Chapter 6

Hello! falling star

Chapter 6: Save me

txt: Can’t you see me



Yeonjun who was eating his breakfast, look behind him and saw his roommate Soobin behind him too in the raw, he smiled to him, yet he went to eat his breakfast with the dancing team.

He was sitting in the first lecture when he saw Soobin again passing by the class windows, He was at the second lecture and they were in the same class, walking in the school campus he was little far away, at the next table in lunch period, at the music club, even in the library when he just went with Junkyu to find a book for some project he had.

Yeonjun doubt Soobin was following him around, but he doesn’t even look at him, so he shrugs it with the maybe same schedule today? You never know!

The classes finally ended when HueningKai was walking with Yeonjun after meeting him at the same direction the two were heading at “ready for another hit to get your memory back?”

Yeonjun laughed at the joke, “volleyball at 8pm? sports need to be in the morning for us to have energy, no?”

“True, but physics, math need more energy than hitting a ball am sure”

“Am not a plan maker or something right?”

 An awkward laugh came out from HueningKai before he said “You are the setter”


“Yeonjun’ah are you okay? Yeonjun’ah” HueningKai teased when he gets the silent reply

“What are you?”

“The decoy!”





Going to the sport field some students were sitting in the bleachers chitchatting while watching the official volleyball team of the school training, it was a random thing to do and pass time at the school campus, but Yeonjun look at the far corner seeing AGAIN his roommate there looking at them while drinking a juice chilling…

“Is it a coincidence again?”

But even so he doesn’t know his schedule or he is one of the team, right? So let just focus on the game.


Dividing themselves on two teams, this time HueningKai was with him, they smiled at each other and start the game, the first match went smoothly, and they won every single shot he decided to give as a setter, the coach was amazed to the point he makes a bet if they could make 4 out of 5 matches with 21 and more than 4-point gab he will order a pizza box for each one in the winning team. If they failed the other team will automatically get it


“Yeonjun, we count on you”

Yeonjun smiled at the cheering of everyone, he was determinate to win for sure, especially because the price is FOOD and it is PIZZA, he always hears it is a human number one favorite food, he needs to try it for sure.

3 matches were a success and the last one was going smoother, but a sudden loud voice interrupted his game…




Open hearing the loud voice he immediately turns to a direction behind the school building where the voice came from “what was that?” he said missing the ball

All the players look at him, and HueningKai asked “Yeonjun are you okay?”

“You didn’t hear that?”

“What?” HueningKai looked confused “I didn’t hear anything”

the teacher yells when he saw the game stopped “everything okay?”

 “Yes coach” HueningKai glare at Yeonjun, “let focus, okay?”

Trying to ignore that loud weird voice and focus on the game his eyes went to the crowd watching, seeing no one bothered with it, not even his roommate, so did he imagine it? Or it something beyond human?





when the match was about to end, a deliveryman was already there, the coach did keep his promise and they were so happy to get the price.

“Yeonjun you were in god mode, good job”

“Yeonjun is the best”

He smiled at the teammates who were cheering for him but he shrugs it, “it all of us, you guys make the shots we all deserve it”

He took his pizza box and was so excited to eat it, but seeing everyone leaving already he decide to take it too, (he thought maybe they left to not give the loosing team a piece for sure)

Yeonjun take a look at the crowed and saw Soobin picking his things too, he said his goodnights to the team and run to the bleachers from down “Ya! Rabbit you like Pizza?” he saw his roommate looking at him but nodded with confused look of what he called him

“If you are free, Let’s go back together” Yeonjun said with a smile






Walking to the dorms Soobin look at the Pizza he was holding “why am I the one carrying it?”

“Am tired I worked hard to win it you know” Yeonjun said with a pout, but for real why did he even bother to go to him and ask him to walk back together? Does he still feel pity for him being all alone?

“You were so good no doubt” Soobin said

Yeonjun looks surprised at him didn’t expect the compliment, “really? Did I look cool?”

“Not cool, but professional” Soobin said calmly

“Professional is good too, by the way, I saw you around so many times today” Yeonjun didn’t drop his smile at all saying that “like everywhere”

“Oh, for real? I saw you at the field” Soobin acted so normal

Yeonjun felt like he is mocking him “come on, it’s not like I am stalking you or something, I just thought we have the same schedule today”

“Aaah, maybe” Soobin nodded

“Also, by any chance, did you hear any BAAM around the 4th match?” Yeonjun was still confused about that voice, was he the only one hearing that?

“Bam?” Soobin shakes his head a no, “all I heard was the poor ball being hit”





“So delicious” Yeonjun felt the taste in his mouth like he was falling in love. he leans down on the side bed, because the two put the pizza box between the two beds and sits on the ground eating it.

“You do like food that much?”  Soobin asked because the guy always acted in love hearing it or eating it

“I live for food I guess” Yeonjun commented with a full mouth “nothing making me have patient staying in this world except of the food”

Soobin laughed thinking it is a metaphor, but it was fact for Yeonjun

“You? Anything you like?”

Soobin thought about it “Emm… I was obsessed once with watching anime, I stopped”

“Why? All got bored”

Soobin felt little bothered “I guess I have my own story now”

“But…what is your story?” Yeonjun didn’t know if he should ask, but he did anyway.


He got the silent as an answer, so he didn’t want to push the subject any further he just kept eating the food

“Something I prefer to keep it to myself” Soobin replied after a deep thinking

“It is fine, we all have secrets” Yeonjun said with a smile changing the subject “Oh am full” he crawled to his bed and lean on it

“You are not taking a shower?” Soobin asked and Yeonjun hid his face under the pillow

“After, after”

“Stand up!”

