Key's Talent

I Could Be Immortal

After purposely jumping over her room portal, Kyuhee wandered around the halls beyond it. Famous paintings of Greek scenes lined the walls, and she gently touched the frames as she trailed her fingers along the wall. 

A painting that stood out, a blood red painting of Ares, brought her thoughts to Key. I wonder why he's so cold...

A faint yipping noise around the corner drew her attention, and smooth murmurs were heard along with it. Curious, she peeked around the corner and saw Kibum kneeling in the middle of the hall. He was gently petting a fluffy dog's head, whispering comfortingly to it as it his hand happily and panted.

Trying to go unnoticed, Kyuhee gawked quietly at the unexpected sight and shifted her weight from one foot to another, where she accidentally hit her leg against a wire paper display. The lightweight rack toppled over with a noisy crash. Stifling a gasp, Kyuhee quickly turned and sprinted down the hall where she came from. "Yah!" She heard Kibum echo behind her.

Risking a peek over her shoulder, Kyuhee saw that he had disappeared. What the heck? She thought. Where did he go? Suddenly, a hand reached out and grabbed her wrist, halting her to an abrupt stop.

"Yah, you," a familiar voice growled menacingly as he backed Kyuhee into a wall, pinning her wrist against the wall next to her face. "What the hell are you doing, spying on me?"

"Ki-Kibum-ssi!" Kyuhee finally got a good look at the guy. Kibum's face was flushed with embarrassment and anger. "What are you, a stalker?!" He furiously glared at Kyuhee. "NO!" She quickly said. Her face turned into one of defiance. "I'm just as entitled to walking these halls as you are!"

Kibum scoffed. "These halls take you to wherever you want to go, fool. What were you doing, thinking of me?" Key leaned in close until his nose was even with hers.

Kyuhee's face pinked. She WAS thinking about Kibum before this had happened. What was she going to say in an awkward situation like this?

A chime sounded through the halls, signaling the curfew. "Hey there's the bell," Kyuhee awkwardly said. Kibum's eyes were still trained strictly on hers. "Mind letting me go?"

No answer or reaction.

Growing irritated, she tried to tug her arm out of his, but he roughly shoved her wrist back against the wall. "Keep still," he growled, never breaking eye contact.

Kyuhee squirmed, trying to look away or at least move her eyes, but failed considerably. Finally, he sighed as if he just took a brain-pounding exam and let go of her wrist. He straightened up, and stared at her.

"You're short-tempered. You have patience the size of an ant. You hate the fact that you are a demigod." Kibum spat out the facts like they were a list. "The only thing you can think of right now is your family and friends back in Seoul." He finally leaned away from Kyuhee to stretch, extending his arms high in the air.

Kyuhee stared at him in shock. "How do you know all of that?" She gaped. Kibum smirked.

"I'm Ares' kid. I have the skill of analyzing a person's weakness in order to know how to defeat them as an enemy." Kibum began walking away, but paused for a second and glanced over his shoulder to look at her again with emotionless eyes. "And you hate my guts," he said in an unreadable voice before disappearing into a portal.

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Chapter 3: xD amazinggggg
Chapter 1: Hey, guess what, I JUST READ THE FIRST CHAPTER YAAAAY!!!!!
We have concluded I'm an idiot..
I seriously can't wait! Guess what?! I'm your best friend~! BANANA MILK! I drank my first banana milk today~ THANKS!!! Wo ai ni, J'taime, Saranghae, I love you! LAWL, yeah, you know. Well, your stories will be a huge success! *Clicks vote up button*