
Bleeding into Euphoria
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Chaewon went back to their friends with Minju. Their hands were intertwined while they were walking. Chaewon wasn’t ashamed about her feelings but she didn’t feel comfortable showing affection in public. Minju must have caught onto her thoughts when their eyes met, she slowly let go of Chaewon’s hand with a warm smile. Chaewon felt thankful because of it.

Hyewon and Chaewon met each other’s eyes. Chaewon gave her a smile to show her gratefulness and Hyewon nodded to acknowledge it. They didn’t need words to understand each other. 

Chaewon’s in a less distressed state and sat down when Minju asked her to. Hyunjin didn’t budge from his earlier position and kept eyeing the two of them. Chaewon remembered about his accusations a few minutes ago. She didn’t want him to go there and shook her head firmly, it got Hyunjin to stop looking. 

It took about an hour before the doctor came out of the infirmary. He had informed Chaewon that they gave him pain medications and set his dislocated bone. They were lucky the school was properly equipped and was able to treat him quickly. Felix would be wearing a cast for quite a while. Chaewon hoped that his supernatural ability would let him heal faster. After all the talk, they were allowed to see him.

Hyunjin was first to go inside, Chaewon was closely behind. She asked Minju to come with her but the latter politely declined. She said something about having to go back to see Yuri and was gone. Chaewon looked at Yena and Hyewon to ask what it was about but they could only shake their heads, having no idea either.

Felix was sitting up when they found him. He had a gummy smile, far from the pained face he had moments ago because of the accident. Chaewon felt a little bit better to see that. 

“How are you?” 

“The pain meds are working so I feel high as a kite but no pain.”

Chaewon snorted at that. 

“We have to call his parents.”

With Hyunjin’s suggestion came both Felix’s and Chaewon’s groan. Yena winced, remembering how protective the nature of Felix’s parents are. Hyewon sympathized with the cousins’ reaction, his parents were indeed wild.

“Can’t we just call Chaewon’s parents?” 

Chaewon glared at him.

“Are you dumb? They’re not supposed to be associated with me.”

“Your parents are long gone from the public eye, it’s not like the other supernatural students would know them.”

“Their reaction would be better than yours’.”

Felix sweetly smiled and nodded. “That’s what I’m saying.”

Chaewon thought hard about it but then agreed.


Hyewon went out to make the call, Yena came with her. With the three of them left, Hyunjin might have felt more at ease to share his thoughts. Chaewon still wouldn’t agree with him but Felix would know him better than she does so she lets them be.

“Do you think it’s magic?”

Felix’s grin dropped.

“What do you mean by that?”

Felix looked at Chaewon for clarity, the hybrid shrugged as an answer. She didn’t really want to entertain any accusations that have no valid explanation. Especially if the looks Hyunjin’s been giving to Minju earlier meant what she thinks it meant. 

“I felt magic the moment you were injured. I don’t think what happened to you was just a mere coincidence. I tried telling Chaewon but she won’t listen to me. I think maybe she doesn’t believe it because it involves Min---”

Felix shook his head after realizing where he’s heading. 

“Hyunjin, stop.”

“But Felix!”

Chaewon quietly sat. No emotions were let out. She’s just observing, wondering where this will end. She felt like a lion waiting for its prey to make a small mistake before she could pounce. 

“Hyunjin, you know better than anyone to question what Chaewon has decided on. You are aware that this is grounds for treason to this family.”

Hyunjin gave a quick glance to Chaewon’s direction. Her empty expression might have finally caught onto him. He shuddered before his body betrayed him and cowered. He looked away like a scared doe as he mumbled an apology.

Chaewon felt pleased to know that she still has power over him.

Felix faced her cousin. “I’ll try to remind him not to try this again.”

Chaewon had her fun so she only shrugged. It didn’t matter what happened next. Hyunjin had always been keen to make things his own way and Chaewon gets to have a kick from it from time to time. This time isn’t any different.

Hyewon and Yena returned soon after. Chaewon’s parents would be over early in the morning. This meant that Felix had to stay the night at their school and Hyunjin had to return to theirs. Chaewon volunteered to stay the night to keep her cousin company. The nurse won’t let her at first but Hyewon compelled her to agree before the argument got bigger. When Hyujin had to leave, Yena and Hyewon went with him. Chaewon also asked Hyewon to take her place on the task of seeing off the Northern Mountain students. In truth, Chaewon just really wanted her friend to spend more time with Eunbi.

“Today was fun, minus the accident.”

The two of them were the only ones left in the infirmary. The nurse had returned to her quarters a few minutes ago and there were no other patients besides Felix. Chaewon decided she’d take the bed next to his.

“It was,” she agreed.

Chaewon heard Felix shift on his bed, she sat up because of it.

“Stop moving and get some rest.”

