Chapter ONE

You Never Know

YEAR 2016

Ha Na turned down the hall way while looking for Goddess' room. She had lingered after watching GOT7 get off stage and wanted to tell them they did a good job but she couldn't get close enough and eventually gave up. It hadn't dawned on her that she gotten left behind. Ha Na glanced around the hallways at all the rooms titled for different groups. Got7 Red Velvet, EXO, IKON, IOI but none of them were for her group. Ha Na hurried down a hall as fast as she could in high heels and a tight dress, she turned the corner and noticed a door knob with a star sticker on it and remembered that Mina had told her she marked it. Ha Na didn't think twice about knocking, she just marched in. 

The door closed behind her. 

Ha Na stopped dead in her tracks realizing it wasn't Goddess' room.

Cha Eun Woo from ASTRO stood in front of her, shirt less and in the middle of changing outfits. His muscular chest caused Ha Na's gaze to linger far too long. It wasn't until Eun Woo cleared his throat that she snapped back to reality. Ha Na's eyes grew wide and frantically searched the room for anything that suggested Goddess had been there and that he was the one in the wrong room. but no luck. her eyes landed on Jin Jin, the guys back packs, Rocky's shoes. Ha Na took a shaky breath in

"Cha Eun Woo?" her voice shook, nervously

"oh, do I know you?" he took a step closer

"Anio" Ha Na panicked and took a few steps back

"How did you get past security?" Eun Woo continued to walk towards her

"What?" Ha Na tried to hide the hurt in her voice, she had been confused with a fan, a rouge one at that "uh, I'm so sorry" she whispered as she hurried out of the door. As soon as she closed Astro's door, the one behind her opened and Lola stuck her head out

"What are you doing?" Lola hissed with a curling Iron in her hand

"Unnie!" Ha Na whispered and shoved her back in the room trying to escape the problem she had just created

The door knob wobbled on Astro's door

"Pali! (Hurry!)"Ha Na hurried and slammed her door shut. She leaned back on the door and caught her breath

"Where were you?" Euna demanded

"Um, I was- I went... never mind" Ha Na shook her head and let Lola lead her to her chair and begin working on her make up


Cheonsa sat on the side walk out back of the building. She didn't know if she was getting anxiety or if it was just regular nerves but she couldn't bring herself to go inside. she knew she was late but that just made it harder for her to breathe

"Are you okay?" some one had been passing by and she didn't have the confidence to look up

"I'm fine" she managed

"Are you sure?" the person sat down next to her and she panicked after realizing it was Kai from EXO

"OMMO" she jumped back, startled "I'm sorry"

"You're fine" he assured her "its fine" he smiled softly "are you okay?" he sincerely looked worried

"I don't know- I guess I'm nervous" she admitted "I thought it would ease up once the day got here but now its just worse" she shook her head "what if I forget the words. What if I forget the dance? I mean the what if's are infinite" she psyched herself out

"Relax." Kai patted her back, he realized he probably crossed a line and pulled his arm back and continued "we all get that way. I debuted 4 years ago and I still get like that sometimes. its normal" he assured her "The best thing you can do right now is ask yourself, how much do you want this?"


"How much do you want to be an Idol? Are you going to let a small case of bad nerves get in the way? or are you going to give it all you got?"

Cheonsa stared at her feet. She had practiced for 4 years hoping to be able to debut. Others had been there way longer and taken a lot more time for them to get their chance. she was lucky, luckier than most to get this opportunity so young. "I'm going to give it all I got" Cheonsa smiled

"Good" Kai stood up and held out his hand to her

"Thank you- I must seem like such a rookie" she laughed at herself

"Its normal" he smiled "fighting" he raised his arm in the air before going inside.

Cheonsa took a few deep breaths before heading back inside and back to her group.

D-day was upon them


The echoes of the crowd could be heard down the hall as Goddess made their way on to the stage. The sea of people that haunted their dreams, they were now at the mercy of. Those people would make or break them. That crowd would decided if they had a future as an Idol. They would pick and chose who to support and love them with all their might. Or the worst possible outcome could happen. They could and that very crowd with all that power would doom them and their dreams. The dreams they worked so hard to accomplish.

The stage lights were blinding.

The heat radiating off the lights.

The crowd lowered their voices as the girls each got into position.

