Chapter 18

Hello! falling star

Chapter 18: you're a real one, Teaching me to feel something so strong...

txt : Magic




He wont lie if he said that his heart didn’t skip a beat from the surprise, he looks at the dirty clothes now, but immediately roam with his eyes for who did it! “Y...”

Yeonjun was about to scream on a group of some boys leaving from the loosing school since they are the only one around, but got stopped by Soobin words

“No, don’t fight with them, your arms are already in bad condition”

“You want me to let them go! Are you insane!” Yeonjun tried to pass by him but Soobin stands in front of him preventing him from going “YA! MOVE”

“No, look at your arm, they are already scratched and red because of the ball been hitting you for the last two hours!”

Yeonjun look at Soobin who step away from his personal space now, looking down at his arms, Yeonjun who didn’t actually feel any pain look at his arms, a normal human would have definitely gone to the hospital! he looks at the group who left now and huffs in anger, but also, he saw Soobin leaving with fast steps!

he wonders why he is kind of nice to him lately! First at the cafeteria now here! Did he forgive him? No, maybe he is just grateful because he helped his ‘new’ friends!







“so you asking me…” HueningKai was sitting on Yeonjun bed in the middle of the night crossing his arms trying to get what Yeonjun was telling him “why is Soobin acting so nice to you?”

Yeonjun nodded “it happened during the whole…”


-Some day after the match-

Yeonjun was holding a box full of the dancing group uniform, he reached a closed door and wanted to open it but he knows it is impossible so he has to put the box down, but before he reacted someone came and open the door for him “oh thank you!” he said but was surprised it was Soobin who did it and left to catch up with Taehyun and Beomgyu



“Not just that!” Yeonjun complains


-Another day-

This time he was in the library trying to get a book he was just 3 centimeters far, so he didn’t bother to get the chair to grab it, while he was trying to make his body gets taller and when his fingers touched the book other fingers did help to grab it for him, “oh thank…you” it was Soobin again



“Hmm…” HueningKai hummed thinking before he spoke “I think it is kind of obvious he is trying to get closer to you again at this point but…”




“But why? Did he know who you are?” HueningKai gasp with the last sentence

“I don’t think he did? You think he does? No!” Yeonjun didn’t think about it like that

“But in both cases, if he is knowing who you are he want to be close, and if he doesn’t, he still wants to be close to you! The real question here are you?”

Thinking about it Yeonjun who did give up to the point he stopped chasing demons lately, and also for his situation to not be worse went in a silence mode

Yeonjun! I guess it is time to clear the misunderstanding” HueningKai tab his shoulder with a nod

Yeonjun look at him with a nod too, maybe he should… didn’t he gave him his word to wait till he talks to him first? Maybe Soobin is giving him hints! he suddenly stands “you are right I go speak with him”

HueningKai was confused seeing him going at this time out of his room “its…midnight!” yet he was curious too so he decides to wait him till he comes back.





Walking to the third floor, Yeonjun was kind of nervous, last time he was excited to say everything but why he is nervous this time? He took a deep breath and walk to the corridor where the room was, all the way to the door that was opened…opened?

Yeonjun raise an eyebrow at the open door, but the room lights were off, and the bed was used, but empty…

Feeling something isn’t right…

On your right

Yeonjun look at his right where another staircase was there, he walked up, he still didn’t take his weapon out yet because he doesn’t want to meet Soobin with it without explanation first! And usually if there is a demon, he would run away from him!

Reaching the last of the stairs he felt the cold breeze coming from it, this must be a door to the rooftop! He thought. when he pushed the door open he made a wide eyes of the scene in front of him “ARE YOU INSANE?” He screamed immediately when he saw Soobin standing on the edge wall of the roof!

Soobin who suddenly look down, like he wasn’t aware of what he was doing turned scared of the view but from Yeonjun view Soobin looked more shocked at something in his side, something that pushed him to the emptiness behind him… wanting to kill him no doubt.


