
Night Encounter

Winter just woke up from her slumber. She took a glance at her glass window only to notice the sky had turned into a dark blue color. ", I fell asleep." she walked closer to the glass window to draw the curtains.

Not long after, a knocking sound was heard. What is it again this time.. It's so rare for someone to knock on my door, even there's none ever before.

Winter was still half asleep, so it took a while for her to walk to the door until the knocking sound was now replaced by a ringtone coming from her phone that was sitting on the couch as there's an incoming call.

Not checking the caller ID, Winter answered lazily, "hello?"

"Yah, can you please open the door?! I've been–" realizing who the caller was and the latter's loud voice, Winter flinched and immediately ran to open the door. But to her reflex, opening the door with her cast hand only resulting her to hiss in pain. She held the pain in as she was met face to face with the older girl when she opened the door.


"What were you up to huh? I've been texting and calling you but you didn't answer." Jimin said standing akimbo. Her tall figure towering Winter's petite body.

"Whoa chill woman. I was just sleeping. So what's the matter? I thought you're studying?" Winter asked back while rubbing her eyes.

"You slept at this hour?"

"No, fell asleep. So what's the matter? Don't reply to me with another question."

"Have you eaten dinner?"

"Not yet– hey!" Winter held out her fist.

"What? You dare to punch me?" Jimin stared down at the latter challenging the smaller girl with her arrogant smile.

Winter rolled her eyes. Before she could turn on her heels to close the door, Jimin already pulled the hood of her hoodie – dragging her to the elevator, leaving Winter's apartment door to close by itself.

"Yah! Let me go! Don't you drag me by my hoodie!"

Jimin chuckled, she loosened her grip on the latter's hood and instead she draped her arm around her shoulder, towering Winter's small height.

"I'll treat you to dinner and also we need to talk about how you will go with your classes."

"Did you hit your head onto something, unnie?" Winter glanced at the older girl before chuckling. "And ugh just because you're taller, you can't just make me be your armrest!" Winter scowled as they both took the escalator.

"Nope," Jimin replied, not looking back at the smaller girl. “And just go blame your small body.”




- Bonus -


Winter's unread messages from Jimin.


My bae Jimin❤



Have you eaten dinner?

Is everything alright there?

I guess it is.


Do you need some help?



Why are you not replying?


You're not ignoring my text, are you?



If you're not replying in 1 minute, I'll be on my way there.


Winter, stop playing pranks, and reply to me!

Screw it, I'm on my way. You're dead, Winter.


"Too much for worrying me."



They were now at the cafe they had visited together a few days ago. The cafe wasn't that crowded, yet not that empty as well as it's still not passing curfew, and some students were still there spending their time to work on their assignments with a laptop and a cup of drink on the table, ears plugged in with earphones.

Winter thought, if she wasn't with this woman at the moment, she would find herself lazing on her bed doing a movie marathon of some action movies until dawn as Monday will be her day off.

But since the older girl who in her right mind is treating her to dinner out of nowhere, then why not? Can be counted as a date with her crush too. Yeah crush. A crush since that night encounter.

"What do you want to order?" Jimin asked as her eyes scanned the menu book she's currently holding.

"Mm kimchi fried rice will do. I'm kinda starving haha" Winter replied as she closed the menu book she's holding.

While waiting for the older girl to choose her own dish, Winter decided to play with the cast wrapped around her fingers – killing her boredom as she didn't bring her phone with her. If it's not because of a certain aggressive woman dragging me out of the blue.. *sigh


"Iced tea please."

Jimin chuckled. Out of all the drinks on the menu she chose iced tea. 

Winter, who heard the latter's chuckles, furrowed her eyebrows. "What's the problem with it?"

After ordering their food, Jimin focused her attention back on the younger girl. She shook her head, "Nothing."

Tired of making a conversation, Winter ignored the older girl. She looked around to see the interior of the cafe until a group of people caught her attention – they were checking Jimin out with some of them whispering with one another.

It made Winter feel uncomfortable. But she tried to ignore it.

They fell into silence. Jimin's brain was busy trying to remember the topic they're going to discuss earlier. Ugh, I'm still young yet I don't even remember things that happened 15 minutes ago.


Jimin hummed in response.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

Noticing the cast wrapped around Winter's fingers, Jimin spoke up, "ah, I wanted to talk about your college." Then Jimin shifted in her seat, straightening her body, and folded her arms – placing them on the table.

