Chapter SEVEN

You Never Know

Ha Na beckoned for Cheonsa to follow her into the bathroom where they always held their meetings. She the faucet to sound proof what she was about to say. Ha Na sat Cheonsa on the toilet seat and she sat across from her on the bath tub

"Well, aren't we being cryptic?" Cheonsa chuckled

"Am I?" Ha Na smiled nervously "maybe because I'm about to tell you something...that no one else knows. Something that- I have been keeping this a secret because..." she couldn't continue "I just don't know-"

"Its okay" Cheonsa grabbed her hands "You can tell me anything" she smiled at her sweetly hoping to encourage her

" my brother. Kim Jong In from EXO is my brother. I didn't expect for this lie to go on for so long, I planned on coming clean once I made it in to SE but it just kept getting harder to tell you guys." Ha Na word vomited then closed her eyes and waited for Cheonsa to push her away. She waited for the yelling and storming out of the room and bringing all the members to yell at her for lying for keeping it a secret but Cheonsa didn't move. Ha Na opened one eye and then the other. Cheonsa sat there smiling at her "Did you hear me?"

"I did" Cheonsa nodded

"And you're not mad?"

"I'm not mad" she patted Ha Na's hands

"Why not?"

Cheonsa chuckled "Because you felt like it was the best decision at the time. Who am I to judge that?"

"You're really not mad?" Ha Na felt tears welling up

Cheonsa shook her head "I'm not. But I do have one question"

"Okay" Ha Na leaned forward, a question was a small price to pay

"So then... Eun Woo is the guy you like?" she laughed at Ha Na's shocked face

"again, with Eun Woo!"

"Come on. Eun Woo this and Eun Woo that" she joked "you like him... and I think he likes you" she stood up "I'm calling it"

"You said the same thing about Chanyeol" Ha Na followed her out of the bathroom "plus, there's nothing to call"

"Oh, they both like you, trust me" Cheonsa chuckled

Ha Na laid on her bed before starting her homework. She had three assignments due that day and she couldn't bring herself to concentrate. All she kept thinking about was the shadow she saw in the tent. The tent that Eun Woo had hidden in that abandoned building in the alley she saw Hae Ra in. Was it all connected?  Eun Woo had left alone earlier, had he been headed back there. Was he actually hiding someone? Ha Na jumped off the bed

"Where are you going?" Cheosna looked up from her lap top

"I have to go back"

"Where? The alley?" Cheonsa got out of bed and followed Ha Na to her closet

"Yes, I need to know what he's hiding. Who he's hiding? What if-" Ha Na grabbed a jacket but Cheonsa snatched it and tossed it on the chair in the corner

"You can't go back. Especially alone. Its going to get dark soon and we still have to meet the new Manager" Cheonsa grasped at anything to keep Ha Na at home

"I'll be back on time. Don't worry" Ha Na picked the black jacket back up

"its not safe" Cheonsa snapped at her and took the jacket from Ha Na's hands

"I'll be fine. I'll get in and out before anyone sees me." Ha Na assured her "I know how to get in to the building without going through the alley way" she snatched her jacket back

"I don't like this" Cheonsa shook her head "You shouldn't do this Ha Na"

"Relax. Ill call you when I'm on my way back. Just tell the girls I went to the practice rooms" she hurried out the door leaving Cheonsa standing in the room staring after her. Cheonsa didn't like her taking off to some random place. But what could she do? Should she follow her? Just to be safe?

The street looked exactly the same as it did the day before. Ha Na counted the windows and found the one. It had a black circle on the bottom right-hand corner. Ha Na pulled the board off and set it to the side and climbed in. The place looked dimmer than she remembered it and there were chairs set up outside the tent. Ha Na pulled the board back over the window to cover her tracks. As she looked around the place it looked like no one was there. She got closer to the tent. It was ped and she could hear noises coming from inside it.

"Hello?" Ha Na called out as she inched closer "Eun Woo?"

"He's not here" a voice answered back

Ha Na gasped before peeking inside "Who are you?"

A little girl sat inside with her legs crisscrossed while reading a book "Who are you?" she countered

"I'm Ha Na... why are you hiding out in this tent?" Ha Na crouched down "are you okay?"

