

Nichkhun left Korea impulsively, fueled by the fear that Victoria might be considering an abortion. He believed he needed to be there to stop her, even if she didn't want him around. Flying to Beijing without permission, Nichkhun arrived at Victoria's apartment with a determined heart, hoping to convince her to reconsider. However, Xiao Li, Victoria's manager, had been staying with her at her Beijing apartment to offer support during this challenging time. She intercepted Nichkhun, who arrived there very early in the morning, clicking on the doorbell non-stop, and with the help of the apartment building security guard, firmly shooed him away. She understandably did not want him to make Victoria any more stressed than she already was.

Victoria, on her end, wanted to avoid confronting Nichkhun. She was emotionally drained and didn't want to deal with the stress of facing him. She had also just gone home from the hospital yesterday morning after being retained there for 2 days to rest. Xiao Li's protective measures were meant to shield Victoria from any additional unrest.

Meanwhile, back in Korea, JYP became increasingly concerned as Nichkhun missed rehearsals the following day and remained unreachable. Attempting to contact him yielded no results, and the agency couldn't fathom where Nichkhun might have gone. The lack of information from his colleagues deepened the sense of worry. As a last resort, JYP decided to try reaching out to the Horvejkul family. Mrs. Vera Horvejkul, Nichkhun's mother, was taken aback when she learned about the situation with her son. She immediately contacted Nichkhun which the latter answered. Reluctantly, he told her about the situation with Victoria because he was getting desperate. 

“What?!? You said those nasty things to her [about the Leo Luo YunXi scandal]?!?? Serves you right for being thrown out and banned! I’m wondering why they didn’t burn you alive right there and then!”  hollered Mrs. Horvejkul.
“I just wanted to make sure Victoria wasn’t going to get an abortion—” Nichkhun tried to reason but he was cut off.
“If something bad happens to my unborn grandchild, it will not be Victoria’s doing but your fault! With all the horrendous things you’ve said to her, it’s a miracle she hasn’t suffered miscarriage yet! Shame on you!” Mrs. Horvejkul was growing livid. She didn't raise her children to be callous like this! Victoria was not that kind of person and Mrs. Horvejkul was sure of that; she was sweetest, kindest young woman she encountered ~10 years ago in Thailand.
“I know, it’s all my fault, ma. Victoria won’t even see me now. I don’t know what to do anymore.”  He finally admitted, defeatedly.

Mrs. Horvejkul emphasized the need for Nichkhun to apologize to Victoria and given that at this moment, that wasn't yet possible, that he should apologize to her parents, and to find a way to make amends. She stressed the importance of taking care of Victoria and the unborn child rather than antagonizing her further. The gravity of his mistakes hit Nichkhun hard, and he acknowledged his own stupidity.
Feeling a sense of responsibility, Nichkhun racked his brain and an idea struck: he remembered how Victoria found comfort in her mother's cooking. He thought of going to Qingdao to visit Victoria's parents and ask Mama Song for some home-cooked meals that he could bring to Victoria. With newfound determination, Nichkhun prepared to travel to Qingdao in the hopes of bringing a small sense of comfort to Victoria. It was a good thing he still remembered the place and address from before and took the plane. Nichkhun appreciated the assistance of HaoRan, Victoria's younger second cousin, who became his ally during his stay. Fluent in English due to his major in Communications, much to Nichkhun’s pleasant surprise, HaoRan helped bridge the communication gap and provided support to Nichkhun in navigating the intricacies of Victoria's family dynamics. 

“You know I still like ‘Yun Xi jie-fu’ [Leo brother-in-law] for my jie-jie [older sister]. But I could see she never considered him more than a friend. You seem to be sincere with my jie-jie. So I’ll help you.” and as HoaRan winked at Nichkhun and smiled, he was reminded of Qian when she was younger. The similarity between these two was really uncanny.
While seeking the family's blessings to pursue a relationship with Victoria, he realized that Victoria hadn’t disclosed the details about her pregnancy to her family yet. Respecting her privacy and the sensitivity of the matter, Nichkhun decided to say nothing even if he was tempted to just get into a shotgun wedding with Victoria if it meant they would end up together. Instead, he only said that he was there to surprise Victoria with home cooked meals because he was worried she was getting stressed and overworked again.

