Chapter FIVE

You Never Know

Ha Na paced in her bed room while looking at her phone. She had to call Shin Woo and tell him what had happened. But she was afraid he would get mad at her for being with Eun Woo. She took a deep breath then looked back down at her phone. "Just do it" she told herself and dialed

The phone call went straight to voice mail. Ha Na groaned and her phone onto her bed, but it bounced off and hit the floor

"Dude, you okay?" Cheonsa walked in, closing the door after her. 

"I have to tell you something" she pulled cheonsa into the bathroom, closed the door and the extractor and left the faucet running "So, I went to get the cake, right?"

Cheonsa nodded "Yeah..."

"Okay, well when we were on our way back-"

"We?" Cheonsa interrupted

Ha Na hesitated "Eun Woo and I"

"Eun Woo?" Cheonsa's eyes widened as a smile spread

"we ran into each other, but that's not important. What's important is that there was a body in the garage." Ha Na whispered the last part

"What?" Cheonsa's eyes widened

"There was body, and I saw someone... I don't know who it was though-"'

"They saw you?" Cheonsa questioned urgently "Ha Na, if they saw you, then..."

"I know, okay, I know. That's why I have to talk to Shin Woo." Ha Na rushed the words out "But that's not it. Something that Hae Ra said, I don't know, it made me think she might have been there too..."

"You think it was her?"

Ha Na shrugged "How else would she know I was with Eun Woo?"

Cheonsa thought about it for a second. It made sense for Ha Na to accuse Hae Ra, especially since they weren't on good terms lately but acting like that out of pettiness was beneath Ha Na. Cheonsa believed her. "So what? Are you gonna ask her about it?"

Ha Na shook her head calmly "Anio. I'm gonna keep an eye on her. But first I have to talk to Shin Woo"

"He left pretty urgently. Something must have come up." suddenly Cheonsa gasped "What if it was about the body!"

"That's what I thought" Ha Na whispered

"So what happened to the body? I mean did you see who it was?" 

"I didn't see her face, but it was girl. And there was a lot of blood. Like... a lot" Ha Na felt a shiver go down her spine as she recalled the scene

Cheonsa shuddered "Talk to shin woo tomorrow. You are going to a photo shoot, so im sure he'll be the one to drive you"

"You're right. Ill just talk to him about it tomorrow." Ha Na shrugged looking down at her phone. How is it that she managed to get herself into such a situation?

"But can i ask you something?" Cheonsa whispered and leaned in

Ha Na nodded

"Why were you with Eun Woo?" she couldn't keep from smiling "You know Hae Ra is going to kill you..."

"Hae Ra already knows." Ha Na mimicked her tone, if Ha Na was right, Hae Ra had been the one behind the van "Plus, we just ran into each other, it wasn't like we planned it or anything." she shrugged it off. It wasn't a sin to run into people, she told herself

Cheonsa starred at her, expecting more juicy details "if you say so." she sang

"Just go" Ha Na shoved her out of the bathroom and turned the lights off

Later that night when all the girls had gone to sleep Ha Na climbed out of her bed. Curiosity was getting the best of her. What had happened to the girl and where had she been taken to? Had she been taken to the morgue? Or was there still a chance that she would survive? Ha Na tip toed out of her room, making sure that no one would wake up. The living room was empty, no lights were left on as she made her way over to the door. She could see the light seeping through the cracks from the hall. She slowly went out, making sure not to slam the door.

"What are you doing?"

Ha Na jumped as she closed the door "Shh" she hushed an turned around

"What are you doing here" she hissed at Eun Woo standing in the hall way

"I'm going to see what happened to the girl. What are you doing?"

Ha Na clutched her chest, "me too."

Eun Woo sighed "did you tell your Manager?"

"No, he's not answering. Did you?"

"Yeah, he said not to worry. Since we didn't see anything were not accountable as witnesses, we were just passing by. The police were already at the scene."

Ha Na sighed in relief " Thank god. I was freaking out."

"You shouldn't be sneaking out in the middle of the night."

Ha Na scoffed "Your kidding, right?"

The elevator dinged and both Eun Woo and Ha Na stopped bickering and turned to see who was coming up this late. The doors opened and Cheonsa stopped when she saw them. She froze, standing there in her pajamas.