Seeing the prophecy falling the weapon immediately show up in front of him, not only that he can clearly now see the demon that was standing near Soobin a tall and a thin thing with a jaw dropped all the way from his face to the ground, an unpleasant view no doubt, but a rank 5 a dream taker, it is a rare kind but too slow and easy to kill.

He step a step and show up on the edge near that thing, at that exact same time the chain went around the demon neck, while his feet jumped from the roof to reach who was falling… faster then a blink of an eye he was near Soobin, in another blink of an eye he was on the ground holding him all safe and sound

“Are you okay?” He said out of concerned from the shock of near death he experienced… because he was looking at him so shocked

Yeonjun who had his chain still around the neck of the demon who is screaming in a very ugly sound up there stands straight and pull the chain down with the demon falling but disappearing at the same time

Yeonjun turn back to see Soobin standing too…





From Soobin point of view, he was having a very happy dream, when he heard a scream bringing him back to the reality and the view of the hard fall he was about to jump at, he turned scared to see who yells that, he did notice Yeonjun there but the ugly thing that was near him take his full attention, especially when he moved his hand and pushed him to the nothing but dead fall direction….


Soobin felt everything in a slow motion at the time, before he fully start to be thrown his eyes went back to Yeonjun who was looking at him, thinking if he should have been nicer to him? He wanted that friendship back after he kept his words and show his good side!

But it is too late…


He felt the breeze of the air when he was on his way down all what he can see now was the sky…and…


‘Why is Yeonjun jumping after him? IS HE CRAZY?’


But he suddenly disappeared…’what?’…his mind was having a block seeing him suddenly next to him folding his arms on him, and…

How and when they even reached the ground?


“Are you okay?”


Soobin couldn’t reply since he was in shock! Not from the fall, but from Yeonjun face with that black eye and marks… it was him? He saw Yeonjun standing with the chain sound…




Soobin wanted to say many things…but again…he felt like his energy got drained… ‘no not again’… he doesn’t want to faint, what if he wakes up to find him disappearing again since he saw his identity, he pushed himself up trying to stay awake, he saw Yeonjun turning to look at him…with those marks spreading more on his face and left side now, but knowing he can’t stay awake anymore he said whatever come to his mind for him to stay…

“Please be there when I wake up!!”

With that he closed his eyes surrendering to the dark side.











“You slept in my room? Yes, I spend the night in Soobin room, yes, yea, ok I will see you in class…”

Soobin who starts to gain his conscious was hearing a familiar voice talking, ‘wait…yeonjun…’ he jolted up immediately from his bed looking around because the voice he was hearing is…


“Good morning!” Yeonjun who was sitting on the next bed, that used to be his smiled awkwardly, Not knowing what to say exactly...he stayed silent…

“You spent the night here? Awake?”

Yeonjun look down kind of shy and speaks fast “youtoldmeto…

“You…why you left?” Soobin asked the question that he supposed to have asked days ago, but he assumed he was making fun of him

“that day…no…” Yeonjun spoked “..that night when you told me the truth, I was going to tell you who I am…to you… but I got taken away by our leaders because am not supposed to be here”

Soobin who tried to understand everything now asked “not supposed to be here?”

“Yes, we have this universal life time exam to be able to go down to earths, I failed mine yet your star chooses me even If I did fail, so I was a mistake by the SkyWorld, but now I got permission and am here till I die or you die”

Soobin nodded understanding his situation “sorry, I should have listened to you”

“it’s okay, you thought I did it on purpose” Yeonjun tried to make it clear that he isn’t mad anymore, somehow just a conversation with him, made him forget all the bad ideas he had before

“Even so…I should have been smarter, since you came back, I start having peaceful nights, you kept an eye on me every night, you saved me every time and I was the bad one…”

‘’no…” Yeonjun cut him in his sentence “just forget it, it was my duty”

“I am sorry”

Yeonjun smiled “its okay!”

