
Bleeding into Euphoria
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A month has passed since Chaewon acknowledged that she is indeed harboring feelings for Minju. Nothing much had changed though, because Hyewon was right it’s too early to actually act on whatever she is feeling. But Minju and her still go to classes together, do homeworks together, spend three of their meals together with their friends in the dining hall, though sometimes for supper they would sneak into Chaewon’s room just to get away from all the people. When Chaewon thought about it deep enough, she realized that maybe she’s spending too much time with Minju. Just like now, they had snuck away from the dining hall and decided to eat in her room. 

“I still can’t figure out how you get a room to yourself,” Minju muttered. She’s picking on her berries while Chaewon just didn’t give any attention to her tray of food. Chaewon wasn’t really hungry, her appetite had weakened since she arrived at the school. Hyewon mentioned something about the possibility of her being homesick, Chaewon didn’t want to entertain that but she can’t think of any other reason.

“There wasn’t another double room so I got this one,” Chaewon lied. She wasn’t really comfortable admitting that her parents had a hand on it considering they’re friends with the headmistress. Chaewon still hadn’t met her though and she has no intention of doing so, if it can be avoided.

Minju hummed, that’s always been her response when Chaewon gives her a dismissive answer. Chaewon liked that Minju doesn’t pry or push for more just like how she doesn’t. The two of them accept any information that was given and never asked for more. 

“Are you done with that?” Chaewon asked when she realized that Minju will just continue picking on her berries and not actually eat it. Minju looked up from the tray and met Chaewon’s eyes. She smiled, a smile that sent warmth through Chaewon’s heart. The warmth was always going to be a strange feeling but not an unwelcome one.

Minju handed the tray to Chaewon knowing the girl was the one who always put it back to the dining hall once they were done for the night. Chaewon took it and placed it underneath her barely touched one. Chaewon saw the concerned look on Minju’s face when she put away the trays. She gave a small smile to the younger girl to make her feel better.

“Don’t worry too much, Hyewon said I might just be missing home so my appetite’s acting out.” Chaewon let out a low chuckle with that. The worry on Minju’s face slowly faded but there’s still some hint of it. 

“Do you?” Minju suddenly asks.

“Do I what?” Chaewon asked, quite clueless. Her head feels like it’s somewhere else.

Chaewon returned to sit on the bed with Minju across her. 

“Miss home.”

Chaewon looked to her right where the only window in her room sat. She could see a small part of the moon illuminating. Somehow, it reminded her of her mother who used to tell her that the wolves are one with the moon. The moon will be their only friend whenever they turn into a wolf, was her mother’s words. 

“I guess I think of the people back home a lot. I’ve been with them practically my whole life and suddenly now I’m here without them,” Chaewon finally answered after thinking hard to put her thoughts into words. 

She felt the smooth tips of Minju’s fingers brush over the back of her hand, after a while her whole hand was over hers. Chaewon felt the tingles against her skin. She felt blood rushing through her cheeks. She looked up and saw the sincerity in Minju’s eyes. 

“If you miss your home too much, I know that I will never compare to it but I can always offer my company to make you feel better.”

You already do. 

Chaewon wanted to say her thoughts out loud but she wasn’t brave enough to do so. She wasn’t sure if it’s the proper thing to do. Hyewon’s words of advice echoed through her mind. It’s too soon. Everything is too fast. Even if everything felt perfectly right it still felt wrong, something was lacking.

“Thank you.” Was all that Chaewon could let herself admit. Minju seemed satisfied with it because she flashed one of those bright smiles that managed to whisk away every confusing thought in Chaewon’s mind. 

“Tomorrow there will be visiting students from the boarding school from the neighboring town, Northern Mountain Boarding School,” Minju suddenly said. She pulled away her hand and let it settle on her lap. Chaewon quickly missed the contact but she let Minju do so.

“Hyewon mentioned that to me during lunch,” Chaewon acknowledged.

Chaewon had questions about the event because why was visiting another school a thing. She heard other students, females specifically, squealing about it earlier in the hallway. Chaewon wanted to shut them up but Yena’s been reprimanding her that she won’t make friends if she’s rude to people so she grumbled as she went her way.

