
White Horse

A/N- I didn't know that it is more than a month when we last updated this story.And have been quite busy lately.Somehow i lot touch with the just bear with me...if this is like off hand...

"So where have you been? We are all starving here waiting for you." Danson said,as soon as he saw Jiro walking to the house.He was on the doorway looking out for him.

"I went for a walk." Jiro answered.

"You wentt for a walk that long?" he said with a mocking tone."You must have gone to the next town and back on your feet."

"No,just around the village." he said with a smile in his face.

"So what are we doing about breakfast? We never have a dinner,don't tell me we are not having any breakfast too.Or you have eaten already since you seem to be so happy." Chun said.

"It is not breakfast but a lot more better than breakfast." he said with a grin in his face."But we are invited for a dinner tonight,so we can just hold off a little bit and we are going to have a feast tonight." he said.

"Are you kidding? Dinner is not for another 6 hours and we are starving now and we can almost eat anything in sight now." Chun said.

"Maybe we can go to the next town" Xiao Gui suggested.Just then there was a knock on the door and it was Lian holding a big bowl in her hand.

"Little girl is that for us?' Danson asked right away as he scooped up the bowl from her hand before she can answer.The girl just giggled.

"Lian what are you doing here?" Jiro asked.

"My sister made some noodles and she told me to bring you some.I didn't know that there are a lot of you here." she said.

"So can you give us some more?" Calvin asked."That one is good only for Chun."

"hey stop it.Tell your sister that I said Thank you.You are going to be there tonight right?" Jiro asked.

"Of course everybody will be there to welcome you.Even my sister will be there." she said with a giggle.

"That is good then." Jiro said as he smiled when he remembered Hebe's face....

"Don't tell me ,you already met a girl....that is not fair." Calvin said."Is there any more pretty girls in the village?" as hecame near Lian who was layghing at them.

"Yeah there are more girls but my sister is the prettiest." she said with pride.

"And she is mine already.So you better back off." Jiro said.

"You can have the girls,as long as there are food,then ,that is fine with me." Chun said who has eaten half of the noddles they all looked at him.

"Chuuun" as they all rushed to him to have their share of the noodles.......

The pastor picked them up from the old randown house that Jiro's family used to own .He looked around and saw rthe condition of the house.

"You are all staying here?" he asked."I am sorry this place is hardly livable by now.Don't worry tomorrow,I'll asked somebody to fixed this place for you.I don't want you to have a bad memories of our village."

The boys smiled with delight,as they imagine a more livable state with a clean linens and yes maybe food will be an additions too.And maybe staying in this place may not be a nightmare after all.

They went to the center of the village with bright lights and it looks like a townhall.There was a big long  table in the middle and it was laden with food.There was lot of people..Older people with their families all eager to meet them.Jiro looked around looking for Hebe's face among the crowd as his eyes rested on her.She was not looking at them.Hebe's eyes was downcast as if she was looking at the food on the table.Lian was seated at her side as she smiled at him.

Each one of them was introduced to the older people of the village.The names escaped them for it is in Chinese but only one name stand out for Jiro and that is Hebe's parents.Her Father looked strict as Jiro bowed before him.He looked like he labored hard for life to earn a living while Hebe's Mom was a sweet lady.She looked so motherly and caring,and yet you can see the simpleness in thir life.

All of them except Jiro has their eyes on the food on the table as they finally lead them to their seat.Chun's eyes was bright and happy as he tasted the food right in front of him.Calvin tasted it but as soon as he had a couple of bites ,his eyes roamed around the crowd as he looked for somebody interesting in the crowd.And his eyes found Hebe,and he saw the girl that brought them noodle this morning.he nodded at her.So this is the girl that Jiro has seen this morning ,that he claimed as his already.he shook his head.She is really very pretty.And he was disappointed that Jiro came to her first....Where was he all this time? as he scratched his head.....

Danson was bored at the whole thing already and decided to just concentrate on the food.Xiao Gui took everything as he tried to talk to the people around him,and cracking jokes in between the people laughed around him....

Jiro found a way to get near Hebe and with the help of Lian,he fnd himself seating next to her.She is still very quiet and it seems like he will have a hard time drawing anything from he think of a way to win her....

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ManTou #1
Yeah !! Hahahaha... I will continue too ! :D don't give up !!!!
ManTou #2
hey anne =) thanks a lot...
Wow,Jiro's Dad is way too harsh...