I'm Going to Olympus

I Could Be Immortal


"Aish, Umma, why?!" Kyuhee shouted.

"Hush, no yelling," her mother put a finger up to her lips and gave her a stern look. "You know that it's custom for a child of a god and-slash-or goddess to go to Earth for the younger years and Olympus for high school."

"No I didn't," She sarcastically said. "My so-called immortal parents never told me that. You know what? They never told me anything! Haha, isn't that weird?" Each word was gripped with bitter anger.

Kyuhee's mom sighed. "You know it's impossible for them to contact their kids from Earth."

"They're immortal, they should able to," she crossed your arms with irritation. "I don't want to go."

"Do you want trouble? Maybe you didn't know this, but demigods and immortals are chained to Olympus. Being away is going to make Olympus officals go after you." It was her moms turn to throw the sarcasm into her words. "Didn't you learn this in school? Even mortals like me know this much! Everyone is required to learn at least this much. Have you even been listening in school?"

"No," Kyuhee muttered.

"Geez, no wonder you're getting such bad grades," her mom muttered. "Anyways, pack your bags. Your transportation is coming in two days." She then swept out of the room to leave Kyuhee with her bitter thoughts.

Pissed, she rubbed her forehead stressfully. It's been almost a full sixteen years since she's been sent to her mortal family. Never knew who her biological parents are. Not even knowing if she's an immortal or a demigod. Wow, being a child of a Greek god or goddess if great, right? Some immortals or demigods don't even know the people they call Umma and Appa, Unni and Oppa, Noona and Hyung, Yeodongsaeng and Namdongaeng, aren't their real family until they break the news when they're sixteen.

"AISH!" Kyuhee screamed, then threw the pencil that was clutched in her hand across the room, hitting the wall and leaving a dark dent.




A couple days later, Kyuhee were sitting in front of the gate to her apartment, a few full-packed bags sitting at rest next to her. She was sending her last few texts to her friends before it got taken over by Greek magic, while her mom was chattering away on her's, excitedly telling her friend all about her Greek daughter. Kyuhee's older sister, Kyuyeon, and her younger brother, Daehoon, were kicking a soccer ball at each other boredly. Kyuhee's father, unfortunately, had to go to work and had said his 'Goodbyes' and 'Good lucks' to her earlier that morning.

The warm spring air brought a light sheen of sweat to her forehead and neck. Gradually, it became warm enough that she had to take off her cardigan.

"Why is it so hot all of the sudden?" Kyuhee mumbled as she brought her hair up in a ponytail.

Right after that comment, a bright flash of light erupted suddenly.

"GAH!" Almost blinded, Kyuhee yelled as she slapped her palms over her eyes and rubbed them, trying to erase the dancing spots in front of her eyes. Behind her, she heard her siblings shout, shocked.

Kyuhee heard her mom pleasantly call out a greeting. Blinking, Kyuhee looked up from her hands and saw a huge golden bus in the spot where the lights had exploded. The driver had a quirky and sly look on his face, with blonde hair side-swept across his forehead. He looked like a teenager, and was wearing a white toga and a thick golden girdle circled his waist. A laural of gold leaves circled his head at a jaunty angle, and his permanent smirk was full rebellious humor.

He gave Kyuhee family a wave as he jumped out of the entrance.

"Morning," he said merrily. He grabbed Kyuhee's suitcase and they immediately disappeared in his fingers.

"Hey!" She gawked at the empty spot where luggage luggage had innocently been sitting. "What did you do with my stuff!"

"I stole them," The guy simply said.


"Kidding, kidding. They're beeing transported to Olympus right now through Hermes' Mail Carrier." He flicked his hair back, and amazingly, his laurel stayed on. He gestured for her to ride the bus.

"The Herma-what-the-what?" Kyuhee mumbled under her breath as she used a polished wood handle stuck to the wall of the bus to hoist her body up.

If the outside of the bus looked huge, the interior was ginormous. It seemed the the outside was illusioned to seem smaller, when it was like a full-out dorm inside.

The guy hopped back up to the drivers seat and grabbed a microphone attached to a holder above the wheel.

"Welcome to Apollo's Carriage, also known as the Sun. Make sure to poke your head out for a view when we're in the air to catch a glimpse of the world, but if you get sick, the nurse's station is up front, with the door with the Cadaceous.." The air next to the driver shimmered, then a door appeared out of thin air. It had a picture of a staff with wings adorning the top and two snakes intertwined widely around it plastered over the surface.

He continued talking. "Free ambrosia and nector are upstairs in the mess hall. Any other foods are required to be paid with drachmas. If you come across trouble, figure it out yourself, as none of the workers will be unable to communicate with you. I'm Apollo, your driver, and the god of music, prophecy, poetry, archery, medicine, and the sun. Have a nice orbit."


[A/N: Phew, first chapter up~! Comments and subscriptions are greatly encouraged, loved, and required.]

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Chapter 1: Hey, guess what, I JUST READ THE FIRST CHAPTER YAAAAY!!!!!
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