Chaewon wanted to ask Minju but the girl looked sleepy. When Minju stifled a yawn it was Chaewon’s que to convince her to rest. Chaewon got up from the bed, Minju was a little bit startled. She didn’t say anything as she reached out her hand for Minju to take.

“Come on, I’ll walk you to your room,” Chaewon said.

Minju was about to protest, Chaewon knew because it was sort of their routine. Minju would always refuse to go back to her room and Chaewon would promise to pick her up for breakfast the next day and that seems to make Minju agree.

“Don’t argue with me anymore, I’ll walk you to the dining hall for breakfast tomorrow,” Chaewon said gently.

“You’ll pick me up from my room?” 

Chaewon gently bobbed her head as an answer. Admittedly she was too tired and she wanted to rest early tonight. Minju caught on and finally got up.

The walk was short since Minju’s room was only a couple of doors away. She shared a room with Yuri and it didn’t surprise Chaewon when she saw Yena standing in front of their room. Yuri gave her a small smile and  Chaewon returned a gentle acknowledging nod. Yena on the other hand waved her hand with a warm smile.

“Didn’t see you at the dining hall earlier,” Yena said to her.

Chaewon gestured towards Minju. Yena quickly understood what Chaewon wanted to say and showed a teasing grin. “Minju wanted to eat in my room and I didn’t fancy seeing a bunch of people so I agreed.” 

The grin on Yena’s face grew wider and Chaewon couldn’t help to roll her eyes at the cheeky look she's getting. Chaewon glared at her and so she stopped. Yuri was chuckling as Yena cowered under the gaze.

Chaewon faced Minju who was behind her. 

“I’ll get going now. See you tomorrow morning,” Chaewon said in a soft voice that Yena has never heard her use. 

“I’ll see you,” Minju replied with a smile  before going inside the room. 

Yuri followed soon after without giving Yena a proper time to say goodbye, leaving her looking like a lost puppy in front of the door. Chaewon laughed at that. 

“Women can really be cold sometimes,” Yena muttered.

Chaewon looked at her smugly. “I don’t think I understand you,” she said, her tone proud and teasing.

“Shut up,” Yena groaned while stomping her feet, heading to her room most probably. 

Yena really reminded her of a teenage boy throwing tantrums. 

In the morning, Chaewon was awakened by knocks. She grumbled as she walked towards the door with heavy steps. No one she knew ever knocked. Yena and Hyewon barge inside the room as if it’s theirs. Minju’s too shy to come on her own will. As for the rest, no one else dared visit her. She wondered if it’s one of the wolves since they’re the only ones who would have the audacity. To her surprise, it wasn’t one of them.


Felix had a wide smile as he timidly waved his hand. Chaewon opened the door wider to let her cousin enter. He was enthusiastic as he surveyed the room with his eyes. Chaewon only stared, too confused to do anything else. Once Felix was done looking around, he focused back to Chaewon. The hybrid didn’t look disheveled but it was obvious she just woke up.

“I thought you like waking up early?” Felix questioned.

Chaewon rolled her eyes. “I do but Hyewon’s been telling me it’s probably because my body is still adapting, being away from home and all that.”

Felix plopped onto the bed as if he owns it. Chaewon let him, he’s really the only cousin she liked and he’s really nice despite the cold aura he emits. Chaewon believed the aura was really just a family thing. 

“What are you doing here anyway?”

“I was told school visitation between our schools was an annual occurrence, hence, my being here.”

Chaewon had then realized that Felix also only recently left to attend boarding school, she just didn’t know it would be in the neighboring town of hers. In their families they were the most precious children being both an only child and were mostly kept away from civilization. Unlike her though he’s completely a vampire as he was conceived normally which was confusing to her since the reason she was treated that way was because she wasn’t “normal” but he is.  

“I’d offer you a tour but I haven’t completely memorized the grounds,” Chaewon said nonchalantly. 

She’s now taking her things to get ready for the day while Felix minded his own business. He was on his phone as far as Chaewon can assume, she wasn’t really paying attention to him. Breakfast will be served in thirty minutes and they were reminded that attendance was a must. 

