The Voice Of An Angel

White Horse

Jiro followed the little girl to the church ,as they went inside an old building.The people looked at him as he is the first time that they have seen him around here.And everybody was just curious about him.

"Young man,why don't you take a seat ." an older man told him."I don't think I have een you here before."

Jiro looked at him.He must be the pastor of the church,judging on the clothes that he was wearing.Jiro smiled and shook his head.

"I am just visiting here.My parents used to live here when he was young." he said.

"And your parents are?" he asked.

"I am Wang Dong Cheng" he said."But my American name is Jiro"

" Ahhh you are the son of Senior Wang.I knew your Dad and he is a very successful one.We went to the same scgool together.." as he nodded his head .

"And where are you staying? No family of yours lives here now?" he asked.

"Me and my fiends are staying in the old house for now." he said.

"Then we should welcome you and your friends...I would like to invite you and your friends tonight so you can meet the people in the village.Your father has been an oustanding citizen of this village and he has helped us al ot is only right that we treat you nice.So tonight.I will pick you up and your friends in the old house..." he said."Now i have to start the service."

Jiro smiled and then he caught sight of that girl now as he heard her voice singing the hymn to start the service..her voice is so sweet and soothing as he listened to her voice...he was mesmerized by her beauty and her voice...Somehow the hunnger that he has felt before seems to vanish.

Hebe while singing was just too aware of the strangers eyes on her.She can feel her heart fluttering at his sight.She has never met that kind of man before ,a man that can evoke emotions from her.Maybe after today she doesn't have to meet him again and then her heart would be troubled anymore.....

The service was finished as hebe and her sister was about to go out of the church.The guy was there on the corner as if waiting for her.She hold her sister hand tightly as she looked down.

"Hello" as Jiro smiled brighty at her.

"Hello." her sister Lian greeted him like along lost friend and she just want to ignore him.

"Your sister has a very beautiful voice." he said,when he noted that Hebe is going to ignore him.

"Yes,everybody love her voice.You liked it too?" Lian asked.

"Yes I like it very much." he said."Does your sister talk at all?"

Lian laughed."Of course and she talks a lot.She is just shy to boys like you." she said and Hebe pinched her on the hands that she was holding her.

Jiro smiled.So she is a shy one.And it looks like he will have a hard time drawing any words from her.It is a good thing that he got her sister on his side.As they turn on the corner to home...

"I have to go now.My friends will be waiting for is nice meeting you Lian,right?" Jiro said as the little girl nodded and giggled."And your sister is Hebe.?"

She nodded her head again."So are you going to see my sister again?" she asked.

"Yes if she wants to see me." Jiro said in hesitation...."It seems like she doesn't want to see me again."

"No,she wants to see you again." she said as she laughed and then Hebe gave him a glare and then her sister as she walk off.Jiro and Lian laughed they looked at her...

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ManTou #1
Yeah !! Hahahaha... I will continue too ! :D don't give up !!!!
ManTou #2
hey anne =) thanks a lot...
Wow,Jiro's Dad is way too harsh...