"Why can't I just let go?"

Exchange Student in B.A.P.'s Dorm

Sung Shi Kyung - Solar System


You stared outside of the window as you sat in class. The teacher talked about algebra over and over again, something that you didn’t have any energy to concentrate on. Lighting flashed in the dark sky, followed by the loud thunder. Rain fell down heavily from the clouds above, washing away dust and dirt.

He pushed you down, holding a grip around your neck. “Stop it! Let me go! Please!” you begged but he ignored you as he pushed you further down into the cold.

A loud boom was heard as the thunder did what it was best at outside. You shut your eyes and held them tightly closed. You tried to forget everything that happened on that evening. You shook your head before you rested it against your palm and continued to stare outside blankly.

Both Saga and Jongup had their eyes on you. *What is wrong with her? Is she scared of thunder?* Jongup thought as he tried to pay attention to the lecture but his eyes wandered to you, worry washing over him.

Saga sighed deeply as she played with her pen in her hand. *It started again. That bastard.* she clutched her fist, her knuckles turning white. The wooden pen in her hand broke from the pressure. *If I ever see him again, I’ll hit him so that it hurts.*


“Daehyun!” Himchan screamed. “What’s wrong with you today? Get a grip of yourself and your voice!”

The said boy rolled his eyes as his hyung continued to scold him. He was just so happy about his moment with you that he didn’t concentrate at recording at all. His thoughts drifted off to the image of your sleeping face, how your pink lips were curled upwards even in your dreams and the pink tint on your cheeks.

“Let’s try again. Daehyun just relax and concentrate on the words.” the mixer said and pushed some buttons on the recording table. Daehyun put the headphones back on his ears and took a deep breath. He tried to imagine tears on your face.

“I’m grateful and sorry at the same time that you loved me, I lack so much so please forgive me for leaving you (B.A.P - What My Heart Tells Me to Do).” This time his voice came out perfectly. Yongguk grinned as he watched every move Daehyun made in the recording booth.


The rain didn’t seem to stop anytime soon as you and Jongup were walking home together. Raindrops fell onto your polka dotted umbrella. Your mind was still down, playing the flashbacks over and over again. Jongup glanced at you often, his heart heavy with worry. *She hasn’t smiled at all today. Has something happened?*

“_______.” he called out. “_______ are you there?” He tried to get your attention by waving his hand in front of your face. You snapped out of your thoughts and turned to look at him.

“What is it oppa?” you asked with a blank face. He felt even more worried when he heard the sorrow in your voice.

“Is everything alright? You seem so down suddenly. Has something happened? Did you and Saga fight?” he started to panic slowly. You looked at him blankly and shook your head.

*He wouldn’t understand.* you thought as you fought the tears that started to form in your eyes.

He sighed and stepped closer to you. He wrapped his arms around your tiny figure and rested his chin on your head. “I hope you know that you can always talk to me about anything, I’m here for you. We’re family right? If there’s something that bothers you, just tell me and we’ll talk about it.”

Slowly a tear rolled down on your cheek. You pressed your body closer to his as your hid your face into his neck. Small sobs escaped your lips. He held you closer and your hair. *Something has definitely happened. Don’t worry ______, oppa is here to protect you.*

The rain continued to pour down, as if it knew how you felt.


“We’re back.” Jongup announced as the two of you entered the dorm. Zelo and Yongguk were sitting on the couch, watching some cartoons as Himchan and Youngjae were in the kitchen. Daehyun laid on the floor, reading. He shifted to look at you as fast as possible. The smile he had on his face faded immediately. Your eyes were red and puffy, your lips were formed into a thin line, your hair was wet and you looked pale. Everyone stopped what they were doing as soon as they saw your sad face. Jongup put his arm on your shoulder, rubbing it gently.

“Is everything okay?” Yongguk asked with concern obvious in his voice. You nodded slightly and tried putting a small smile on your face, which miserably failed.

“_______-ah we’re making some ramen, sit down and relax.” Youngjae tried to bright up the mood, even thought he wanted to hug the life out of you and protect you from everything.

You bowed slightly. “I’m sorry but I’m not hungry. I’ll be in my room.” You opened the door and stepped into your room. As soon as the door was closed you fell onto your knees and cried some more. *Why can’t I get him out of my head? He ruined my life, why can’t I just let go?*


“What happened?” Himchan asked. Jongup struggled. He felt five pair of eyes on him, sadness and worry overtaking the mood.

“She doesn’t want to tell me. She has been down the whole day.” he said, leaving the crying-part out on purpose. *I hope she will be okay.*

Daehyun frowned. *Even thought I imagined how she would look like when she is down, I didn’t expect to actually see it on the same day. It hurts to see her like this. ______ please be alright.*


Yeah so it ended up being angsty :/ sorry! And I'm so sorry for not updating in like ages! Something called school started today and I have totally forgot almost everything! Good thing that I still can write my own name! Anyhow your past with him will be revealed later :) trying to keep you guys confused! :D Thanks for commenting/reading/subscribing! I love you!


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Guys I have to go on a mini-hiatus for a month due to a language trip and I had problems with my internet so I wasn't able to post anything, sorry :(


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Chapter 35: Ahh, I'm back and there's not a lot of chapters to read :(
I guess I have to wait a little more~ :)
Chapter 35: Update please! ❤
Chapter 35: This was awesome. . .. .almost just almost there . . .they almost kissed. . HIMCHAN OPPA SARANHAE BUT IF U INTERUPT ANOTHER SWEET MOMENT IMMA TAKE AWAY ALL YOUR MIRRORS lol ^^
Unni Fighting ^^
IkkleLau162 #4
Chapter 34: Saga and JongUp are so cute seriously~! >.<
Her and Daehyun are so sweet too~~~~~ I'm going to get cavities reading this!! Haha. I really love your story . Did you have a nice trip to England? I live there kekeke.
Update when you can~ I'll be waiting :)
sam098 #5
Chapter 34: Welcome back^^
I'm so Happy to read your story again ^_^
MaruraM #6
Chapter 34: So excited you're back! Can't wait for the next chapters to come! You're doing an awesome job (:
Chapter 34: Been waiting for an update! Tks. :D
Chapter 34: You're back!!!! YAY!!!
geum-byul #9
Chapter 34: OMG YEAH!! YOU'RE BACK!! I missed you! Good luck with everything at high school! Wish you the best! And update soon dear author!