Chapter Eight

You Never Know

Ha Na


Ha Na walked with her new friend "so... you never told me your name"

"Joo Ri" she smiled "You can ask me, you know?" Joo Ri walked in to the convenience store first, letting the door fall on Ha Na

"Ask you what?"

"why I'm living in a tent"

Ha Na grabbed bandages and some rubbing alcohol for disinfectant "so you ARE living there?" she reached for some cotton swabs on the top shelf

"I am, my home situation isn't exactly ideal right now"

Ha Na was impressed with Joo Ri's vocabulary, she wondered how old she was "And what grade are you in?" she grabbed an extra shirt from a rack

"Seventh" Joo Ri shrugged "at least I was. They probably kicked me out by now, I haven't been in a few weeks"

"can I ask why?" Ha Na reached the counter and paid the clerk

"My dad isn't a nice person. My step mom hates me and wants to ship me off to boarding school in the US."

"That's horrible, what about you're mom? Can't you stay with her?"

"She's on a business trip. She gets back in a few days, but I was scared that they would send me away before I got to see her" Ha Na could hear Joo Ri choking gup

"And Eun Woo found you?"

Joo Ri nodded "he set me up with the tent and drops off snacks sometimes"


"Please don't tell anyone. I don't want to go back to my dad. Eun Woo agreed to wait until my mom comes back" 

Ha Na and Joo Ri headed back to the warehouse "I wont say anything. But I bet you're starving" Ha Na spotted the tteobokki truck on the street

Joo Ri grinned and followed Ha Na to the truck. Ha Na ordered three number 2's and some drinks. She handed the bag of drinks to Joo Ri and thanked the lady who recognized her as a regular now

"tomorrow, we can go buy you a change of clothes"

"and a shower? I could really use a shower" Joo Ri sniffed herself

Ha Na wondered if there was a way she could sneak Joo Ri into her dorm. Maybe when they left for the MV shoot she could smuggle her in and teach her how to leave through the fire escape...

"Come on, I'll figure something out" Ha Na pulled the board off the window and waited for Joo Ri to climb in. She glanced around the area before ducking into the building herself.

"Oppa, we brought food" Joo Ri headed straight for her tent with the food. Ha Na placed the bag of supplies on the window seat where Eun Woo sat with his shirt lifted up to his shoulders.

"I got most of the blood off" he tried checking his back but he couldn't seem to reach one particular spot in the middle

"It looks better now" Ha Na couldn't shake the image of how his back had looked earlier. The scratches and blood trickling down his back had made her very emotional. She was a bit embarrassed after crying now that it didn't seem as bad. "But, you missed a spot" she opened the alcohol bottle and poured it onto the swabs. She began dabbing gently at the areas Eun Woo had missed and went over the places he had managed to reach as well.

"you don't have to" he stared at the boarded-up window "I can do it"

"Can you reach?" Ha Na waited for him to respond but no answer "Exactly." She chuckled "Plus, I don't mind" she shrugged and continued swabbing away "It's the least I could do"

"Your right I did just risk my life for you" he joked "I'm sorry by the way" he hung his head suddenly "for being so harsh"

"yeah, you were pretty mean" Joo Ri called out from the tent with full

"Its fine. I am nosey" Ha Na shrugged "that's probably why Hae Ra hates me" she whispered and continues dabbing his wounds "pass me the bandages" she reached her hand out

"even if you are nosey. You didn't deserve to be treated like that. I was just trying to keep her hidden" he placed the bandages in her hand. Eun Woo's fingers lingered on hers as he talked

"well, I accept your apology" Ha Na smiled even though she knew he couldn't see her "and ...I am also sorry. I shouldn't have pried into your personal life...I just thought-" she stopped herself

"Thought what?" Eun Woo turned his body to face her

Ha Na placed her hands in her lap "I thought you were conspiring with Hae Ra"

Eun Woo laughed "conspiring with her? what, you think I'm a spy or something?" he recalled their conversation that day "I was just j trying to keep Joo Ri hidden. The less people know about her the better chances she has of being able be with her mom."

