Too Much Of A Good Life.

White Horse

Jiro was driving like a maniac as he hit the gas pedal trying to get home before his parents arrived home and then all of a sudden the traffic  light changed it color from  orange to red in a mere second ,as he hit his brake when he saw the red light.He swirled around and almost hit the sidewalk in the process.And before he knew it,the police car which was parked in the dark corner are on his tail.He could hit his head for doing that now .Now he is in more  trouble more than before.Trouble seems to be following him tonight.

And yes,he got a ticket for driving under the influence of alcohol and he will be fined for it is his first offense.He knows it this time,he won't be able to hide it from his parents anymore.And as the cop called his parents for he won't be allowed to drive back home now.So much for his good luck tonight.Everything seems to be against him tonight.He tried to stay up and stay looking serious and sorry,and then maybe his Mom will be sorry for him,but his Dad will be another story in the making....He is not too easy to be fool.He always mean business.And this time he knew for sure that he won't be able to sweet talk them anymore.The penalty is seriously coming...and he just has to wait for it to befall on his head.

"No I am not going." Jiro said in a loud voice."I don't want to go to China." screaming now.

"Young man,you don't have a choice for that matter.If you want to continue the priveleges that you are getting,you have to abide by my rules.And you are way out of line this time.Before you kill yourself and before you kill somebody else,we have to do something." his Dad said with a stern voice.

"But Dad what will I will be doing there.Isn't China  too far  from here and I don't think that they are that modern yet." Jiro said."Isn't China a third world country?"

His Dad slapped him before he can continue."You are such an arrogant young man.Not becaue you are priveleged, you don't have any right to say those things.That is my heritage and your heritage.You are not to look down on your roots,for without it,you are not here.You will not exist at all ." Mr Wang said with such an ire at his face."You will go to China and you will live like one of them,like one of your cousins, who work on their hands and let us see if you can still say those things after that.I thought of providing more to you and be at least lenient  and be comfortable while you are there but hearing you say that,I guess i have to be hard on you in order for you to learn your lesson and this  time your Mom won't be able to save you." as he walk away from him.

Jiro looked at his Mom who was standing there."Mom please talk to Dad ,I don't want to go. I want to stay home.Promise I'll do whatever you have to say. I'll be good this time." Jiro pleading now.He doesn't have any idea or clue what is it like to live in China and from the way he read on the books and paper that he caught glimpse of, his parents hometown,the place is not at all too pleasant.

"I am sorry Son,There is nothing I can do for now.You went outside your bounds already.I agree with your Dad that this will do you good." she said."I'll try to talk to him to be at least lenient and give you leeway to provide more for you.,during your stay there." Mrs Wang said.She was sorry for her son but he has been beyond control lately and before she sees him in jail or hurt somebody,they have to make a stop to his erred ways....

"I hate it, I hate it. Even if you send me away ,you think I will learn to love your town.There is no way that I will have your frame of thought about that place.I am an American,not Chinese.Nothing is gonna change believe me." Jiro said in tantrums,as he left the room and kicked the door.

Somehow his Mom can only shake her heads.And yes her husband is right ,she spoiled him to the core.Now it will be hard to mend his ways at this age.He has to learn,he is the only heir to their own empire that her husband has worked so hard.He has to learn to care not only about his heritage and the people and a lot all the people around him in general who will be working for him and who will be looking up for his concern in their flights and it looks like it is gonna be a long change him after all....

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ManTou #1
Yeah !! Hahahaha... I will continue too ! :D don't give up !!!!
ManTou #2
hey anne =) thanks a lot...
Wow,Jiro's Dad is way too harsh...