"You weren't in the room?" Ha Na glanced back towards their room as if she could see if from the hallway

Cheonsa looked at Eun Woo then at Ha Na and shook her head "I went downstairs to see what happened." She thought it obvious

"And?" Eun Woo asked "what did you find out?"

"There was just blood. The security guard said there was a clean-up crew coming in the morning." Cheonsa closed the gap between them "But guys, the girl that was bleeding... she was hit by a car. It was a hit and run."

"Does anyone know who the girl is yet?" Ha Na asked

Cheonsa shook her head "The security guard doesn't know much either. He just started his shift."

"You asked him?" Eun Woo exclaimed

"No." Cheonsa scoffed "I overheard him talking to the door man." she chuckled "They didn't see me hiding under the desk. I almost got a heart attack when they sat down to talk."

"Wow." Ha Na admired, she was impressed by her sleuthing skills

"Look, don't go looking for trouble on your own." Eun Woo advised "Next time go together." He looked over at Ha Na "I'll leave you guys. I have filming in the morning."

"Nae" Ha Na waved him off.

Ha Na opened the door to their dorm. The lights were still off and Ha Na put her finger over her lips. Cheonsa nodded, following behind her. They made their way back to their room. Everyone was sound asleep and for a moment Ha Na envied them.  Not having to worry about the girl in the garage, or Hae Ra being the shadow she saw, or even just Hae Ra hating her. Ha Na laid down on her bed and starred at the ceiling. This wasn't exactly what she was expecting when she signed up to be an idol.

The Next morning Ha Na had Mina had a photo shoot. They posed for their pictures to be taken for Korea Vouge. It was supposed to be a group concept but it changed last minute to just Mina and Ha Na. Hae Ra had thrown a tantrum in the morning saying what was the point of being in a group if they were just going to be picked off individually. Ha Na could see where she was coming from. But at the same time Ha Na hadn't asked for this cover, Mina hadn't asked for it either, and who were they to turn it down?

After the photoshoot the girl's decided they weren't too far from the practice building to walk and they could use the time to buy some street food. It had been so long since they ate out.

"We'll take two tteokbokki please" Mina jumped up and down at the stand

"we cant be late" Ha Na whispered over her shoulder

"Would you relax" Mina hissed "Aren't you the one who's always late?"

Ha Na hung her head, embarrassed to be called out like that "That's why" she mumbled

"Shh, here eat up" Mina handed her the plate "Thank you so much ajuma" Mina waved to the Woman working the stand. She had been there since they were trainees and would often given then free food and discounts when they were having a hard time "So like I said, Hae Ra just need time to get over this. She's just feeling a bit insecure. This is a hard job"

Ha Na scoffed. She was about to go into a whole rant about the difference between being insecure and being a bully when she saw Hae Ra cross the street with two men in black suits. Ha Na glance at Mina but she had missed it. Mina was too immersed in her food to pay attention to the rest of the world.

"Let's turn here" Ha Na guided her to the alley  Hae Ra had turned in to. It was small and narrow, almost as if cars weren't meant to fit in there. There was a small building at the end of the ally that looked abandoned but it was the only place with a door that wasn't boarded up.

"Where are you taking me?" Mina asked suddenly aware of her shady surroundings

"I saw Hae Ra come through here" Ha Na looked over each building and tried to catch a glimpse of anything on the other side of the boarded windows.

"Um...I don't think we're supposed to be here" Mina had stopped eating and swallowed hard

"Why?" Ha Na looked up at her and followed her line of sight. Her eyes were fixated on a black van parked on the other side of the only building with a door. Ha Na noticed the two men who had accompanied Hae Ra. But where was Hae Ra?

"Ha Na" Mina hissed

"Hang on" Ha Na continued forward. A little further and she might catch Hae Ra too.

"Ha. Na." Mina hissed again but this time she pulled her into a small opening between buildings. More men had come out of the building each carrying what looked like designer bags.

"Oh my god, are you seeing this?" Ha Na whispered

"Kind of hard to miss" Mina kept her eyes glued on them

"Those were the guys that where with Hae Ra"

"No way" Mina shook her head "Hae Ra is too bouji to be out here"

"Bouji or not, it was her." Ha Na peeked again "Maybe I can get closer..."