"I know that now." Ha Na hung her head "Sorry"

"Hey" Eun Woo lifted her chin up "Its fine" he smiled "I wasn't even really mad at you. I was mad at Kai"

"Jong In oppa? Why?"

"Jong In oppa?"

"That's his real name" Ha Na nodded

"So, you use his real name?" he turned away

"Why were you mad at Jong In though?" Ha Na remembered they had ridden the elevator down together. She gasped, had Kai said something?

"It doesn't matter." Eun Woo shook his head

"It does" Ha Na insisted

"Its fine" Eun Woo glanced over his shoulder "Are you done?"

Ha Na shook her head and placed the bandages on the bigger scrapes and cuts, each bandage she place she made a quick wish for it to heal quickly and not leave a mark. As an idol, it was one of the things drilled into their minds during training. No scars, no marks. it wasn't attractive. But Ha Na couldn't imagine a scar making Eun Woo unattractive, if anything wouldn't that bring his score up?

"Okay" she patted his shoulder lightly

"Thanks" he reached for his shirt

"I got you a new one" Ha Na handed him the one she bought at the store. It was light blue with a cartoon bunny on the front, she thought it'd be funny

"Its....nice?" he laughed at it

"Its all they had" she whined "If you want, wear the torn up-"

"No, I like it" he pulled it over his head "It looks nice doesn't it Joo Ri?"

Joo Ri gave him a thumbs up and kept eating

"Hey, one of those was for him too" Ha Na pretended to be mad but Joo Ri just laughed

"There's some left" she showed them an almost empty bowl


Ha Na jumped back as she searched the warehouse for whoever called her name. Her eyes widened as they landed on Cheonsa and Jong In walking towards them.

"You have A LOT of explaining to do" Kai glared at Eun Woo

"You told him?" Ha Na glared at Cheonsa as they got closer

"I had to, You weren't answering you're phone" Cheonsa defended frantically

"I didn't bring it!" Ha Na blurted "that doesn't mean spill the beans to my brother!"

"Brother?" Eun Woo stepped back from the shock

"Yes brother... so are you going to tell me why your hanging out with my sister at abandoned warehouses?"

Cheonsa pulled on Kai's arm "Kai, stop. Its not like that"

"I followed him here" Ha Na snapped "and why are you getting all pissed off. Its none of your business who I hang out with?"

"Are you seriously pulling that card right now? You're in an ABANDONDED WAREHOUSE!"

"you've said that already!" Ha Na met his tone "I came to see if I could find anything out about Hae Ra"

"Did you?" Cheonsa asked suddenly


"Of course you didn't- can we stop acting like this is normal? You could get in so much trouble for sneaking out unsupervised"

"I get it." Ha Na tried to step away from Joo Ri's tent before some one else noticed her "I'm sorry. We can go now"

"And You" Kai pointed at Eun Woo "I told you this afternoon that I didn't want you messing with her"

"You did what?" Ha Na took a menacing step towards Kai

"Idols don't date, it says so in your contracts, that for the first four years you are not allowed to date. I'm only looking out for you-"

"I don't need you to. I can take care of myself"

"I can see that" Kai's eyes landed on the scrap on Ha Na's elbow  "What happened now?"

Ha Na glanced back at Eun Woo

"there was an accident" Eun Woo began to explain but Kai cut him off

"why is it that every time you're around something happens to her?" Kai spat out

"Stop it, okay just stop." Cheonsa grabbed Kai's arm and pulled him towards the window

"You know I'm right Cha Eun Woo" Kai pointed at him

"Shut up" Cheonsa hissed "Ha Na lets go"

"I'm sorry" Ha Na apologized "I'm so sorry"

"Guenchana(Its fine)" Eun Woo managed a small smile "go"

Ha Na glanced back at him and Joo Ri one last time before climbing out the window and boarding it up again

"Let's go" Kai insisted

Ha Na glared at him and climbed into his car

"The manager is there" Cheonsa looked up with panic in her eyes

"Hold on" Kai revved the engine



Ha Na and Cheonsa ran through the lobby, the elevator looked to be out of commission so they took the stair case up to the 6th floor. They skipped steps at a time and hurried out into the hallway of the 6th floor where they stopped for a second to regain their appearance before going inside.

