Chapter 2

Hello! falling star

Chapter 2: he’s whispering Give up don’t put up a fight…, said the devil

txt: devil by the window



“Nothing seems wrong?”

He was looking blankly at a human woman that was putting lights in his eyes.

“Doctor, he didn’t remember my name!”

One guy dragged him all the way from that sport field to here spoked, but all he got was a suspicious look from the woman in white, saying…

“Ya Yeonjun, are you trying to skip classes?”

Again, that name? he looks at the guy who brought him “my name is Yeonjun?” asking the question who make the woman who she is a doctor for sure looking angry yet she said in defeat...

“Okay FINE skip it! It is only one hour left anyway, take him to his room and make sure he will have a rest”


leaving that place, the guy who was walking next to him frown “is she even a doctor, no wonder we all hate her right?”


But he didn’t even bother to listen because his mind was in deep thoughts, usually when a star meets the protector, it gives every detail on their supposed to be live, but to begin with he failed the exam and he didn’t have the bracelet to be connected with the prophecy, and no star chooses him, all he got was a hit by a wave of his young friend star!!!

how did he end up here?

What he should do?

How he can go back?

He must be dreaming? But they don’t even dream! He slapped his face with his both hands “what should I do?” seeing the one next to him jumped scared from his action, “oh I scared you?”

“Yeonjun’ah! You really don’t remember? I will be in big trouble if you don’t!”



The human screamed dramatically, but generally he looks so friendly as human, same age and also easy to fool!

“How about…we don’t tell anyone am not remembering and you help me out to not look dumb, till I get my memories back!”

The guy face brightened “for real?”

“Yeah! am sure it won’t be that long”

“If you are fooling me…”

“What am I going to gain?”

“Nothing actually!”

“So, it’s a deal!”

“Yes, Deal!”

The two shake their hands in agreement, when he start with some basic information like…

Name: choi Yeonjun

School Major: Engineering – Mathematics

Clubs: Dance – music – volleyball – Math

Best friend: Everyone

Love: talking

Hate: crying

Good at: Everything



“198! hahaha” he laughed at the number in the dorm room he is supposed to be staying at

“yeah! search for the keys in your bag, also you live alone! Lucky you don’t have any roommates”

“What your name?”

“Oh, me! Am HueningKai you can call me Kai everyone does, am not with you in all the classes except math, sport and chemics, my number is in your phone already, call me when you wake up okay?”

He nodded seeing the boy named Kai leaving, he enters the room thinking of his training multi times, adjusting won’t be a problem at all, but he sure needs to find a way to solve this mistake. He looks around and saw a side of the room been filled with supposed to be his stuff, and the other one empty with just a bed.

“He must be respecting spaces so well even if he lives alone” He commented on the person he lives his life, walking to a mirror and seeing his face “what a relief it is the same!”

He looks around and went to lock the door, he went to the window and put on the curtains making the room darker, he put his hand in front of him and his two ends-chain daggers weapon show up in front of him lightening the room. he smiled seeing that his power still working in case he will need it but he had no star from the prophecy? Is that mean He doesn’t need to protect anyone?

“All this is not supposed to be happening, how can I communicate with the SkyWorld?”


*Knock* *knock*


Hearing the knock on the door, he jumped scared of the sudden knock, and his weapon immediately disappeared. he looks around clear his throat and went to the door unlocking it open with “yes?” his eyes went immediately to the tag name on the guy who knocked jacket ‘head department student Park Han bin’

“Yeonjun’ah, I need your help”

The guy went in without hesitation, pouting, and even making a sad face

“With?” he tried to ask politely because this guy he lives in his place definitely have a social life

“The principal bringing a transferred student to our school”

“I don’t see the problem here?”

The guy who just interrupt his private space rolled his eyes “it is a student with anxiety, social distance, violence and self-harm past, he got expelled from so many schools because of the negative crazy attitude”

Not knowing what his help in the subject he asked again “and why we accepted him?”

“Because he is from the founder’s family, first they hid him now since he has no place to go, they brought him here and you should deal with it”


“Me you the school”

“Why me?”

“Because you are living alone, Am sorry”

“Why are you?”

“Because I said to the principal, we have an excellent social person who can be his roommate and I mentioned your name even when there are empty rooms available”


“I swear I didn’t know before his situation”

“So, he is my new roommate?”

“Yoenjun’ah, you know I will do anything for you just sign you accepted”

quickly he gave him a paper to sign it, he looks at it and look up repeating what written “taking full responsibility knowing the full situation in any case of getting hurt or depressed?”


“Okay…” he did some scratches signing that paper because come on! he won’t have anything of that. He saw the guy face was happy after he signed it, but also leaving immediately scared he might change his mind.


“Where were we”

He was about to take out his weapon again when his door got knocked again

“Damn it”

He said little angry opening and seeing some asking how he was, he remembered the faces from the sport field “Am fine, I will just have some sleep now” with that they left, he locked the door, and was about to take his daggers again, when someone else knocked again…

When that guy named HueningKai said his best friend is EVERYONE he didn’t lie about that, because he felt like he opened that door for more than the times he failed the exam

“Why he has to be this social?”

He gave up on trying his powers and went to his supposed to be bed, sitting on it, and even laying down. Somehow, he was feeling tired, so tired, but he knows that traveling between universes take so much energy and he need to restore it.

He closed his eyes, and fall in a deep sleep…



Give up don’t put up a fight…



He opened his eyes, looking at the ceiling,

“What was that?”

He said finding himself in the same position as he lay down before, he stretched his arm and pushed himself to a sitting position…


He said surprisede looking at the bed next to him seeing a boy looking at him, hugging his knees next to his chest in the far corner, with red eyes like he was crying, and if not mistaken he was even shaking

“Hi am Yeonjun, let be friends”

He tried to be ‘friendly’ and waved to the boy saying the only thing he himself know about himself

“Are you okay?”

but the boy just took his blanket and lay down fast hiding under it, giving him his back

“Okay!” he put his arm down and since he was fully charged now, he needs to make research to know who this Yeonjun is, and best place is here, his bedroom, full of his things.





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golden_babyangel #1
Chapter 18: I hope it's not too late to comment, but I only recently happened upon this story, and oh my god! I was hooked till the very end! I read it in like a day! It was such a perfect mix of fantasy, thrill, and wholesomeness ❤️ I absolutely love the plot and how it unfolds! You're amazing!

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