Strawberries and vanilla

Exchange Student in B.A.P.'s Dorm


Kim Junsu - Turn Around and Around


Yongguk and Youngjae had to go recording while Jongup and Himchan went to work out, leaving you alone at home with Zelo and Daehyun.

“Well I’m going to go meet some friends. I’ll see you later!” he said, kissed you on the cheek and left.

You felt rather awkward to be alone with Daehyun so you decided to just look busy by making your homework.

*She looks tired.* Daehyun eyed you as you were working on a math problem in the living room. He walked up to you and took his mask off, revealing his beautiful, plump lips.

“Should we go buy some snacks and watch a movie?” he asked and smiled at you sweetly. You looked up in surprise but nodded your head. You actually had a small headache from all the studying so you didn’t mind to go get some fresh air.

Daehyun went to get his disguise as you went to grab your coat. It had just stopped raining and the temperature had sunk a lot from the afternoon. You slipped on your white sneakers and black coat. Daehyun came out of his room with his mask covering half of his face and a beanie on his head. He was wearing all black. You smiled at him as you waited him to put on his shoes. Soon the both of you headed out of the front door.

You stepped outside into the cold air. The smell of fresh rain tickled your nose. *Autumn is coming soon.* you thought as you looked around. There weren’t many people outside anymore. Daehyun started to walk towards the grocery shop. You walked behind him.

As the temperature sunk more and more at every minute, your hands started to freeze. *I should have brought my gloves with me.* You tried to warm them up by exhaling warm breath on them.

Daehyun looked over his shoulder to see you trying to keep your warmth up. He smiled at the sight. *Babo princess.* He stopped and waited until you were next to him. You looked at him with big eyes. He smiled as he took your hand into his and put it into his jackets pocket.

“If you’re cold just tell me.” He started to walk again, still holding onto your hand. You looked back and forth at his face and your hand inside his pocket. *Oppa’s hand is big and warm.*

Soon the two of you reached the store and walked inside. The warmth greeted you as you two walked straight up to the snacks.

“What do you want to have?” Daehyun asked you. You checked each and every snack one by one. *I just can’t stop smiling when I’m around you. You’re simply too cute.* he thought as he smiled behind his mask.

“Oppa can we take these?” you pointed at a red box. He smiled at your choice.

“Have you ever tasted choco-pies before?” he asked as he picked up the box. You shook your head as you nearly jumped up and down when he put it into the basket. The two of you picked up some other snacks, such as chips and candy, before you paid and left. Daehyun carried the bag in his left hand as he reached over to you. You smiled as you felt him wrap his hand around yours while looking away. You two walked home in peace, not even thinking about letting go.


“What movie do you want to watch?” you asked Daehyun as you prepared the snacks. He was looking through some boxes filled with DVD’s.

“What about this one? I’ve never seen it before but I heard that it’s good.” he picked up one and showed it to you with a teeth-flashing smile.

“Sounds great!” you put the bowls filled with snacks on the table and popped down on the couch. Daehyun put the DVD into the played and sat down next to you. The movie he had picked was the Proposal where Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds starred.

As the movie went on, you felt how your eyelids started to become heavier. You struggled to keep yourself awake but slowly sleep took over.

Daehyun nibbled on a chip as he felt how something hit his shoulder. He looked over to see your head resting there. He smiled as he felt how his cheeks became hotter. Soft, even breathing came out of your mouth as he focused on your face instead of the movie. His eyes wandered over to your eyes, perfect nose, flawless cheeks and plump lips. He felt an urge to kiss you, but he decided to hold back.

“Sleep well princess.” he kissed your forehead at the very moment when Sandra Bullock was rescued from the water. He brushed some hair away from your face. “I think I’ve fallen for you.” He rested his cheek on your head as he breathed in your scent. *She smells like strawberries and vanilla.* He wrapped his arms around your small figure and started to join you in dreamland where the two of you could play with bubbles more.

Re-uploading :)


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Guys I have to go on a mini-hiatus for a month due to a language trip and I had problems with my internet so I wasn't able to post anything, sorry :(


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Chapter 35: Ahh, I'm back and there's not a lot of chapters to read :(
I guess I have to wait a little more~ :)
Chapter 35: Update please! ❤
Chapter 35: This was awesome. . .. .almost just almost there . . .they almost kissed. . HIMCHAN OPPA SARANHAE BUT IF U INTERUPT ANOTHER SWEET MOMENT IMMA TAKE AWAY ALL YOUR MIRRORS lol ^^
Unni Fighting ^^
IkkleLau162 #4
Chapter 34: Saga and JongUp are so cute seriously~! >.<
Her and Daehyun are so sweet too~~~~~ I'm going to get cavities reading this!! Haha. I really love your story . Did you have a nice trip to England? I live there kekeke.
Update when you can~ I'll be waiting :)
sam098 #5
Chapter 34: Welcome back^^
I'm so Happy to read your story again ^_^
MaruraM #6
Chapter 34: So excited you're back! Can't wait for the next chapters to come! You're doing an awesome job (:
Chapter 34: Been waiting for an update! Tks. :D
Chapter 34: You're back!!!! YAY!!!
geum-byul #9
Chapter 34: OMG YEAH!! YOU'RE BACK!! I missed you! Good luck with everything at high school! Wish you the best! And update soon dear author!