What B.A.P go trough

The B-Boys

You finished cleaning YoungJae's room and wore your casual clothes. You worked as a waitress at a restaurant. Hwa Young was downstairs, walking around while waiting for you. You came down and slung your handbag( present from your parents before they passed away). Hwa Young looked at you and smiled. You closed the door and locked it.You nodded and both of you walked to work. The distance between your house to your work place was a 30minutes walk. 10minutes after you left, the door opened. It was Himchan & Yongguk. They looked around to make sure you weren't there anymore. The sighs in relief and sat down around the dining table. They started eating. After they ate, they looked at each other.

"_______, has the best cooking. She should become a chef one day." Himchan said. Yongguk nodded in agreement.

"Hey, Chan, is there any ice left?" Yongguk asked. HimChan shurrged and walked to the freezer. No ice. Himchan chuckled.

"Nope. I guess ______ ate all of them." HimChan said and turn around. Yongguk smiled and sighs.

It was 10pm. You were still awake. You walked downstairs and opened the freezer. You smiled and took some ice and put them in your mouth.

"What are you doing?" A voice came from behind of you. You jumped in surprise cause your head to knock that person's chin.

"Ouch." You rubbed your head and turned around. Your eyes widen.

"What are you doing down here at night?" Yongguk asked you and raised his eyebrow. You didn't say anything.

"Well?" Yongguk asked. Then he saw your mouth which was full of ice. Your cheeks looked like chipmunks. Yongguk couldn't help but let out a soft laugh.

"Eating ice again?" Yongguk asked you with a smile. You nodded with a smile.

"You know. Eating ice isn't good right?" Yongguk asked you. You shurrged and started bitting the ice.

"I like the taste." You said and sat on the table.

"Ice taste like water and from what I know, you don't drink plain water." Yongguk pointed at you and to the floor, asking you to get off the table. You got off and stood up properly.

"No, there's a difference. Ice is crunchy. Water is liquid. See the difference oppa?" You asked and smiled. Yongguk smiled and rolled his eyes. Just then, YongJae came in. He looked at you two.

"Not sleeping yet?" Yongguk asked YoungJae. YoungJae shrugged.

"I came down to get some ice." YongJae said and walked to the freezer.

"Oh? Oppa eats ice too?" You asked as you put more ice into your mouth.

"Isn't it obvious?" YoungJae asked and started bitting his ice. You smiled and high5-ed him. Yongguk smiled and shook his head.

"You two have a very weird habit." Yongguk patted your head and slapped YoungJae's arm before leaving. You looked at YoungJae, both of you started laughing.

"Hyung, we should probably go to work now." HimChan said. Yongguk nodded. Both of them headed off to work. Just then, Yongguk received a call. Yongguk took out his phone and looked at the caller ID, Zelo. Yongguk tilted his head and answered the call.

"Hello? Zelo?" Yongguk asked.

"Um...hyung...can you come over to my school? I have problems." Zelo asked and gulped. Yongguk sighs.

"Sure Zelo. Hold on. I'll be right there." Yongguk ended the call. HimChan looked at his hyung.

"What's wrong now?" HimChan asked. Yongguk shrugged.

"Zelo. Problem. As usual." Yongguk said and they both ran to Zelo's school. When they arrived at the principle's office, Zelo was sitting down with his head lowered. Yongguk sighs and bowed. 

"Yongguk, do you know what your brother did this time?" Mr.Park asked. Yongguk looked at Zelo. HimChan was sitting beside Zelo.

"No songsaengnim." Yongguk asked with his head lowered.

"Zelo beated up his friend today." Yongguk and Himchan's eyes widen. They both looked at Zelo. HimChan pushed Zelo softly.

"Yah! Why did you do that?!" Yongguk shouted. Zelo kept quiet. HimChan looked at his hyung as shook his head. HimChan looked at Zelo.

"Zelo. Tell me what's wrong. Why did you do that?" HimChan asked. Zelo still didn't answer. HimChan sighs and turned Zelo's position to face him. Zelo's face was like he was about to cry. HimChan grew worried.

"Zelo ah~ I know you're not a bad boy. Come on, tell hyung what's wrong?" HimChan asked. Zelo bursted into tears.

"Hyung...*sniff* Tae Hyun *sniff* talked bad about noona *sniff*" HimChan and Yongguk's eyes widen.

"He said *sniff* that noona is stupid *sniff* that noona doesn't care about us *sniff*" Zelo cried. HimChan expression was now very worried. He hugged his brother.

"It's okay Zelo. It's okay. We understand why you did that." HimChan said. Zelo burried his face into his hyung's jacket. Yongguk looked at his 12 year old brother and sighs.

"We'll take our brothers home today. All 4 of them." Yongguk said. Mr.Park nodded and sighs. Yongguk nodded. Himchan and Zelo walked out the door. Before Yongguk left..

"Yongguk..." Mr.Park called. Yongguk turned around. Mr.Park sighs.

"It must be hard for you. With your parents gone, you, HimChan and _____ dropped out of school to work for money for the family. Zelo, Daehyun, YoungJae & JongUp having hard times at school. People teasing them, bullying them." Mr.Park said. Yongguk gave him a weak smile.

"It's okay songsaengnim. We can handle it." Yongguk nodded.

"Take care of your sister. She's the only one you 6 have left." Mr.Park said. Yongguk nodded and left. Suddenly, he heard a window crash. He quickly ran to the place. His eyes widen, Daehyun & YongJae were fighting with 4 guys. There were pieces of broken glass on the floor.

"NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN!" YongJae shouted. The 4 boys smirked.

"Why? Why can't I say that your sister is hot?" One of the boys said. YoungJae's hand turned into a fist.

"Man. Pity she's not in this school anymore. If she was, she'd be my girlfriend. Damn, she's y. I'd tap that."Another boy said. Daehyun was about to blow.

"Why are you so angry? It's not like she's your real sister. Your not even blood bonded. Oh wait, I forgot, you don't know anything about blood bond since you don't have anyone to blood bond with." That topped it. Before YoungJae or Daehyun could do anything, JongUp punched their faces.

"Don't ever talk bad about my family ever again. Especially noona." JongUp said. Eventho JongUp was one of the youngest in the family, but he was one of the strongest. Yongguk sighs.

"YoungJae, Daehyun, JongUp. Let's go home." The 3 boys turned their head and saw their hyung. They nodded and stormed out of class. On their way home, it was quiet, until...

"We should go buy some ice for _____ before she gets home" HimChan said. Yongguk nodded.

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DiarraCha #1
Chapter 5: love so much :)
Chapter 5: Hello^^... New readers here:). This story is great:). Daehyun is so sweet:D. Update soon, author-nim:)).
Daehyun ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Sweet Daeyhun~
Daehyun! So sweet ^^

Yerlie1001 #6
Daehyun... How sweet!^^ Where do you find gurls like her?...
i like it :)
update soon ^^
MelodyTeenTop #9
I like the first chapter already!
Think it's Kwangmin.
woohyunism #10
Wowww,this sounds intresting ^^
please update soon~Taaake your time :D
cant wait for the first chap~