"For what?" Mina demanded "so they can see your face, follow you home and kidnap you for ransom?"

"That's oddly specific"

Mina shrugged "I watch a lot of Netflix"

Ha Na suppressed a smile "I just want to see if Hae Ra is there... if she's not then we can go"

"And if she is? You plan on confronting her with 5 body guards surrounding her?" Mina placed her hands on her hip "no, we're leaving."

"We can't!" Ha Na pulled away from her "They'll see us. We just have to lay low until they leave."

"Um, hello? It's a dead end. Where do you think they're going to drive by?" Mina freaked out

"Okay...I didn't think this one out" Ha Na admitted

"Do you ever?" A voice came from behind

Mina and Ha Na squealed but covered each other's mouths to keep from being too loud. Eun Woo stood there scowling

"What are you doing here?" Ha Na pushed Mina's hand away

"Ow" Mina frowned

"I followed you" he said simply

"Excuse me?" Mina placed her hand on her chest, she could feel the beat increasing 

"I saw you when you were grabbing food. I was going to say hi when I watched you follow those thugs into the ally" he explained quietly "So you want to get out of here or..."

"Yes please" Mina followed after him instantly

"That's awfully convenient." Ha Na stopped Mina from going anywhere

"What is?"

"You showing up here." Ha Na narrowed her eyes "You, knowing exactly how to get out of here..." she kept her hand out stopping Mina from going further

"If you don't want my help" Eun Woo shrugged as he headed back down the small space

"No" Mina glared at Ha Na "We want it" she grabbed Ha Na's arm and squeezed it "we want it"

Ha Na winced and faked a smile for Eun Woo "We want it"

Eun Woo scoffed "follow me"

Mina and Ha Na followed Eun Woo down the ally way. There was a covered up window that no longer had the board nailed to it. Eun Woo pulled it off and set it to the side. He motioned for the girls to go first. Ha Na poked her head inside. It looked abandoned on the outside but inside it looked like someone stayed there. A tent was set up and there were chairs and it looked like someone had eaten recently. She turned to look at Eun Woo questioningly.

"Someone lives here?" she stepped back

"Anio" he shook his head

Mina peeked inside "It looks like it"

"I come here when I want some peace and quite." He fessed up

Ha Na shook her head, he was lying. He met Ha Na's gaze and held it as if daring her to contradict him. she scoffed and climbed in through the window. "Come on. We're already super late to practice"

Mina followed her inside "they are not going to believe this" Mina laughed

Ha Na turned around instantly and stopped Mina in her tracks "Whoa, you cant say anything" she pointed out the window "not about this and not about that" she pointed at the tent

Mina stared at Ha Na, she had never seen her so worked up. "Okay" she held her hands up "I wont say a thing"

Ha Na eased up "where next?" she whirled around to find Eun Woo closing the window up again. He dusted his hands off and pointed at the window straight ahead of them.

Ha Na motioned for him to go first and followed after him. There was something about the place that gave her chills. She examined the room as she crossed it. The walls were old and rusty like they were peeling because of old age. The floor was spotted here and there almost like big machinery had once been placed. But the thing that caught her attention the most was the shadow inside the tent. Ha Na tried keeping her facial expressions to a minimum. She wasn't so sure about Eun Woo anymore. He had a secret and Ha Na wondered how big that secret might be.

"Ta-da" Eun Woo pulled the other board off the window and introduced them back to the street they had to.

"Thank God!" Mina let out the breath she was holding "and you" Mina added as she glanced over her shoulder at Eun Woo "Let's go"

"I guess this is where I should thank you" Ha Na stood tall, or at least tried to

"it would be the normal thing to do. Yes"

"But I still don't know what you were doing here" Ha Na looked over his shoulder at the tent. Eun Woo got in her line of sight purposely

"I already told you"

"Nae" she nodded "good thing you showed up"

"I'd say" It was hard to get a read on Eun Woo. He wore a poker face and he was good at it "I'll see you around"

"thank you" she added before climbing out "don't get caught" she gave him the same advice he gave her

"Don't worry about me" he managed a small smile and closed the window back up leaving him on the inside

