*fill in the title on your own*

Night Encounter

It's been almost an hour since the two were cuddling on the couch with Winter still straddling the older girl sitting on her lap – head resting comfortably in the crook of Jimin's neck, while Jimin hummed to random songs enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.



Not getting a response, Jimin called again.


Moving her head, she checked on the younger girl if perhaps she fell asleep or not. Winter on the other hand hummed in response – a little bit sulking for being disturbed.

"Did you fall asleep?"

Winter nodded in silence.

Taking a glance at the clock hanging on the wall, Jimin suddenly spoke, being reminded of her papers still lying unfinished on her study table, "I still have some assignments to do." She attempted to remove the younger from her lap.

Not liking the idea to detach herself from the older girl – her favorite source of warmth, Winter whined as she tightened her hug even more. "Can you skip it for now?" 

Jimin blushed at the gesture. The moment she met Winter again, the latter had become more clingy. It's not like she's complaining though. She likes it indeed and she's happy that Winter initiated the skinship first. Blame her ego. She wants it yet she's still too shy to show it or ask for it blatantly. And she's also still not used to the weird feeling in her stomach where her heart would go upside-down too sometimes. She hates roller coasters yet Winter has been making her feel like riding one.

"I can't. It's due tomorrow. And if I'm not mistaken, you also have one for English to be submitted tomorrow."

"Really?" Winter leaned away to stare at her. "Then I won't go to campus tomorrow." 

After she said that, Jimin stared at her in disbelief.

"After all this time I attended your classes when you were absent, you dare to do that? What an ungrateful kid." Jimin spoke disappointedly as she removed Winter from herself with force included and stood up to go back to her study table.

"Noo Jimin! Wait! Okay okay, I was just kidding though" Winter stood up as well and chased after the older girl. "But can I study here?" With her cute bread smile, Winter asked.

"Suit yourself." 



The clock on the wall was showing 10.25 PM. And in the spacious living room, Jimin was still busy doing her assignments. A small hamster girl had joined her to have a study date in the living room. Even all she did was whining and complaining.

"I don't understand why you still went to my classes even though I already told you you didn't have to," Winter spoke as she flipped the book page by page. "Who knows if you didn't attend my classes my professors would probably waive these works."

Without sparing a glance, Jimin replied, "You weren't sick. So in the end it would still be given to you to be done."

Winter huffed. I should have asked umma to just tell them the real situation. 

"But I don't understand this chapter.." Once again, Winter tried her last attempt at escaping the hell hour for studying - she looked at the older girl with her puppy eyes and pouty lips.

Winter dislikes studying especially at night. Her drowsiness is non-avoidable when her eyes are met with the uncountable words of writings from the books. but she’s also unmotivated to study at day. Blame her lazy . But surprisingly she’s still able to keep up with her classes despite her little effort in studying. 

Jimin being Jimin knew so well what the younger was up to, she didn't bother to look away from her notebook "You haven't read it."

In the end, Winter sulked. "I already read it multiple times!–yet just my stupid brain can't process–aw! Why did you do that?" As Winter was flipping the same page again and again while complaining, she didn't realize Jimin was staring at her lazily before hitting the latter's forehead with her pen.

"You're not stupid, you're just lazy. Now read it thoroughly, and read SLOWLY. If you still don't get it, just leave it and do the ones you can answer. I'll teach you after this." Taking a sip from her warm Americano, Jimin replied.

 "Fine." with a defeated tone, the smaller girl let out a deep sigh.

The clock almost struck midnight. They were studying in the living room with the coffee table as their support and Jimin was finally done with her papers. Placing down her pen on the book, she stretched her sore body, until her eyes fell to the sleeping figure beside her. Winter had fallen asleep with her head resting comfortably on her folded arms – her face facing to her side.

No wonder it was so silent.

