The Flower

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Hyejin hauled her luggage into the van.

After two long weeks of filming, they've finally wrapped up. But only for their current setting. Once they leave Jeju Island, they have a two-day break before the cast and crew are headed off to Pocheon to continue filming.

Despite her absolute love for this drama, Hyejin missed her girlfriend dearly. She could never get a good night's sleep without feeling Yongsun's warmth, resulting in a very tired Hyejin. But once the cameras started rolling the ever fierce Hwasa returned.

The entirety of her stay on Jeju Island, she's had to rely on coffee and regular facetime calls with Yongsun to keep her energized.

As soon as she settled down in her seat, she felt a hand press her shoulder comfortingly. She glanced up at her manager Sujeong who held that familiar warmth in her eyes. You did a great job Hyejinnie. We'll be home soon.

Hyejin was always thankful to have the older woman as her manager, always supporting her and taking care of her. Despite how late it was, Sujeong was well aware of Hyejin's tired state and was eager to get the actress home quickly and safely.

As if she could read her manager’s exact thoughts, Hyejin nodded at her. A tired smile on her face. She pulled out her phone and airpods, preparing for their journey to the airport and her final stop, home.

The entire flight Hyejin had her girlfriend's song "Star Wind Flower Sun" on repeat. Yongsun's ode to Hyejin and their two best friends Wheein and Byulyi, wind and star respectively. She was of course, flower, a nickname Yongsun had given her. "You're the flower that bloomed even when the rain fell," she once said. And Yongsun was of course the sun. As she hummed along to the song, Hyejin felt calm hearing her girlfriend's voice. She couldn't wait to hear it in person soon.


She arrived home later than expected. After thanking her manager and bidding her goodbye, she made her way up to her apartment. Ready to wrap Yongsun in her arms and smother her in kisses.

Two weeks was far too long for Hyejin to go without receiving her girlfriend's kisses and caresses. 

Despite having done this for three years now, Hyejin could never get used to spending numerous weeks away from the elder. She remembered the one time she had a shoot in Japan while Yongsun was back home preparing for a concert. She had been away for a week then and still had 3 more weeks to go before the drama filming was over. She became so homesick that she booked a flight behind her manager's back and flew home to see Yongsun. Even if it was just for a few hours, just holding her girlfriend dispelled any homesickness she had had.

Although that also got her in a lot of trouble with their CEO, she would've done it again and again. Anything to hear Yongsun’s happy squeal as she pulled the younger girl into a bone-crushing hug.


She finally entered their apartment, hoping the familiar chime of the door opening didn't wake her beloved. She left her luggage by the door before proceeding to take off her boots. Slipping into her brown fluffy slippers, Hyejin quietly made her way over to their bedroom. It was dark but she used her phone torch to light up the path. Her girlfriend hadn't been awaiting her as she was meant to arrive the day after, but Hyejin couldn't help herself. As someone whose love language was physical touch, Hyejin would say she'd die if she could never hug Yongsun again. An obvious exaggeration but Hyejin would argue otherwise.


She finally reached their room and saw her girlfriend sleeping peacefully. She could easily make out her girlfriend's figure with the help of warm fairy lights hanging on the wall behind their bed.


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Chapter 7: Ahhh what a sweet chapter✨✨ I’ve missed this story so much🙌🏻 Thank you, dear author😙
supakarn #2
Chapter 7: I give you my heart and a big thump up for you. You did great. Hope you will stay calm and be fine. Thank you for uploading this writing.
Chapter 6: Hope you're okay, author-nim. I miss your story.
Hey there! I’m still coming here from time to time to warm my heart with some hwasun fluff✨ Hope you’re doing well, author-nim☀️
velahohoho #5
Just checking with you author nim, i received an update notification, not sure if it was an error on my end >.<
1197 streak #6
Chapter 6: My heart 😭😭😭
Moujen #7
Chapter 6: hectic for me too so its always nice to read this, thanks
Aquarie #8
Chapter 2: So soft~~ my hwasun heart
Chapter 6: AAAHHH this is so good👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
velahohoho #10
Chapter 6: WAHHHH i love this so muxh!!!!!