Learning, learning, learning.

I Could Be Immortal


Kyuhee turned to the large full-length window and waved to her family. Daehoon made a face at her, while her mom and Kyuyeon gave her a thumbs-up and waved back.

Right when she took one step forward, the bus took off. Surprisingly, she didn't trip or fall flat on her face. She took another step and fell through the floor.

"WHAAAAAA!!!!" Kyuhee screamed as she tumbled down a clear tube, and landed at a stop in a large room. A queen-sized bed was pushed against one wall, and short hall led off to a kitchen, and another door led to a closet. Paintings of scenes in Greek stories by famous painters were hung on her wall, and a completely clear fridge had mysterious cups of colored, pudding-like substances. Water bottles were filled with golden liquid resided next to them.

"Whoa," Kyuhee mumbled as she walked further into the room. "This must be my room during the ride." A sheet of parchment appeared in her face, floating with a sparkle surrounding it. When she touched it, the glittering disappeared.

To new OAI (Olympus Academy for the Immortal) student from S. Korea,

Welcome to Apollo's Carriage! We congragulate you on your graduation of middle school!

 We understand that you usually take 3 years of high school normally in S. Korea.

We are here to tell you that OAI students are to take five years in Olympus in order to complete high school and be able to go to an Olympian college.

The rest of the long letter made her head ache, and staring at the list of rules and explanations made her cringe. She folded the letter before setting it on her bed and flung open the door to the closet.

Every wall was occupied with clothes. Writing appeared in the air when  stepped in the room.

Clothes you will need for the Academy will be in this room.

They will be transported to your closet at your official dorm in Olympus, so please wear clothes as directed in Apollo's carriage.

Thank you.

The print disappeared. There were togas lining on hangers of different colors. A rack that seemed like it was for holding bracelets had many magically-adjustable girdles of all kinds of sizes and designs. Another wall had a school uniform, a typical uniform you would wear in Korea with the initials OAI - SK embroidered under Kyuhee's full name over the of the sweater.

"Attention all passengers of Apollo's Carriage. Lunch is to start in thirty minutes, so please wear a white toga and un-engraved girdle to the Dining Room. Thank you." Apollo's quirky voice filled the room with the announcement.

Obeying, Kyuhee went back to her closet and pulled out a simple toga, then strapped a completely smooth metal girdle to her waist.

Just as she clipped the girdle, a beautiful girl burst into her closet.

"Hello!" She smiled. "I'm Yoona, demigod daughter of Aphrodite. I am required to go around and help everyone with their attire."

She walked over and inspected what Kyuhee already put on before giving a satisfied nod. "Good job, you got the clothes on correctly. Usually I walk on to people with their foot in the neck hole and girdle around their neck or head. Now I just have to do this..." She twirled a finger around the top of her head and gold bracelets encircled Kyuhee's arms. A small silver tiara appeared on the crown of her head.

"The tiara should stay on. They'll only come off when you want it to," Yoona said as she adjusted it. The tiara was a normal one, just, in the middle, a milky white blank gem was attached. "The stone in the middle represents your immortal mother or father," Yoona explained, gesturing to her own tiara, which had a pink background with a snow-white dove engraved in it. "If you have two, then both will be on the stone. For now, since we don't know who it is, it will be a blank white until you find out,"

Kyuhee nodded with a smile. "Thank you," She said.

Yoona gave you a thumbs up before sweeping out of the room.


Kyuhee wandered around her room until she finally found a teleportation hole back to the main entrance hall (which was totally found on accident), then she climbed the stairs to the Dining Room.

The Dining Room, instead of four walls, was a huge dodecagon, with twelve walls. Each wall had an elborate portrait of the twelve Olympian gods.

The people were all new students, with milky white stones in their tiaras or coronets, and the uncertain air of a newborn. 

Different buffets of millions of different foods were stacked on tables with baby-blue table cloths.

Uwaaah~ Kyuhee bit her lip hungrily as she walked alongside the tables, staring at every food. Kejang, jjajangmyun, champpong, everything's on here! Then she realized all of it was Korean food. Aren't there other ethnicities here? Why is everything so Korean-ized? she mentally questioned as she recalled a hanbok also sitting in her closet in a dress bag.

Deep in thought, she accidently bumped into another person who was in the same state as her: drooling at every food.

"Oh!" The both of you yelped before stumbling back. Kyuhee fell on her , causing people to stare at you and snicker sadistically at her pained expression.

Groaning, she looked up at the person. He had light brown hair and a full face. His eyes were kind and a permanent smile graced his lips. He was also wearing a toga and girdle, but his coronet's gem was a soft yellow with green laurel leaves as the carving.

He brushed Kyuhee's shoulder at where a ribbon from the tablecloth had gotten caught on her sleeve's buckle before extending his hand to help her up.

"Ah ha, sorry about that," The boy rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. She shook you head. "No, I'm sorry. I should've paid attention to where I was going."

He smiled happily at the food. "Isn't everything look delicious? The food every year is amazing." Kyuhee nodded in total agreement. "But why is there only Korean food?" she asked him. "Aren't there kids all over the world that are kids of the Greek gods?"

He nodded. "Yes, but ethnicities are divided up in different schools, stationed at different positions over Earth. But say if you were a Korean living in America, where you go depends on what you are more comfortable with." He explained. "You uniform has the initials SK embroidered on it, right? That classifies you as a South Korean."

"Ahh." Kyuhee nodded in understandment. "I don't think I introduced myself. My name is Kyuhee." She bowed respectfully. The boy grinned and bowed back. "Annyeong, Kyuhee. The name's Jinki, demigod son of Apollo and fourth year at OAI. You can call me Onew."



Terms you should know:

Kejang: Raw crab in spicy crushed-chili sauce

Jjajangmyun: Black bean paste noodles

Champpong: Seafood spicy noodles


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Chapter 3: xD amazinggggg
Chapter 1: Hey, guess what, I JUST READ THE FIRST CHAPTER YAAAAY!!!!!
We have concluded I'm an idiot..
I seriously can't wait! Guess what?! I'm your best friend~! BANANA MILK! I drank my first banana milk today~ THANKS!!! Wo ai ni, J'taime, Saranghae, I love you! LAWL, yeah, you know. Well, your stories will be a huge success! *Clicks vote up button*