Fourth Catch


Exiting the store, I reached into my pocket to take out my phone. I noticed a message from Jaehyo and opened it. A frown spread across my face, reading that Jaehyo would be late to see me after work. I leaned my back against the stoned-wall and decided to wait for him. It shouldn't take him long to get here. Suddenly my stomach growled in hunger. I placed a hand atop and tried to ignore it from making any other sounds, but it dared to growl louder. Without ado, I walked to the nearest convenience store to buy a small snack for myself. However, once I reached there, I regretted coming. Kyung was inside and it looked like he was having a conversation with the female cashier. Sly bastard. Why is it that he's turning up every where I am? Turning around my stomach gave a growl, not liking the fact that I wasn't going inside. I snickered to myself and decided to just quickly go inside and avoid making eye contact with him.
Entering in, the door chimed and immediately, I knew his eyes were on me. I walked to an aisle and grabbed a candy bar, then to the casher counter, ignoring his presence. I gave the cashier money, grabbed the candy bar, and quickly walking out of the store. I thought I had gotten away, but he called my name from behind, forcing me to stop in my tracks. I didn't dare to turn around, rather the sound of his footsteps made it clear that he was walking towards me.

"You forgot your change," he said stopping to walk next to me.
"You can tell her to keep it," I answered, "I don't need it."
"Okay," Kyung replied nonchalantly, "you must be hungry, huh?"
"I'm going," I said and walked, but the sound of his footsteps walking in sync with mine showed that he didn't plan to just leave me be.
"So," he began, "tell me why you were at the house last night."
"No reason," I answered coolly.
"That's not an answer," he countered, "tell me."
"Why should I?"
"Because I'm guessing it has something to do with me," he slyly said, probably already having an idea.
I stopped walking and turned to face Kyung, "Taeil told me that you knew my dad."
Kyung stiffened but only for a second as he pulled a smile onto his face, "Did he now? What did he say about that?"
"My dad taught you math and talked about me to you," I said, "and you conned me into falling for you!"
Kyung laughed, "He told I conned you?"
"Well, not really," I cleared my throat, "but... you did."

He sighed, "What else did he say to you?"
"Zico..." I paused, "he said Zico died."
"Sounds about right," he looked up into the dark sky,
"It was because of me, right?" I asked, "Zico died so those men wouldn't come after me."
"No," Kyung looked back at me and thinned his lips. "But, you shouldn't worry yourself over such matter."
"Don't lie," I sneered at him, "you should have told him to forget about me—like you did."
"How does one forget about someone they loved dearly?"
"Shut up," I growled, "I still don't even understand why you're suddenly back."
He cocked his head to the side, "I missed you,"
"Liar," I frowned, "tell me the truth,"
He doesn't say anything as his eyes looked away from me and into the distance. He took a step away from me, "Looks like your angelic man is here." I looked to the side and watched as Jaehyo walked towards us, "Don't touch your bruise too much, okay?" He said before walking away from me. My legs moved to follow Kyung, but immediately stopped when I had to remind myself that I was with Jaehyo not Kyung.

I clenched my fist, watching as Kyung disappeared before my eyes. I had so much more to ask of him, especially questions about my dad. He admitted to the fact that he knew my dad, but didn't say anything else. I sighed and turned to face Jaehyo.
"Who's that?" He asked.
"No one," I answered, "just someone passing by."
"Oh," Jaehyo slipped his hand around mine, "sorry I'm late."
I shook my head, "It's okay."