Jimin smiled and took her time to observe the younger closer. She looked so peaceful and flawless. She literally could see the latter's face glowing. But with a hood covering her head – leaving out just her face, she looked so cute like an innocent baby. How Jimin wanted to squeeze and hug her so bad. She still wanted to cuddle the younger though earlier but.. screw assignments.

Reaching out for her phone on the table, she snapped a picture of the younger silently and smiled at the perfect result. 

She wanted to squeal for having Winter being so cute like this, despite all she did was just sleeping and breathing. Sometimes she wished Winter could be this calm when she's awake. Of course, it's not happening unless when they…fought?

Shaking off the incident from her mind, she focused her attention back on the smaller girl – using every second wisely to appreciate one of God's perfect creatures.


Taking enough good view of the younger, Jimin sighed with a small smile escaping from her lips. There will be no end for me to stare at her.

"Now let me see what she has done.." reluctantly diverting her gaze from the cute figure, Jimin reached for the notebook under the latter's folded arms cautiously – not wanting to wake up the latter and dived into her works.

As she flipped through Winter's notebook, she chuckled seeing some random doodles – probably were done when she's waiting for her to teach her.


Jiminjeong cross! ⚔

Serious ahjumma (sitting beside me) 😠🤔🧐 

Looking so beautiful and hot🔥



"Did she just say I'm an ahjumma?! And what is...this." while reading the third line, Jimin blushed. What the heck Jimin. Now go check her works. Not these stupid doodles. 

To keep it safe from the professor, she reached for her correction tape and erased the third line before continuing to check the rest of her work.

"Okay, not so bad." Jimin smiled feeling satisfied with the latter's effort.

But noticing there were still a few questions unanswered, with a heavy heart she decided to wake the latter up, "Winter…"


"Winterrr.." she poked her exposed cheek multiple times.

Still got no response. Jimin's getting annoyed. She took a glance at the clock and it's already past midnight.

"Winter, come on.. wake up." This time, she pinched her exposed cheek quite hard. Just a little bit harder I swear!

"Aw! It hurts!" Winter unwillingly opened her eyes as she slapped Jimin's hand away from her face. "Can you stop abusing my cheek?"

See? It's just a few minutes I was enjoying the calm Winter.. and now she's already being rude to me.

Jimin chuckled, wanting to pinch her cheeks again, "Now that you're awake, come on wash your face first and let's get this finished. Just a few questions left." 

Without feeling bothered by her whine, Jimin pushed the younger away to get her face washed.


"Okay, I've checked and they're all correct." Jimin finally said, breaking the deafening silence. She closed Winter's book and took a glance at the younger who's staring at her drowsily – waiting for her final check.


Jimin tidied up their books and stationery. As she looked up at the wall clock, it's already almost 1 AM.

She stretched her body once again until her ears caught a small voice calling for her, "Jimin… can I sleep here?" Winter spoke with her eyes barely open.

Seeing Winter's current state, there's no way she would shoo her away to go back to her own apartment nor send her back as it's already late. She didn't want anything bad to happen again to them either like on the first day they met.

So shrugging off her shoulders, Jimin answered, "well..–"

"I'm staying here." Winter immediately butted in – not waiting for the older. And with a satisfied smile, she plopped down on the couch.

"Do you want to get changed?"

"Aigoo, you're being so sweet Jimin, I like it." Winter showed her silly smile through her drowsiness.

"Come on, you want it or not? If not then–"

"Yes-yes please!" Winter quickly answered, "and can you lend me a hoodie?"

While walking to her bedroom, Jimin stopped in her tracks only to face the younger with a raised eyebrow. "Hoodie?"

Winter nodded.

"Aren't you wearing one?"

"Oh–I wore it outside. So can't wear it for sleep."

Why hoodie?

"Uhm okay..?" Still had a question unanswered, but shrugging it off, Jimin went inside her bedroom.

After a few minutes, Jimin went out from her bedroom with a pair of training pants and a blue pastel hoodie. She also brought a spare t-shirt if perhaps the younger wanted to wear it. She approached Winter who's dozing off again on the couch.

