Chapter 1

Silent Tao


March 1st, 2013

Tao's Current Age: 18


7:00 am

A dark brown baseball bat.

A silver gun.


Silently screaming, the black-haired boy sat up in his bed.

Realizing it was just a dream, he stretched, and stood on the cold wooden floor.

Shivering, he slowly trudged to the bathroom.

After doing his business, he looked in the bathroom mirror.

Today's going to be a bad day, Tao thought as he walked out of the bathroom and his house.


7:30 am

"Tao!" Xiumin shouted, earning many shushes from the passengers of the bus.

Tao glanced at Xiumin, before turning back to the window.

Xiumin pouted. "So, not talking today, huh?"

Tao glanced at Xiumin, before turning back to the window.

Xiumin's pout turned deeper. "Fine. Do you know how to make me feel better?"

Tao glanced at Xiumin, before turning back to the window.

Xiumin stopped pouting, and was replaced by a cunning smile. "Buy me breakfast."

Tao glanced at Xiumin, before turning back to the window.

Xiumin gave a genuine smile. "I'll take that as a yes. OH, BUS DRIVER~!!! LET US OFF HERE, PLEASE~!!!"

The bus driver immediately slammed on the brakes, and roughly opened the bus doors. Then he looked up and glared at them.

Xiumin shuddered. "C'mon Tao. Let's go. My tummy's waiting~!"


8:00 am

"Mmm~!!! Thanks, Tao!" Xiumin sang happily, muching on his strawberry pancakes, sipping his orange juice.

Tao quickly looked up, then returned his attention back to his buttermilk pancakes with maple syrup.

"Hey," Xiumin said. "Isn't that Kris? From school?"

Tao spared a glance in the direction Xiumin was looking, then faced his breakfast again, taking another bite.

Xiumin huffed. "You should pay attention to others. Especially guys. Because you're-" Xiumin stopped talking when Tao gave him a cold stare. Xiumin then awkwardly stuffed his mouth with the pancake.

Xiumin attempted a smile. "Tahmk yas, Pha."


9:00 am

Tao entered his high school classroom with a full stomach and an empty wallet.

Aish. Stupid Xiumin, Tao thought, thinking about what he could eat for lunch. Air? Water?

Tao's thoughts were interrupted once he sat in his desk in the corner. He was immediately surrounded by three guys and two of their girlfriends.

Kai flicked Tao's forehead. "So, Toad, how ya' feeling today?" he taunted.

Tao shot him an angry stare then faced his desk.

Kyungsoo tutted. "You shouldn't do that to your superiors, don't you think, Sehun?"

Sehun nodded. "Of course. Especially when I can do this," he said, grabbing someone's hot mocha latte, then pouring the scalding contents onto Tao.

The girls laughed, and grabbed Tao's backpack and phone, tossing it out the open window.

"You're going to regret that," said a voice behind them.

The 5 people turned to a poker-faced Xiumin. With a slightly buldging belly.

Kyungsoo chuckled. "You could stand to lose a couple of pounds, don't you think?" he teased, patting Xiumin's stomach.

"You should return Tao's stuff, then apologize. Or else," Xiumin warned.

"Or else what?" asked Sehun, expecting a baby answer.

Tao suddenly stood up, knocking the chair and desk back. He reached over and grabbed Kai and Kyungsoo's collar, then expertly tossing them out the window. Sehun soon joined them. They ended up in a groaning mess under the window.

The girls shrieked and ran out of the room.

While Xiumin helped Tao clean up, the girls returned with Tao's belongings. They bowed, and left the room.

When they passed, Xiumin could have sworn one of them mutter, "Never mess with a panda."




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felicia_lu #1
awwww hehe
Ezlynn1996 #2
Chapter 30: Author~nim........ please update soon.. please......... i give u 5 ★★★★★ for the great writing....
Chapter 30: ugh..i hate go eun -_- she annoying!!!
poor tao~~~and i like xiumin character!! he so cute! :3
please update soon authornim^^
Chapter 30: huh i dont understand????? so the nurse is on the side of go eun
Chapter 28: What just happened ? I'm really confused. oh god , btw please update ! ^__^
renchop #6
Chapter 28: Paralysis? Whats happening to him? What did Kris do to him? And oh my god i'm confused and also curious to know more~!
Chapter 28: What happened?
Wait.. Now I'm confused..
Update soon~
Chapter 26: oh my im so jealous :D have a lot of fun there !! :))
Chapter 25: What did Go Eun do?! OMG...