Little Knowledge

Bleeding into Euphoria
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The loamy soil felt soft against Chaewon’s paws. Her pelt had been soaked by the now heavy downpour of rain. As she ran, she could feel the cold air filling her lungs. Each step felt like she’s one with the ground beneath her. She could even hear the rustles of small prey. She listened to them but took no action, she’s not there to hunt. She’s there to empty her thoughts.

Chaewon came to a slow halt when she noticed three figures standing still a couple of meters ahead of her. Creating a barricade probably meant for her, an intruder. She wondered if they’re the wolves Hyewon and Yena warned about. Then she remembered the reason she ran away in the first place.

No one must see her. 

Chaewon took a step back hoping that the trio wouldn’t notice her next course of actions. She took three more steps away before turning around and sprinting back into the woods. She hears clothes ripping and knew they were coming after her. Chaewon was faster and bigger than them. Losing them would be easy but she knew she had to shift back soon. They know the land more than she does and they might find her soon. 

She ran back to where she had shifted before. Hyewon and Yena were no longer there but they left a change of clothes for her. She turned back into her human form, her bones cracked as she shifted. The sound of it softly echoed against the trees. In her form she picked up the pack of clothes to wear.  As she was closing the last button of her shirt, she heard a twig broke and knew she wasn’t alone anymore. She listened carefully and only heard one set of footsteps. She let herself relax and act normally. 

Moments later Chaewon had finally seen who it was. It’s the girl she bumped into earlier. She seemed to be surprised herself when she saw Chaewon standing there. Her eyes widened and she dropped her umbrella. Chaewon simply looked waiting for what the girl might do next.

“W-what are you doing here?” 

“I’d also ask you the same thing,” Chaewon responded nonchalantly. 

She really wasn’t into having a conversation so she picked up the satchel where her clothes once were while doing so she thought about picking up the umbrella too but decided otherwise. She began her trek back to the school. The heavy downpour is soaking in through her clothes but she ignored it. 

She heard the girl running towards her most probably trying to catch up. Soon she didn’t feel the droplets of rain anymore, she looked up and saw that the girl shared her umbrella with her. Chaewon looked beside her and saw the girl gave her a small smile. 

“You might get sick,” is the only thing she said.

“I don’t get sick,” Chaewon scoffed.

The girl sighed. “I wish I could say the same thing.”

Although it was said as a whisper Chaewon’s heightened senses didn’t let her miss it. She also noticed the way the girl had said it. She sounded tired and it was like she lost hope about something. Chaewon couldn’t deny that she was intrigued but it’s not in her nature to ask. 

People tell, she never had to ask. 

Chaewon could only hum as a response. It seemed like the girl didn’t want to share and Chaewon didn’t want to pry. They walked quietly back to the school with only the sound of rain hitting the umbrella accompanying them. 

Chaewon looked ahead and had a glimpse of the familiar figures of two people standing by the school entrance. They seemed to be waiting for her. She looked at the girl and knew that she saw them too. 

“They’re waiting for you,” the girl stated.

“They are.”.

The girl nodded to assure her that it’s okay for her to walk ahead first to meet up with them. Chaewon thought about it first but she ended up shrugging, taking the girl’s offer. She strutted slowly but halted when she was a couple of feet away. It was out of character for her but she turned around swiftly to face the girl.

“I haven’t caught your name yet.”

The girl was startled by her abrupt pause.

“Minju,” the girl answered softly.

“Thank you for sharing your umbrella with me, Minju, and sorry for the way I acted back in the hallway. I’ll see you around.”

She didn’t wait for Minju’s reply before rushing towards Yena and Hyewon. However, she still heard the quiet response she gave.

“I’ll see you around,” Minju repeated.

She felt warm upon hearing it but shrugged the feeling off. Hyewon draped her arm over her shoulders the moment she got to the entrance. She let them lead her off to wherever they plan on going. 

“How’s the run?” Hyewon asked.

Chaewon sighs. She remembered th

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I've finally chosen TaeNy as Chaewon's parents. I hope you like this update. Do comment on how you think about the story so far?


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Satzuworld #1
Chapter 8: I’m deeply curious about minju😭
Chapter 8: I know i'm super duper late to reading updates by now. I was quite busy as well. But now I got to read it... I could only gush out at the cuteness of 2Kim. Also, even Hyunjin thinks Minjoo is a witch!! See?! My what ifs manifesting already. Lols.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
cleofierayne 35 streak #3
Chapter 8: Woahh!! I felt weird somehow like Minju screams half witch and related to the headmistress. Just after Minju said her mom died and her father is busy from work, makes me think her parents must have separated and her father just highkey avoided discussing regarding her mom, so he's away from home all the time. But yeah hahaha so many thoughts going on right now but it could be 😂

Hyunjin just spill it has to do with Minju's doing Felix got injured but Chaewon and the others wants nothing of it. Minju is scary when she's jealous. I don't know if anyone notice other than Hyunjin but I'm hoping someone too.

And yes, TaeTiff my heart ❤️❤️ Ahhh mother's knows best😍 my gadd so much love and they know something isn't right after hearing what led to Felix injury. Its not a natural cause yep yep👏🏻

2kim lang sakalam ahhhh
Chapter 7: I thought there was gona be a lot more trolling but it's about to get dramatic aint it?
Chapter 6: I can't wait for the trolling to begin lol
Chapter 7: i am in deep curious about chaeyeon, and felix fell over just like that? someone casted him a spell and I couldn't tell whose.

anyways i really loved the flow of the story and I'm waiting for the next update hehege. loved felix and chaewon's interaction here
Chapter 7: If it was magic that caused Felix to fall over by accident and given that Minjoo was being jealous, could Minjoo here be a witch without her knowlwdge? Like, her powers are surfacing just now?

Anyway, I enjoyed the read. Was glad this was updated. I kinda liked the part where Chaewon fesses up about her feelings towards Minjoo. Also, a jealous Minjoo, if she is indeed a witch, is not one to be messed with. Most specially if ut's her Chaewon. Heheheh
Chapter 7: I was thinking the same, that it was magic that caused that to Felix and it might be Minjoo? she was jealous so that probably caused her unknowingly casting a spell or smth. I’m not sure tho, I’m just overthinking maybe lmao but YASSS! 2KIM!!! >_<
Chapter 6: I am intrigued with Minjoo's case. But I am more intrigued with Chaewon's case as well. I will wait for more. Heheheh. ChaeSisters seem to be another case as well. With that, I am waiting for the next update to quench my thirst.