"Here." Jimin poked the latter.

Seeing Jimin with her requested clothes, she smiled and took them – bringing them to the bathroom to get changed after thanking her.

Once she's out with the new clothes, Winter searched for the older girl only to find her in the kitchen washing the glass that she used to drink coffee earlier and their eating utensils. It's freaking 1 AM for Pete's sake.


Not bothering to spare a glance, Jimin hummed, "Hmm?"


Noticing the younger was hesitating to spill something, Jimin faced her after she's done with the dishes "what?–do you need something?" She moved a little to reach for the small hand towel hanging on the kitchen wall.

On the other hand, a blush from embarrassment crept up on Winter's cheeks.




"...I need a glass of milk before sleep."

Jimin blinked in confusion. Did her ears hear it right?

Who does still drink a glass of milk before sleep? Unless they're kids… she's not a kid though?

"You...drink milk before sleep?" Jimin looked at her in surprise while at the same time trying to suppress her teasing smile.

Winter who heard the question felt offended, "why can't I? Something wrong with that?" She crossed her hands with a disappointed look. 

"Well nothing serious…" trying hard not to let her laughter escape from her lips, Jimin continued, "just me wondering, why you're still this short if you drink milk every night..?" 

Seeing the younger huffed in dejection, Jimin burst out laughing. The view of Winter pouting was just too cute for her. Not wasting time, she immediately reached for Winter's cheeks and squeezed them.

"Ugh, Jimin! Let go! I swear–"

"Okay okay," she released her cheeks from her hands, "now let me check first"

Do they look like a cute couple already? 🥴

After rummaging inside all her cabinets for some time, she could only find hot choco sachets.

"Is this fine with you? I don't have white milk.. unless you want to drink a glass of coffee creamer perhaps?" She didn't know how she's still able to crack a lame joke at this hour. Was it because of the caffeine? Or just Winter's side effects.

Winter on the other hand pouted. She's not up for a joke though. Instead, she wondered why this woman didn't stock a gallon of milk like how she– uhm normal people usually do for breakfast–

"I don't drink milk. Only coffee or sometimes tea."

Winter was surprised the older girl could read her mind. "How did you–"

"–know? It's written obviously on your face." Jimin chuckled. "Now hurry up kiddo, it's getting late, we still have morning classes."

"Don't call me that! I'm not a kid!"

"Uhmm…a baby then?"

Winter's cheeks flushed in crimson red. 

"Stop it!" Frustratedly Winter stomped one of her feet leaving the older girl alone in the kitchen before shouting "I'll take that!"

"Take what? To be called a baby?"

"The milk, Jimin! The milk!!"

It left Jimin to laugh her off.



Looks like I will need to stock some jerrycans of white milk. – But for what? – just in case she has a sleepover I guess…? Jimin chuckled at her own silly thoughts.


During the night Jimin was having a hard time falling asleep. She's not sure why but the presence of the younger sleeping outside made her stay awake. Am I worried? Well, it's not the first time she's sleeping on the couch though.

Once in a while, the raven-haired girl would be found with eyes open walking to the door to check on the younger girl outside.

After making sure everything was alright, everything was going fine though, Jimin went back to lie down on the bed.

She shifted to find a comfortable position but still felt something was missing. So she decided to take a novel that was already half-read and continued to finish it with the thought in mind hoping by reading, it could bring her to dreamland.


During the night– going before dawn, Winter was unusually feeling cold. She pulled the blanket up to her neck and shifted in her sleep to get a comfortable position. With the back of her head still wounded from the suture, and not having a soft pillow under it, she's having a hard time getting a comfortable sleeping position.

Throwing her gaze to Jimin's bedroom door, she saw light still illuminating from inside through the door gap. With eyes barely opened, she gave up and walked to the door like a zombie and knocked on it.

*knock knock*


"..." is she asleep already?