"You know Eun Woo?" she asked

"I do" Ha Na nodded

"He's never mentioned you"

"I'm ... a new friend" Ha Na didn't know if she could call herself that but it was worth a shot "What are you doing in here?" she tried again

The little girl shrugged

"aren't you hungry?"

"Eun Woo Oppa went to get some food"

Ha Na panicked, that meant he would be back soon. She glanced around the building thinking she could hear footsteps but no one was there. "how long ago did he leave?"

The little girl shrugged again

"not helping" Ha Na hung her head

"Can I help you?" the words came out like daggers. Each one spoken with disgust.

Ha Na spun around to find Eun Woo standing there with a bag of food in one hand and a bag of drinks in the other "I- I was just wondering-" Ha Na couldn't put her thoughts together.

"You were being nosey. Because you can't ever mind your own business" Eun Woo hissed. He gave the little girl the bag and smiled at her as he patted her head before turning to Ha Na with hate in his eyes "when are you going to stop following people around?" he took her to the side so that his guest wouldn't be able to hear

"I'm sorry-"

"Are you? Because I don't think you are? If you were, you wouldn't still be here expecting me to tell you everything. Just because I found you out doesn't mean I wanted to know!"

"Okay" Ha Na pulled away "I get it" her face hardened "my bad for thinking we were friends" she started walking back "she needs clothes, and a proper meal. Not just snacks"

Eun Woo glanced over his shoulder at the little girl digging in to her diner. He turned back to Ha Na about to say something but she was already climbing out of the window where she had come in from.

Ha Na jumped onto the side walk and wiped the tears out of her eyes.

She felt stupid for crying.

Ha Na looked both way before crossing the street

"Ha Na!" Eun Shouted her name through the board but Ha Na didn't stop. She kept walking down the street. The sun had gone down and she didn't feel like walking back with tears spilling on the way. She reached for her phone to call Kai. Maybe he wouldn't be too busy and could swing by to pick her up. Ha Na realized she forgot her phone and wished she should have listened to Cheonsa and stayed home. Why was she so set on playing detective? She was putting her career on the back burner and that was scaring her even more. She had forgotten why she wanted to be an in the first place.

"HA NA!"

Ha Na's eyes widened as a van attempted to come to a halt but it wasn't going to stop in time. Ha Na could see her self sprawled on the floor already. She closed her eyes ready for the impact. Something hit her from the side and she went flying onto the pavement. "Who stops in the middle of the street?" Ha Na opened her eyes and let out a breath of relief, she laid on top of Eun Woo, he looked back up at her with pain in his eyes, she was crushing him. Ha Na scrambled to get up off of him. After pushing her out of the way he must have turned to his side, Ha Na should have been the one laying on the pavement but instead it was him.

"Are you okay?"

Eun Woo nodded and winced as he sat up

"Should we call an ambulance?" a by stander had his phone ready

"No! It's fine, were fine" he faked a smile and stood up

"Are you sure your okay?" Ha Na insisted

"Yeah, just help me get back to the building" he put his arm around her

"You're injured" Ha Na stated

"It just hurts." He assured her "nothing a good nights sleep wont cure" Eun winced again

"Why did you that" Ha Na hissed

"Um, you're welcome" he scoffed

"if you hadn't come after me..." She continued "you wouldn't have gotten hurt"

"But you would have" he made eye contact with her.

She looked away after feeling her face heat up

"I'm sure I would have been fine" she reached the side of the building with less people walking by. "Here. Stay here" she leaned him on the wall to open the boarded window up

"Where would I go" he chuckled to himself

"Come on" Ha Na pulled his arm over her shoulder again and helped him climb through

"OPPA!" the little girl came running towards them "What happened?" she looked at Eun Woo terrified

"I'm okay" he smiled at her "Oppa had to save this dummy" he nodded towards Ha Na

"Are you okay?" the little girl asked her

Ha Na nodded "you want to help me get that chair ready for him?" Ha Na pointed to the blue chair next to the set-up tent

"yeah" the little girl hurried to reach it before they got there

"Thank you" Ha Na helped Eun Woo sit on the chair. He winced as he went down

"No, No, No" he held on to Ha Na "It's too low" he pulled himself back up

"Okay, that's not good" Ha Na led him to the other window. It had just enough placement to sit.

