A Tipsy Proposition


The night had progressed into a blur of laughter, toasts, and the clinking of glasses. The Khuntorians, Aimi and Dawei, had become increasingly bold in their plan to bring Victoria and Nichkhun closer together. Driven by their shipper hearts and fueled by alcohol, they hatched a plan that seemed like a great idea at the time.

Aimi leaned in closer to Dawei, her voice lowered conspiratorially. "I think it's time to put our plan into action."

Dawei nodded, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Right, let's do it. They've had enough to drink. They need to settle whatever their differences are so we can see them in another project. It'd be a pity if they'd never collaborate again!"

Their plan was simple but daring. They would convince Victoria and Nichkhun to "talk their differences while they bond". But they had clearly gotten overboard in their enibriated states because the plan to get them into a separate table, away from the rest of the now rowdy drunken crew and staff, to get more chance to chit-chat, quickly evolved into the two stars sharing a hotel room for the night. The fans got too ambitious all of a sudden and believed that once alone, the two would finally confront their past and, ideally, rekindle something more than just friendship.

As the night wore on, Victoria had been offered celebratory toasts one too many times, as customary. She was feeling the effects of the alcohol, her laughter becoming more carefree, her words less guarded. Nichkhun, while tipsy, maintained a semblance of sobriety, keeping a concerned eye on Victoria. He chided himself "Why are you being concerned like you're married to her again?"

With Aimi and Dawei's encouragement, the fans decided it was time to put their plan into motion. They approached Victoria and Nichkhun with beaming smiles.

"Hey, guys," Aimi slurred slightly, "we were thinking, wouldn't it be great if you two could have some time alone to... uh... talk things out? You know, clear the air."

Dawei chimed in, his words equally slurred. "Yeah, like a bonding session! We can arrange for you to share a hotel room tonight. It'll be fun!"

Victoria and Nichkhun exchanged puzzled glances, their alcohol-addled minds struggling to process the proposal. The fans' intentions were pure, but their execution was questionable at best.

Victoria giggled, her cheeks flushed. "A hotel room? Really? Are you trying to play matchmaker or something? Were you one of those who always left comments on my SNS to get together with Nichkhun?"

Nichkhun chuckled nervously, trying to diffuse the situation. "I think we've had enough excitement for one night. Let's not do anything too crazy." Deep inside, he was very intrigued by the proposition; not very unlike back when he would wonder if Victoria would actually kiss him first if the perfect scenario were set up those years ago during WGM?

But Aimi and Dawei were persistent, fuelled by liquid courage. "Come on, you two," Dawei slurred, "it's just for a chat. What could go wrong?"

Victoria, feeling adventurous and obviously more than tipsy (her cheeks could now rival Nichkhun's ears as they turned very red), gave in. "Fine, let's do it. But only to prove there's nothing more to talk about."

Hearing this from Victoria, Nichkhun found himself readily agreeing, no longer able to deny the curiosity that had been ignited by the proposal. "Alright, let's get this over with."

With the plan set in motion, Aimi and Dawei, were able to arrange for a hotel room in the same resort they arranged to for celebratory drinks where they had connections there. They escorted the slightly unsteady pair to the room, leaving them with a sly wink and a mischievous, "Have fun, you two!"

As the door closed behind them, Victoria and Nichkhun found themselves alone in the dimly lit hotel room. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of nostalgia and anticipation. They hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say or do.

Nichkhun finally broke the silence, his voice low and hesitant. "Well, I guess we're here. What are we supposed to do now?"

Victoria, her cheeks still flushed from the alcohol, tried to hide her uncertainty with a playful tone. "I suppose we could start by... talking, like they suggested."

As they sat on the edge of the bed, they began to discuss their past, sharing stories from their "We Got Married" days and beyond. The conversation flowed surprisingly easily, and partly due to Victoria being quite drunk but trying to practice her Korean now coming out all slurred and butchered, causing shared laughs between them, the tension that had hung in the air started to dissipate.

But as the night wore on, they found themselves inching closer to each other. Nichkhun reached out to adjust Victoria's hair, his fingers grazing her cheek. It was a simple, innocent gesture, but the spark of attraction that had once existed between them flared to life.

His heart raced as he felt the old "electricity" he had tried to forget. In an unguarded moment, Victoria suddenly met Nichkhun's gaze, and for a moment, they were transported back in time, to a place where they had been more than just friends, but not quite lovers.

Nichkhun's voice was barely above a whisper as he said, "Victoria, I can't deny that there's something between us, something that's never really gone away."

Victoria felt her breath catch, her own admission on the tip of her tongue. But before she could respond, the room seemed to spin, and felt her eyelids started feeling laden with lead....

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Thanks for reading. Khuntoria, fighting!


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mayoomon #1
Continue this story, please
naranari #2
Chapter 24: Another chapter pleaseeee
lovecome96 #3
Chapter 24: Aww. This chapter is very cute and lovely. Thank you. Hope things will go well with them.
mayoomon #4
Chapter 24: So lovely chapter. Thank you.
mayoomon #5
Chapter 22: Thank you for new chapter.
mayoomon #6
Chapter 22: Thank you for new chapter.
mayoomon #7
Chapter 19: Nichkhun is getting worse but the story is more curious.
mayoomon #8
Chapter 15: Thank you for continuous update.
mayoomon #9
Hey,I enjoyed your story. Please continue.
lovecome96 #10
Chapter 6: Hi,
I really enjoy reading your fiction so please keep it up.
Hope you have a great time writing this fiction about Khuntoria. I know it’s been a while but I still love them 🥰