For the next two weeks, I never saw Kyung again, which made me feel uneasy because I still had questions for him. During those two weeks, I thought about how to get in contact with him but the problem with that was that I didn't know anyone who knew Kyung. I even thought of going back to that house just to see if he would show up again. But, in the end, I decided not to.
Lying on the floor of my apartment, I stared blankly at the ceiling and tried to connect the information that I had learned from Kyung and Taeil. First thing was that Kyung knew my dad and lied to me that he didn't. From what I can remember, my dad seemed to be close with Kyung and likewise. Something else must have happened that night my dad died—but what exactly? Maybe rather than watching my dad die, Kyung tried to help him but failed. It seemed possible, but what did I know? I sighed. Second thing was that Kyung was back but for what reasons? Taeil said that Kyung had left to go somewhere; and Kyung mentioned being friends with Jaehyo's step-brother. I narrowed my eyes and lied there for a couple of seconds before remembering what Jaehyo had told me. I never saw him until a month ago when he told my father that he wanted to study abroad.

Before I could think any further into this matter, my phone started to vibrate. I turned and grabbed it off the ground surprised to see that Jaehyo was calling me. Sliding a finger across the screen and placed the device next to my ear immediately. "Hey,"
"What are you doing?" He asked.
I shook my head, "Nothing, really,"
"Great," he sighed in relief, "I'm coming by later on to pick you up,"
"Pick me up?" I questioned, "What do you mean by that?"
"You'll see," he answered, "till then, bye." The phone line goes dead before I could ask him any other question or tell him bye. I pulled my phone from my ear and blankly stared at the screen for a couple of seconds, confused at our conversation. With a sigh, I got off the ground and decided to fix myself up before meeting up with Jaehyo.

As I walk out of the bathroom, a knock was presented on my door. I walked to the door to open it and was astonished to see how well-dressed and handsome Jaehyo looked before me. His hair was brushed to the side and he wore a blue buttoned-up shirt with dark blue knee-length shorts. He smiled happily at me; and without another word, he grabbed my hand and pulled me out.
"Come on," he breathed, closing my door with his other hand, and dragged me down the stairs with him.
"W-Where exactly are we going?" I asked, trying my best to follow him.
He stopped once we got to his car, "Stay here." He released my hand and opened the driver's side of the car door and leaned in. He leaned away from his car and had his hands behind his back. I furrowed my brows, watchnig as he walked towards me. I parted my lips to say something but he shook his head. "Just do what I say for now," he smiled, taking a few feet towards me. He puts his hands out, revealing a piece of long, black cloth; without any warning, he had wrapped hte cloth around my eyes, blinding me. I touched the cloth on my face and was about to question him, but I stopped, deciding to go along with whatever he had planned. "Okay, I'm going to take your hand and lead you to the car; then I'll drive us to our destination."
I nodded, waiting for the feel of his hand, which I had grabbed within seconds. He lead me to his car and helped me inside of it. His soft hands brushed against my collarbone as he put the seat belt on me. After clicking the belt, he closed the door and was quickly at the driver's side. He started the car and began to drive.

"You're not taking me to a social event, are you?" I asked. "You know I don't do well at those kinds of things,"
"No," Jaehyo answered, "it's not a social event, I promise."
"Are we going out to eat?"
"Nervous aren't we?" He laughed, "Just be patient, you'll see soon enough."
"Fine," I answered and sighed. I kept quiet as Jaehyo drove. Soon enough we had reached our destination and I was still blindfolded.
"Stay, I'll open your door," he commanded. As soon as my door opens and Jaehyo unbuckled me, he helped me out of the car. He  exhaled, "I'm going to take the blindfold off now." The cloth slipped away before my eyes. I narrowed my eyes at the building before me, confused as to what it was - but within seconds I recongized it.
I turned to look at Jaehyo, "This is..."
He nodded, "I knew you would have recognized it. It's the new telescope tower that was recently built." He explained, "I remember you telling me something about liking to look up at the stars but because we live in the city and stars can rarely be seen, so I thought why not take you here."
I smiled, "Let's go,"
He nodded and wrapped an arm around me as we walked towards the tower. Rather than taking the stairs, seeing that it would take forever, we took an elevator and arrived on the top floor within seconds.
Stepping out of the elevator, I walked towards a telescope which was placed in the middle of the room and looked into it. Instantly, I could see the stars, moving and blinking before the dark background. It was wonderful.

