From Winter to Spring

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Following their big fight, Hyejin had become a lot more affectionate with the older woman. She had a few days of rest in between magazine and variety show shoots, so she spent most of that time with her girlfriend.

She wanted Yongsun to wake up every morning to a romantic breakfast but her lover preferred cuddles first thing in the morning. And who was she to deny Yongsun of her morning cuddles?

Hyejin smiled when she woke up to her girlfriend's sweet floral scent invading her senses. Mornings were still a bit cold but she could barely feel it with her girlfriend's warmth enveloping her. She opened her eyes and glanced up at her sleeping girlfriend. She's beautiful, she marvelled.

Wrapped in Yongsun's arms with her head resting on the other's shoulder, Hyejin lay still, admiring her girlfriend. The rays of sunlight shining through the gaps of their bedroom curtains glistened on Yongsun's skin. She looks ethereal, Hyejin thought. She loved these moments, her girlfriend sleeping peacefully in her arms while she admired every inch of her. Her eyes travelled from Yongsun's perfectly angled nose to her eyelashes, picturing all the times she had made the other girl smile and her eyes would disappear, accentuating her perfectly curved lashes. Then her gaze moved to her soft pink lips. Most of the time, Hyejin would be listening intently to the other girl's ramblings but her eyes would be fixated on her lips. There was just something about the texture and curves that enamoured her. To Hyejin, these were the most perfect lips in the world. Then finally her eyes landed on her girlfriend's round cheeks, her favourite feature of the older girl's. She hadn't moved in the fear of waking the singer, but she couldn't fight the urge to touch her cheeks. Quietly, she retracted her right arm that was wrapped around Yongsun's waist and brought her hand up to touch her cheek. Her touch was delicate, gently her thumb over her lover's plump cheek. 

It's weird, she thought. How could a stranger one day become the most important person in your life? She couldn't remember the exact moment, but once she realised that Yongsun had dismantled so many of her walls and eased her way into her heart, she no longer evaded the thought of a relationship. Everything with Yongsun just made sense; it felt right. The way her hand fit perfectly in hers, or the way her head fit perfectly in the crook of Yongsun's neck, or the way Yongsun's vibrant personality perfectly balanced her calm nature. To others, they were an odd pair, but to Hyejin they were a perfect match. No one could understand her better than Yongsun. Well apart from Wheein.

Yongsun stirred in her sleep, breaking Hyejin out of her thoughts. The singer scrunched her nose, still with her eyes closed, eliciting a huge smile from the younger girl. She's adorable. 

When her eyes fluttered open, the first thing she saw was her girlfriend's bright smile. With her deep morning voice, she croaked out a greeting. "Good morning my sweet girl." She smiled, the dimples at each corner of  on full display.

Hyejin smiled at her and continued her right cheek with the pad of her thumb. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Aigo~," came the reply. Hyejin just chuckled. Five years together and Yongsun still didn't know how to receive her compliments. 

"It's true though."

The older girl just replied with a smile and flipped them over so her face was nestled between Hyejin's head and shoulder, tightening her embrace around the younger girl.


Yongsun groaned, "not yet. I'm still tired."

"You know you're just gonna fall back to sleep right?"

"And what about it?"

Hyejin chuckled, shaking her head. This girl. She brought her hand up to her girlfriend's cute round head, softly running her fingers through her short black hair.

"Okay we can stay for a few more minutes."

When she received no reply, the actress once again shook her head at her girlfriend. She fell asleep again. With a light chuckle, she rested her head on her lover's. We have nothing to do today anyway, she thought, slowly falling back to sleep herself.


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Chapter 7: Ahhh what a sweet chapter✨✨ I’ve missed this story so much🙌🏻 Thank you, dear author😙
supakarn #2
Chapter 7: I give you my heart and a big thump up for you. You did great. Hope you will stay calm and be fine. Thank you for uploading this writing.
Chapter 6: Hope you're okay, author-nim. I miss your story.
Hey there! I’m still coming here from time to time to warm my heart with some hwasun fluff✨ Hope you’re doing well, author-nim☀️
velahohoho #5
Just checking with you author nim, i received an update notification, not sure if it was an error on my end >.<
1198 streak #6
Chapter 6: My heart 😭😭😭
Moujen #7
Chapter 6: hectic for me too so its always nice to read this, thanks
Aquarie #8
Chapter 2: So soft~~ my hwasun heart
Chapter 6: AAAHHH this is so good👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
velahohoho #10
Chapter 6: WAHHHH i love this so muxh!!!!!