“That’s fine, ladies were fawning over us within a minute of our arrival, I’m sure one of them would give me a tour,” Feliz shrugged.

Chaewon rolled her eyes at that. Felix was nice but he also liked to play, he liked entertaining people but not really giving a promised commitment to them. That’s where they differ as Chaewon completely disliked interaction with living beings. She’d always prefer silence. 

Chaewon was almost finished getting ready within a quarter of an hour. She was picking up her tie when Hyewon walked inside the room. Again, it’s as if she’s the owner of the room. Chaewon was beginning to wonder if she really did get the privacy she wanted after coming to the school or all of it was just an illusion to make her agree.

“Felix, good that you’re here,” Hyewon said.

Chaewon raised an eyebrow. “Why would that be good?”

“The headmistress appointed you as one of the individuals to become the face of the school in welcoming the visiting students. I’m sure Felix will be glad to help you get acquainted with the Northern Mountaineers.”

Chaewon looked at Felix. “Your students are called like that?” She winced.

Felix shrugged at that. 

“It’s not like Woodland Academy is any better. What do you even call yourselves?” Felix raised his eyebrows.

“Woodland Wolves?” 

“That’s just stupid, foxes would be more appropriate!”

“Tell that to the wolves enrolled in this school,” Chaewon sighed, shaking her head with the thought of Felix’s voice straining because of his dislike with the name Woodland Wolves and desire to change it to Woodland Foxes. 

“Stop acting like children and head down to the dining hall. Chaewon, you are expected to be with the other students who were also assigned,” Hyewon cut them off.

Chaewon huffed. “How would I even recognize them?” 

Hyewon rolled her eyes. “I think it would be pretty obvious when you go see it for yourself.”

With that Hyewon left the room. Felix and Chaewon stayed behind since the latter still needed to fix her tie. Felix helped her with it but not before mocking her about her inability to do simple tasks.

“Shut up, I’m not like you who had thousands of experiences with wearing ties. You’re the one who can’t cook to save himself,” Chaewon taunted back.

Felix’s nose scrunched up at that. “I carry the curse of becoming a vampire,  human food will soon be out of my diet.” 

Chaewon realized that it was too early to argue any further and flicked her wrist. Felix got the sign and moved away to the side. Chaewon picked her jacket from the coat hanger, grumbling as she wore it. When she got out of the room she realized that she still had to get Minju from her room. 

Felix was waiting beside her, wondering why she had stopped moving.

“I have to get someone,” Chaewon simply said.

Chaewon’s phone buzzed and a text from Yena came in. She read the message which said that Yena already got Minju to go with them, knowing about her sudden appointed task. She assumes ‘them’ means her and Yuri.  

“Or not,” Chaewon said.

The walk to the dining hall was short. Just like Hyewon had said, Chaewon immediately recognized the other appointed students easily. They sat at the center table on the first row adjacent to the instructors’. She gave a look to Felix who understood that she needed to go now.

“I’ll see you later, I’m assuming a tour from you will be in order now that you’re part of the welcoming committee,” Felix teased.

Chaewon rolled her eyes but warmed when Felix gave her a hug.

“It’s really nice to know you’re doing well,” Felix mumbled before finally going away to sit with the other Northern Mountain students. 

Chaewon recognized Hyunjin, also an acquaintance of their family, from one of the students with Felix. She took note but didn’t really pay much attention. Quietly she strided towards her assigned table, that was literally just next to Felix’s. Wonyoung was there along with Eunbi and Chaeyeon. The four of them had the table to themselves.

“Who’s that?” Wonyoung asked as soon as Chaewon sat down beside her.

Chaewon wasn’t really allowed to talk about her family since it might complicate things for her and Felix. If they realize Felix’s family line they would know about hers and that’s something she needs to avoid at all costs.

“Just a family friend of mine.”

“He’s cute,” Wonyoung teases.

Chaewon gagged. “He looks like an idiot,” she grumbled.

“Don’t be mean. You know what they say, don’t knock until you’ve tried it,” Wonyoung teases her again.

