spot on the couch, running and tripping on her own feet to get away from the gross face- session.


Stephanie and Jessica heard a second horrified shriek from Krystal as she ran out of the living room, probably from seeing her parents also making out in the kitchen.


Jessica chuckled into their kiss, hoping they hadn’t scarred Krystal for life. But here, with Stephanie’s tongue so far down she could barely breath, Jessica really couldn’t bring herself to stop to maintain Krystal’s innocence.


“Too bad you don’t have a real Christmas tree…or else we could make more memories…” Stephanie murmured with a small smile.


“But my parents and Krys–hngnggngggg!” Jessica moaned as Stephanie boldly on her neck and marked her.


“Which is why we can’t…” Stephanie smirked as she pulled completely away, leaving Jessica unsatisfied and pursing her lips only to touch nothing but air.


Jessica almost screeched in frustration but settled for a couple deep, calming breaths.


“Maybe…you could convince your parents to let you stay with me back at the dorm tomorrow for boxing day…have one day to ourselves…” Stephanie’s eyes twinkled mischievously.


Jessica gulped down her arousal and smoothed out her sweatpants and sweater, breathing heavily.


“I’ll see what I can do,” the brunette said evenly, trying to mask the fact that she was as hell.


Stephanie was about to answer when…


“Girls! Breakfast is

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A story nine and a half years in the making, it's grown and morphed with me as I lived my life. I still cannot fathom seeing over nine years of my life reflected in a story that's part of both the lowest and also the most formative years of my existence. Surreal.


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Chapter 147: I miss this story 😢
Chapter 145: No 😢😢😢😢😢😢
Chapter 143: I love Tiffany and Jessica's quality time with each other. They are the cutest together.
Chapter 142: Stephanie asking to try to do the sutures 🥲
Another step at leaving Tiffany behind 🥲
Chapter 140: I guess Jae and Teddy just worried about Tiffany, but oh well, she can manage well by herself, I think. To be in the group for the sake of the members, hm, I guess that’s a selfless thought but does she really want to be in the group though? Hehe.

Anyway, happy new year, author-nim!
Chapter 140: the siblings love the three of them share. tiffany deserves that love
Chapter 139: Merry belated Xmas author!!! Yay for baby!!! I hope this gives Jessi some baby fever lol. I'd love to see that!
Chapter 139: Merry Christmas author! This update is so good and warm <3 so happy for nayeong and a baby ... a wonderful baby is coming!!
Chapter 138: Thank you for the updates author! They always make my day ❤️
Chapter 137: So hot jeti