Papa Song, understandably wary of Nichkhun's presence, remained suspicious. However, Mama Song, touched by Nichkhun's genuine efforts, empathized with his desire to make things right. She even suggested a creative solution to help Nichkhun get a chance to see and talk to Victoria. Mama Song proposed recording a video message expressing her desire to have Nichkhun deliver some home-cooked meals to Victoria, having heard the current ban imposed on Nichkhun at Victoria’s apartment building. The video could serve as proof of her request, potentially convincing the security guard, who knows Mama and Papa Song as they have visited many times, to allow Nichkhun access. He left Qingdao armed with Mama Song’s home cooked dishes and hoped that this small step would pave the way for him to reconnect with Victoria and show her that he was genuinely committed to making amends and being there for her during this challenging time.

The next day, Victoria opened the door to the security guard holding the food bundle. There was a card from Nichkhun with a note: 
“I don’t deserve to be forgiven and I can't erase the hurtful words I said, all the hurtful things I did, hard as try and deeply regret them. But please enjoy the food. I hope you feel much better after. ~ Pabo Nichkhun.” 
Victoria recognized the cloth covering, the containers, and especially the taste of the food as being her mama’s own cooking. As she enjoyed the familiar taste of her mother's cooking, the comfort and warmth of the food began to ease the burden she was carrying. The flavors brought back memories of home, family, and it was a moment of solace amid the chaos that had unfolded in her life. Victoria decided to call her parents, expressing her gratitude for the thoughtful gesture and explaining Nichkhun's visit. Mama Song, ever compassionate, listened to Victoria's conflicted feelings and offered her motherly advice.

"He's trying to make amends, Qian Qian. It's evident that he's remorseful for whatever it is that happened between you two. You don't have to forgive him right away, but consider hearing him out. Sometimes, understanding and communication can be the first steps towards healing," Mama Song gently advised. 
After the call, Victoria found herself in a contemplative state. The upcoming check-up loomed over her, a reminder of the new life growing within her, and the decisions she needed to make for her own well-being and that of her unborn child. In the next couple of days, Nichkhun kept on sending flowers and cards; as well as food deliveries from gourmet restaurants. One afternoon, after handing over himself a basket of the best fruits to the now sympathetic security guard at Victoria’s apartment block, Nichkhun received Victoria's text message. His heart skipped a beat as he read the words: The next scheduled check up is tomorrow. If you want to go.” He felt a mix of anxiety and hope, unsure of how Victoria would react to his presence, especially after everything that had transpired between them. Determined to take responsibility, Nichkhun replied, "I'll be there. Let me know the details."

Nichkhun couldn't hide his surprise when he saw Victoria waiting for him in the SUV that picked him up from his hotel. The vehicle was her personal one, a rarity given her usual choice of a more inconspicuous van for everyday use. As he settled into the backseat next to her, Victoria couldn't ignore the subtle details in Nichkhun’s appearance. His hair was styled differently, and the natural dark brown shade seemed to accentuate his features. She caught a whiff of the familiar perfume she had once chosen for him. Seated in the front alongside the driver, Xiao Li's eyes met Nichkhun's through the rearview mirror. The unspoken tension seemed to extend to her disapproving glares. Nichkhun felt a pang of guilt, understanding that he was viewed as the source of recent chaos in Victoria's life.