Cheonsa placed her hand on the door knob then glanced back at Ha Na who nodded for her to go in.

Euna and Hae Ra stood near the door with their arms crossed. Sarang and Mina sat on the couch with their temporary manager. Goddess could feel the tension in the room. Something wasn't right. Hae Ra looked terrified and Euna had her poker face on. Ha Na wondered if Sarang and Mina also felt it. They chatted with their manager and chuckled here and there at his awkward jokes but Ha Na could feel their hearts weren't in it. Maybe because they were worried about Shin Woo? It wasn't until Ha Na got closer that she felt her soul leave her body.

It was one of the thugs.

Ha Na remembered him perfectly from that day and she knew Hae Ra did too. That's why she looked so afraid.

"Oh, Anyeong" he greeted Ha Na and Cheonsa as soon as he stood up "I'm Min Woo. I'm going to be helping you girls out while Shin Woo is away handling business." He smiled but it looked fake to Ha Na. All of it did, the smiles, the laughs the courtesy, none of it was genuine.

"Hi, I'm Ha Na" she bowed out of respect

"and I'm Cheonsa" she did the same "how long will you be with us?" Cheonsa walked around the couch and sat down on the other side on Mina

"Until Shin Woo feels up for coming back. I can't imagine what he must be going through" Min Woo shook his head

"Right" Ha Na narrowed her eyes "you're going to be taking us everywhere?"

"Nae" Min Woo nodded "I have a copy of all of Goddess schedules so don't worry too much about that"

"Of course, we worry" Euna un crossed her arms "we're knew in the business and our manager is out of commission. Its not exactly a good sign"

Euna had a point. Shin Woo was part of Goddess too, it wouldn't be the same without him.

"So, tomorrow?" Euna decided to test him

"You have filming for your music video with EXO's Chanyeol and Lay as the male leads" he smiled proud of himself

"And what about practice?" Hae Ra final spoke

"You practice four to five hours a day every day." he grinned at her but Ha Na could tell she wasn't pleased. If this was the same thug that had been around her that day, why does she dislike him so much?

"I know this might take some getting used to, but I promise you I'm just as good as Shin Woo" he smiled "if not better" he laughed "I'm only kidding"

Ha Na and Euna exchanged glances

"Anyways, I just wanted to drop by and introduce myself and get to know you a bit better" he looked at each girl "I look forward to working with you all" he started backing out of the room "I'll swing by tomorrow morning to pick you girls up" he waved goodbye but Mina and Sarang were the only ones to wave back. Euna waited for the door to close completely before talking

"What do we think?"

"He's shady..." Cheonsa whispered "No one smiles that much"

"I agree. It feels like he's trying too hard" Ha Na added

"Well, he's knew. We just need to give him a chance" Mina defended "He didn't start out with us, so its normal that it feels a bit off"

"I agree with Mina" Sarang raised her hand "he seems nice and he does have our schedules memorized"

"I guess we'll see" Hae Ra shrugged "I'm going to head to bed."

Sarang and Mina followed suit

"You guys should get some sleep too." Euna hugged them goodnight "don't stay up too late" she poked Cheonsa jokingly

"Nae" Cheonsa smiled but it disappeared when Euna left.

Ha Na opened to say something but she stopped short after Cheonsa glared at her before stalking off to their room

"You're mad at me?" Ha Na hurried after her

"Yes" she hissed "I am pissed" Cheonsa closed their door "You disappeared! All day! You didn't answer my calls-"

"I didn't have my phone" Ha Na reminded her

"doesn't matter. I asked you not to go-"

"You told Kai, I think I should be the one that's pissed right now" Ha Na placed her hands on her hips

"You left me no choice" Cheonsa threw her arms in the air "I thought something bad happened to you" her tone changed "I thought you were in danger..."