"Where does it hurt?" Ha Na felt guilty, she wanted to do anything she could to help him. If that meant running to the convenience store to buy medicine she would.

"My back" he held on to it "I landed on the edge"

"Let me see-"

"Whoa!" he pulled away

"Would you stop, this could be serious" she pulled his arm down "Just let me take a quick look"

"Are you a nurse?"

"Well, you didn't let them call an ambulance so- I'm all you got" she let her arms fall to her side

Eun Woo sighed, he gave in and let her lift his shirt up

Ha Na lifted it half way exposing an already bruised looking area. She wanted to keep a poker face so she wouldn't alarm Eun Woo but the little girl gasped and covered

"What? How bad is it?" he panicked

"Um...well on a scale of 1 to 10 you're at about... a solid 5" Ha Na pulled the shirt further up and realized why he kept grabbing it, he had scrapped his back on the pavement, blood had begun to trickle down and stain his shirt "Eun Woo..." she pulled his shirt down

"What's wrong?" he met her eyes "Why are you crying?" his eyes widened

"I'm so sorry" she wiped them away but they kept running down her face

"Hey, its okay" he tried wiping her tears but she kept crying

"That should have been me" she covered her face

"Unnie" the little girl tugged on her shirt "its okay" she smiled "We just have to get some bandages"

Ha Na nodded and tried to compose herself

"She's right. I can't go like this; you guys go" he handed Ha Na his wallet

"No" she gave it back "I got it" she held her hand out for the little girl to grab

"we'll be right back oppa" the little girl waved at him


For the fifth call in a row, it went to voice mail.

To say that Cheonsa was angry was an understatement. She was past angry; she was on the verge of starting WWIII. Ha Na hadn't listened to her and now the manager was on his way over and Ha Na was no where to be found. Cheonsa was fuming.

Mina poked her head into the room "Still nothing?"

"Nothing" Cheonsa exclaimed "why have a phone if you're not going to answer it?"

"Do you think something happened?" Mina's eyes landed on Ha Na's bed. There, in between all the covers and pillows, laid the famous cell "look" she pointed at it

Cheosna's jaw dropped

"no sweat. We'll just go look for her at the practice rooms" Mina shrugged

"Yeah" Cheonsa answered weakly, Cheonsa knew Ha Na wouldn't be there. The question was, where was she? Ha Na's phone lit up. "Brother of mine" was on the caller ID. Cheonsa contemplated for a second if she should answer or not. It was none of her business, she kept telling herself. But what if something had happened to Ha Na. What if she was in danger? What if she had been caught by those thugs she was talking about and taken hostage? Cheonsa shuddered and decided on answering the phone "hello?"

"Hello?" The voice over the phone sounded confused

Cheonsa hesitated before answering

"Hello? Ha Na?"

"Um, no its Cheonsa" Cheonsa panicked

"Oh, Cheonsa. Uh- I must have dialed-"

"Save it. I know." Cheonsa wanted to skip that part, there were more important things at hand

"You know?"

"Yes, she told me this morning. Look. I'm not sure what's going on- or if I should even be telling you this right now. But- Ha Na took off this morning and I haven't heard from her. Obviously, since I'm holding her phone"

"Did she say where?"

"I think it would be better said in person"

Cheonsa knew it wouldn't be smart to have Kai come around the dorm again especially given Sarang's foul mood, so they decided to meet at the practice rooms. It was easier to talk there without the fear of getting caught. Cheonsa told him about the feud going on between Hae Ra and Ha Na and how Hae Ra had threatened Ha Na leading up to the thugs in the alley. She didn't know exactly what happened that day but she knew Ha Na had gone back there and she wasn't back yet. She tried leaving Eun Woo out of it since she didn't know how he tied in to everything. Still, 6 hours is a long time to be un accounted for and Cheonsa had been worried beyond compare.

"did she say where the alley was?"

Cheonsa nodded "It's the one a few blocks from here. She said It was close to where they tteokbooki lady has her stand"

"the abandoned warehouse?" Kai raised an eyebrow

"It could be, she just said it was an abandoned building. Um, something about a boarded-up window."