*knock kn–*

Suddenly the doorknob was twisted open, "Winter?"

"You're still up at this hour?"

Jimin nodded, but she immediately asked back, "what are you doing?"

"I can't sleep.. it's too cold outside.. c-can I sleep inside?"

Not answering the younger, Jimin moved aside and pulled the door wider, silently motioning her to come inside.

"You like my couch too much huh?"

"What do you mean..?" Winter with her brain probably only about 30% active, she stared at nowhere drowsily while letting herself sit on the edge of the bed.

Jimin chuckled. She put aside her book on the nightstand and arranged the pillows for the younger to use.

"Come on, lie down here." Jimin patted the space beside her.

Winter, not wasting any more seconds, immediately laid herself on the bed beside the older girl – enjoying the softness of the pillow under her head. She shifted a little to get a comfortable sleep.

After making sure Winter was covered by the comforter, Jimin turned off the night lamp.


Then silence filled the atmosphere. It was an awkward silence for Jimin as this was her first time in a while to have someone sleep with her on the same bed. The small hamster girl was long dozed off to her dreamland, leaving Jimin alone staring at the ceiling above her – with a busy mind traveling back to the memory

Lami. The cute young girl who's so close and inseparable from her before. The one who always brought her smiles and laughter with her antics.. butterflies in her stomach and warm blood rushing to her cheeks whenever she's being sweet and loveable. It reminds her a lot of the small figure sleeping beside her. Winter gave the same effects on her.

Shifting her body to face the younger, Jimin stared at Winter's peaceful face. Her mind was a mess for trying to figure out what the latter was feeling towards her. 

She admitted to herself that she had gone fonder of the younger and starting to give her heart to the latter slowly. But at the same time, she's still trying to hold back her feelings – not wanting to risk the same situation happening to her again. She's still not yet ready for another heartbreak. And it felt so wrong.

"Jimin unnie, how could you think of me that way?!"

"I thought–I thought all this time you're willing to fill in the empty spot of my dead sister.. to love and take care of me as a 'sister'.. – not as someone more than that."

"I don't know what to say.. this confession– i-it sounds so wrong unnie." 

"I'm so disappointed."


A hand sneaking in on her waist distracted her from diving deeper into the bitter memory.

She watched how Winter shifted closer to her to get more warmth. A sigh of relief escaped from the younger's lips.

"Warm.." Winter mumbled in her sleep.

A wave of warm feelings rushed through Jimin's heart as she watched the latter with such fondness. 

Just for this time… 



Jimin placed a peck on the latter's forehead.

Not breaking her stare from the younger, Jimin smiled and her free hand was lifted to her hair when she realized Winter was wearing her hood again. Even tying the ropes.

She missed seeing the latter's silky blonde hair though. With the thought of 'she might feel uncomfortable', without hesitation, Jimin pulled one of the ropes to untie it and pulled off the hood – revealing her blonde hair. How I've missed seeing it.

With a beautiful smile plastered on her face, she the latter's hair until she came in contact with a..bandage?

Making sure her hand wasn't playing tricks on her, she shifted a little to reach the switch button of her night lamp. When the dim light was able to illuminate the room a little brighter, she took a closer look at Winter's back head and she was indeed surprised to find a white bandage with a smear of dark brown stain on it that she guessed must be the blood or the antiseptic.

With a lot of question marks inside her brain, she worriedly shifted her gaze to the sleeping figure. Did something happen when she's absent?

Jimin couldn't stop staring at the latter's peaceful face worriedly after switching off the night lamp. Is it the reason why she's covering her head with the hood the whole day? Did she have a small accident that caused her this wound?

She was badly curious but this wasn't the right time. She still needed to get up early. So keeping inside her curiosity to herself – despite it's killing her, she pulled Winter closer in her embrace and her hair gently before letting sleepiness take her away to dreamland.

The missing piece she had been looking for had been found. She was finally able to sleep well.


