Sixteenth Flight



“I’ll be back later,” I said to an empty room. Usually my mom and stepdad would be here, but today they weren’t. I wasn’t sure of their whereabouts, but it was of no concern to me, considering the fact that my stepdad saw me as a terrible child. I exited the apartment and walked down the stairs carefully. The other day the landlord had come by to tell us that the stairs were starting to crumble, so we had to be careful; he never told us about repairing it though. On my way to the library, I noticed a group of people hanging around the park. Out of the group, I could recognize one person: Jaehyo. It must be his group of friends, seeing they all wore fancy clothes and had stylistic hair. I tried to pass by without being noticed, but a call to my name made me cringe in horror. I sped up my walk, but Jaehyo had already reached me before I could make my escape.
“Didn’t think I would see you here,”
I gave him a side smile and nodded, “I’m heading to the library actually,”
“Really?” He questioned, “Are you going for your tutor sessions?”
“S-Sort of,” I answered.
Jaehyo chuckled, “What do you mean ‘sort of’?”
“Long story,” I answered and decided to end our conversation, “I’ll see you around.” I quickened my pace and didn’t dare to turn around. Talking to Jaehyo didn’t make me feel uncomfortable, rather it was the opposite. I feel like I could talk to him about anything, but at the same time, I barely knew who he was. Well, other than the fact that he’s some rich kid since he goes to a private school.
Soon I had reached the library. Entering in, I was surprised to see Kyung already seated at our usual table. A smile found its way onto my lips as I walked towards him; as much as I wanted the smile to fade away, it didn’t. I was more happy to see him than feel angry. As I took my seat, Kyung cleared his throat.
“Last night—”
“No need to stress about it,” I put up a hand, “I can understand that you were in a tight situation. The deal probably was something that could refract your group and you didn’t want that to happen.”
Kyung furrowed his brows, “But I wasn’t even able to protect you from that man,”
I shrugged, “I managed to get away from him,”
Kyung said my name, “You don’t understand what kind of man he is. He could have hurt you right before me; he could have—” Kyung shook his head, not wanting to continue his sentence. “I was unable to protect you.” He repeated. I extended a hand towards Kyung, but he flinched away, which surprised me. He looked at me; staring deeply into my eyes, “I don’t think I’ll be able to protect you in the future.”
At his comment, something flared up within my chest. He couldn’t be leading this conversation to what I think, could he? I pulled my hand back and placed my palm flat on the table. Narrowing my eyes, I questioned, “Why do you think that?”
“After last night,” Kyung looked away from my eyes, “I just don’t think I can—”
“But I was left unharmed,”
“Yet if things had gone another way, you could have—”
I shook my head in disagreement, “But he didn’t, so everything is okay.”
Kyung said my name again, but it brought a pinch of pain my heart. “It’s best that we break up.”
I stiffened and forced out, “J-Just because of last night you want to break up?”
“You don’t know the details of what that man is capable of,” Kyung said with the clench of his jaw, “I was scared to lose you in that instance. Then when he asked me to choose you or the group,” he shook his head, “I didn’t know…”
“Still, this shouldn’t be a reason for us to just break up,” I grabbed his hand, “it’s a weak reason for us to break up!”
Kyung smirked and looked at me, “Weren’t you someone who needed a reason for everything?”
“Don’t,” my lower lip trembled.
“Sorry,” Kyung pried my hand off of his, “I can’t lose those who has been there for me from the beginning.”
“Neither can I,” I argued, “you’re someone that I look forward to—that I lean onto.”
“You don’t want someone who can’t even protect you from harm,” Kyung stood up. “I also won’t be coming to class much, so I’ll see you when I see you.” With that said, Kyung walked away from me.
My hands trembled. I was in disbelief. How had things suddenly escalated to this? I bite down on my lower lip and quickly ran out of the library. Maybe he was just kidding around with me. He always kids around with me. Never had he ever really mean things. But as soon as I was out of the library, he was nowhere in sight. I blinked tears back and looked around for Kyung. He couldn’t have gotten far, seeing that I was out only seconds after he left. My lungs began to shrink, enabling me to breathe correctly. My head started to feel light; yet the only thing that was running through my mind was that I needed to find Kyung. He was just playing with me. He didn’t mean it.
Maybe he went back to the house. At that thought, I quickly made my way there
The sun was beginning to set as soon as I arrived there. I walked up to the door and knocked rapidly on the door until someone came to open it—though only small crack. 
Zico furrowed his brows at the sight of me, “What are you doing here?”
“Where’s Kyung?”
“Not home,”
“You’re lying,”
Zico scowled, “I am not lying,”
“Where is he then?”
“Definitely not here,” he replied; his gaze shifted from me to behind, “but I think if you turn around…” Without further ado, I turned and found Kyung standing behind me with his hands in his pockets. I sighed in relief and walked towards him, but he took a step back.
“What are you doing here?”
“Tell me you were lying,”
Kyung stiffened and looked off to the side, “We already had this conversation earlier,”
“But you can’t… you said you were going to be by my side forever.” I choked.
“Sorry,” he simply said, “good things are bound to end,”
I staggered a breath, “Why? Why? Why?” Was all I could ask of him, “I don’t understand it.”
“Kyung, we need you inside pronto,” Zico called from behind.
Kyung nodded; the sound of a door closes, which left me and Kyung alone outside. He sighed, “I’m sorry,”
“Stop telling me you’re sorry,” I said through gritted teethes, “that word… there’s no meaning behind it!” I took a step towards Kyung and grabbed onto the collar of his shirt, “I don’t understand. Why are you breaking up with me? Your answer about not being able to protect me doesn’t make any sense.” I cried, “You said—”
“The night your father died,” Kyung interrupted me, “I was there. I saw it.”
I stared blankly at Kyung, “What?”
He looked down at me, “Your father. It was because of me that he died. I saw him and lead him into getting himself shot and killed.”
“You’re lying,”
He smirked a devilish smirk, “I searched him for money and found a picture of you. From then on, I tried to look for you; only to realize that you and I were in homeroom together. I only got close to you because I felt bad for leaving your father to die.”
Before he could continue on, I pulled away from Kyung. Everything he was saying… I clasped a hand before my mouth and stumbled backward. Memories of watching the news and finding out that my dad died flashed throughout my head.
“Man found dead; shot to death.”
Without another word, I dropped to the ground.