“After Rabbit after”

“Stop calling me that!”

“But… you look…like those I kept killing … at the void…when…I was…in the SkyWorld…”

Soobin looks at the boy who start saying unreasonable things, closing his eyes, having a mental shut down. He stands and took the blanket and put It on Yeonjun smiling at how he did fall a sleep immediately, then start cleaning the mess the two made.

It was funny how Yeonjun was so calm asking him how he saw him all day around, fact he was following him to see if his theory is correct. and he saw nothing today, whatever following him, this new roommate named Yeonjun is the opposite of him, they run away from him like he expected.

So, he does have a new goal, and it is to be friend with him, maybe best friend to let him by his side the rest of the year? Yes, it is greedy, selfish, and so inappropriate especially the guy is so good to him, but what he can do? He wants to live every day like today, nothing to be bothered with just the normal youth problems.






Opening his eyes in the morning, Soobin who had a good sleep felt the shuffles in the room, he looks around aware if it something else, but saw Yeonjun wearing his clothes and looking at the mirror while arranging his hair.

“Good morning” Soobin said in a lazy way

“Sorry did I wake you up? Am early I have a friendly math competition in another school” Yeonjun explain

“Math? Aren’t you in the volleyball club?”

“Apparently am in the math club, dancing club and music club too”


“We only live once, right?” Yeonjun said waving and going outside the room “See you when I come back”


Soobin who been left alone huffs knowing his safe zone is leaving the school, but somehow, it felt different because this time he knows it just for a short time then he will be safe again. Also, it is the morning, the creatures of the night are the worse kind, so he will be fine.




First class passed, and he didn’t see anything, he felt something is weird, how he didn’t see a thing?

Second class passed, he didn’t counter any creature

Lunch time arrived… the cafeteria looked so clean from any creepy things

“isn’t this little weird?”  he talked to himself taking his plate and sit on a random empty table eating his food, did he stop seeing things? If yes, it means that Yeonjun wasn’t the reason for him to not encounter anything yesterday! He felt confused of what he should believe. He finished his plate and headed toward the washroom; pushing the door in, he entered seeing a student washing his hands, standing next to him he washed his hands too.

The boy smiled and went outside the restroom, pulling the door but when it wanted to auto close it got slammed close. Soobin looks at the washroom door, and noticed the guy who just left trying to open it from outside.

“Oh, damn it got stuck”

He heard the boy saying from outside, “what?” Soobin said walking to the door and try to open it but it didn’t open “Ya! Can’t you open it?”

“Am sorry it wasn’t me it just got slammed”

Soobin tried, but no use, he looks at the small restrooms inside and they were all empty, no one is inside except him, and what worse than being in a locked washroom?

“I will call the janitor to fix it wait…”

What he needs to do except from waiting?

It passed 10 minutes and nothing heard, no one tried to go in, no one came back to open it for him, since he was still standing near the door, he tried to open it again, but no use, he knocks calling…

“Anyone there?”

 He knocked again and again


But nothing heard from outside, not even the guy who went to bring help! So he did start to knock aggressively to take the attention of anyone passing by but no one respond to his calls.

“Anyone please helps! hello anyone there?”


wE eeeh…. aRe eeeh… HeRe…


hearing a very unhuman weird voice behind him, he didn’t dare to turn at first, but what he can do? he slowly turn to see at the far side of that restroom, something like a black ink start falling from the ceiling, and every drop at the floor make a hole another drop next to it and the hole gets bigger and bigger… he turned knocking and trying to open that door like a crazy “ANYONE PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR”  he yells turning to look back at that hole seeing something trying to go out from it but it was slow and stained in the black ink, that thing was like a human skull but it crawled slowly out with no legs.

“No, no, no…” he repeated seeing the worst part

the ceiling now was having more than one place dropping that black ink… and more than one was coming out.

He turned knocking and knocking and even hitting the door desperately “ANYONE CAN HEAR ME? HELP, SOMEONE PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR”







“Even with no memory you still did pretty good” HueningKai said in the bus coming from the friendly match

“I told you it coming back” Yeonjun said smiling at HueningKai

“He better be good, or I will throw him out of the club” Taehyun said huffing and looking angry

“Taehyun…” HueningKai defended “…maybe a 'good job' is fine, since Beomgyu couldn’t participate”

Taehyun rolled his eyes

“No worried Kai, it his way to say don’t forget the math club beside other fun clubs”

HueningKai look at him surprised “now THAT something Yeonjun always says, am happy you are coming back”

“Am really sorry to let you all alone today” the guy named Beomgyu interrupted looking miserably sick

“You should have rested not come to the competition” Yeonjun replied “it was friendly after all”

“He goes whenever Taehyun goes remember?” HueningKai said like it is obvious

“Still, not in his conditions he looks like he fought demons last night” Yeonjun said that and HueningKai laughed but the two Taehyun and Beomgyu look at each other little serious

The bus arrived at the school, and everyone gets down taking their own direction, but for Yeonjun it is lunch time, so he should go to the cafeteria no doubt!

He walked in the cafeteria seeing the place was full, but the line was empty, he smiled happy wanting to take the plate but stopped midway,




the smile dropped and he went in a frozen state “What was that?”



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golden_babyangel #1
Chapter 18: I hope it's not too late to comment, but I only recently happened upon this story, and oh my god! I was hooked till the very end! I read it in like a day! It was such a perfect mix of fantasy, thrill, and wholesomeness ❤️ I absolutely love the plot and how it unfolds! You're amazing!

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