“Also…are you okay? I mean those black things” Soobin wanted to ask the question since he saw it spreading on his skin because of him again

“I still don’t know what exactly is that, but it getting worse every time I eat a demon”

“That demon you killed that night, he told you, you are turning to one of them, is it true?” Soobin was worried

“It said that? I don’t remember!” Yeonjun wonder if it that night when he was drunk "turning to a demon..."

“Wait eat?” just realising the word Soobin felt kind of disgust “You eat them?”

“Absorb their energy is the normal expression to use” Yeonjun smiled awkwardly “I think you should be prepared for classes, me too, I will be leaving”

Soobin saw Yeonjun starting to stand and heading to the door saying that “are we going to talk to each other again?” he asked because he doesn’t know their situation now should he greet him? Talk to him? Ignore him?

Yeonjun look at his arm and take the bracelet from his wrist “will you accept me as you protector?”

At that time Soobin know how he felt rejected, his heart hurt so much “Yeonjun…I am really sorry”

Yeonjun expression changed to a shock, to a disappointment thinking he refused him for the second time, he immediately put his hand away and turned to leave…

“NO!” Soobin who gets that his apologize was in the wrong timing runs up from the bed grabbing Yeonjun arm “i was apologizing because I throw it away at the first time, I wasn’t rejecting you”

Yeonjun who understands said an “oh” and since Soobin was holding him, he took that arm and put the bracelet on it.

Once it was on Soobin wrist it did sparkle, and Yeonjun weapon show up automatically in front of him “em?” Yeonjun wonder why it show up. That when Soobin saw how his face was truly start looking like those upper rank as beomgyu explaind demons he counters.

“I wish I can help you, like you did to me” Soobin said putting his hand on Yeonjun face wanting to feel those unwanted marks.

Once he touched his cheek Yeonjun felt a pain, like it burns his skin “aahg!” he screamed falling back from that touch

“What!?” Soobin was shocked but he did notice the bracelet in his hand did sparkle too

“It hurts!” he said touching his face trying to cool it

Soobin looks at him kind of shocked “your face…” he said wanting to touch Yeonjun again

“YA!” Yeonjun stepped backwards “stay away”

But Soobin insisted “give me your hand”


“Trust me!”

Yeonjun hesitated but he didn’t move he saw Soobin wanting to take his hand, and once he did, the pain he felt was so much for him to handle “AAGH!” he wanted to take his hand away, but Soobin didn’t let go, gritting his teeth not wanting to hurt Soobin if he pushed him away, he yells in anger “LET GO!”

“Your’s disappearing…”

He heard Soobin saying but he couldn’t hold it, he tried with little force to push him,

but Soobin gets more closer holding him in a hug “I don’t want you to turn to a demon, please hold it a little” does he know something about this? No? but somehow, he just felt it is right! Was it the connection Beomgyu said before between the prophecy and his protector? If he is the cure for Yeonjun demon like sickness, he would be more then happy to be useful for him, but it still makes his heartache hearing the screams of pain he was having hiding his face in his chest…

was it the longest 5 minutes ever? Yes! But even with the weapon out his arm that he was holding with full black marks were now normal…

both of them were now on the ground! Soobin heard the heavy breath, he loosens the hug to see Yeonjun face was a normal one, but he was all sweating and looks tired like he had a session of exorcism.

“You are okay now!”

Soobin said and Yeonjun just nodded accepting whatever at this point…Soobin smiled hugging him again, “thank god!” happy he is fine.

and From tiredness, Yeonjun was the one who closed his eyes now, resting his body on the prophecy he always wanted to become close to again....and it felt kind of felt...heartwarming...









“No wonder the star chooses him, it is a rare star indeed to can heal a demon cursed weapon”

“A star can’t be wrong, but its destiny can’t be changed either”

“It chooses that protector to change it, I think these two will surprise even you 7th of the truth! I bet on them”









The End!.




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golden_babyangel #1
Chapter 18: I hope it's not too late to comment, but I only recently happened upon this story, and oh my god! I was hooked till the very end! I read it in like a day! It was such a perfect mix of fantasy, thrill, and wholesomeness ❤️ I absolutely love the plot and how it unfolds! You're amazing!

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