The harp began to play and the beat dropped. The audience went wild as soon Euna began to sing. Ha Na's could feel the butterflies in her stomach as she glided on stage. Each step was supposed to be classy and graceful, just like they had practiced for months. Ha Na Stepped up to sing as Euna stepped back. They placed their hands on their hips and swayed. Cheonsa's part came up and she made quite the entrance. The cheers from the crowd grew louder as Minas part came up, as the song was coming to an end Hae Ra belted out a bad note and the lights went off.

The stage was over.

The girls stood in silence. Just as their hearts began to sink the crowd erupted in cheers and shouts as they jumped up and down. They were liked. The girls grinned at each other as they filed off the stage one by one.

"Can you believe that!" Euna cheered "What a rush!"

"I thought they hated us for a second" Ha Na tried to get her breathing under control. She glanced around the hall hoping to see him.

"That was amazing" Cheonsa jumped up and down, the nerves from earlier had vanished and pure adrenaline ran through her veins

"Hey, you okay?" Mina asked Ha Na

"Yes" she nodded firmly "I just have to use the bathroom real quick. Meet you in a bit" Ha Na hurried off to the stair case where they always met at.

Ha Na poked her head around the corner. He said he would meet her after the performance, so where was he? She tapped her foot impatiently as she watched group after group go up. She waited at the far away stair case by the back entrance poking her head out every so often to see if he was coming.

"Hey" Kai jumped out of nowhere

"Yah, you know how long I've been waiting?" she scolded him

"Miane" he apologized and proceeded to hug her "you were great though." Kai smiled

"Really?" she wondered how nervous she looked on stage.

"Are you kidding me, you looked like a pro" he chuckled

"I was dying." she admitted "when is it your turn?" Ha Na turned towards the stage

"Not for another few minutes." He sat down on the bottom steps of the stairs

"I wish we didn't have to hide like this." Ha Na looked around, they were in a small hallway leading to the stairs that no one ever took because it led to the boiler room.

"It was your Idea" Kai shrugged

"I thought it was for the best at the time." Ha Na sat down next to him and he scoffed

"Yeah, keeping secrets is always for the best."

Ha Na sighed "Arasso.(okay)" she hung her head "but there's nothing I can do about it now." she shrugged

"Have you talked to Mom?" he asked suddenly

"Anio.(no)" Ha Na simply shook her head

"Me either."

Ha Na and Kai's family were supportive of their dreams to become idol. But ever since they were accepted into Goddess and EXO they hardly had time to talk to them or even see them. They didn't live too far, in fact, they could probably go visit if they really wanted to, but they never made the time. EXO had debuted first, and now it was Ha Na's turn. At first, she didn't want to join the same company as her brother because she wanted to make it on her own. By some miracle Ha Na had been accepted as a trainee at SE. As she trained she would sneak out to meet up with her brother every once in a while, even though it wasn't a sin, Ha Na had kept it a secret for so long that it was a bad habit to break.

"I have to go soon" Kai handed Ha Na a small box

"What is it?" Ha Na shook it

"Open it dummy" he chuckled

Ha Na opened the box to reveal a small ring on a gold necklace

"Is it..."

"Dads" Kai nodded "I found it in a box in the attic. I thought you might-"

Ha Na hugged him "I Love It" she held back tears

Just then the door flew open

"Oh." Eun Woo stood in the door way to the stair case "I didn't realize there was someone in here." he locked eyes with Ha Na and his eyes widened

"You?" he pointed at her

Ha Na stepped back from Kai

"You're in Goddess?" Eun Woo continued to question "So... you're not a crazy fan?"

"Yeah I'm in Goddess." Ha Na nodded and stood there dumbfounded by his bluntness "Wha, Jinjja.(Really?)" Ha Na turned away

"I have to go now." Kai whispered

"Nae, Arasso(Yes, I understand)" Ha Na nodded and watched as he slid past Eun Woo, who was still standing in the door way starring at her

"What?" she asked suddenly self cautious

"You should be more careful, or you'll get caught." he warned

"Caught?" Ha Na looked at him confused

"Yeah, caught. You and your boyfriend." he nodded calmly


"Do you always repeat everything?"  Eun Woo scoffed, annoyed a bit

"He is not my boyfriend." Ha Na rushed the words out

"Then what is he?" Eun Woo challenged "Ani, I don't care." he cut her off before she even made a sound and turned out the door.

