Lovely Night

Everything About You
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“So, are you going to ever let me read it?” He asked after they stepped away from the ledge full of locks.

A smile crept onto her face as she shook her head while he tossed an arm around her. Although he wanted to read what she wrote, he decided not to since he, himself, didn't want her to read his either. He shrugged and pulled her closer to him. A turned around, pulling her along with him. They began heading towards the entrance, ready to leave the locks area. Jiyong has been hungry so he wanted to grab dinner, which was just downstairs on the third floor, where a small amount of private rooms were available.

“Let's make a deal.” He began as he tapped his fingers against her shoulder as if her shoulder was his piano. “We'll find another time to visit it and we both reach each others' messages.”

She nodded, “That would be nice. You can't cheat, okay?”

“How am I going to cheat?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

Rolling her eyes at him, she scoffed, “By coming here when I'm not around.”

He chuckled and motioned her to walk in front of him once they reached the third floor by riding down the elevator. They reached the restaurant, which was just a few steps away from the elevator. Jiyong stood beside Eunji, who just asked for either a booth or the balcony. The waitress hummed as she looked around, in hope to meet their request.

“Give me a minute.” The waitress smiled and ran off, searching for an open location for the couple.

Eunji glanced over to Jiyong, who was pretending to look around at the picture frames that were hung on the wall behind them. It was obvious that he wanted to hide himself, not wanting to be spotted out. She smiled and leaned over to him, “You don't look too amazed by it.”

He stuck his tongue out at her before pulling his cap down again when he caught the waitress returning. He went back to focusing on the frames that he wasn't really paying attention to. He listened to their conversation. The waitress sighed, “I'm sorry. The balcony's taken but the booths are still open. Would you like one by the window?”

Eunji looked over to Jiyong, who was still 'observing' the frames. She smiled and looked at the waitress, “That would be nice. Thank you.”

The waitress grabbed two menus and guided the couple over to a booth that's located by the window, which was quite secluded from everyone. Jiyong smiled, glad that they were secluded from everyone. He took a seat across from Eunji, who had just taken the two menus from the waitress. “Let me start with your drinks. What would you like?”

Jiyong cleared his throat and faked a deep voice, to which Eunji thought it was funny. “Just water, please.”

“What about you, ma’am?”

“I'll also get water. Thank you.” She told the waitress before she took off.

Jiyong finally lifted his head and slightly shifted his cap up just enough so he could see his girlfriend flipping through the menu book. He cracked a smile before flipping through his own. While doing so, he placed an arm on the inner side of the table. His hands s over to Eunji's and held onto her wrist, causing her to look at him, wondering what he was doing. He smiled and held onto her hands.

She smiled and let him hold her hand while she skimmed through the menu with her other hand. “Do you know what you want?”

He shook his head, “Not really. You want to pick something for me? It's about time you feed me.”

She rolled her eyes, “Sin
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15 streak #1
Chapter 93: I finally finished it
I realized that back then I stopped in chapter 78
15 streak #2
One of my favorite stories,
I still remember it, even after all these years (read it in 2012/2013)
Chapter 93: great chapter! ty for updating :)
Chapter 91: ooo the gasp i made when i read that last line
lmao when jiyong mentioned two hours is enough to cheat
Chapter 90: I was surprised to see this be updated! Glad to see that you're still writing!
I'm looking forward to it
Just checking in if this is still being updated??
thinkdreamlive #7
Chapter 88: What a lovely surprise!
Chapter 88: Thanks for updating! It was nice to read about her thoughts and their relationship
Will there be an update anytime soon?
Chapter 87: Author-nim... I know it has been years since your last update... I hope you can update the fic soon!!! Please!!!! :DD