Chapter TWO

You Never Know

Cheonsa and Ha Na were in the middle of shooting an advertisement for Megan's Ice Cream. It was a private endorsement that had hand selected them because of their fresh faces and uniqe concept, since the store was new, they wanted someone new as well. Ha Na and Cheonsa being the youngest of Goddess fit the profile perfectly.

Cheonsa laughed as Ha Na wiped ice cream on her face, she did the same back to her and then they turned to look at the camera "Megan's Ice Cream, Taste the magic" They flashed their wide smiles

"AAAAAAND CUT!" The PD shouted "CHOUA! (I liked it) We're done for the day" he dismissed them

"NAE" Ha Na and Cheonsa laughed after noticing all the aftermath ice cream smudged on their faces

"You look ridiculous." Ha Na burst out laughing

"Like you look any better" Cheonsa scoffed then took a bite of her ice cream "It really does taste amazing" she looked at her ice cream cone. It was her third one

"Right?" Ha Na took a bite of hers too. It was her fourth. Unlimited ice cream while filming was one of the perks and they weren't about to say no

"All done?" Shin Woo was standing with his back to the wall

"Nae Oppa" Ha Na smiled "Want some?" she offered him her cone suddenly and he backed up

"No thanks, I'm good." he chuckled and took out the Van keys. "I'll go get the car" he threw the keys in the air and caught them "You wait here"

"Arasso" the girls lingered in the hallway looking at all the old CF's that had been filmed through out the years.

"Look!" Ha Na pointed at a retro looking picture hanging in front of them of three girls dressed in denim. "S.E.S" she admired

"90's fashion" Cheonsa crinkled her nose

"Hey, its making a comeback" Ha Na defended, she was all for the crop tops and boyfriend jeans. It basically summed up her style

They heard a door open some where down the hall way and suddenly a lot of laughter. Cheonsa and Ha Na exchanged looks then looked back down ahead of them.

"Who is that?" Cheonsa heard someone say

"Ommo, Its Goddess!" someone else answered

Cheonsa and Ha Na turned to look at each other again, they couldn't recognize who it was until they saw Jin Jin. Since he hung out with Ha Na a lot, they could spot him anywhere. Cheonsa pulled Ha Na close "It's Astro!" she whispered urgently

"Yup" Ha Na nodded nervously, would they say anything about the day of their debut?

Astro had debuted that same year in February, so they were all new to being an Idol. But still, they debuted earlier than Goddess, so did that make then their seniors?

"Anyeonghaseyo" they greeted Cheonsa and Ha Na with 90 degree bows.

"Oh, Anyeonghaseyo" they did the same

"Congratulations on your debut" Eun Woo was the first to speak, he barley even smiled

"Nae, you too. Your song is topping the charts" Cheonsa smiled

"We really liked your song!" Rocky chuckled nervously

"Really?" Ha Na's face lit up every times someone praised her song. She had doubts at first but it was proving to be hit

"Of Corse, its pretty catchy" MJ started singing the chorus and Cheonsa and Ha Na sang along with him

"WHA!" they all laughed at MJ fan girl-ing over Goddess.

"Girls, lets go" Shin Woo popped his head in

"Ah Nae" Ha Na answered

"We're gonna head out." Choensa bowed as they back away

"Nae, See you around" this time Eun Woo smiled and Ha Na found herself immersed, it was the first time she had witnessed his legendary smize (eye smile) in person Cheonsa pulled her out the door.

"Wow" Cheonsa laughed once they were outside "That was embarrassing, what happened to you?"

Ha Na nodded "I don't know, I was blinded!" Ha Na still had Eun Woo's smile imprinted in her mind "That was terrifying"

"Who was?" Shin Woo asked suddenly

"no one" Ha Na said suddenly and they laughed as they got into the Van.

" I saw Astro in there. Don't tell me you're already getting hit on?" Shin Woo glared at them through the rear view mirror

"Yeah right-we're newbs" Ha Na laughed at the idea

"So are they" Cheonsa snapped back clearly offended

Ha Na laughed harder "Yes they are" she hooked her arm around Cheonsa's "Im sorry"

"I think the tall guy kept eyeing you though, do you know him?" Cheonsa whispered

"What tall guy? There were like three"

"The one who blinded you with his smile" Cheonsa teased

Ha Na wanted to slide down her seat and disappear. Shin Woo kept eyeing her through the mirror and all Ha Na could do was shake her head "anio. That was nothing"

Choensa pursed her lips at her, knowing that she was lying. "Fine. don't tell me." she hissed "I'll figure it out"

Ha Na's eyes widened "There's nothing to figure out"


On the drive back to the dorm, after picking up all the girls, Hae Ra was completely silent. Ha Na knew why though, after appearing on Hello councilor (popular Korean variety show) and having them ask her all types of questions. Its not that Ha Na got all the attention, but she did get most of it, and Hae Ra couldn't stand it. It wasn't unusual for them to have more than one filming schedule in a day, but for being new to the scene it was uncommon. The girls were tired, some were asleep and others scrolled through their Instagram. Ha Na leaned forward to talk to Hae Ra but she turned her back to her