"hang on a minute," Ha Na called out after him "There you go, assuming things" she rushed to keep up with him, but with the heels she was wearing it was really hard to keep a steady pace. "Can you just- Just stop" Ha Na ran out of breath

"Ah" He finally turned around "Congratulations on your debut." he smiled suddenly and continued on his way

Ha Na scoffed as Eun Woo kept walking

"Who are you yelling at?" Cheonsa turned around the corner, already changed into their new clothes and a bag hanging over her shoulder

"No one" Ha Na glared at Eun Woo's back until he disappeared into a room

"Come on, we gotta go. we have an early day tomorrow" Cheonsa pulled on Ha Na's arm

"Nae." Ha Na followed Cheonsa back into their dressing room.


The Next Day at weekly Idol, the girls were having a blast with Don and Defconn. Weekly Idol was a cable show that invited groups and bands on their show to get to know them. They had games and questions so that the fans could feel closer to their favorite groups. It was their first TV appearance where they talked and interacted with their fans. Of course Don and Defconn didn't waste a good opportunity to ask questions.

"So, Ha Na. I heard you were the one who wrote Bad Boy" Don looked at his flash cards

"Not alone." Ha Na said quickly "Euna and Mina helped a lot" she modestly placed her hands in her lap

"Ha Na did most of the work" Mina spoke up "She really had a gift for writing."

"You like writing your own songs?" Defconn asked

"I do." Ha Na answered excitedly "Its a way to express your feelings for something or someone in a way that you just cant simply say by talking."

"Its always a good way to let someone know the truth." Hae Ra added

"So was Bad Boy written  from experience?" Defconn leaned in, suddenly captivated

Goddess laughed

"Nae" Ha Na nodded

"She wrote it based off an experience I had" Sarang spoke up

"No way." Don's eyes widened "Who would mistreat you?" he was outraged

"Oh, no" Sa Rang laughed at the misunderstanding. The song was about how Kai had no idea how much she liked him, yet he was a bad boy for making her like him. but she couldn't explain that on Tv. especially not if he would see it later on. "he doesn't mistreat me. Its more like he's not aware of my feelings."

"Ah" Don and Defconn nodded as they sympathized with her

"He treats me like I'm one of the guys." Sa Rang shrugged, trying to keep it casual and not let it be shown how much it actually bothered her.

"So this guy has you in the friend zone?" Don concluded

Sa Rang laughed "Yeah, I guess you can say it like that." The comment stung but she agreed

"And would you say this guy is your ideal type?" Defconn proceeded

Sarang paused for a while, was he her ideal type. Kai was strong and independent, he was also nice and caring, he had a way of looking after his friends and those that he didn't even know yet.

"Bwo, I guess you could say that." she nodded

"What is Goddess ideal type?" Don asked suddenly "I'm curious" he leaned in again

Euna laughed when he looked at her directly

"I guess, some one strong." Hae Ra answered

"OH" Don nodded "Like Max or Uknow?"

"No, no" Hae Ra chuckled "More like Eun Woo"

The Goddess girls, all shifted in their seats, worried that Hae Ra mentioned actual names.

"So if it came down to it. Who would you pick? Eun Woo or Uknow?" Defconn raised an eyebrow

"Hm." Hae Ra thought carefully about what she was about to say. She did Like Eun Woo. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing if she confessed on TV. Wouldn't that be cute? "Eun Woo, all the way" she grinned

Ha Na glanced in her direction, she hadn't realized Hae Ra liked Eun Woo in that way. If she found out that she walked in on him changing, Hae Ra would for sure kill her in her sleep. Especially since things were rocky between them since their pre debut fan meeting. Ha Na and Mina were the most popular before the debut just by visuals alone, and Hae Ra had become very sensitive to anything having to do with Mina gaining attention. Ha Na had noticed it, but she wondered if the rest of the group noticed it.

"Oh, so Eun Woo is your ideal type. Why?" Defconn scoffed "Cause of the muscles? The handsome face?" he rolled his eyes playfully

"NO!" Hae Ra laughed "He's just a sweet guy. i like his personality." she continued to grin

Ha Na scoffed unnoticed, were they talking about the same Eun Woo from the day of their Debut? Because that Eun Woo had been rude and just very strange over all. Nothing about him said nice and good personality.

