
Everything About You
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Nearly no human souls were wandering about but stray animals that didn’t have a place to stay at for love and tender. It was eerie quiet outside to which if window were to brush up against any trees, it could startle just about anyone that dared to walk alone in the evening. It was already past two in the morning yet she was the only soul on the street, along with those stray animals. Slouching her way through the lonely street, she was alone. Every steps she took, it was draggy and heavy. Sighs could be heard fairly often as she lowered her head and ruffled her hair out of frustration. She didn’t seemed to have cared that she was a girl, who was alone on a dark lonely night with no sort of protection.   That was the last thing that was on her mind.   She has been needing some peaceful moments to let herself organize her thoughts and emotions. Everything were going way too fast for her to take in and process. Instead of just going to her best friends and have a talk with them, to open up, she decided to bottle those thoughts and emotions inside as she didn’t want to bother anyone. People were already going through their own little problems and she didn’t want to make it worse. She rather have it bottled up and suffer through it alone because she didn’t want to be a burden. She didn’t want to be a bother to anyone since she found herself to be quite troublesome to many people already due to her relationship with Jiyong.   Straightening up a bit, she found herself came to a halt at the playground, just a couple of blocks from the company. She knew she needed to get back to that dance room and practice her off but the peace and quiet is what she needed most at the moment. She climbed over the fence that was blocking her from the playground and jumped over it. She quickly made her way over to the slide once she landed on the other side of the fence.   Tossing her bag at the leg of the swings, she crawled up the slide and took a seat at the start of the slide. She leaned her back against the metal to her right and looked up. Right above her head was the small amount of stars that were visible through the city lights. She let herself relaxed on the metal as she gazed at the stars. It has been awhile that she felt that at ease while enjoying every stars there were in the night sky. It felt nice and calm. She loved it.   “If only everyday could be like this.” She whispered as she focused on one bright stars. It twinkled the more she looked at it. A smile crept onto her face as she crossed her legs and placed her hands on her knees. “It really would be nice.”   Suddenly, she heard her phone rang. Immediately, she crawled down the slide midway and reached for her bag. She pulled it up and placed it on her lap while keeping a steady balance on the slide. She didn’t want to slip and hurt herself. That would be the last thing she would want to happen. She pulled her phone out and tossed her backpack back onto the ground, where it had rested at.   “Hello?” She answered without a bother to look at the caller ID.   “Where are you?” Her eyes widened.   “At the playground?” She answered in a questioning tone.   Eunji crawled back up the slide while holding onto the phone between the side of her face and her shoulder. She settled down where she had before and held onto the phone with her left hand. She brought her knees up and hugged it as she stared into the evening through the tic-tac-toe board beside the slide's entrance.   Jiyong sighed over the phone, to which she heard, along with some ruffling noises in the background. “I’m at your place right now.”   “Why are you there?” She asked as she leaned her head back. “You know you shouldn’t be there. We’re not a couple anymore, remember?”   He scoffed. “Like that would really stop me from loving you.”   “Jiyong, why are you even there?”   “I’m looking for you because I have something to say.” He said sternly.   She straightened her back as her eyes widened out of curiosity. She bit her lower lip, waiting for him to continue. She wanted to know what he wanted to say to her. After calling their relationship off, there wasn’t really anything else to say to one another, she thought. “You can tell me here.”   “No. I have to tell you in person.” Jiyong refused. He continued, “Why on earth are you at the playground at a time like this? Do you know how dangerous that can be? Stay wherever you are and I’ll come to you.”   She shook her head as if he could see it. “No, don’t come.”   “Why?”   “Because I don’t want you to.” She said while her heart clenched. Half, she wanted him to come yet her inner voice was telling her to say no. “I’m about to leave anyway.”   “To?”   She wasn’t planning on leaving just yet. She had just gotten there and was already fond of it since it was so peaceful. She didn’t want to go back to the loud and chaotic life of hers just yet. “Somewhere that you don’t need to know. Jiyong, just go home. I’ll see you at rehearsal. I’m hanging up now.”   “Eunj--”   Eunji let out a heavy sigh as she held onto her phone tightly in her hands. She pressed it against her chest and knees as she lowered her head. Tears were streaming down her face as if they were waterfalls. She was crying
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15 streak #1
Chapter 93: I finally finished it
I realized that back then I stopped in chapter 78
15 streak #2
One of my favorite stories,
I still remember it, even after all these years (read it in 2012/2013)
Chapter 93: great chapter! ty for updating :)
Chapter 91: ooo the gasp i made when i read that last line
lmao when jiyong mentioned two hours is enough to cheat
Chapter 90: I was surprised to see this be updated! Glad to see that you're still writing!
I'm looking forward to it
Just checking in if this is still being updated??
thinkdreamlive #7
Chapter 88: What a lovely surprise!
Chapter 88: Thanks for updating! It was nice to read about her thoughts and their relationship
Will there be an update anytime soon?
Chapter 87: Author-nim... I know it has been years since your last update... I hope you can update the fic soon!!! Please!!!! :DD