“Shut up kid,” Chaewon dismisses. “I’m assuming this is what you two were preparing for the past month?” Chaewon chose to face Eunbi and Chaeyeon instead. 

The two nodded as an answer to her inquiry.

“Why am I even here?” 

“Yujin was supposed to be in your place but she injured her ankle last night in the gym and was told to take the rest of the day off. The headmistress knows you’re still a newbie but thinks it’ll be great to put you up front to mingle with the Northern Mountaineers,” Wonyoung answered. 

Chaewon nodded absent mindedly. She wasn’t too keen with finding the answer, just a little bit lost and confused with her unexpected task. Chaeyeon’s comment on what Wonyoung shared got a little bit of her attention though.

“I’m still wondering how Yujin injured herself, I thought the gym was locked during the evening.”

Chaewon looked at Wonyoung who was looking at Eunbi to signal for help. Chaewon was snickering considering that it’s not too hard to guess how Yujin actually injured herself. Her bet was that they were having their nightly runs and got herself hurt, wolves play too rough sometimes. 

“She asked me for the key, as part of the student council I gave it to her,” Eunbi answered. 

“Maybe I can ask you for the key to the pool next time so I can have extra practice during the night,” Chaeyeon grinned.

Eunbi gave an awkward smile and nodded. 

Their conversation was interrupted when the headmistress and the rest of the staff entered. This was the first time Chaewon saw the headmistress. She’d always been cooped up in her office that Chaewon never saw her in the school grounds roaming and visiting her wa

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I've finally chosen TaeNy as Chaewon's parents. I hope you like this update. Do comment on how you think about the story so far?


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Satzuworld #1
Chapter 8: I’m deeply curious about minju😭
Chapter 8: I know i'm super duper late to reading updates by now. I was quite busy as well. But now I got to read it... I could only gush out at the cuteness of 2Kim. Also, even Hyunjin thinks Minjoo is a witch!! See?! My what ifs manifesting already. Lols.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
cleofierayne 35 streak #3
Chapter 8: Woahh!! I felt weird somehow like Minju screams half witch and related to the headmistress. Just after Minju said her mom died and her father is busy from work, makes me think her parents must have separated and her father just highkey avoided discussing regarding her mom, so he's away from home all the time. But yeah hahaha so many thoughts going on right now but it could be 😂

Hyunjin just spill it has to do with Minju's doing Felix got injured but Chaewon and the others wants nothing of it. Minju is scary when she's jealous. I don't know if anyone notice other than Hyunjin but I'm hoping someone too.

And yes, TaeTiff my heart ❤️❤️ Ahhh mother's knows best😍 my gadd so much love and they know something isn't right after hearing what led to Felix injury. Its not a natural cause yep yep👏🏻

2kim lang sakalam ahhhh
Chapter 7: I thought there was gona be a lot more trolling but it's about to get dramatic aint it?
Chapter 6: I can't wait for the trolling to begin lol
Chapter 7: i am in deep curious about chaeyeon, and felix fell over just like that? someone casted him a spell and I couldn't tell whose.

anyways i really loved the flow of the story and I'm waiting for the next update hehege. loved felix and chaewon's interaction here
Chapter 7: If it was magic that caused Felix to fall over by accident and given that Minjoo was being jealous, could Minjoo here be a witch without her knowlwdge? Like, her powers are surfacing just now?

Anyway, I enjoyed the read. Was glad this was updated. I kinda liked the part where Chaewon fesses up about her feelings towards Minjoo. Also, a jealous Minjoo, if she is indeed a witch, is not one to be messed with. Most specially if ut's her Chaewon. Heheheh
Chapter 7: I was thinking the same, that it was magic that caused that to Felix and it might be Minjoo? she was jealous so that probably caused her unknowingly casting a spell or smth. I’m not sure tho, I’m just overthinking maybe lmao but YASSS! 2KIM!!! >_<
Chapter 6: I am intrigued with Minjoo's case. But I am more intrigued with Chaewon's case as well. I will wait for more. Heheheh. ChaeSisters seem to be another case as well. With that, I am waiting for the next update to quench my thirst.