Chapter 21: Episode 6 - The Proposal

We Got Married In Omegaverse
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Kim Yongsun was dressed in a deep V, off-shoulder sapphire blue gown that enhanced her curves in the most luscious way, surprising the pink-haired alpha at how magnificent she could look. Her curves seemed to draw the eyes in from how fetching the cleavage was, before narrowing to a small and trimmed waist and very firm derriere. When she saw the delightful ‘S’ contour as she spun to the side, she was equally mesmerised by herself.

Wheein dressed in a black, off-shoulder gown with long sleeves, stumbled into this magnificent sight. She gasped, covering he mouth with a hand as she twirled around her like a little butterfly, taking in every inch of her from every angle. “You’re gorgeous, Unnie,” gushed the excited omega, her eyes gleaming proudly. “Has Unnie seen you?” There was a teasing lilt in her voice as she giggled.

“Teasing me now, Wheepup?” laughed Yongsun, looking indulgent. She shook an index finger at her as she checked her appearance using the full-length mirror. She was certain that Moon Byulyi, her future mate would appreciate her appearance more than she. She thought of the omega’s preference and blushed.

The inquisitive omega nudged her gently. “You look happy, Unnie.” She studied her face closely as she took her hand carefully. “Are you?” Yongsun had usually not keep any secrets from them so she knew that she had been living with Byulyi for a few days.

Yongsun smiled sweetly, squeezing her hand. “We have our ups and downs but it has been wonderful. Byul is wonderful. You’ll see when she’s here. She needs only to be here for a few short parts.” Her lips thinned at the thought that they could only spend a while together today before another schedule would take Byulyi away.

“Later?” Wheein looked innocent. She had the impression that the couple were always together if they could manage to fix their schedule. It was so sanguine sweet that she was getting a toothache.

The cheeky omega chortled brightly, giving her knowing look. “Byul had several recordings throughout the day.” They had filmed some of their individual parts in different outfits.

The leader of MAMAMOO gave her another look before she slipped into her blue heels, looking completely ready for the filming.

“Unnie, I want to be your bridesmaid!” yelled Hyejin, dashing into the changing room like a bull charging around a china shop. The younger alpha was dressed in a yellow mini dress that clung to her voluptuous curves, contrasting against thick hair and tan skin exquisitely. She did not put on the yellow shawl that the costume designer had picked for her.

Wheein nearly had a nosebleed at how ravishing the younger alpha was, her curves so wonderfully displayed. In their society where they preferred slighter woman, Hyejin stood up like a sore thumb for her shapely and generous curves. “Crap, you’re so beautiful,” commented the short-haired omega, looking enthralled.

Hyejin placed her hands on her hips to accentuate her curves, grinning from ear to ear at the heartfelt comment. “That’s so sweet of you, my left atrium.” She wrapped her arm around Wheein’s arm, leaning into her best friend.

Yongsun grinned sweetly and gave them space, something she often do when the two younger members stumbled into that special universe that only included them. It was such a delight to witness their powerful relationship that transformed and lasted through the storms of their lives. The very sight of them clinging to each other, supporting each relentlessly was a reminder that there was still goodness in the world. Her mobile rang and she picked it immediately without checking on the ID.

The deep voice of Byulyi filled her ears and immediately butterflies filled her stomach.


Her eyes curved into twinkling crescents as she smiled brightly, little indents appearing under her generous lips.

“Hey stranger,” whispered Yongsun almost coyly.

“Stranger? I simply did not see you in the morning and afternoon. What beverages would you and your members want? I know that filming is going to last through the night.”

She provided the order immediately, knowing the preference of her members well. It was sweet that her future mate had thought about getting them so beverages to keep them up. She glanced around the room, making sure that no one was eavesdropping. “I just want to see you soon,” concluded Yongsun shyly in a lower volume.

The younger member merely sighed. “Unnie, you’re just so sweet.”

Her brows skyrocketed. “Don’t you feel the same?” She was surprised that Byulyi would be so touched by this sentiment.


She harrumphed, irritated. “Good for you,” drawled the pink-haired woman.

The other woman merely chuckled, amused by her open annoyance. “I can’t help it when I am so pretty. I’ll see you in a bit.” She hung up straight after and Yongsun could only glare at the mobile.

“Annoying.” Her brows were narrowed. She felt the gaze of others on her and noticed that the two women were staring at her, amused.

Wheein was surprised at the many changes of expressions of Yongsun’s face as the conversation continued. It seemed like Byul Unnie was a master puppeteer at playing with Yongsun’s emotions despite the latter’s patience.

“What?” Her tone was flat and decidedly unfriendly.

“Cute,” answered Hyejin, grinning. “You haven’t agreed to my request to be your bridesmaid. You’re having a wedding right?”

“Likely as a mission,” agreed Yongsun, nodding absently. She cocked her head slightly. “Are you sure you have the time since you will be busy with your individual schedule?”

“I will—”

“—We will make the time for the wedding. You’re our Unnie. We ought to witness your wedding and bring the betrothal gift for Unnie,” interrupted Wheein stubbornly, looking determined.

“Please let Manager Unnie know of your plans first so that she could communicate with the staff of WGM. Why are we talking about wedding anyway?” She tilted her head, brushing her pink hair away from her face.

“I found an engagement ring in your bag,” answered Hyejin excitedly. “Are you planning to propose to her soon?”

A furious blush rose from her chest to colour her plump cheeks. “Yah! Why did you check my bag?” Yongsun evaded her gaze, feeling the heat from her cheeks. She was still in the process of planning the proposal event for Byulyi.

“Oh, have you decided on how you’re going to present it to her? It must be filmed right?”

