Chapter 3: Pre- Collaboration

We Got Married In Omegaverse
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Moon Byulyi or Moonbyul was dressed in short-sleeved shirt and a pair of long sweatpants as she bench-pressed twice her weight, her face screwed in concentration as she did her repetition smoothly. Earbuds were in her ears as she listened to MAMAMOO’s music and enjoy the familiar burn of her core muscles.

The bright lights of this functional gym chased away all the shadows. There was no way to know if it was day or night since it did not have a window, just mirrors so that the person using the facilities could monitor their workout.

The mirror in front of her reflected her, her pale face all ruddy from exercise, sweat captured by the sweatband around her head. When she finished her repetitions, she lifted the dumbbells up until there was a soft ’click’ which meant that it was in its resting position.

The silver-haired omega slid nimbly from under the weights, grabbing a towel to wipe the moisture off her face. “They are very good,” muttered Byulyi to herself absently. She could imagine the songs that MAMAMOO could bring to life with their wonderful vocals. “Very talented. I wonder where CEO Kim found them.”

The rapper squirted ice water into before moving to the next station, the leg presses. She climbed into position and proceeded to work her leg muscles. A call interrupted her music and she answered it straightaway with a press of a button.

“Moonbyul-ssi.” The familiar voice of her manager filled her ears. His voice seemed to teem with happiness.

“Yeah, Manager-Oppa? Did something happen?” She continued with her workout, feeling the burn of her thigh muscles. Her heart was pumping from the exertion, something that she was very used to.

“No, I’m calling to check on my charge. The first episode was aired just now. Did you catch it just now?”

“No, I was in the studio, working on another piece of music. Lately, I have been inspired.” Her mind flirted to the uncommonly beautiful alpha in that distinct conservative white dress. Somehow, she felt that Yongsun was even more alluring, all her delectable curves hidden under that white dress. She had the sweetest smile that could brightened a room, an infectious and funny laughter that put anyone at ease.

“A solo album?”

Byulyi shrugged before remembering that he could not see it. “No idea. I haven’t felt so good.”

“That’s a given since you’re not hitting up every club you can find nightly,” answered her manager wryly. “And you are spending time at home resting.”

“Aish, you’re a bore, Oppa. I find inspiration amid the hype-up crowd, the pulsing music, the grating bodies, perfume and pheromones. I don’t know why I am explaining this to you again, Oppa, when you can’t appreciate it.”

“Yes, I don’t understand the pleasure of searching for another paramour among the faceless crowd,” returned the manager dryly. “Now that you have met Solar-ssi, I guess this is a good time to ask. Are you going to accept RBW’s constant wish for a collaboration with you now? They had been asking on behalf of MAMAMOO for a year since they admire your works.”

Byulyi completed another leg press and sat up quickly. “Have they?” Her voice was filled with curiosity and thrill. There were plenty of celebrities who were looking forward to collaborating with her that she had not remember who she had rejected. She wiped her face with a towel, considering the request. “I shouldn’t reject the request of my future spouse huh.” There was levity in her deep voice.

“No, if you want to earn cookie points from her members. I heard that Solar-ssi is very close to her members.”

Her face pinked at the thought of the alpha jumping into her arms in joy after they had escaped from the room. “No, they are indeed very close. Have you not seen all their music award participation and fan meeting? That kind of chemistry cannot be manufactured,” replied Byulyi matter-of-fact.

“Someone has been trying to find out more about their spouse huh?” teased the manger playfully. “That’s good. I’m glad you are interested in Solar-ssi. Less work for me to do.”

“I told you I will be respectful towards my spouse. If MAMAMOO is still interested in a collaboration, I’m cool with it. I can clear my schedule out since I don’t have any pending projects.” Her lips thinned as she recalled her schedule.

“About that. We have an influx of invitation for you to attend talk shows and variety shows after the airing of the first episode. What do you want to do with those invitations?”

“Reject them for the moment. I want to focus on my music and this reality programme I supposed.” The silver-haired omega stood up, stretching her muscles as she did her cool down to conclude her exercise for the day.

“Your fans will not be happy to know that.”

“Don’t you wrong my fans. My fans are the best. They have been patient since 2010. A few more months may not be a bad thing,” answered Byulyi humorously. “Let me know if there is anything important. I’m going to grab a shower.”

“I’ll let you know when MAMAMOO is free for that collaboration.”

The thought of seeing Yongsun in her natural settings cheered her up immediately. “You know, you could suggest that to the WGM team to have our next date in a recording studio. It ought to be a very interesting experience for us.”

“That’s a good suggestion. It would be nice to see you working on a duet together. I can suggest it to the production team. See you.”

Byulyi concluded the call as she used the towel to wipe the sweat off her forehead absently as she padded out of the gym. She turned off the lights and headed for her bedroom.

