
Everything About You
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He kept his eyes on the camera lens as the YG Live camera were focused on him. He greeted his fans in a childish way. He was pretty much hyper. He was too hyped up for the concert that was starting in less than five minutes. The first performance is a family collaboration between the YG artists. It was a  melody. Jiyong flashed a huge smile on his face as he waved cutely at the camera, a small service for the VIPs.   "YG Concert! Coming right at ya!" He declared cutely as he pointed at the camera before flashing his infamous million dollars smile. That million dollars smile that caused many to faint each time. His fists were pumped into the air as he chanted, "Hwaiting!" He chuckled and continued, "Tonight is YG Family last united concert location for our tour. Please look forward to more in the future! Also, I just want to thank you all for supporting and loving us."   He clapped soundlessly as he nodded to himself for speaking so well.   "Jiyong-ah, how's your ankle?"   He turned his attention around to his manager, who was approaching him with an ankle brace in his hand. The YG Live camera left to another member of the YG Family so he could nurse his ankle. He leaned back in his seat as his manager bent down to get a better look at his ankle. It wasn't a joke how badly he injured his ankle during rehearsal. With one touch against his ankle, just to hold it up, Jiyong winched and hissed in pain.   His manager stood up and clicked his tongue, "It's best if you don't move around too much on stage."   "Hyung, are you okay?" Harang, Sean's son, questioned the older boy.   Jiyong chuckled once he saw the little boy running towards him as his manager placed the ankle brace around his ankle with cautious. He picked the younger boy up and placed him on his lap as he played with the kid, "Hmm. I'm fine."   Harang nodded and hugged Jiyong right after he pinched the older man's cheeks. Jiyong laughed as he held Harang in his embrace. Sean strolled over to him and clicked his tongue once he saw Jiyong's ankle. Sean shook his head, "Ji, are you able to walk?"   Sean reached over to Harang and picked him up. Jiyong got out of his seat and stood on his right foot since his left ankle was injured. He hissed as his left foot was in touched with the ground. He cursed quietly as he felt the pain shooting up. He held the pain in. He tried walking on it but in the end, he limped his way around because it was too painful for him. Sean shook his head, "This isn't good at all."   He squatted down beside his son and embraced his son, who was watching Jiyong hopping back over to his seat with a painful look on his face, "It'll go away when I'm distracted by something."   He assured the two older men with a soft chuckle.   -   After a long workout, she wanted to order something so she could bring home to eat. She wasn't so sure of what to get so on the way home, she had passed by Seven's restaurant and thought she should just ordered something from there. She stepped inside and was greeted by loud noises coming from the back. She ignored it and walked over to the counter. She grabbed the menu book and skimmed through it, hoping to find something that she hasn't tried before.   "Hey, Eunji."   One of the workers greeted her as she greeted them along with a gentle wave. She grabbed the menu book as the worker went back to work. She walked over to the waiting seats lined up against the wall and sat down. She held the menu in her hand and flipped through the book as she wondered what to eat.   Suddenly, her phone rang as she reached for it from her workout sweat.   "Hello?" "Eunji, look to your left."   Confused, she turned to her left. Right before her eyes, from far away, she spot Chaerin waving to her with Bom and Kush. She chuckled as she shut the menu book and placed it on her lap, "What are you guys up to?" She giggled as she stood up from her seat. She placed the menu back on the counter. She leaned on the counter as she giggled when Chaerin stated that she was stalking her. "Oh, what a stalker you guys are."   Chaerin laughed, "Come on over. I have something to give you."   With that, Chaerin hung up.   Eunji sighed as she marched over to the private area where all the YG Family were situated. She greeted everyone that she walked on by whether she knew them or not.  Bowing wasn't a huge thing for her since she grew up in America but she tried her best to remember to bow each other she greets someone; followed by a gentle wave.   As she got closer to the booth that Chaerin were sitting at, she noticed that it wasn't just Bom, Chaerin, and Teddy at the table. Jiyong was also there and immediately, she felt her heart raced as she found him smiling to her with that adoring smile that she missed seeing. She waved to them as she stood at the end of the table.   "We are a pro at stalking~" Bom sang.   Eunji giggled as she looked at the people at the table. Other than the four, Kush and Dara were also a
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15 streak #1
Chapter 93: I finally finished it
I realized that back then I stopped in chapter 78
15 streak #2
One of my favorite stories,
I still remember it, even after all these years (read it in 2012/2013)
Chapter 93: great chapter! ty for updating :)
Chapter 91: ooo the gasp i made when i read that last line
lmao when jiyong mentioned two hours is enough to cheat
Chapter 90: I was surprised to see this be updated! Glad to see that you're still writing!
I'm looking forward to it
Just checking in if this is still being updated??
thinkdreamlive #7
Chapter 88: What a lovely surprise!
Chapter 88: Thanks for updating! It was nice to read about her thoughts and their relationship
Will there be an update anytime soon?
Chapter 87: Author-nim... I know it has been years since your last update... I hope you can update the fic soon!!! Please!!!! :DD