“Yea.” Yongsun rubbed the pad of her finger along her lip absently. “I thought of proposing to her during the filming of our music video.” She swallowed visibly. “And I thought of Bruno Mars’s ‘Marry you’.” She covered with her hand and sniggered openly.

“Yay to Bruno Mars!” cheered Wheein, thrilled at the thought of being involved in this mini project.

“Ah, because we’re bored from the filming huh?” Hyejin nodded absently before smiling. “Cute.” She flashed a thumbs-up. “Later?”

“Yeah.” She worried her bottom lip. A furrow appeared between her trimmed brows. “Will it be too simple?” She brushed her hand through her pink hair absently. “Will she like it?”

“It’s cute,” smiled Wheein, her dimple deepening. “Don’t worry too much about it, Unnie.” She comforted her Unnie, knowing that the older woman prized the rapper so much that she wanted to please her in every way.

“Yea, I think it’s really cute,” concurred Hyejin.

The members of MAMAMOO decided to discuss on how to execute this surprise proposal later. After they decided on a plan, they hurried off to find their staff so that they were aware of their intentions. After all, the proposal needed to be filmed for the show too.

Yongsun hid the ring in the polished black grand piano carefully, making sure that she could retrieve the Aster ring. Her heart hammered at the thought of proposing before the staff and her members and she inhaled deeply to calm down. It will be difficult to concentrate on work for the rest of the night, knowing that she was going to do this.

Perhaps it was due to Yongsun’s confession that she missed her, Moonbyul and her manager arrived on set a short time later. The rapper bore drinks for the members of MAMAMOO personally while her manager was carrying at least ten boxes of pizza to reward the staff, a sweet gesture of Moonbyul.

The entrance of the beautiful omega with silky silver hair commanded their attention even though her dressing was very modest. It was that enigmatic aura that surrounded her that captivated others even though she was simply in a baggy hooded jacket and a pair of sweats pair, matched with monochromic high sneakers. It was probably due to her ridiculously blue eyes, so alluring that it drew the attention of everyone in the room.  For once, the beautiful omega was pleased. Gold danced in the middle of her eyes when they settled on the ravishing sight of Kim Yongsun dressed to the nines in that formal sapphire blue gown.

She rooted on the spot, in wonder at just how stunning Yongsun was. Her pink hair was curled, cascading down one side of her face in gentle, elegant waves. And that gown. Oh, that gown. Her eyes had a mind of their own, roving across her delicate clavicle, down the deep valley of her two hills, savouring how she could see a peek of those soft mounds. A faint smile crept on her face automatically as she took in every inch of her boldly.

Moonbyul’s manager, noting that his charge was not hiding her admiration of Solar, hastily invited the staff to take a break and have a slice of pizza. The staff cheered loudly, following the manager to the lounge, leaving the couple alone on the set.

Yongsun blushed, shielding her chest from her open admiration. “y. My eyes are up here.” Her tone bellied a flicker of exasperation at her open appreciation of her asserts in public. She remembered the extensive time she would spend worshiping her neck and her soft hills in their bed and a blush rose from the middle of her chest to colour her cheeks.

The silver-haired rapper cleared her voice, offering the beverages to her as peace offering. She could not be help but be drawn to that delicious display of her asserts. She raised her face to meet her gaze.

“Iced coffee?” demanded Hyejin, excitedly. “Unnie, you’re a lifesaver.”

“Iced Chocolate mint? You’re the best.” Wheein clutched her arm and kissed her cheek openly, earning a deep scowl from Yongsun.

Hyejin, picking up on her leader’s annoyance, smiled impishly. “Ah, just a cheek? That’s uneven.” She leaned in and kissed the other cheek of Byulyi. “Thank you, Unnie.” She looked at the rapper with pronounced tenderness and felt the temperature of the set dip.

Both younger members of the idol group hastily grabbed their beverages and ran as quickly as they could when the gaze of Yongsun turned icily murderous.

The silver-haired omega stuffed the last cup of iced coffee into the hand of Yongsun before she dashed away in safety, muttering that she needed to be excused to change into the outfit for filming. It took a while for the vexed leader to realise that she was abandoned and the pink-haired alpha pursued after her errant omega.


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Thank you for sticking with me through this long journey! I enjoyed writing this too. It is a little more light-hearted compared to my other stories and a whole lot shorter per chapter.


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Chapter 38: Aaawwwww sooo cute
Authornim its such a beautiful fanfic
I am glad i read it 🌞👍🏻
I missed this story so I'm back to reading it all over again
Astrae_17 #3
Chapter 38: This was such an amazing fanfic! I really enjoyed reading how it ended! I was really sad that I couldn't keep up with the chapters as they were released. At the same time, I'm kinda glad I didn't have wait through the agony of waiting for chapter releases....

I'm glad everything worked out for Moonsun. Yong proposing to Byul with the ring in the piano again was such a great moment! And that we (and Yong) found out that Byul was pregnant! I'm glad that everyone ended up okay and happy :) Thank you for all the time and effort you put into writing this. I really really enjoyed reading it (just like all of your other works!). I can't wait to read more or your work!
sadandlonely #4
Chapter 38: Congratulations!!!😭🎊
sadandlonely #5
Chapter 35: Aww
sadandlonely #6
Chapter 34: Uuuhh
sadandlonely #7
Chapter 33: AAAAHHH
sadandlonely #8
Chapter 26: I don't feel that confortable with him
girlofeternity_ss #9
Chapter 38: Ah! I'm so happy for them. 😭 Hope they can have their own Mamamoo team.
girlofeternity_ss #10
Chapter 37: It's going to be fine, they're going to be okay from this time forward now.