Suddenly it dawned on Ha Na how worried Cheonsa must have been

"I'm sorry" Ha Na gave in "I am, okay. I'm probably not even welcomed back there anyways. So its for the better."

"Why do you say that?" Cheosna rummaged around for her pajamas

"Are you kidding, that was mortifying. I hope I never see Eun Woo again." Ha Na threw herself on her bed

"It wasn't that bad..." Cheonsa trailed off "I lie. That was pretty bad" she scrunched up her face

"Oh god" Ha Na groaned into her pillow "Being dragged out by my brother, being yelled at by my brother and-" Ha Na sat up suddenly "You outed me!" she stared at Cheonsa with wide eyes

"What?" Cheonsa's eyes widened too

"Ani, I outed me. I outed myself! Oh my god. He knows Jong In is my brother" Ha Na grabbed her head as if she were about to shake some sense into herself "what do I do? I mean, there's nothing I can do" she answered herself "He already knows. I can't deny it now. Too much time has passed" Ha Na glanced at her window.

What if he was on the roof top?

"Ha Na?" Cheosna called to her weary of what she might do

"I have to talk to him" Ha Na hurried to the window

"where are you going?" Cheonsa followed her

"To the roof. If I'm lucky then he'll be there" Ha Na climbed out "you better not tell Kai" Ha Na pointed her finger at Cheonsa

"I'm not" Cheonsa pushed her away "Your lucky I don't lock you out"

"You're lucky I don't lock you out" Ha Na mimicked her while scrunching up her face to match her tone

"Go" Cheonsa laughed as she closed the window.

Ha Na climbed up the fire escape, she smiled once her eyes landed on Eun Woo sitting on the couch playing his guitar

"I hoped you'd be here" she walked over awkwardly

Eun Woo looked up surprised to hear her and smiled "Took you long enough" he set his guitar aside, making room for her next to him

"you were waiting for me?" she raised an eyebrow

Eun Woo just nodded

"I'm sorry about today" she sat down next to him. She hugged herself to keep warm from the nights cold air "about all of it" her eyes landed on his scratched-up arm

Eun Woo chuckled "are you kidding, what an adventure" he joked "but let's never do that again" he glanced at her arm "we've shed enough blood lately"

"agreed" Ha Na smiled, it had been one of the most pleasant conversations she had ever had with Eun Woo since they met. Who would have known he was easy to get along with? "I actually wanted to talk to you about-"

"Your brother?" he beat her to the punch

"Yes" Ha Na hung her head "it's not something I want people to know, at least not yet" she added quickly

"I wont say anything" he answered almost instantly "But why didn't you just tell me?" he asked

"I didn't know if I could trust you" she answered bluntly 

Eun Woo laughed "fair enough"

"Now we share two secrets" she shrugged "guess you're stuck with me" she tried to joke but she wavered after meeting his gaze.

"that doesn't sound so bad" he shrugged

"You'll regret that" Ha Na Joked

"Probably" he agreed

"anyways" Ha Na shivered "thank you for keeping my secret... and for saving me..."

"You should hurry back inside" he rushed

"Nae" Ha Na nodded "By the way" she pointed at the guitar "It sounds really good"

Eun Woo stared at his guitar then back at Ha Na "oh thanks, I suddenly got inspired you know" he smiled softly

"I wish" she thought back to her half-written song. It was still unfinished and she had nothing new to show their production team.

"Still nothing?"

Ha Na shook her head "nada"

"don't worry, it'll come to you" he assured her "I'm willing to share my den with you" he held his arms out, gesturing at the roof top

"Oh, your den?" Ha Na laughed "I might just take you up on that" she shivered

"Go back" Eun Woo urged again "before you get sick" he seemed more serious then "do you want my jacket?"

"No, no. I'm fine" Ha Na stepped back "I'm headed back down." she glanced behind her "don't stay out too long" even though he was wearing a jacket the breeze was chilling to the bones

He stood up suddenly "Should we head back then?"

Ha Na stood up and laughed at how much shorter she was than him

"what?" He checked himself

"How tall are you?"

