It hurt me deep inside too

Diary Of A Sick Liar


(Jaehyo’s POV)



            I entered the room and saw Jiyeon was staring at the flower. She looked extremely pale today. “Jiyeon ah…Annyeong.” I greeted her with a smile. Btu she didn’t smile back. Instead she just stared at me. “Ahjussi… do I really know you?” she asked.


            I walked to her bed and sat beside her. “I’m Ahn jaehyo. You don’t remember?” I asked her. “No… I really don’t know you.” She replied. I sighed deeply and handed her the hand-made photo album. “Here….you might remember if you see the pictures inside.” I told he as I flipped to the first page. “You remember?” I asked her while pointing at this one picture that me and her took at the beach last 2 weeks.


            She shook her head. “Hmm… what about this?” I showed her the picture we ate ramen together. The same answer was given: no. I flipped to the next page and stopped. “This? Lincoln?” I pointed at her and Lincoln’s picture. “Oh… I know this! That was the day me and him meet. I was walking alone when I met him. who took this picture?” she said as she looked at the picture.


            “My friend…” I lied. “Its true right?” she asked. I nodded with a weak smile. Tears were built up in my eyes. I turned away from her and wiped my tears that fell from my eyes. Don’t cry Jaehyo ah… be strong.


            “Ahjussi… why are you crying?” she asked as she patted my shoulder. I smiled at her. “Aniyo… I’m not crying. I’m fine.” I said as I continued to show her the pictured.


I’m sorry for you ahjussi…

Even though I don’t know who are you…


            “Anyway… I know you still cant remember… this is… your 2nd birthday present.” I gave her my camcorder. “Gomawo ahjussi…” she beamed. “I’ll be going now… see you later.”



(Author’s POV)


            Just after Jaehyo got out from the room, Jiyeon the camcorder. There’s one video inside the camcorder. She pressed the start button and watched the video silently.


“Annyeong Jiyeon ah! This is your 2nd birthday present!! I’m sorry its still a video. I just want you to expect high and end up being a bit down. Why… ? because I like to see you frown…”


She smiled as she watched the video.


“Jiyeon ah… you remember that day when you wish that you’ll be healthy and be happy with me? I really want you to be healthy and be with me too… I know you think I’m crazy… but I’m your boy—“


            She turned off the camcorder before the video even finish. “Ahn…. Ahn… jaehyo.” She cried. Her tears fell drown from both of her cheeks. She held the camcorder tighter while crying her heart out.





(Jaehyo’s POV)



            I woke up extra early on 7th of  June. Yes… it was Jiyeon’s birthday. Its been 3 days that I didn’t visit her. I’m afraid if I go and visit her… I will end up crying beside her and make her worry. I don’t want to burden her with my foolishness.


            I picked up the pink box and the chocolate before walking to the hospital happily. I hope she’ll like my homemade chocolate and teddy bear that I bought for her.



----At the hospital----



            I entered the room quietly: planning to surprise her but… she was limping around the room and suddenly.


            “Jiyeon ah!” I shouted as I caught her from falling. “ya… are you okay?” I asked her as I put her on the bed. She nodded weakly. “Ayyee… you shouldn’t be walking around in this condition you know.” I patted her head with a smile.


            She smiled faintly to my advice. “Igo… your present…. Happy birthday Jiyeon ah…” I handed her the pink box and a bar of chocolate. “Gomawo ahjussi…” she said and took the present that I gave. She sat down. “Jeongmal Gomawo ahjussi…” she said again.


            I chuckled. “You’re welcome.” I looked at her pale face. She was prettier than ever. “Jiyeon ah…” I said quietly as I leaned closer to her face. She stared at me. I leaned closer and closer: filling the gap that was separating us. Lucky me, she didn’t protest or push me away.


            I can feel her warm breath. “just once again…” I mumbled before my lips touched hers. But….




            She fell on my shoulder. “j-Jiyeon ahh.” I shook her body. She was unconscious. I shook her body harder. “Jiyeon ah… wake up! Hey… Jiyeon..” I shouted, desperately wanted her to wake up.


“Nurse!! Nurse!!”








“Ahjussi… wake up please…”



To be continued. 

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Chapter 6: this is sad, poor Jaehyo~