
Bleeding into Euphoria
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Boarding school wasn’t something Chaewon appreciated. Much more ones specifically made for supposedly gifted students that Chaewon only believed to be spoiled brats that can’t live without their parents' allowance. She’s rich herself but she was strictly taught discipline from a young age and she likes to think that she never whined for anything. 

“Loosen up,” Yena tells her. 

“How can I loosen up when all I can see are a bunch of students who are probably secretly es and jerks behind their smiles? Might as well add, wicked smiles.”

Hyewon chuckled behind them. 

“What?” Chaewon asked. “You should be supporting me on this one Hyewon. You’re the one who always reminded me about how students in your youth were stupid and annoying,” she added when Hyewon didn’t answer her.

Hyewon and Yena were older than her but stayed in the same grade level as hers. All three of them are seniors. Hyewon and Yena had been seniors for decades now if she could honestly tell anyone. Both of them had escaped death for over a century. 

Some would call them the undead. Some would say bloodsuckers. But Chaewon believes they are now called by society as vampires. Truthfully the undead was still her favorite but her mother would hang her upside down if she heard her say that.

“The Countess convinced us this choice of education would be best. After all, Yena and I have met the headmistress before. A decade ago to be exact and I’d say you’d like her.” 

“I don’t think I want to know how you met her.”

Hyewon shrugs. “Suit yourself.”

Chaewon shook her head. “I will never understand my parents’ decision to send me off on my final year of high school,” she sighed.

Yena and Hyewon looked at each other. 

“What?” Chaewon gave them a glare.

“You’d be going to college, they thought you would need the best education program this country can offer,” Yena shrugs.

Chaewon still didn’t accept it. She waved her arms in annoyance as she said, “Whatever, just show me the dorms so I can get this over with.” 

Hyewon and Yena both chuckled when Chaewon still walked ahead herself despite her earlier demand. Her walk blinded by her annoyance didn’t turn out good. The two century old vampires winced when Chaewon collided with a girl their age. Chaewon ended up catching the fall proving that she wasn’t the only one at fault.

“You know physics would agree with me when I say that you were the one who actually bumped into me,” Chaewon grunted. 

A fifth person in the hallway that Chaewon didn’t recognize helped the one who bumped into her get up. She groaned internally when she realized that Yena and Hyewon only looked at her. She reminded herself that she’d do something about it later.

“I’m sorry,” the girl quietly muttered. 

Chaewon didn’t spare her a glance nor an apology herself and walked away instead. She heard the fifth person scoff but ignored her. She also ignored it when Yena apologized for her behavior with an excuse about her being tired from the long flight they had which is partly true. Hyewon caught up to her first.

“You were mean,” Hyewon told her.

“I know.” 

“Apologize to the girl yourself once you see her again,” Hyewon reminds her. 

Chaewon nodded in defeat, no longer wanting to argue against her. Hyewon rarely gets serious but she valued respect and it’s also what Chaewon mostly learned from her. “Respect begets respect” she always says. 

They took a couple of more turns before they reached the dormitories. Yena was behind them pushing the only cart they had for all their bags. They travelled lightly as a habit, having no chance to stay at a single location for a long period of time. The situation left them without

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I've finally chosen TaeNy as Chaewon's parents. I hope you like this update. Do comment on how you think about the story so far?


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Satzuworld #1
Chapter 8: I’m deeply curious about minju😭
Chapter 8: I know i'm super duper late to reading updates by now. I was quite busy as well. But now I got to read it... I could only gush out at the cuteness of 2Kim. Also, even Hyunjin thinks Minjoo is a witch!! See?! My what ifs manifesting already. Lols.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
cleofierayne 35 streak #3
Chapter 8: Woahh!! I felt weird somehow like Minju screams half witch and related to the headmistress. Just after Minju said her mom died and her father is busy from work, makes me think her parents must have separated and her father just highkey avoided discussing regarding her mom, so he's away from home all the time. But yeah hahaha so many thoughts going on right now but it could be 😂

Hyunjin just spill it has to do with Minju's doing Felix got injured but Chaewon and the others wants nothing of it. Minju is scary when she's jealous. I don't know if anyone notice other than Hyunjin but I'm hoping someone too.

And yes, TaeTiff my heart ❤️❤️ Ahhh mother's knows best😍 my gadd so much love and they know something isn't right after hearing what led to Felix injury. Its not a natural cause yep yep👏🏻

2kim lang sakalam ahhhh
Chapter 7: I thought there was gona be a lot more trolling but it's about to get dramatic aint it?
Chapter 6: I can't wait for the trolling to begin lol
Chapter 7: i am in deep curious about chaeyeon, and felix fell over just like that? someone casted him a spell and I couldn't tell whose.

anyways i really loved the flow of the story and I'm waiting for the next update hehege. loved felix and chaewon's interaction here
Chapter 7: If it was magic that caused Felix to fall over by accident and given that Minjoo was being jealous, could Minjoo here be a witch without her knowlwdge? Like, her powers are surfacing just now?

Anyway, I enjoyed the read. Was glad this was updated. I kinda liked the part where Chaewon fesses up about her feelings towards Minjoo. Also, a jealous Minjoo, if she is indeed a witch, is not one to be messed with. Most specially if ut's her Chaewon. Heheheh
Chapter 7: I was thinking the same, that it was magic that caused that to Felix and it might be Minjoo? she was jealous so that probably caused her unknowingly casting a spell or smth. I’m not sure tho, I’m just overthinking maybe lmao but YASSS! 2KIM!!! >_<
Chapter 6: I am intrigued with Minjoo's case. But I am more intrigued with Chaewon's case as well. I will wait for more. Heheheh. ChaeSisters seem to be another case as well. With that, I am waiting for the next update to quench my thirst.