"So on what days are your classes?"

Winter still had no idea what the older girl was planning, but she answered nevertheless, "mm Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday."

Jimin nodded and was in deep thought.

Not long after, their food came being served.

"Alright let's eat first."

Winter was just too excited to dig in until she forgot that she grabbed the eating utensils using her injured hand which caused the spoon to drop on the floor with a clinking sound while her fingers gave her a stinging pain. "Oh, man…"

"Gosh, Winter! Be careful! Are you okay?" Jimin worriedly stood up from her seat and approached the latter in her seat. 

This caught the previous group of people's attention.

"N-n-no I'm fine.. just a little–"

"Okay, keep your hands still. I'll feed you."

Despite blushes beginning to creep up on her cheeks, Winter objected, "What? No! I can use my other hand–" but not in 2 seconds, Winter already cowered in fear, after being faced up with a sharp glare.

"Gosh, Jimin!– unnie, people are watching." Winter nervously asked as she took a glance at the previous group of people only to notice their glares were on her now, the glares of jealousy. What the heck.. 

"Can I just eat it by myself?" Winter tried to take the spoon away from Jimin's hand that was trying to feed her using her other hand.

"No." Jimin held her hand instead.

"Ugh, people are watching, unnie.. even some people are giving me this angry look." Winter took a glance again at the previous group of people while at the same time accepting a one spoon full of kimchi fried rice into .

Listening to what the younger said, Jimin turned her head towards the direction Winter was taking glances at.

She knew those people. Those crazy fans who always followed her around. And knowing it's getting more annoying with them stalking her outside campus too now, Jimin grunted.

"Just ignore them."

"Do you know them?" when Winter asked her that, Jimin chuckled. Seems like she really doesn't know who I am huh?

"Nope," it only made Winter wonder in confusion. 

"Don't think about it, let's just finish this and after that, we will talk about your classes."

Winter could only nod.



Due to the previous incident, Jimin had decided to discuss this in her apartment as Winter was starting to feel uncomfortable with the stares and Jimin just didn't want to make a scene by giving them a piece of her mind. They decided to go home.

Winter laid down on Jimin's couch that's starting to be her favorite place whenever she visited the older girl's apartment.

"mm, so your classes are on Tuesday, Wednesday.. and Friday," Jimin spoke to none while jotting down on a piece of white paper.

"Winter, what time are your classes on Tuesday?" Jimin sitting on a stool in the kitchen asked. Her brain was working hard in organizing their schedules if being combined in a week. If she wasn't occupied with a class on Winter's class period, she wanted to try asking for permission from their rectors for her to join Winter's classes to help her with her studies while her fingers of her right hand were still injured.

After organizing the temporary schedules, Jimin stood up and walked to the younger girl to check on her who had been silent after telling her schedules.

She found the latter fell asleep with her casted hand resting on her stomach while her other hand resting atop her forehead.

She's getting herself attached to my couch I see.

With a smile, she grabbed the same washed blanket that Winter had ever used previously from her bedroom and wrapped it around the younger girl gently while fixing her cast hand position so that it wouldn't get slept on while she's sleeping.

While staring at Winter's peaceful face, she was suddenly remembered about their deal

It's not even a day passed, yet I'm already starting to regret my decision on purposing the 'deal'.

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Hola~ a fluffy chapter for the first update in 2022! Guess I won't be freed from this guilty feeling whenever I leave this story on hold for too long 😂 so sorrymasen everyone 🙇‍♀️
And also, I'm still not ready for the drama.. so let's just enjoy the fluff for now 💙 till next time~


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i hope u r doing well authornim~
Chapter 19: been rereading this and they're so cute >.<
Chapter 21: really want this to continue
Jiminjeongaseul #4
Chapter 21: Welcome back
284 streak #5
Chapter 21: patiently waiting here~~ don't worry authornim ✊
reveluv316 814 streak #6
Chapter 21: welcome back
winternim #7
Chapter 21: ur backkkkk omg im the happiest person on earth now
manhmanh04 #8
Chapter 21: omg i'm so happy right now!! i thought u've dropped it already🥺
idk7564 40 streak #9
Chapter 21: i just started reading this and wowww excited for the next update!
kihs254 #10
Chapter 21: Welcome back