As Victoria’s personal driver cruised them towards Beijing International Hospital, Victoria reached into her purse and pulled out a small booklet. Opening it to a specific page, she turned it toward Nichkhun, revealing notes written in Chinese at the top. Nichkhun's gaze focused on a black and white, grainy photo—a small outlined dark round shape with a much smaller round blob inside, reminiscent of a tiny tic tac mint. Intrigued, he examined it closely. Beneath the image, he found the only word on the entire page written in Korean: "노른자" (Noreunja). Nichkhun pronounced it aloud, "Noreunja?" His eyes then shifted to Victoria, a quizzical expression on his face.
“Yeah, Noreunja.” Victoria nodded, fixing her eyes on the page, avoiding Nichkhun’s gaze.
“As in ‘kyeran noreunja’ [egg yolk] ?” Nichkhun clarified.
“Why? It’s my favorite…what’s wrong with it?” Victoria was still unable to look at him and began worrying her bottom lip.
“Ani. Kwiyeopda. It’s cute.” Nichkhun shook his head, smile widening and stared at the photo again. He couldn’t help but chuckle - she nicknamed their baby after her favorite egg yolk! Something she couldn’t get enough of, he remembered from way back. Victoria's doodle of a lopsided boomerang caught his attention, and after a moment, he recognized it as a heart. She had drawn it around the Korean word. The symbolism struck him: although he had already realized how stupid it was of him to ever think Victoria could harm their own unborn child out of anger towards him, if there were any doubts left, which there weren’t any, this was more than proof enough that Victoria cared, no, loved deeply that tiny dot of life growing inside her; one they created together. 
“Annyeong, uri Noreunja, baby! Daddy is here now. I hope you can forgive me.” and tears started rolling down Nichkhun’s cheeks. Victoria was doing her best to hold down her own tears. “Ya, you’re going to ruin the sonogram…”
Nichkhun closed the booklet to shield it from his tears and was going to wipe his face with his hands but Victoria handed him some tissue.  “Don’t worry, I won’t ask for 1,000 won.” she said and Nichkhun gratefully took the offered sheet. They both ended up chuckling as they remembered the old gag between them when they were climbing up Mt. Hanlasan.
“Can I hold on this for a bit? I’ll give it back to you at the hospital. I won’t cry and drool over it, promise.” Victoria didn’t have the heart to refuse him.
As they entered the Beijing International Hospital, Victoria and Nichkhun were led by Xiao Li and special security through the corridors until they reached the doctor's office. The doctor, Dr. Jiu, a woman in her early 60s, greeted them inside her consultation office. Her demeanor exuded both professionalism and kindness, putting both Victoria and Nichkhun somewhat at ease. Fluent in English, she began to explain the purpose of their visit.

"Ms. Song, Mr. Horvejkul, I understand this has been a challenging time for both of you," the doctor started, her gaze shifting between the two.

"The last time you were hospitalized, Ms. Song, the baby didn't have a heartbeat yet. Today, we'll check for a heartbeat to ensure everything is progressing well," the doctor informed them, her eyes assessing Victoria's reaction.

Nichkhun listened intently, the weight of guilt settling heavily on him. The realization hit him like a wave – the accusations, the heated arguments, and the emotional agitation he had caused definitely contributed to Victoria's hospitalization. The gravity of his actions weighed on him, and he felt a knot tightening in his chest.

The doctor, sensing the underlying tension in the room, offered a reassuring smile. She began the examination, guiding Victoria through the necessary steps. "Looking good. It's gotten bigger. Since you don't remember your last period, we'll measure the size to determine how far along you are with the pregnancy," the doctor explained calmly, her experienced hands skillfully maneuvering the ultrasound probe over Victoria's lower abdomen. The dimly lit room seemed to brighten with the positive news, and their eyes remained fixed on the monitor displaying the ultrasound images of their unborn child. As the image on the screen became clearer, the doctor continued her assessment. "Looks about a little over 6 weeks–"

“6 weeks and 4 days.” Cut in Nichkhun. When the doctor and Victoria looked at him surprised, he nervously blurted out “I know because that’s how long since we last…” he trailed off, realizing it was too much information.

Dr. Jiu had an amused smile on her face as he looked pointedly at flustered dad-to-be and turned her attention back to the mom-to-be whose cheeks were blushing furiously. While her skilled hands moved the ultrasound wand, the room echoed with the fast thumping of a strong heartbeat. “We have a heartbeat!” Dr. Jiu enthusiastically announced. The sound, delicate and powerful, filled the space, and Victoria's eyes glistened with tears of relief and joy. The weight on Nichkhun's shoulders lightened at the reassuring sound, knowing that, at least in this moment, the baby was safe. 