Cheon Sa looked over at her with a questioning look

Ha Na shook her head lightly hoping to convey that it was nothing and looked back at Don and Defconn

"What if Eun Woo sees this?" Don laughed

Hae Ra smiled "bwo, if that happens then I'll just think of it as fate." Hae Ra answered smoothly and Ha Na's Jaw dropped momentarily.

"Yah" Cheonsa chuckled "what's up with you?" that drew Don and Defconns attention to Ha Ana who had hurriedly closed

"Oh, Ha Na. What about you? Do you have an ideal type?" Don questioned

Ha Na locked eyes with Hae Ra and she felt as if she was challenging her. Ha Na wondered, for a split second what would happen if she said she also liked Eun Woo. All hell would break lose.

"I don't think I have a specific person in mind." Ha Na leaned forward to speak "But definitely someone attentive, polite, and caring." Ha Na ended up answering. She realized that none of that applied to Eun Woo. At least not the one she had met the day before. She had no idea who Hae Ra was talking about. "And strong." she added causing the room to erupt in laughter. Hae Ra locked eyes with her again but this time Ha Na held her gaze.

Challenge accepted.


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2033 streak #1
Chapter 10: Oh, so they got together now? Nice... And poor Moonbin though! (Excuse my biased a**) anyway, wonder how Hae Ra's gonna react once she finds out these two are going out now. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2033 streak #2
Chapter 9: Initially, I was a little confused of who's who since it's been a long time. But by the end, I guess I could recall a few things. Anyway, this was a nice chapter. Hana and Cheonsa still seem to be good friends and now that they have heard Hae Ra's secrets, wonder what would happen next esp since the manager is one of the thugs. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
PS glad to hear that you are doing well now. Health is more important. So don't worry too much about not updating and Take care!
2033 streak #3
Chapter 8: Hae Ra being scared in front of their new manager, makes me wonder what's their relationship esp given that Hana saw the two of them together before. Anyway, now that I have caught up with all the chapters, I hope to see a new update soon!
2033 streak #4
Chapter 7: Cheonsa seems nice. Like Kai, I'm also glad that at least she's there to care for Hana. Hopefully, the siblings could speak out about their relation soon. Still unsure why they had to hide it in the first place. Also, I wonder who that little girl was and what Eunwoo has got to do with her. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2033 streak #5
Chapter 6: Still wonder why her relation to Kai has to be kept hidden. I mean it's one thing to keep a secret if they are actually dating but why to hide they are siblings though? I'm also confused about the love triangles. LoL XD Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #6
Chapter 5: Wonder what's up with Hae Ra and those thugs looking guys. And the injured girl in the basement was a bit and run case? How could that be possible? I mean it was a parking lot isn't it? Also what's up with the guys simply walking into the bathroom? Since they are in the training area, won't there be a separate washroom for the men and women? And has no one taught them the concept of knocking before entering? It's kinda frustrating. But I believe it would have been embarassing for her. Anyway, will be back later to read more!
2033 streak #7
Chapter 4: Hmmm... So many mysteries in this chapter. Who's that other person from behind the van? Who's that injured girl and what happened to her? And what's with Krystal, Kai and Sarang? So many questions.... Hehe XD Nonetheless, I can't wait to read more and find out the answers for all these questions. But, Will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #8
Chapter 3: Wait! If Chanyeol is one of the few who knew about her and Kai, then that makes me wonder why the other EXO members are friendly to her too. I mean who do they think she is? Also, there's a practising room in their dorm? Nonetheless, this chapter was nice. And yes, love triangles are complicated indeed. But why do I smell a love triangle brewing for the main character herself, who finds it complicated? :P Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #9
Chapter 2: I wonder What's the deal between Hae Ra and Ha Na? Also, Hana and Jinjin knew each other? And Eunwoo and Hana's interaction were quite entertaining. They were like cats and dogs. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2033 streak #10
Chapter 1: Got quite a lot of questions but highly doubt you'd be answering them. Anyway, I'm not a hardcore fan of Astro or Eunwoo. So everytime someone mentioned him and muscles, it made me wonder. LoL... I mean he was chosen over Yunho or Changmin. Nonetheless, I will be back later to read more!