Erratic Feeling

Bleeding into Euphoria
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Chaewon stood still as Yujin eyed her up and down to see for any crack in the mask she had put on. The werewolf nodded and she no longer looked tensed. Chaewon can sense that Yena seemed to look calmer too when Yujin backed away.

“I see.”

Chaewon shrugged. 

“The offer to help you get acquainted with the school grounds stand,” Wonyoung spoke up. 

Chaewon looked at Hyewon to check what she would do with the offer. The girl gave her an affirmation with a slight nod. Chaewon faced Wonyoung and gave her a small smile.

“We think that would be nice.”

Wonyoung had led them outside but Yujin remained where she was. Chaewon was the first to notice her lack of presence and looked behind. Yujin doesn’t look too pleased. 

“Aren’t you coming?” 

Wonyoung and the rest halted after hearing her. Wonyoung seemed confused when she realized that her mate hadn’t followed. She gave Yujin a questioning look. 

“You guys go ahead, I’ll tell the headmistress about what happened.”

Wonyoung looked unsure. 

“We’ll see you at the garden once you’re done then.”

Yujin’s straight face disappeared into a sweet smile because of Wonyoung’s words. Wonyoung’s eyes formed crescents and Yujin did too as they looked into each other’s eyes quietly. The rest of them could only stare at their publicly displayed affection. Chaewon felt sick wondering if that’s what love does to someone. 

Nako coughed. Yujin looked away first, blushing as she looked up at the ceiling. Wonyoung did the opposite and looked down at her feet. Chaewon scoffed and decided that this wouldn’t end if no one does anything.

“Nako, I think it’s best to first show us where the classes will be held.”

“Of course.”

Chaewon met up with Nako who was now in front as Wonyoung stalled behind. Yena and Hyewon were sharing looks behind her. Nako animatedly shared the history of the school as they made their way towards the classrooms. Passing by the common room, she sees a familiar face. Nako seemed to know Minju too as she was the first to stop upon seeing her.

“Hey Minju!” Nako enthusiastically greeted her.

Minju looked a little bit surprised but quickly smiled once it sunk in who greeted her. She even gave a small wave to them that Chaewon wouldn’t admit she thought was adorable. Chaewon didn’t miss that Minju’s wearing a different set of uniform since it didn’t look wet nor wrinkly. It seemed like she changed first when they got back to the school. 

“What are you guys up to?”

Minju’s tone was soft. Chaewon thought it sounds angelic, again she wouldn’t admit that. She didn’t answer but Wonyoung perked up and strutted towards Minju. She clung her arm on Minju’s and smiled, they seemed to be close friends too.

“We’re giving the new students a tour.”

“Is that so?”

Wonyoung hummed enthusiastically as an affirmation. 

“I’d ask you to come along but I’m afraid it might tire you out.”

Chaewon is a little bit confused with that. She stared at Minju as she spaced out, as if deeply thinking. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her bottom lip was jutting out. Chaewon looked away when she realized she was staring. 

Chaewon doesn’t stare. Chaewon doesn't  think about whether a person has changed into a different set of uniform. Chaewon doesn’t care. Chaewon Chaewon had little interest in anything that isn’t her family. 

“I might actually go with you guys. I feel good today.”

Wonyoung’s expression showed a mixture of worry and shock. It intrigued Chaewon why her reaction would be like that to something as simple as giving a tour. 

“Are you sure?”

Minju nodded softly. Wonyoung still looked reluctant but she shrugged before locking her free arm with Nako’s as they walked ahead, resuming their tour. Chaewon didn’t realize that Minju had slipped out of Wonyoung’s grasp and is now walking beside her. They were behind the group. Chaewon would like to think that she didn’t do that on purpose and that Hyewon and Yena were the ones who chose to walk ahead first.

“You know, you haven’t told me your name,” Minju whispered.

Chaewon wondered why she had to whisper. It’s not like they were sharing a secret or something. Chaewon let it go over her head, not wanting to think anymore at all. She’s done enough thinking for a day. 

“You never asked.”

Minju’s lips form into a grin. Chaewon doesn’t understand why. Hyewon and Yena seemed to be list

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I've finally chosen TaeNy as Chaewon's parents. I hope you like this update. Do comment on how you think about the story so far?


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Satzuworld #1
Chapter 8: I’m deeply curious about minju😭
Chapter 8: I know i'm super duper late to reading updates by now. I was quite busy as well. But now I got to read it... I could only gush out at the cuteness of 2Kim. Also, even Hyunjin thinks Minjoo is a witch!! See?! My what ifs manifesting already. Lols.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
cleofierayne 35 streak #3
Chapter 8: Woahh!! I felt weird somehow like Minju screams half witch and related to the headmistress. Just after Minju said her mom died and her father is busy from work, makes me think her parents must have separated and her father just highkey avoided discussing regarding her mom, so he's away from home all the time. But yeah hahaha so many thoughts going on right now but it could be 😂

Hyunjin just spill it has to do with Minju's doing Felix got injured but Chaewon and the others wants nothing of it. Minju is scary when she's jealous. I don't know if anyone notice other than Hyunjin but I'm hoping someone too.

And yes, TaeTiff my heart ❤️❤️ Ahhh mother's knows best😍 my gadd so much love and they know something isn't right after hearing what led to Felix injury. Its not a natural cause yep yep👏🏻

2kim lang sakalam ahhhh
Chapter 7: I thought there was gona be a lot more trolling but it's about to get dramatic aint it?
Chapter 6: I can't wait for the trolling to begin lol
Chapter 7: i am in deep curious about chaeyeon, and felix fell over just like that? someone casted him a spell and I couldn't tell whose.

anyways i really loved the flow of the story and I'm waiting for the next update hehege. loved felix and chaewon's interaction here
Chapter 7: If it was magic that caused Felix to fall over by accident and given that Minjoo was being jealous, could Minjoo here be a witch without her knowlwdge? Like, her powers are surfacing just now?

Anyway, I enjoyed the read. Was glad this was updated. I kinda liked the part where Chaewon fesses up about her feelings towards Minjoo. Also, a jealous Minjoo, if she is indeed a witch, is not one to be messed with. Most specially if ut's her Chaewon. Heheheh
Chapter 7: I was thinking the same, that it was magic that caused that to Felix and it might be Minjoo? she was jealous so that probably caused her unknowingly casting a spell or smth. I’m not sure tho, I’m just overthinking maybe lmao but YASSS! 2KIM!!! >_<
Chapter 6: I am intrigued with Minjoo's case. But I am more intrigued with Chaewon's case as well. I will wait for more. Heheheh. ChaeSisters seem to be another case as well. With that, I am waiting for the next update to quench my thirst.