"Before we go, let’s double-check. I hear something… a bit... odd," commented Dr. Jiu, her eyes focused intently on the monitor. Panic flickered across Victoria's face, and Nichkhun's gaze shifted between her and the doctor. 

"Listen to that. What's that word – oh, yeah – it's a bit 'syncopated'?" The doctor moved the probe around, scrutinizing the images on the screen. "The same on this side. Doesn't quite match with the heart I have on the visual. Can it be... but it can't... but..." Dr. Jiu pressed the probe a bit further at the right side of Victoria's abdomen, appearing to be in search of something that seemed to be deliberately eluding her. A few more seconds of tense silence followed. Then, on the screen, a second shape slowly came into view, mirroring the first one. "It's twins! There, see:: 2 separate sacs and 2 embryos, and 2 heartbeats!" The doctor announced the unexpected news.

Victoria and Nichkhun tore their eyes away from the monitor, their gazes locking in shared astonishment. The doctor, however, began to frown.

"But what's wrong?" Nichkhun's worry was palpable in his voice, as he voiced out the question for both him and Victoria.

"Hmmm... The second heartbeat is a bit slower than the first. Still somewhat near the normal rate for twin pregnancies, but we better take precautions, I suggest. Or it may get worse and destabilize both of the embryos." the doctor explained, her professional demeanor providing a necessary anchor in the midst of the surprising revelation. Victoria's hand instinctively found Nichkhun's, their fingers interlocking as they shared a silent moment of connection.

Back at the consultation desk, the doctor prescribed miscarriage preventive medicine via injection straight into Victoria’s abdomen for another week. They had to return the following week to monitor the second embryo's heartbeat.

"I'll teach your husband how to administer the shots–" The doctor began, referring to Nichkhun, but Victoria quickly interjected, "He's not–umm, I can handle it–"

The doctor, with a playful and challenging raised brow, turned to Nichkhun, who looked grateful to the elderly doctor for understanding and sympathizing with his situation. "Let's give him something to do and share the burden of the pregnancy; we can't let him have it too easy, can we?" she winked at Victoria.

"I suggest you have the shot at night. Lie down in bed, just relax, and let him do the difficult job." Dr. Jiu beamed. "Mind you, my dear, it's gonna be uncomfortable, the shot, that's why I recommend taking it before sleeping." The motherly OB-GYN specialist then proceeded to demonstrate to Nichkhun how to administer the injection with the help of a dummy sample.

Handing off the prescription and new sonogram to the expectant parents, the doctor added, "Oh, and just like the last time; avoid ual intercouse, ok? Don't worry, it's only until the heartbeat is stabilized for the twins. We'll know that soon enough next week. Just hang in there." Dr. Jiu's hearty laughter boomed in the room as she noticed Victoria was too embarrassed to answer and just quietly sat, her cheeks blushing crimson. Nichkhun's ears lit an extra bright red as he nodded at the doctor on behalf of both of them.

As they left the hospital, Victoria couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions—joy at the revelation of twins, worry about the second heartbeat, and a newfound sense of closeness with Nichkhun as they faced this new challenge together.

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Thanks for reading. Khuntoria, fighting!


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mayoomon #1
Continue this story, please
naranari #2
Chapter 24: Another chapter pleaseeee
lovecome96 #3
Chapter 24: Aww. This chapter is very cute and lovely. Thank you. Hope things will go well with them.
mayoomon #4
Chapter 24: So lovely chapter. Thank you.
mayoomon #5
Chapter 22: Thank you for new chapter.
mayoomon #6
Chapter 22: Thank you for new chapter.
mayoomon #7
Chapter 19: Nichkhun is getting worse but the story is more curious.
mayoomon #8
Chapter 15: Thank you for continuous update.
mayoomon #9
Hey,I enjoyed your story. Please continue.
lovecome96 #10
Chapter 6: Hi,
I really enjoy reading your fiction so please keep it up.
Hope you have a great time writing this fiction about Khuntoria. I know it’s been a while but I still love them 🥰