Chapter 11

Hello! falling star

Chapter 11: Good boy, Gone bad...





Yeonjun and HueningKai were sitting in Yeonjun dorm room, as he promised he went and bought a meal but for HueningKai it was kind of strange

“I don’t know how you managed to buy this, you need to go there they have no home delivery, and we can’t leave the school without permission” HueningKai was confused but still happy about it “No wonder you came back this late but this…” he looks at the beer in his hands which Yeonjun did bought as drinks “this is something else, why this?” he looks at Yeonjun who squeezes when tasting it

“I asked what the best drink to celebrate and they gave me this” Yeonjun was looking at it amazed reading the name of the brand “it’s terrible but good at the same time”

HueningKai wonder if he actually clueless or acting like one not knowing the drinks is a type of alcohol, but who cares the two were actually celebrating and it is too late to back off, the two enjoyed the first Can, the second one, the third… chitchatting… but mostly HueningKai who was talking before he starts asking questions

“But tell me Yeonjun’ah! Why you became so agressive lately…?” HueningKai was drunk at this point, and Yeonjun wasn’t better than him, the two make another cheering drinking.

“I…” Yeonjun said stopping thinking of his own words “…can I be honest?” he saw HueningKai nodding “I don’t know either, it getting worse and worse since I came back from the SkyWorld, and I know it, but… can I be honest?”

HueningKai nodded again like he was understanding what this conversation means

“But… I think it because of all the demons I kill for Soobin to live and sleep peacefully…”

Yeonjun was mumbling all the truth and huffing too, and HueningKai was huffing with him, like he feels it.

“I know my weapon isn’t the good type, it doesn’t kill the demon it absorbs them with all the negative and dark energy, but I want to be stronger it is a damaged prophecy… what if I met a rank 2 or worse 1? I can’t let him die, no?”

 HueningKai gasps “No one can help you out?”

“No one can” Yeonjun frown “all I get is someone stealing him from me, they even hug now; I feel bad I thought he will be happy with me coming back, but he was already happy with someone else” he hit his heart multi times

“How dare he?” HueningKai pressed on the can feeling angry even if he doesn’t even know

“Right? I have all the right to hate him! And that Soobin, I left EVERYTHING I did for dozens of years to be a legend and I came back for him to tell me at the end to stay away I DON’T LIKE HIM” Yeonjun yells some words in his sentence

“No Yeonjun it all because of the dark energy”

Yeonjun look at him thinking a little “right, I think you are right” he giggles

“Are you happy?” HueningKai smiled when seeing him giggle

Yeonjun nodded closing his eyes “yea… Kai you want to see my weapon?” he stands swaying right and left, laughing at how he can’t stand straight

HueningKai was anticipating what he was going to take out…

Yeonjun put his right hand in front of him and his weapon show up out of nowhere, along with those new black veins…but once he grabs it his face change…


Something is out there…


Yeonjun with his drunk state felt something is near… he can feel the demons once he activates his weapon…

He walked to the door but stopped, “no-one should see me” He said going to his closet with unstable footsteps and take his hoodie and face mask wearing them fast “Kai I go kill a demon and I come back feel free to sleep here”

HueningKai nodded cheering for him “go show them who’s the boss” standing and throwing his body on the empty bed in the room sleeping immediately.





Yeonjun walked the corridor of the dorms, his weapon was hidden under his hoodie, but the chain voice was been heard with his steps… “why that drink is so strong…” he said little uneasy because at this state and he will fight, he shake his head so many times to stay awake walking to the direction where he feels the presence getting stronger more and more… once his legs reached the third floor and not the outside, his heart raced a little thinking of who lives there, with the thought  the footsteps switched to a little unstable run…


Once he reached the old corridor, he was used to walk with Soobin in it, he felt the demon energy coming from the 7rd room ahead, room number 198…


He said little scared if he is hurt or anything, he runs as fast as he can to the door, but once he was in front of it, he backed off because the door got slammed open and the demon who was there attacks him first, grabbing his neck and pushed him to the wall behind…


I will kill you first…


Under that Hoodie, Yeonjun neck was getting smashed by that demon hand, that thing was in all black-fog but the hand was all black with long ugly nails

a rank 4…

Even when he getting attacked his eyes moved to the inside of the room, when he saw a familiar scene that he saw before. Soobin was breathing hardly on the ground…like something was shocking him.

Remembering the time when he came and saw him like that before thinking he shocked himself, Yeonjun look at that black-fog

“It was you last time!”

The hate he felt for that thing was more than real…

and that thing felt it

it felt that it grip wasn’t a big deal for him… so it throws him on the side far in that corridor, to run away like it did before…


The chains clanks….


Yeonjun who was thrown on the floor smirked, when his weapon was now all around that fog, the chain turns around that demon like it was a living snake…and the screams of that thing was hurting the ears of the other demons around… like it was getting melted alive…

“Finally, something worth absorbing”

Yeonjun whispered to his weapon and the fog demon talked screaming in pain




Yeonjun swing his hand up and the dagger in that end of the chain went to that fog demon upper side pointing the sharp side to it



Yeonjun snaps his fingers and the dagger went in, stabbing the fog and it disappeared into nothing…


The chain falls on the ground falling back to it master going to it original small size, Yeonjun wanted to go and check on Soobin, but he saw him breathing, and that is fine, he looks at his arm getting more black marks, what if he saw him like this and thought he is a demon too…

He wasn’t even in a good mind state to explain himself…

He turns around to leave the place but heard…

“Who…are you…”

The voice was talking hardly taking his breath out and in, Yeonjun know it was Soobin…





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golden_babyangel #1
Chapter 18: I hope it's not too late to comment, but I only recently happened upon this story, and oh my god! I was hooked till the very end! I read it in like a day! It was such a perfect mix of fantasy, thrill, and wholesomeness ❤️ I absolutely love the plot and how it unfolds! You're amazing!

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