The minimalist bedroom was designed in very neutral and muted colours of blue and grey. Her large bed that took the centre was on a short platform. The most enchanting feature of her bedroom was her sky window that took up the entire roof of the bedroom. She could just lie down on her bed and admire the stars in the sky.

A well-loved pink rabbit with moon and stars sat in the middle of the bed, guarding it. She doubted its effectiveness in chasing away enemies since it wore a charming smiley face. Her cherry-shaped lips curled into a gentle smile as she flicked its black nose gently. “Looking ever so happy, Sunshine.” She stood at the foot of the bed, staring at it openly. “I have no idea why I named you Sunshine when you have only moon and stars on your body.” She scratched the side of her nose, studying her faithful companion openly. She had this pink bunny soft toy as far as she could remember.

Byulyi shrugged to herself before she grabbed her clothes so that she could enjoy a nice and long soak after a long day of work. When her mobile rang again, it was a confirmed from her manager that MAMAMOO was still willing to collaborate with her and they wanted to know if she could make it the next day. Naturally, she responded with a quick ‘yes’ and they agreed on an afternoon session at her studio. The silver-haired omega cheered to herself, glad that she could see Yongsun so soon after the filming.

For some odd reason, she was thrilled to meet this out-of-the-world alpha. She could only tell her secondary gender due to her irresistible scent. Her mobile beeped again. She hastily drained her tub so that she could pick out her clothes for the next day.

Her heart was fluttering at the thought of seeing Yongsun again in the afternoon. How should she dress? It had been a while since she was so interested in her appearance, as if she was dressing up to meet someone important. Casual? She did not want to seem too forward. Manager-oppa had cautioned her to be more subtle in her approach since Yongsun had not dated for a while.

The silver-haired woman sighed, scrubbing her face. No Thom Browne suits then. Those were too formal. She wanted to be attractive, hopefully captivating her future spouse. She marched to her walk-in wardrobe and began scanning her clothes with a meticulousness that she applied to her composition.

Her silver brows were narrowed as she studied each article of clothing solemnly. She would draw the ones that she like and pressed it against her body to see if it worked before she returned the piece.

Dress shirts? Too formal. Hoodies? Too hot. T-shirts? Too casual.

Her mobile rang incessantly, and she answered without checking her ID. The light and feminine voice of Kang Seulgi filled the walk-in wardrobe. “Unnie! You have finally met Solar-Unnie?”

“What?” She blinked in surprise.

“Solar-Unnie! How was your meeting with her? Spill the details.”

“Wait. Wait. What do you mean by you have finally met Solar-Unnie?” clarified Byulyi, her hand resting on a black T-shirt.

“Solar-Unnie was the alpha that Bae-chu and I wanted to introduce to you over a lunch. She is close friends with Hyun.”

Byulyi stiffened at the explanation. She had no idea that she could have met such a delightful character. “Aish, you know why I won’t turn up for it. It’s just plain awkward.” She had known Joohyun first in the carnal sense and had met Kang Seulgi later when the latter was concerned about her leader. Byulyi realised that the younger omega, Seulgi, was in love with her leader and helped to get them together.

“Unnie, I know about your history with my Baechu and I’m totally fine with it. We were not together then and I don’t expect my beautiful Hyun to

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Thank you for sticking with me through this long journey! I enjoyed writing this too. It is a little more light-hearted compared to my other stories and a whole lot shorter per chapter.


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Chapter 38: Aaawwwww sooo cute
Authornim its such a beautiful fanfic
I am glad i read it 🌞👍🏻
I missed this story so I'm back to reading it all over again
Astrae_17 #3
Chapter 38: This was such an amazing fanfic! I really enjoyed reading how it ended! I was really sad that I couldn't keep up with the chapters as they were released. At the same time, I'm kinda glad I didn't have wait through the agony of waiting for chapter releases....

I'm glad everything worked out for Moonsun. Yong proposing to Byul with the ring in the piano again was such a great moment! And that we (and Yong) found out that Byul was pregnant! I'm glad that everyone ended up okay and happy :) Thank you for all the time and effort you put into writing this. I really really enjoyed reading it (just like all of your other works!). I can't wait to read more or your work!
sadandlonely #4
Chapter 38: Congratulations!!!😭🎊
sadandlonely #5
Chapter 35: Aww
sadandlonely #6
Chapter 34: Uuuhh
sadandlonely #7
Chapter 33: AAAAHHH
sadandlonely #8
Chapter 26: I don't feel that confortable with him
girlofeternity_ss #9
Chapter 38: Ah! I'm so happy for them. 😭 Hope they can have their own Mamamoo team.
girlofeternity_ss #10
Chapter 37: It's going to be fine, they're going to be okay from this time forward now.