it hurts when you hide it

Diary Of A Sick Liar


(Author’s POV)



Dear diary,


            I’m so sorry to what I had done to you. I know this is a very big sin to do but I had to. It was for your own good. You know that I will always love you right? Whatever happens, even if the earth fall apart, I will never once turn my back against you. You’re my only one. Thank you for loving me …



(Jiyeon’s POV)



            I put down the pair of chopsticks that I was holding. My head kept on aching so badly and I felt like banging my head to the wall. Another 9 days till my birthday. There’s no way I’m going to get sick. I drank my apple juice and sighed heavily. Yesterday was the first present from Jaehyo gave me and I still have another 2. I’m just so excited.


Then my phone vibrated on the couch. I picked it up.


I’m going for a walk… wanna join? <3<3


Jaehyo texted me. I smiled at the text message like an idiot person. I typed back a simple reply.


Sure. I’ll go to your place~ :)





(Jaehyo’s POV)


            Hahaha… Jiyeon always like that, Wanted to do everything HER way. I put on my sweat pants and removed my black t-shirt with a new one and wore a jacket. I wonder what my hyper girlfriend will wear today.


            Yesterday was the best day ever. I saw Jiyeon’s reaction when she watched the videos. She was sobbing. I found out that it was so cute of her to hide her tears. On the way to her house, she told me that she cant wait for the next presents that I will give her.


            I curious one thing about her. I don’t know if its only my imagination or what, but I think I heard she said, “hmm.. I hope I can see the presents. “ what does that suppose to mean?




            “Jiyeon!” I squealed happily as I opened the door. Is it me or her face was pale. “Annyeong~ Jaehyo!” she beamed. Please don’t act in front of me, Park Jiyeon. I’m begging. Just show that you have some problems.


            “Hello baby~” I said as I hugged her. She was a bit startled to my action but still, she hugged me back. “What’s get in to you?” she teased. I chuckled and pecked her lips. “Nothing~ I’m just happy.” I smiled. “…. Too happy.” Jiyeon mocked me. I just ruffled her hair and ckised the door behind me.



(Jiyeon’s POV)


            Jaehyo was extremely happy seeing me today. As if we had separated for 4 years. I giggled as he tried to do some stunts while we were jogging. I don’t really mind going out with him, but my head kept on aching like hell and felt like banging it to a tree and let it explode.


            “Jiyeon… you don’t look so well. Are you okay?” Jaehyo asked me as he tugged my hair behind my ears. “OMO!! You’re sweating so badly! Hey, are you okay?” he voice was showing that he was getting panic.”Calm down oppa. We’re exercising… of course we’ll sweat.” I smiled faintly at him. he sighed and looked at me. “Don’t lie Jiyeon ah…” he warned.


            “Oppa! I’m not… lying.” The pain was overtaking me. I held Jaehyo’s arm to keep myself from falling. “Ji-ji-Jiyeon ah!” he stammered. “Don’t worry about me oppa…I’m fine… ughh…” I groaned in pain. Please not now. Jaehyo held my hand for a better support. “We’re going to the hospital now!” he said sternly.


            I looked at him with teary eyes. “I’m sorry.” Was the last thing that I managed to say before everything went dark.



To be continued. 

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Chapter 6: this is sad, poor Jaehyo~