Chapter 8

Hello! falling star

Chapter 8: we lost the sun set now I don’t know what to do…

txt: lost summer



Waking up in the morning, Soobin stretched his arm taking away the laziness, usually Yeonjun wakes up early then him and wake him up, today he wakes up by the alarm, did he get angry? He knew yesterday he was awake and listened to him but…


Soobin was shocked seeing the bed next to him empty, no not just the bed that was empty everything belongs to Yeonjun was gone, even the last sticker on the wall, the room looked like he was living all alone since day one, at that time Soobin knew even Yeonjun decide to leave like the others...

he can’t blame him, he should blame himself…He starts to cry his heart out alone…

Feeling the world turn against him again, he has nothing to do, he will go back to whatever he was living first… in fact he was thinking of giving up…

He walked at the school corridor not interested into talking to anyone, but this is life some told him a good morning, and he replied with a fake smile, when he goes to the cafeteria for a breakfast some guys did sit next to him. And that make him think of Yeonjun words when he said he will be an extra in his story… the character been developed and they disappear…


Feeling the urge to cry again, he didn’t feel like eating, he excused himself walking away and throwing all his food in the trash.


First Lecture passed, the second Yeonjun was supposed to be in the same one as him, but he didn’t come.

“You look so depressed today are you okay Soobin?”

“Am good Junkyu, i didn’t sleep much that’s it” he lied, but it is funny how Junkyu who stuck in Yeonjun presence still talking to him, he didn’t say bad things about him yet?

“Did you talk with Yeonjun?” Soobin asked out of curiosity

“Emm…” Junkyu thought about it a little “Yeonjun?”

Soobin nodded

“Emm… am not sure what are you talking about”

Soobin knew that Yeonjun didn’t talk to him YET, but it is fine. at some point all the hate will come back.

at the lunch time, one of Yeonjun friends came too sitting next to him since they sit next each other several times in the past week.

“Soobin, Soobin how was your day?” He said acting happy “I like today serving, its meatballs”

Soobin smiled at him but need to ask because he was worried Yeonjun will be in kind of shock since he left like he was a ghost “HueningKai, did you see Yeonjun today?”

“Yeonjun? Who is that?” HueningKai said confused looking at him

Soobin grimaced at him “is he that mad at me?”

“Who?” HueningKai asked more confused “I don’t know anyone named Yeonjun!”

Feeling little angry of the joke Yeonjun asked them to do to him

'it is fine' he kept telling himself. But they are mocking him? Yes, he sees creatures, monsters, ghosts but PEOPLE are excluded. That joke went too far… acting like he was seeing him alone and others doesn't? it was too far to the point he went back to his room not having the mood to finish all the classes of the day and hid himself in his empty room…






Last night:


*thump* *thump*

Yeonjun felt his heart going to be taken out from him…

*thump* *thump*

What happening? Why he feels like he is about to die in this body? A sudden vibration he felt in the ground, he looked at Soobin who was in the other bed, he tried to call but his voice wasn’t even been going out, he clinches on his cloths near his heart…


*thump* *thump*


Feeling the place suffocating,he saw his body getting faded


He thought knowing something isn’t human going on, but everything suddenly changed, and his body wa now in a closed round area he knows by heart with the seven angles seats at teh highest point of that area.

First thing he did was to stand and kneel on one knee looking down because whoever sitting up there were higher than him for sure, were the original skyworld leaders


“Explain yourself protector”


Yeonjun heard a voice from above talking to him, he said “permission to speak”

“Permission granted”

“I was waiting patiently for the SkyWorld to fix whatever happen, I failed my exam, yet I found myself in one of the human multi-universes, without bracelet or anything, I am asking for an explanation to my situation” Was he going to have the blame and act scared, no that not him, the court is a serious matter, and he didn’t do anything wrong…


“He is saying the truth”

“What about the failing?”


That when Yeonjun knew that not in his own good, “what about it?”


“You kept failing for many times even if you are skilled to kill a 3rd rank?”

Yeonjun knew he can’t lie “I wanted to kill the rank 1”

“He is saying the truth”


A sudden silent…


“I admire your braveness, but this isn’t how the rules goes?”

“I believe I did not break any rules, if I did you would have been aware since my second attempt not my 198, yet I still need an explanation for my sudden travel unprepared and even having a prophecy to protect”


Another silent…


“The truth will speak, the protector didn’t break any rule, the prophecy chooses him because he was the only one around worthy the demons rank in that universe…”

“But…no star falls on me…”

“a damaged star falls, but it divided on two, one half went as it should, the other half made a life for you from nowhere to protect it, and with you coming back to the SkyWorld, you fully disappeared”


Yeonjun did look up “does the prophecy still remembers me?”


“Clearly, but none else except him and the other protector if you met him”


So, the Populaire Yeonjun suddenly existed just to protect Soobin who transferred that same day, and after he just open up to him, he disappeared like that… it would seem like he got scared of him, or worse he could be imagining him, Soobin already does feel bad seeing things, and now he will think he start to see imaginary humans too…

Yeonjun clench his fist in anger. But what he can do now, he already came back, and no way to return.


“I can feel your anger”

“Am sorry I felt disappointed, I hope for that universe to find the right protector, thank you for bringing me back”

“It will, good luck in killing the 1st rank void”


Yeonjun bow and turn seeing a door been open behind him, he walked leaving, feeling really sad because of Soobin feelings right now,




Yeonjun stopped turning looking up


“If…I gave you the exam now, would you let all the 198 times you purposely fail to reach the 1st rank and go back?”


Yeonjun remembered his first time he fail, it was his first group ever, they all got a higher rank and succeeded but he got 201 the lowest rank of all and failed, that when he decides that he is not even worth to protect a human life…not even Soobin who had a damage prophecy with a high demon rank that meant to die at the end

“No, I won’t go back, I want the rank 1”


A silent again….







Yeonjun walked alone at the way he was heading at, how can he be that heartless to say out loud he wanted the rank 1 demon, yes that a big achievement, but did he ever thought of what if he can’t beat it? What if he died there?

So, does that mean this is his life now? He looks at the front and saw the school building in front of him…

Now there is no turning back…






“That…a lie”


Yeonjun closed his eyes knowing he did get attached to that sad rabbit for sure “Damn it...”


“I don’t see anyone worth to be in that universe more than him…”

“Are you willing to break the rules?”

“If a prophecy breaks it, I would love to see what will happen…”


“Where to pass the exam?” Yeonjun said determinate


“isn’t this fun, first time seeing something like this…I will give you a bracelet, go and live in that world that chooses you even when you failed, we will see you again in after a lifetime of your prophecy…”






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golden_babyangel #1
Chapter 18: I hope it's not too late to comment, but I only recently happened upon this story, and oh my god! I was hooked till the very end! I read it in like a day! It was such a perfect mix of fantasy, thrill, and wholesomeness ❤️ I absolutely love the plot and how it unfolds! You're amazing!

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