author's note; sappiness overload lol thanks for reading n__n dunno if i have silent readers or not but thanks haha. Anyways, i had explained that I'm making this a two-part story so... the next chapter is an intermission; it continues on what I wrote in the foreword (:
@Yerlie303: lol well here is the next chapter (that hopefully answered your question!) thanks for reading ^^


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[parachute] wow 8 upvotes for this story? ;__; you guys are too kind to me..............


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darthgalaxy #1
Chapter 44: It's 2018 and I just found this looking for a fic with my two biases AND I FEEL SO BLESSED, SO WHOLESOME. I WAS LITERALLY DEVOURING THE FIC. Amazing story and development of characters. I couldn't choose myself between the two of them ? I'm glad it ends with both being in her life somehow, thanks for writing it!!
Chapter 44: Ahh where to begin .. I love this story it felt like I was watching a drama while I was reading it ^^ most definitely a great read I enjoy your kyung ffs :)
Chapter 44: Waaah, the ending <3 omfg, i'm sad that this fic has come to an end now! I'm gonna miss your updates ;A; but but i've loved this from start to end!~ ^^ I'm happy that Kyung and her are together! ouo Kyung was the one that i chose too! :3 Jaehyo though ;~; i hope he can find the one thats suitable with him somewhere! xD THANK YOU FOR WRITING FOR US! :') i lub chu, Amanda! ^^ <3
Yerlie1001 #5
Chapter 44: Loved this to the end! I'm sooo happy that her and Kyung are back together!^^ I almost cried for Jaehyo, hopefully he can still find someone for himself out there. The ending was very well written and i'm kinda sad too that this is over now, but i will never forget this awesome and very sweet/sad/cute ff!;) Thank you for such an amazing story and i look forward to any future stories you may have...:)
Chapter 42: ... SO THE KISS WAS HER IMAGINATION?! WHUT. NUUUUU OTL LOL. Her choice is Kyung, isnt it? :3 poor Jaehyo though ;~; HAHAA, yes, i THINK i know :S its hard to choose. xD update soon! ^^
Yerlie1001 #7
Chapter 42: Uh oh, why do i have this feeling that this "meeting" they're gonna have might be their last or is very important?... Whose hand to take, Kyung or Jaehyo?!>.<
Yerlie1001 #8
Chapter 41: OMG!!! What just happened at the end?! I'm sooo confused on who she's gonna choose! I mean, they both love her and all, it's just too hard when u have two good looking gods fighting for you, ugh!>.<