There's nothing can describe how you mean to me...

Diary Of A Sick Liar


(Jaehyo’s POV)


            “Jiyeon ah!! Ya!! Wake up!! Don’t you dare—“I stopped shouting, Hands, still holding tight to hers. She just faint: unconscious. She’s sick, yes… yes she is. “Jiyeon ah..” I whispered as I piggybacked her. “Be strong… I’ll save you. I promise no matter what…” I told her before I started running to the nearest hospital.


Jiyeon ah…. You cant leave me like this..

I’m not ready to live alone..



----At the hospital------


            I sat on the provided chair: waiting anxiously for the result. Its been almost 2 hours now. What is happening in that room? Did Jiyeon eat something bad until she collapsed just like that?


            “Park Jiyeon’s family?” a nurse called. I instantly stood up when I heard Jiyeon’s name. “Ahn Jaehyo, Jiyeon’s boyfriend.” I told her. She nodded  and tool one last look at the file before saying,


“she has a brain cancer. It cant be safe now since its on the critical moment. Some side effect might happen. She might forget everything she did in her past,”







            She was unconscious. Looking at her lying on the bed in white really made my heart sank. She will never forget me right? I held her hand and kissed it. “Jiyeon ah… jebal…” I said quietly.


            The last time I saw her in white was also in the hospital. The doctor said that she lost some fatigue, that’s all. But this time, she was unconscious, in white, have brain cancer and she might die. You can just simply leave me right Jiyeon?


            Out of the blue, her hand twitched in my touch. “Jiyeon ah…” I called her. She groaned a little as she opened her eyes. I looked at her, desperately wanted her to look at me. “You remember?” I asked her. She sat down slowly and stared at me. stare like I was some kind of a stranger.


“Ahjussi… nuguseyo?”


            I think my heart just stopped for 3 seconds. She just asked me ‘who are you’. She really doesn’t remember me? “Its me… Ahn Jaehyo!! You don’t remember me?” I said while holding back my tears. She tilted her head to her right, eyes still glued on me. then she shook her head.


“Mian… I don’t know you  ahjussi…”


            I felt like someone just stabbed me on the chest. The pain was indescribable. “Are you sure? You really don’t remember me?” I asked her again. she shook her head with her innocent face. I slammed my back against the chair in disbelief.


“Ahjussi.. waegueraeyo?”


She asked. I shook my head, telling her that nothing happen.






----In the doctor’s office-----


(Jaehyo’s POV)


            “Sansaengnim… can she get her memory back after the operation?” I asked the doctor with a hopeful voice. The doctor sighed and shook his head weakly. “I’m not sure she can pass the operation.” He said.


            I looked at the doctor with my teary eyes. “What do you mean by ‘I’m not sure she can pass the operation’? she’s strong!! Of course she can!!” I said sternly, almost shouting. “She should take the operation few months ago. Even if we do this operation, she’ll still die.”  The doctor said.


            I tighten my fist in rage. “Sansaengnim… you’re a doctor right? Don’t tell me you cant help her! Please…”I pleaded. “I’m sorry… she’s too critical for the operation. Plus she’s—“


“Sansaengnim… jebal…”

“I’m sorry… its too late…”


            I leaned back against the chair, helpless. I cant believe what just happen and what did the doctor said. It happen way too fast. So fast that I can barely see any…





------At jaehyo’s house----


            I put down the blank book on the table. I looked around my messy house. Today suppose to be Jiyeon’s 2nd present. But unfortunately, she’s still in the hospital. Its already pass 3 days, she still cant remember me. and another 5 days will be that girl’s 22nd birthday.


            Suddenly an idea popped up in my head. I gathered all the photos that I took with Jiyeon and paste it in the blank book. I put some accessories to make it look nice.


God please..

Make Jiyeon remember again.



                                To be continued. 

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Chapter 6: this is sad, poor Jaehyo~