"My turn yet?"
I pulled back from the telescope's eye and scratched the back of my head, "Go ahead,"
Jaehyo smiled and looked into the eye, "Beautiful; it's as if I could just grab it if I reached out for it." He pulled back and looked at me with a chuckle. "You look so adorable right now." Jaehyo placed a hand on my right cheek and took a step towards me. Our foreheads touch and he whispered, "I can show you more than a star, you know."
"What do you mean?" I gulped, which he laughed at and shook his head.
"Hold on," he pulled away and walked to the back of the room. With a touch of a button the roof of the place opened out, revealing the night sky and ever-glowing of the stars. I smiled and extended both of my arms out, pretending to reach for the stars.
"This is wonderful," I breathed out, "it's beautiful."
Jaehyo came to stand beside me and nodded, "I'm glad you like this,"
"Thank you,"
"Anything for you," he whispered. Our heads turned and our eyes met each other at the same time. Before I knew it, we had leaned in and shared a kiss under the beautiful night sky. After a couple of seconds, Jaehyo slightly pulled away and sighed. "I'm going to miss kissing you,"
I furrowed my brows, "What do you mean?"
"Instead of lazying around for our three-day break, my dad decided to send me to a city to learn business." He frowned, "I'll be gone those full three days and I won't see you until classes begin."
"Oh," my voice dropped, "well..."
Jaehyo wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, "I'm going to miss you,"
I nodded, "Same."

author's note; thanks for reading! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KYUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
@Yerlie303: here's the monday update! n__n
@kissme4life_99: yeah... haha~ he does pop outta nowhere D: here's the update!

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[parachute] wow 8 upvotes for this story? ;__; you guys are too kind to me..............


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darthgalaxy #1
Chapter 44: It's 2018 and I just found this looking for a fic with my two biases AND I FEEL SO BLESSED, SO WHOLESOME. I WAS LITERALLY DEVOURING THE FIC. Amazing story and development of characters. I couldn't choose myself between the two of them ? I'm glad it ends with both being in her life somehow, thanks for writing it!!
Chapter 44: Ahh where to begin .. I love this story it felt like I was watching a drama while I was reading it ^^ most definitely a great read I enjoy your kyung ffs :)
Chapter 44: Waaah, the ending <3 omfg, i'm sad that this fic has come to an end now! I'm gonna miss your updates ;A; but but i've loved this from start to end!~ ^^ I'm happy that Kyung and her are together! ouo Kyung was the one that i chose too! :3 Jaehyo though ;~; i hope he can find the one thats suitable with him somewhere! xD THANK YOU FOR WRITING FOR US! :') i lub chu, Amanda! ^^ <3
Yerlie1001 #5
Chapter 44: Loved this to the end! I'm sooo happy that her and Kyung are back together!^^ I almost cried for Jaehyo, hopefully he can still find someone for himself out there. The ending was very well written and i'm kinda sad too that this is over now, but i will never forget this awesome and very sweet/sad/cute ff!;) Thank you for such an amazing story and i look forward to any future stories you may have...:)
Chapter 42: ... SO THE KISS WAS HER IMAGINATION?! WHUT. NUUUUU OTL LOL. Her choice is Kyung, isnt it? :3 poor Jaehyo though ;~; HAHAA, yes, i THINK i know :S its hard to choose. xD update soon! ^^
Yerlie1001 #7
Chapter 42: Uh oh, why do i have this feeling that this "meeting" they're gonna have might be their last or is very important?... Whose hand to take, Kyung or Jaehyo?!>.<
Yerlie1001 #8
Chapter 41: OMG!!! What just happened at the end?! I'm sooo confused on who she's gonna choose! I mean, they both love her and all, it's just too hard when u have two good looking gods fighting for you, ugh!>.<