"Are you mad?" Ha Na sat back in her seat

Hae Ra scoffed "why would i be mad." she looked straight ahead

"You look mad"

"Tuesso." Hae Ra told her to forget it "I'm just not in the mood"

"Not in the mood to talk?" Ha Na looked over at her incredulously

"To do anything, Ha Na. So can you just stop?" Hae Ra said harshly

Ha Na scoffed and turned around to look out the window. "Sorry your highness." she sarcastically murmured. As soon as Shin woo parked the Van, Hae Ra got out and headed inside. Ha Na starred after her, annoyed at how immature she was acting.

"What's wrong with her?" Shin Woo walked around the van

Ha Na shrugged "Who knows" she dragged herself out of the van and slugged over to the elevator. She realized she left her phone back in the van and headed back quickly before Shin Woo drove off. The rest of the girls filed in to the building lifelessly. Shin Woo waited on Mina to come out since she had a schedule. Ha Na pressed the button to the elevator furiously when she heard Eun Ahs voice echoing in the lobby. She turned around happy to have run into her when she realized that she wasn't alone. There were more voices with her. Ha Na looked around the elevator to see Euna headed towards her with Astro. Ha Na rushed the elevator frantically wanting to avoid meeting Eun Woo again.

"No, No, No" Ha Na hissed, turning back frequently to check if they were coming.

"I still cant believe you guys live here too" Euna mused

"Ash" Ha Na squinted to see who exactly was with her and she wanted to disappear as soon as her eyes landed on the tall muscular guy to the far left with his head phones on.

Eun Woo.

Ha Na decided to hide behind the huge plants that were in the waiting area while they went up. Ha Na scurried over and crouched down looking through the plants.

"Oh." Euna stopped to look around "I thought I saw Ha Na out here?"

"Ha Na shii?" Jin Jin chuckled nervously

"Ha Na?" Euna called out, what should Ha Na do, she couldn't just ignore her Unni, but she couldn't go out and see Eun Woo. His assumption that Kai was her boyfriend could get in her trouble with her members. There would be a lot of explaining to do.

"That's too bad I really wanted to meet her" Jin Jin shrugged

"It would have been interesting to see her again." Eun Woo chuckled

Ha Na glared and scoffed, why would it be interesting, so he could keep making her anxious. At this rate she was over due for a panic attack.

"Oh" Rocky looked up, intrigued "you've meet her before?" Euna turned to face him

Ha Na eyes widened, anticipating his answer

"Ani" he denied "I haven't" he stepped onto the elevator and Ha Na sighed in relief.

"Oh My Lord" she had her hand over her heart "That was too close" she walked back up to the elevator. She realized it stopped on the 6th floor and Ha Na's jaw dropped. Of course they would live on the same floor. Her heart sank as the doors opened back up and she got in, dreading what awaited her. Ha Na held her breath as she got closer to her floor, wondering if Astro would still be in the hallway or if they would be inside their dorm room already and reprimanding herself for not waiting longer before heading up. Ha Na moved over to the side to hide incase she needed to. The doors finally opened and Ha Na looked out carefully, inspecting the hallway. When she saw no one she took a step out only to find Eun Woo leaning against the wall right outside the elevator.

"So it was you" he smirked.

Ha Na backed away startled "Ommo( Oh my god)"

"Are you avoiding me?" Eun Woo had his arms crossed, she couldn't tell if he was teasing her or being serious

Ha Na scoffed "Why would I?" she regained her usual confidence

"You tell me?" Eun Woo laughed

Ha Na shook her head "I'm not" she assured "but why are you waiting around like some stalker?"

Eun Woo jaw dropped "Stalker? shouldn't I be the one saying that when you barge in on someone shirtless?"

"Arasso-yo, Minae-yo(Formal)" Ha Na apologized harshly, annoyed at the turn their conversation had turned

Eun Woo starred at her "you really are something." his stare turned into a glare

she scoffed

Eun Woo smacked his lips "I'm done talking to you" he headed towards his dorm

Ha Na scoffed "You're done talking to me?" her voice jumped an octave "No. No, I'm done talking to you." She emphasized as she scurried towards her door as well

"Just go back to your dorm." Eun Woo glanced behind him

"I am" Ha Na reached her door at the same time he reached his.

Right in front of each other.

Eun Woo scoffed then smirked at the look on Ha Na's face. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped

"That's not your dorm." Ha Na stated, although deep down she knew she was wrong.

"It is." Eun Woo smirked, locking eyes with her as he opened the door tauntingly "See ya around" he waved jokingly as he closed the door behind him and Ha Na starred blankly at his closed door. How was it that she had gotten herself into that sort of mess.

As soon as Ha Na opened the door she ran into a human wall.