There was a huff from Felix but he instantly gave up and lay down on his back. She gave him five minutes to make sure he won’t shift around any further before lying back. Both of them were facing the ceiling when Felix spoke up again.

“You and Minju, huh?”

Chaewon froze but calmed down once she convinced herself that this was her cousin. This was Felix and she could tell him everything. She’s safe to fully express herself without any judgement minus some goading comments that won’t ever go away with Felix being himself.

“It’s complicated, we’re not really together.”

There was silence but laughter followed. When Chaewon faced his bed she could see he was laughing.

“What’s funny?”

“You’re the most direct person I know and it’s weird to hear you admit that something is unsure in your life.”

Chaewon threw her pillow at him.

“What do you mean it’s weird? All my life everything has been complicated!”

Felix caught the pillow and tucked it to his side, his laughter is still not dying.

“You’re right but you’re also you, Chaewon. You’re the person who will never give up on something no matter how hard it is. You never take the easy route and yet you still get things done. If I knew better I’d say you live for ‘complicated’ but see it as something normal.”

Chaewon’s frown was evident by the time Felix stopped talking. 

“I don’t understand you.”

Felix’s laughter stopped and what remained was a smile Chaewon would describe as content.

“What I mean by that is that even if you say it’s complicated or unsure now you’d eventually see it as something else and treat it as if it isn’t.”

“I still don’t get it.”

Felix had his eyes closed. “You’ll understand it when you get there.”

Chaewon groaned. “Jerk, if you’re gonna sleep on me at least return the pillow.”

Felix threw the pillow which Chaewon caught gracefully. She placed it back on the bed and puffed it a couple of times before settling in. That night she had little sleep. She could blame the stiff mattress but she couldn’t deny that maybe a part of the reason for it is what Felix said bothered her in a way she couldn’t place.

Morning came and the first to show up at the infirmary was Minju. She had two apples with her for Felix and her. Chaewon was sitting on the chair beside Felix’s bed. She actually woke up before dawn and decided to take a quick shower in her room but came back as soon as she could to be by Felix’s side. She took a quick glance at Minju and offered a smile. She took a pass on the apple, not feeling up to eating anything.

“How is he?” 

Minju pulled a chair so she could sit beside Chaewon. 

“A dislocated knee, he has to wear a cast for some time. My parents will pick him up today.”

Minju’s brows furrowed. <

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I've finally chosen TaeNy as Chaewon's parents. I hope you like this update. Do comment on how you think about the story so far?


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Satzuworld #1
Chapter 8: I’m deeply curious about minju😭
Chapter 8: I know i'm super duper late to reading updates by now. I was quite busy as well. But now I got to read it... I could only gush out at the cuteness of 2Kim. Also, even Hyunjin thinks Minjoo is a witch!! See?! My what ifs manifesting already. Lols.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
cleofierayne 35 streak #3
Chapter 8: Woahh!! I felt weird somehow like Minju screams half witch and related to the headmistress. Just after Minju said her mom died and her father is busy from work, makes me think her parents must have separated and her father just highkey avoided discussing regarding her mom, so he's away from home all the time. But yeah hahaha so many thoughts going on right now but it could be 😂

Hyunjin just spill it has to do with Minju's doing Felix got injured but Chaewon and the others wants nothing of it. Minju is scary when she's jealous. I don't know if anyone notice other than Hyunjin but I'm hoping someone too.

And yes, TaeTiff my heart ❤️❤️ Ahhh mother's knows best😍 my gadd so much love and they know something isn't right after hearing what led to Felix injury. Its not a natural cause yep yep👏🏻

2kim lang sakalam ahhhh
Chapter 7: I thought there was gona be a lot more trolling but it's about to get dramatic aint it?
Chapter 6: I can't wait for the trolling to begin lol
Chapter 7: i am in deep curious about chaeyeon, and felix fell over just like that? someone casted him a spell and I couldn't tell whose.

anyways i really loved the flow of the story and I'm waiting for the next update hehege. loved felix and chaewon's interaction here
Chapter 7: If it was magic that caused Felix to fall over by accident and given that Minjoo was being jealous, could Minjoo here be a witch without her knowlwdge? Like, her powers are surfacing just now?

Anyway, I enjoyed the read. Was glad this was updated. I kinda liked the part where Chaewon fesses up about her feelings towards Minjoo. Also, a jealous Minjoo, if she is indeed a witch, is not one to be messed with. Most specially if ut's her Chaewon. Heheheh
Chapter 7: I was thinking the same, that it was magic that caused that to Felix and it might be Minjoo? she was jealous so that probably caused her unknowingly casting a spell or smth. I’m not sure tho, I’m just overthinking maybe lmao but YASSS! 2KIM!!! >_<
Chapter 6: I am intrigued with Minjoo's case. But I am more intrigued with Chaewon's case as well. I will wait for more. Heheheh. ChaeSisters seem to be another case as well. With that, I am waiting for the next update to quench my thirst.