"What is he doing?" Mina hissed

"decoy" Ha Na lied "come on" she took off in a sprint, they were so late to practice Ha Na almost wished she had gotten caught to avoid Euna and Hae Ra's wrath. Would Hae Ra be there? Or was she still with those thugs

Goddess music echoed in the hall way. The girls were in the middle of practice when Mina and Ha Na walked in out of breath and sweating. Ha Na's eyes landed on Hae Ra on the far end of the room drinking some water. She made eye contact with Ha Na and smiled "took you long enough"

"Got tied up" Mina finally caught her breath

"yeah, I can see that" Euna crossed her arms as she crossed the room "I can also see the red sauce stained all around your mouth"

Mina and Ha Na turned to each other, panic stricken, checked their lips before wiping them clean.

"so nice of you to bring enough for everyone" Euna continued

"We had some free time before practice. Sue us for being hungry" Ha Na kept wiping

"You had extra time?" Hae Ra raised an eye brow "Then how come you're late"

"Guys can we just get back to the routine?" Sarang restarted the music "we're just wasting more time with this" glanced around the room

"Come on" Cheonsa lightly pulled on Hae Ra's arm and she conceded, Euna on the other hand continued staring Ha Na and Mina down

"are we done?" Mina spoke up that time "there's not much we can do about it now" she shrugged past her and took her spot in the line up

"No we're not done actually" Euna glanced down at Ha Na's leg "Your bleeding"

Ha Na gasped realizing her jeans were stained. She didn't remember hurting herself.

"Oh my god" Mina checked herself to make sure she didn't have any blood on her but quickly realized she came off as rude "I mean, what happened?"

Ha Na chuckled "I don't know... you guys go ahead. I'm gonna go clean this up really quick"

"don't be too long" Euna's tone eased up "let me know If you need anything"

"Nae" Ha Na hurried to the bathroom. She made sure no one was in there before taking her pants off. The cut was on her shin and her pants were far too tight to try rolling them up. She dabbed a small piece of napkin under the water and placed it on top of her cut. She couldn't tell how bad it was with all the blood around it. she looked around the counter then checked her pockets. Her phone was gone. She groaned, realizing she probably dropped it in the alley.

"great" she said out loud

The door opened

"hey, sorry. My pants were too tight" Ha Na laughed at herself explaining her situation to who ever had walked in "Just ignore me"

"oh" Eun Woo covered his eyes and turned away

"WHAT THE HECK!" Ha Na shouted as she scrambled to get to get her pants

"I'm sorry! I came to give you this" he stretched his arm out holding Ha Na's phone. Eun Woo, clearly flustered, waved the phone around a bit for Ha Na to take it

"You can leave it on the counter and go" she wiggled into her jeans

"Are you okay?" he asked without looking "You were bleeding"

"I'm fine" Ha Na buttoned her pants up and dropped her arms to her sides "You can look now

Eun Woo turned around hesitantly "I didn't mean to-"

"I know" Ha Na grabbed her phone "Thanks" she slipped it in to her back pocket then looked up at Eun Woo wondering why he hadn't left yet "planning to stick around?"

"When did that happen?" he ignored her question and pointed at her leg

Ha Na shrugged "probably hopping through the windows" she lifted her leg on the counter and tried to roll up her jeans

"No, don't do that. Hang on" Eun Woo pulled out a pocket knife. Ha Na kept her wide eyes glued to it as it inched closer to her

"Are you going to cut it?" Ha Na rushed the words out

"The jeans?"

"No, my leg." Ha Na hissed "Yes my jeans." She shook her head

Eun Woo chuckled "You get angry so easily"

"do I?" she scratched her head "I don't mean to" her voice got lower as she spoke "I guess I've just been really stressed"

"I get that" he finished cutting a slit on her jeans leading to her shin "That looks gross"

Ha Na reach over to touch it but Eun Woo pushed her hands away "you have to clean it first" he looked around the room and found the small first aid kit hanging on the wall. "Here" he handed her a roll of gauze and tape.

"is this really necessary?" Ha Na watched him has he moved round the room

"The Band-Aids aren't big enough" he hung the box back on the wall and opened the small disinfectant wipe pack.