"ASH" she stumbled back and looked up "Oh, Hae are."

"Did I hear correctly?" she had her arms crossed as she took menacing steps towards Ha Na "shirtless?" she scoffed

Ha Na's jaw dropped and she waved her hand frantically "ANIO! It's a huge misunderstanding..."

"Are you kidding me!" Hae Ra slammed the door shut "Not one day has gone by since I said I liked him, and you're throwing yourself at him?"

"That's a stretch don't you think? To be fair, you don't know what happened. You weren't there."

Hae Ra scoffed "I cant believe you." she shook her head

"I didn't do anything wrong. So I'm not going to apologize if that's what your waiting for?" Ha Na walked past her but Euna grabbed her arm and pulled her back

"Yah, where are you going when I'm talking to you." she hissed

"To my room, I'm done listening to this bull . Especially coming from you." Ha Na snapped

Hae Ra let go and stepped back "What happened to you." she glared

There was once a time where Ha Na and Hae Ra were good friends. They did almost everything together and they enjoyed each others company. Ha Na never would have talked back to her out of respect but enough was enough. It had been 6 months of Hae Ra constantly telling her she was wrong in everything she did and constantly judging her every move.

"What happened is that I'm not going to be the same old Ha Na that takes your crap anymore. Hae Ra, I Don't like Eun Woo. In fact." Ha Na scoffed "I'm pretty sure he doesn't even like me as a  person. But yet here you are, yelling at me over a misunderstanding that happened two days ago Which you only found out because you were eves dropping. Nosey much?" Ha Na walked past her again

Hae Ra scoffed "You've been warned." she shrugged and headed back to her room, leaving Ha Na in the middle of the dorm living room.

"Don't threaten me."

"Its not a threat darling. Its a warning." Hae Ra kept walking

"You think I'm afraid of you?" Ha Na scoffed

Hae Ra turned around in her door way to lock eyes with Ha Na "I think you should be."



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2033 streak #1
Chapter 10: Oh, so they got together now? Nice... And poor Moonbin though! (Excuse my biased a**) anyway, wonder how Hae Ra's gonna react once she finds out these two are going out now. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2033 streak #2
Chapter 9: Initially, I was a little confused of who's who since it's been a long time. But by the end, I guess I could recall a few things. Anyway, this was a nice chapter. Hana and Cheonsa still seem to be good friends and now that they have heard Hae Ra's secrets, wonder what would happen next esp since the manager is one of the thugs. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
PS glad to hear that you are doing well now. Health is more important. So don't worry too much about not updating and Take care!
2033 streak #3
Chapter 8: Hae Ra being scared in front of their new manager, makes me wonder what's their relationship esp given that Hana saw the two of them together before. Anyway, now that I have caught up with all the chapters, I hope to see a new update soon!
2033 streak #4
Chapter 7: Cheonsa seems nice. Like Kai, I'm also glad that at least she's there to care for Hana. Hopefully, the siblings could speak out about their relation soon. Still unsure why they had to hide it in the first place. Also, I wonder who that little girl was and what Eunwoo has got to do with her. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2033 streak #5
Chapter 6: Still wonder why her relation to Kai has to be kept hidden. I mean it's one thing to keep a secret if they are actually dating but why to hide they are siblings though? I'm also confused about the love triangles. LoL XD Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #6
Chapter 5: Wonder what's up with Hae Ra and those thugs looking guys. And the injured girl in the basement was a bit and run case? How could that be possible? I mean it was a parking lot isn't it? Also what's up with the guys simply walking into the bathroom? Since they are in the training area, won't there be a separate washroom for the men and women? And has no one taught them the concept of knocking before entering? It's kinda frustrating. But I believe it would have been embarassing for her. Anyway, will be back later to read more!
2033 streak #7
Chapter 4: Hmmm... So many mysteries in this chapter. Who's that other person from behind the van? Who's that injured girl and what happened to her? And what's with Krystal, Kai and Sarang? So many questions.... Hehe XD Nonetheless, I can't wait to read more and find out the answers for all these questions. But, Will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #8
Chapter 3: Wait! If Chanyeol is one of the few who knew about her and Kai, then that makes me wonder why the other EXO members are friendly to her too. I mean who do they think she is? Also, there's a practising room in their dorm? Nonetheless, this chapter was nice. And yes, love triangles are complicated indeed. But why do I smell a love triangle brewing for the main character herself, who finds it complicated? :P Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #9
Chapter 2: I wonder What's the deal between Hae Ra and Ha Na? Also, Hana and Jinjin knew each other? And Eunwoo and Hana's interaction were quite entertaining. They were like cats and dogs. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2033 streak #10
Chapter 1: Got quite a lot of questions but highly doubt you'd be answering them. Anyway, I'm not a hardcore fan of Astro or Eunwoo. So everytime someone mentioned him and muscles, it made me wonder. LoL... I mean he was chosen over Yunho or Changmin. Nonetheless, I will be back later to read more!