The Sun

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Yongsun stretched her limbs as she felt the tiredness leave her body. She was never a morning person not even when she had to wake up early for music show promotions.

So it was no surprise when she heard the clatter of plates and pots coming from the kitchen. A clear sign that the day had long started.

She sat up and glanced at the empty space beside her and sighed.

She didn't even say goodbye, she thought with a deep pout on her lips.

Today was the official start of her hiatus.

For the past nine years she had been working hard to make a name for herself in the music industry. An industry so cut-throat, it wasn't a surprise the amount of hours she put in day in and day out.

Yongsun, but widely known for her stage name 'Solar', released yet another sigh as she swung her legs off the bed. Feeling for her pink fluffy slippers before making her way to the bathroom.

The first thing she saw when she entered the bathroom was her girlfriend's wrinkled pajamas on the floor and her skincare products scattered across the sink.

"Aish... no wonder. She woke up late."

She gathered the worn pajama set and folded them neatly before placing them on the bench opposite the sink. And then moved on to gather the scattered skincare products and place them nicely on the vanity next to the bench.

She grabbed her toothbrush, lathering it with toothpaste, and proceeded to brush her teeth. She enjoyed the silence whilst thinking about her agenda for the day.

It's been so long since she's had a peaceful day like this. The last time was before she became a trainee a whole 10 years ago.


She smiled as she reminisced the days of living off ramen and busking at bus stops with the other trainees. It was a tough start, but is anything worth having ever that easy to attain?

She smiled to herself. Despite the hardships she wouldn't change anything. After all, those early mornings and late nights are exactly what lead her to the love of her life, Ahn Hyejin. Known to many as Hwasa.

Both girls started out as bright-eyed trainees ready to make their mark in the music world. Through trials and tribulations, Yongsun finally had the opportunity to debut as a solo artist seven years ago. With Hyejin following her then-friend's footsteps and debuting the year after.

From then on it was busking on streets, producing album after album, working tirelessly to get her name out to the public. Yongsun finally had her big break two years into her career after her vocal performance in "Decalcomanie" earned high praise from the general public. 

Yongsun found it oddly funny how she was never compared to Hyejin. Despite both being solo artists coming from the same company, their art was just so different from the other you could never compare the two. They were both loved by South Korea and it brought them many opportunities outside of music.

Hyejin added to her professions with modelling and acting, while Yongsun became South Korea's "Variety Queen" with her bright personality and hilarious reactions.

After seven years of releasing album after album, hit song after hit song, Yongsun finally decided to take a break from the limelight. Even with all the respect and recognition she had received over the years, it was still never an easy job to just ignore the hate that followed the public praise.

Yongsun was always a strong woman, marching at the beat of her own drum. But sometimes just sometimes, the negativity online reached her and hacked away at her confidence and self-esteem. After dealing with all this negativity for seven years, she finally decided that she'd had enough.

Her agency was very understanding of her decision and supported her unconditionally. Her company, Triple M Entertainment, officially announced her hiatus last week. Which brings us to today.


Yongsun yawned as she walked out to the sight of her mother in the kitchen, humming to herself as she made kimbap and kimchi stew.

"Eomma... What are you doing here? I told you I'm taking a break from work so you don't have to come in anymore."

With her daughter's busy schedule, Yongsun's mother always worried about her health and whether she was having proper meals. So she took it upon herself to prepare meals for Yongsun everyday at lunchtime. Even when Hyejin entered the picture, Yongsun's mother never once stopped her daily visits. It fulfils her to make sure her children are well taken care of. If she couldn't shield them from the cruelties of the world, she could at least be their safe haven.

Yongsun was never once ungrateful for her mother's presence. She was just worried her mother was putting her children before herself and her health.

"Yah Yongsun-ah! You're on hiatus not on holiday. How do you expect me to just leave you alone now?"

Yongsun smiled, what did I do in my past life to deserve someone as caring as you for my mother?

"Yes I'm on hiatus eomma. Which means I can now cook my own meals. You don't have to worry about that anymore."

She took a seat at the table and grabbed a piece of kimbap to munch on. Even if she was protesting for her mother to stop cooking her meals, she wouldn't throw away the opportunity to eat the best kimbap in the world.

Yongsun's mother sighed happily at the sight of her daughter eating.


With her mother long gone to make a stop at her older sister’s place, Yongsun was now lounging on the couch mindlessly watching TV while still thinking about what to do for the day.

She checked her phone for the umpteenth time the past

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Chapter 7: Ahhh what a sweet chapter✨✨ I’ve missed this story so much🙌🏻 Thank you, dear author😙
supakarn #2
Chapter 7: I give you my heart and a big thump up for you. You did great. Hope you will stay calm and be fine. Thank you for uploading this writing.
Chapter 6: Hope you're okay, author-nim. I miss your story.
Hey there! I’m still coming here from time to time to warm my heart with some hwasun fluff✨ Hope you’re doing well, author-nim☀️
velahohoho #5
Just checking with you author nim, i received an update notification, not sure if it was an error on my end >.<
1198 streak #6
Chapter 6: My heart 😭😭😭
Moujen #7
Chapter 6: hectic for me too so its always nice to read this, thanks
Aquarie #8
Chapter 2: So soft~~ my hwasun heart
Chapter 6: AAAHHH this is so good👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
velahohoho #10
Chapter 6: WAHHHH i love this so muxh!!!!!