
Everything About You
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"You would look really y in this," he whispered once more, softer and more seducing than before as he brought his mouth closer to her ear.   Her face were burning underneath her hands as she tried to avoid him. She could felt the heat forming between her face and hands as she bit onto her lower lip, cursing at her boyfriend mentally for teasing her. She removed her hands, revealing her bright red face. She opened , ready to give him a piece of her mind but immediately closed it. She didn't know what to say just yet and even if she did, he would use it against her.   He chuckled as he felt himself being shoved slightly away by the chest. He watched his girlfriend stepping a few feet away from him, arms crossed against her chest, expressing how angry she must have been at him. He knew it wasn't the perfect time to think about how cute she looked but he couldn't help it. He kept his eyes on her as he adored that adorable expression she was portraying. He marched over to her and held onto her arm.   He grinned as he uttered quietly to her, "Aw, is my girlfriend angry at me?"   He watched her sighed quietly to herself before turning around to face him. He bent down and took the chance to peck her lips, causing her to froze in her spot. Her eyes widened as were ajar as she stared at her boyfriend. She was angry at him for opening the box after she warned him not to. Now, he had to make her blush and being angry at the same time. He laughed and closed with his index finger by placing it under her chin. He smiled as s his free hand down from her arm to her forearm, then intertwined their hands.   "You can't possibly be mad at me, right?" He pouted cutely at her, knowing for a fact that she couldn't resist it.   She sighed, once more, before releasing their intertwined hands. She walked passed him with a quick shoulder-bump. She stopped by the door and faced him as he stood still, dumbfounded by her sudden action towards him. He haven't seen that side of hers before. He turned fully around and faced him moody girlfriend. He caught her pouting at him right after she stuck her tongue out at him. Before he could utter a word or even take any action, she marched right out of the office; smiling to herself for no particular reason.   He laughed heartedly as he leaned against the office desk. He folded her arms as he decided to stay in the office for a couple of minutes. He wanted Eunji to slightly calm down before he continue to . He knew she was slightly upset because he didn't listened to her warning about opening the box. He was just too curious about why his girlfriend was so against him seeing what was inside the box. He surely didn't want to trigger that anger mode of hers. He needed to play it safe as he released his folded arms.   He raised up the thin black lace night gown. It was so thin and transparent. He stared at it for a couple of seconds, still trying to understand why Bommie would give his girlfriend such thing as a gift. He knew his girlfriend was down for these sort of thing. He released a chuckle as he shook his head. His eyes staring at the night gown hanging off his index finger, "Why on earth would you get her this?"   Jiyong was slightly confused about the gift. He didn't expect Bommie to purchase something like that. His girlfriend wasn't those type of girls that likes to wear fancy night gown to sleep, and to add the fact that it was so revealing. It was just too revealing and seducing for him to imagine Eunji being in it. He shook that dirty thought of his girlfriend wearing it. He sighed, "I have to watch out for Bommie nuna now. This is not a perfect gift at all."   He rolled the night gown up.   "Stop thinking dirty, Jiyong. You two are not at that stage in the relationship just yet." He muttered to himself as the image of Eunji in the night gown flashes through his mind.   He peeled himself off the office desk and cleared his throat. He stepped out of the office and glanced around to see if his girlfriend was in the back. There she was, sitting on the coffee table beside the two boxes on her right. Her eyes were shut as she sat there, froze as ice. He walked quietly over to her and dropped the night gown back into its box. He sat on her left. He waited for a couple of second for her to acknowledge that he was there. It seemed like she wasn't very fond with what he had done. He scooted closer to her, closing that small gap that he intentionally left before he sat down.   Gradually, he wrapped an arm around her. He knew she was speechless about what had just happened. He knew she was still embarrassed by it. Eunji was still innocent in a way after all. He pulled her closer to him as he cutely pouted to her, "I was only messing with you in there. Don't be mad at me, Mrs. Kwon~"   Eunji scoffed as she shifted her body to the other side, moving slightly away from him. She wasn't upset at him anymore. She was over it. However, after hearing him saying, "Mrs. Kwon," nearly made her jump in excitement. She knew they weren't even near that stage but just hearing it and knowing that he even considered her as Mrs. Kwon made her satisfied. She smiled to herself as she looked away, not wanting him to know that she was smiling to herself.   She felt him snaking his arms around her forearm, hugging onto it as if he was still a little boy. That was one of the ways that would softened her up. He shook her arm, trying to gather all of her attention as she did the opposite. His arm then s down her arm, giving her that similar goosebumps each other, but she liked that feeling. His hand fell onto hers. He quickly locked their hands and tightened his grip, not letting her escape. He gave it a slight tug, causing her to turn around to face him.    Eunji mumbled a few words to herself but Jiyong wasn't able to catch on.   He placed his chin on her shoulder and brought her closer to him, "I wasn't able to hear you. What did you just say?"   "You weren't suppose to hear it." She uttered but this time, she made sure he heard it. "I can't believe you opened it, Ji."   He placed their linked hands on his lap. Eunji took the chance to express how she was angry at him earlier by raising their connected hands up. She flashed a grin at him, which he didn't see since he had his cheek resting on her shoulder. She dropped their linked hands roughly against his lap, causing him whimper due to the sudden pain. He yelped as the throbbing pain shooting through his thigh. He rubbed his lap with his free hand as he kept glancing at his girlfriend. Eunji looked away, satisfied that he was in pain. It eased that tiny anger that was still in her.   "Babe, it's just a simple lace night gown." He smirked, wrapping both arms around her waist. He was hugging her by the waist. He held onto her waist and spun her around. She was fully facing him. He
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15 streak #1
Chapter 93: I finally finished it
I realized that back then I stopped in chapter 78
15 streak #2
One of my favorite stories,
I still remember it, even after all these years (read it in 2012/2013)
Chapter 93: great chapter! ty for updating :)
Chapter 91: ooo the gasp i made when i read that last line
lmao when jiyong mentioned two hours is enough to cheat
Chapter 90: I was surprised to see this be updated! Glad to see that you're still writing!
I'm looking forward to it
Just checking in if this is still being updated??
thinkdreamlive #7
Chapter 88: What a lovely surprise!
Chapter 88: Thanks for updating! It was nice to read about her thoughts and their relationship
Will there be an update anytime soon?
Chapter 87: Author-nim... I know it has been years since your last update... I hope you can update the fic soon!!! Please!!!! :DD