Dinner and Night Market

Everything About You
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“Isn't that right, Eunji?” Eunji coughed as she watched her two best friends wiggling their eyebrows at her. Their lips formed a sly smirk as they watched her cough to death. “You were always crazy over Andy!”

She wiped with the napkin that she had to reach for while her friends continued to stare at her. She shook her head, “I wasn't crazy over Andy. It was more like a tiny crush.” She placed the napkin down. She pointed to the girls. “To think of it, I wasn't the only person that had a crush on him. You two practically went two whole months talking about how cute and manly he was.”

Chaerin's cheek turned crimson as she lowered her head, already denying what Eunji had stated. “Wait! I only went along with Chaerin!” Hana retorted as she nudged Chaerin, who was sitting beside her. “You confessed to him!”

Eunji nodded as she placed her elbows on the edge of the table. She watched the two girls before her, bickering about who confessed to the Andy guy first and who had major crush on him. She shook her head as she raised a hand up, calling for the waiter to come to their table. Once she got the waiter's attention, she faced the girls as she waited for him to approach their table. “Did Andy ever accepted anyone's confession?”

Hanna pouted, “No. He rejected every girls' confession.”

Chaerin laughed, “Maybe he was gay?”

“I don't think that's something we should laugh at though.” Hanna stated.

The waiter arrived with a bright smile on his face. Eunji smiled and looked up to him as her friends minded their own business, “How may I help you?”

“Can we get the bills please. Put it all on one tab, I'll be paying for it.” Eunji told him as he gave her a quick nod before he skidded off to the podium at the side of the restaurant. She resumed to face the girls but only to received stares and skeptical looks on their faces.

“Why are you paying?” Chaerin questioned as she reached for her glass of champagne. “I swore we have agreed to pay separately.”

Hanna nodded as she watched Eunji pulling out her wallet, which was resting on the booth seat by the wall. Eunji shrugged as she puffed her cheeks as she pulled out her credit card. “I haven't treated you guys in so long. I think it's right for me to pay, don't you think?”

“Fine.” Chaerin and Hanna said in unison as they flashed a bright smile on their faces.

They continued to chat for another good ten minutes before the waiter returned to Eunji's side. He handed her the check and began gathering the plates and empty cups of theirs. Eunji placed the credit card on the check tray and handed to the waiter. “I'll be right back.” With that, he walked off again.

Eunji sighed as she leaned back. She patted her stomach as Chaerin raised an eyebrow at her. “That's so not lady-like, Eunji.”

Hanna smiled while listening to Chaerin's words directed to Eunji. She collected her keys and wallet that were on the table. She leaned back and crossed her leg over the other under the table. “Eunji, how's everything between you and you-know-who.” Hanna didn't dare to say Jiyong's name since they were in a restaurant with many fans waiting about to get Chaerin's autograph.

“Everything's perfect. We talked it out and I guess you can say, it's all in the past.” Eunji said as the waiter arrived with a pen and receipt. She quickly signed the merchant's copy and placed the pen over the copy above the table. The girls stood up and collected their things with a smile. “He was under alcohol influence so I don't think I should have taken it so far.”

The girls left the restaurant and headed out to Hanna's car at ease since Chaerin's fans were very kind. They didn't block the girls' way out. Chaerin even stopped a few time to take a few pictures with her fans along giving out some autographs. Hanna and Eunji decided to let Chaerin have some moments with her fans by waiting outside of the car. Hanna threw an arm over Eunji. “Chaerin can be charismatic on stage but look at her, she's so cute with that smile of hers.”

Eunji giggled. “Of course. So, Hanna, how's your love life? I know we asked you this before a couple of months ago but somehow, I feel like you're not telling us something.”

Hanna nervously let out a soft chuckle. “I'm not hiding anything. Trust me, if I'm dating someone, I'll definitely tell you girls the minute it happens!”

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15 streak #1
Chapter 93: I finally finished it
I realized that back then I stopped in chapter 78
15 streak #2
One of my favorite stories,
I still remember it, even after all these years (read it in 2012/2013)
Chapter 93: great chapter! ty for updating :)
Chapter 91: ooo the gasp i made when i read that last line
lmao when jiyong mentioned two hours is enough to cheat
Chapter 90: I was surprised to see this be updated! Glad to see that you're still writing!
I'm looking forward to it
Just checking in if this is still being updated??
thinkdreamlive #7
Chapter 88: What a lovely surprise!
Chapter 88: Thanks for updating! It was nice to read about her thoughts and their relationship
Will there be an update anytime soon?
Chapter 87: Author-nim... I know it has been years since your last update... I hope you can update the fic soon!!! Please!!!! :DD