In the morning, when Jimin woke up, she couldn't find Winter anymore beside her nor in her apartment.

She sighed as she remembered her discovery last night. She must be avoiding me for that. I really need to confront her about that later.

Getting up from her bed, she stretched a little beside her bed before going to the bathroom to wash up and getting ready.

It was still early in the morning for her morning class since her first period starts at 10.00 AM. For the past weeks, she would be waking up early at this hour only to attend Winter's class.

Not knowing what to do, she decided to go to Winter's unit.

With a presentable outfit, Jimin played with the car key in her hand while waiting for the elevator to bring her to Winter's floor. To her surprise, when the elevator door slid open, the said girl was already waiting outside the elevator.


And yes. Winter was wearing her hood again. The difference was just she just wore it loosely.

Taking a quick glance at the hood, Jimin immediately diverted her gaze to the younger. "Oh, there you're."

Winter was puzzled why the older girl was there. "Uhm, you're meeting someone?"

"Yes and she's already here. Come on." Then Jimin pulled the younger inside the elevator. "Let's go to the campus together."

As the elevator door was closing, Jimin pushed on the basement floor button. Without trying to release the older girl's hold on her wrist, Winter looked at the older with a questioning stare, "I thought your class starts later?" Silently Winter blushed at the thought of the older girl waking up early just to drop her to the campus despite her classes starting at noon.

Not wanting to be too obvious, Jimin replied with some lies in it, "yeah but I need to meet one of my professors to submit my assignment. It's due early in the morning."

Jimin wanted to laugh seeing the younger pouted with an obvious disappointed look on her face, probably expecting a different answer. 


"Nope." Then Winter decided to release the older girl's hand from her wrist pretending to find something in her small bag when actually she was just sulking.

Jimin smiled silently observing the cute action.

Not long after when the both of them were already inside Jimin's car and was about to go out using the usual route to the campus, Jimin asked, "have you had your breakfast?"

Still reluctant to talk with the older girl, Winter absentmindedly replied, "yeah."

"Okay." Then without telling anything, Jimin swerved the steering wheel to the opposite route to their campus.

"Let's grab something first for breakfast."

"But I already have some earlier!"

"Yeah I know but probably it's not enough with your stomach being so loud." Okay, maybe Jimin was just exaggerating it a little.

Hitting the right spot, Winter blushed from being exposed. She huffed while trying to maintain her blank face.

Not that easy with Jimin though. 

Stealing a quick pinch from her cheek, Jimin spoke as she averted her gaze back to the road in front of her, "stop sulking."

Winter shrank in her seat with a burning face and ears.



Winter blamed Jimin for taking so long in driving. She's running late for her first class, and she felt like skipping it already, not wanting to sacrifice her ears for morning lectures. But it was such a forbidden decision when you're with the top student. There's no word of skipping nor escaping in Jimin's dictionary.

"Stop it, we wouldn't be late if you ate fast."

"But you're the one bringing us to have breakfast first!"

Not wanting to make everything worse, Jimin just stayed silent, letting the younger rant on her own.

As both of them arrived, it's once again stealing attention from the people who were still outside, roaming around the hallway. Showing the authority, Jimin began pulling the younger by her wrist to walk keep up with her pace and closer to her side. With a cold facade already painted on her face, she sometimes threw a piercing glare at some people who were whispering or giving them a look – a judging look to Winter specifically.  She silently warned them not to mess with Winter if they didn't want to get in trouble with her.


"Don't worry, I'll speak to your professor later."

Distracting the younger from the judging looks, Jimin smiled after knowing Winter was focusing her attention on her instead of these crazy people around them.

"You better be Jimin. Or else I'll hunt you down in your sleep!"

Jimin chuckled.



"Yes, they came to the campus together. – no Mirae around but there are some of her mates."


"Alright, I'll keep an eye on this Winter girl."


As they both arrived in front of Winter's class, all eyes were diverted to their presence.

"Winter, you're late to my class."