"alright, I'll drive around and hopefully I can spot her"

"Wait, no." Cheonsa stood up after him "I'm coming with you"


"yes, i am. I'm not about to sit in a room with four Goddess members grilling me for answers when I don't have any"

Kai sighed "its getting late- don't you have to meet your manager?"

Cheonsa nodded "I just want to make sure she's okay"

Kai smiled at her "I'm glad she has someone to look out for her" he sighed "fine, I guess you're coming along" he shrugged and told her to lead the way

Cheonsa started walking towards the door but stopped when she realized he was the one with the transportation "I don't have a car..."

"Right- follow me" he led her to the garage. He kept his car spotless; it was his pride and joy. A cherry red convertible mustang at before Cheonsa. It was easily one of the nicest cars she had even seen, let alone been in. As she climbed in she appreciated the Italian leather.

"We'll do a few laps. Keep an eye out for her" Kai rolled down the windows

"Hang on" Cheonsa rolled them back up "we can't be seen" well technically, he couldn't be seen. She was still a newbie to the idol world.

Kai chuckled "are you going to keep me a secret too?" he joked but there was something about the way he said it that made her think Kai was tired of being Ha Na's secret.

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2033 streak #1
Chapter 10: Oh, so they got together now? Nice... And poor Moonbin though! (Excuse my biased a**) anyway, wonder how Hae Ra's gonna react once she finds out these two are going out now. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2033 streak #2
Chapter 9: Initially, I was a little confused of who's who since it's been a long time. But by the end, I guess I could recall a few things. Anyway, this was a nice chapter. Hana and Cheonsa still seem to be good friends and now that they have heard Hae Ra's secrets, wonder what would happen next esp since the manager is one of the thugs. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
PS glad to hear that you are doing well now. Health is more important. So don't worry too much about not updating and Take care!
2033 streak #3
Chapter 8: Hae Ra being scared in front of their new manager, makes me wonder what's their relationship esp given that Hana saw the two of them together before. Anyway, now that I have caught up with all the chapters, I hope to see a new update soon!
2033 streak #4
Chapter 7: Cheonsa seems nice. Like Kai, I'm also glad that at least she's there to care for Hana. Hopefully, the siblings could speak out about their relation soon. Still unsure why they had to hide it in the first place. Also, I wonder who that little girl was and what Eunwoo has got to do with her. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2033 streak #5
Chapter 6: Still wonder why her relation to Kai has to be kept hidden. I mean it's one thing to keep a secret if they are actually dating but why to hide they are siblings though? I'm also confused about the love triangles. LoL XD Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #6
Chapter 5: Wonder what's up with Hae Ra and those thugs looking guys. And the injured girl in the basement was a bit and run case? How could that be possible? I mean it was a parking lot isn't it? Also what's up with the guys simply walking into the bathroom? Since they are in the training area, won't there be a separate washroom for the men and women? And has no one taught them the concept of knocking before entering? It's kinda frustrating. But I believe it would have been embarassing for her. Anyway, will be back later to read more!
2033 streak #7
Chapter 4: Hmmm... So many mysteries in this chapter. Who's that other person from behind the van? Who's that injured girl and what happened to her? And what's with Krystal, Kai and Sarang? So many questions.... Hehe XD Nonetheless, I can't wait to read more and find out the answers for all these questions. But, Will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #8
Chapter 3: Wait! If Chanyeol is one of the few who knew about her and Kai, then that makes me wonder why the other EXO members are friendly to her too. I mean who do they think she is? Also, there's a practising room in their dorm? Nonetheless, this chapter was nice. And yes, love triangles are complicated indeed. But why do I smell a love triangle brewing for the main character herself, who finds it complicated? :P Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #9
Chapter 2: I wonder What's the deal between Hae Ra and Ha Na? Also, Hana and Jinjin knew each other? And Eunwoo and Hana's interaction were quite entertaining. They were like cats and dogs. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2033 streak #10
Chapter 1: Got quite a lot of questions but highly doubt you'd be answering them. Anyway, I'm not a hardcore fan of Astro or Eunwoo. So everytime someone mentioned him and muscles, it made me wonder. LoL... I mean he was chosen over Yunho or Changmin. Nonetheless, I will be back later to read more!