"6 ft" he smiled proudly "Let me guess, you're 4?" Eun Woo snickered

"I'm 5" Ha Na corrected herself "5'4"

"oh well excuse me" he lifted his hands up jokingly "I didn't know we were counting inches"

"Any little bit counts" Ha Na chuckled "I guess...I'll see you around?"

"Give me your phone" he held his hand out

"Why?" Ha Na asked but she was already handing him her phone

"This is my number" he dialed himself "in case you need anything" he smiled "Or if Joo Ri needs something" he added

"Ah" Ha Na took her phone back "so if I need like an iced latte..."

"No" he shook his head firmly "go sleep" he gently pushed her away

"Nae, Goodnight" she waved goodbye and smiled when he waved back

"Goodnight " he walked backwards to the other side of the building "You better save it" he waved his phone

"I will " Ha Na promised

"bye" he waved again. Neither one wanted to leave and it was obvious, they kept their gaze locked as they walked back to their sides of the building

"Bye" Ha Na's voice was barely audible as she climbed over the wall and down onto the fire escape. She sat there for a second contemplating what happened and why she felt her heart beating a hundred beats per second. She placed her hand on her chest "Please calm down" she told herself

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 10: Oh, so they got together now? Nice... And poor Moonbin though! (Excuse my biased a**) anyway, wonder how Hae Ra's gonna react once she finds out these two are going out now. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2026 streak #2
Chapter 9: Initially, I was a little confused of who's who since it's been a long time. But by the end, I guess I could recall a few things. Anyway, this was a nice chapter. Hana and Cheonsa still seem to be good friends and now that they have heard Hae Ra's secrets, wonder what would happen next esp since the manager is one of the thugs. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
PS glad to hear that you are doing well now. Health is more important. So don't worry too much about not updating and Take care!
2026 streak #3
Chapter 8: Hae Ra being scared in front of their new manager, makes me wonder what's their relationship esp given that Hana saw the two of them together before. Anyway, now that I have caught up with all the chapters, I hope to see a new update soon!
2026 streak #4
Chapter 7: Cheonsa seems nice. Like Kai, I'm also glad that at least she's there to care for Hana. Hopefully, the siblings could speak out about their relation soon. Still unsure why they had to hide it in the first place. Also, I wonder who that little girl was and what Eunwoo has got to do with her. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 6: Still wonder why her relation to Kai has to be kept hidden. I mean it's one thing to keep a secret if they are actually dating but why to hide they are siblings though? I'm also confused about the love triangles. LoL XD Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 5: Wonder what's up with Hae Ra and those thugs looking guys. And the injured girl in the basement was a bit and run case? How could that be possible? I mean it was a parking lot isn't it? Also what's up with the guys simply walking into the bathroom? Since they are in the training area, won't there be a separate washroom for the men and women? And has no one taught them the concept of knocking before entering? It's kinda frustrating. But I believe it would have been embarassing for her. Anyway, will be back later to read more!
2026 streak #7
Chapter 4: Hmmm... So many mysteries in this chapter. Who's that other person from behind the van? Who's that injured girl and what happened to her? And what's with Krystal, Kai and Sarang? So many questions.... Hehe XD Nonetheless, I can't wait to read more and find out the answers for all these questions. But, Will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 3: Wait! If Chanyeol is one of the few who knew about her and Kai, then that makes me wonder why the other EXO members are friendly to her too. I mean who do they think she is? Also, there's a practising room in their dorm? Nonetheless, this chapter was nice. And yes, love triangles are complicated indeed. But why do I smell a love triangle brewing for the main character herself, who finds it complicated? :P Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #9
Chapter 2: I wonder What's the deal between Hae Ra and Ha Na? Also, Hana and Jinjin knew each other? And Eunwoo and Hana's interaction were quite entertaining. They were like cats and dogs. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2026 streak #10
Chapter 1: Got quite a lot of questions but highly doubt you'd be answering them. Anyway, I'm not a hardcore fan of Astro or Eunwoo. So everytime someone mentioned him and muscles, it made me wonder. LoL... I mean he was chosen over Yunho or Changmin. Nonetheless, I will be back later to read more!