"Does that sting?" Ha Na stared at the thin piece of cloth

"It might" Eun Woo nodded "don't look, I'll count to three"

Ha Na thought it best to look away too. She didn't handle pain well, her tolerance for pain was significantly lower than the rest of her members. Sometimes Ha Na would even cry when she got paper cuts. She closed her eyes and braced herself

"1..." Eun Woo counted out loud, Ha Na waited for the 2 but it never came. Instead, what she got was a sharp pain shooting through her leg

"Whoa!" she groaned "What happened to two and three!" she demanded

Eun Woo chuckled "That's how you're supposed to do it" he started bandaging her leg with the gauze and the tape. After wrapping it tightly enough he stepped back to admire his work "Looks...decent"

Ha Na glanced at her leg then at him and back to her leg "Decent? It looks like I grew an extra limb" she laughed hysterically "Oh my god. What is that?" she pointed at the large bump taped to her leg

"I tried" Eun Woo suppressed his smile and threw the trash away. He helped her stand up straight "By the way..." he couldn't make eye contact which was weird for him "I'm sorry about walking in on you in your underwear" he almost looked shy saying it

"I guess that makes us even for the shirtless thing" she shrugged not wanting to make it a big deal. She could see how uncomfortable he was and she couldn't blame him. She felt it too.

"I'm sorry?" Chanyeol stood in the door way "What?" he demanded 


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2033 streak #1
Chapter 10: Oh, so they got together now? Nice... And poor Moonbin though! (Excuse my biased a**) anyway, wonder how Hae Ra's gonna react once she finds out these two are going out now. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2033 streak #2
Chapter 9: Initially, I was a little confused of who's who since it's been a long time. But by the end, I guess I could recall a few things. Anyway, this was a nice chapter. Hana and Cheonsa still seem to be good friends and now that they have heard Hae Ra's secrets, wonder what would happen next esp since the manager is one of the thugs. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
PS glad to hear that you are doing well now. Health is more important. So don't worry too much about not updating and Take care!
2033 streak #3
Chapter 8: Hae Ra being scared in front of their new manager, makes me wonder what's their relationship esp given that Hana saw the two of them together before. Anyway, now that I have caught up with all the chapters, I hope to see a new update soon!
2033 streak #4
Chapter 7: Cheonsa seems nice. Like Kai, I'm also glad that at least she's there to care for Hana. Hopefully, the siblings could speak out about their relation soon. Still unsure why they had to hide it in the first place. Also, I wonder who that little girl was and what Eunwoo has got to do with her. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2033 streak #5
Chapter 6: Still wonder why her relation to Kai has to be kept hidden. I mean it's one thing to keep a secret if they are actually dating but why to hide they are siblings though? I'm also confused about the love triangles. LoL XD Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #6
Chapter 5: Wonder what's up with Hae Ra and those thugs looking guys. And the injured girl in the basement was a bit and run case? How could that be possible? I mean it was a parking lot isn't it? Also what's up with the guys simply walking into the bathroom? Since they are in the training area, won't there be a separate washroom for the men and women? And has no one taught them the concept of knocking before entering? It's kinda frustrating. But I believe it would have been embarassing for her. Anyway, will be back later to read more!
2033 streak #7
Chapter 4: Hmmm... So many mysteries in this chapter. Who's that other person from behind the van? Who's that injured girl and what happened to her? And what's with Krystal, Kai and Sarang? So many questions.... Hehe XD Nonetheless, I can't wait to read more and find out the answers for all these questions. But, Will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #8
Chapter 3: Wait! If Chanyeol is one of the few who knew about her and Kai, then that makes me wonder why the other EXO members are friendly to her too. I mean who do they think she is? Also, there's a practising room in their dorm? Nonetheless, this chapter was nice. And yes, love triangles are complicated indeed. But why do I smell a love triangle brewing for the main character herself, who finds it complicated? :P Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #9
Chapter 2: I wonder What's the deal between Hae Ra and Ha Na? Also, Hana and Jinjin knew each other? And Eunwoo and Hana's interaction were quite entertaining. They were like cats and dogs. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2033 streak #10
Chapter 1: Got quite a lot of questions but highly doubt you'd be answering them. Anyway, I'm not a hardcore fan of Astro or Eunwoo. So everytime someone mentioned him and muscles, it made me wonder. LoL... I mean he was chosen over Yunho or Changmin. Nonetheless, I will be back later to read more!