"Good morning sir, and I'm sorry for that. I just borrowed Winter earlier to help me with some errands without asking for your permission first. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience." As Jimin bowed down a little, the professor immediately stopped her, "ah okay okay Jimin, no worries. I'll waive that for her." Then motioned Winter to go to her seat. "You can go now, Jimin."

"Thank you, professor." Then Jimin walked out of the room.

As Winter walked to her seat, some people were giving her an adoring look – knowing she could be engaged in an occasion with the older girl and silently shipping the two looking cute together, and some people of course were giving her envy looks also.

Ningning, who was quite close with Winter, wiggled her eyebrows giving the latter a teasing smile when she's passing by her table. 

Winter jokingly glared at her before a silly smile bloomed on her lips. "Shut up."

My bae Jimin❤


The privilege of being the top student 🙄



Just say you envy me 😛


Well I wonder if you actually like to skip classes too 🤔




I hate you 😤


Okay now you better focus on studying if you wanna get the same privilege 😪


Whatever. I'm sleeping




Too boring 😫 and he's just teaching us the same things you taught me last night

Probably you're still better than him at teaching


😪 okay up to you.




Anyway, let me know later when you're done with your classes.



For what


If you wanna go home on foot alone then it's fine 😌

I'll go home immediately after my last class ends


Nooo! Don't! 😥

 Okay okay I'll text later when I'm done.





Jimin was finally done with her last class. Checking her phone, she's still not getting any texts from the younger. Ah, why do I care too much lol just chill Jimin. After all, she's gonna text you.

Walking aimlessly, she wandered in the campus hallway until she was called by Giselle and Lia who were just finished with their class.


"Guys!" Jimin smiled as she walked to approach the duo.

"Wanna hang out?" Lia asked, "I'm getting stressed with the new assignments and needing some caffeine." The shortest among the three let out a frustrated sigh.

Giselle who had the same class with Lia of course would immediately agree as she was also given the same assignments from their professor. "I'm in!" She excitedly agreed. And then she faced the tallest girl for her answer, "how about you, Ji?"

Jimin was hesitant at first as she had promised the younger to go home with her. But since she believed that they're just going to spend their time in a cafe – as they all were still going to have classes the next day, she's sure it wouldn't be too long so decided to join.

"Okay let's go." 

Before that, she left a message to the younger.

Annoying brat ❄



I'm done with my last class so I'll hang out with my friends a little bit.

Just text me when you're done


Ah thank god you're online.

I was about to text you

So I'll be having an extra class to catch up with my tests last week

You didn’t tell me I had some tests last week 🤕


Oh really?

Idk about that. The professors didn't tell me.


Looks like you can go home first

I’ll probably finish late.

Will that take long?

How many tests are you taking later?


3 😭

I wanna go home



Will that take long?


Well.. yeah? 😒 because I'm not as smart as you hello?



What time is it probably you'll be done?


Not sure, probably 5? Or probably till tomorrow 🙄


Okay, I'm hanging out with my friends

If I'm done around 5, I'll fetch you. If not go on your foot.


Pick me later 🥲

Don't you feel bad for kidnapping me this morning? 🥲






With a satisfied smile, she joined the other two to go to their usual cafe.



It's almost 6 PM when Winter was finally done with her tests. She walked out from the classroom stepping on the now slowly becoming empty hallway.

She felt tired. After a long break of not touching her assignments nor her books, her brain had become slower in processing information – aside from the subjects Jimin had taught her last night. Yes, her brain was long-wrecked too bad yesterday.

And today, being asked to get 3 tests completed in one day, she couldn't think of anything worse than this. 

As she walked out from the hallway and stopped for a while to text the raven-haired girl, suddenly someone grabbed her hoodie from behind and closed and eyes with a piece of black fabric.


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Hola~ a fluffy chapter for the first update in 2022! Guess I won't be freed from this guilty feeling whenever I leave this story on hold for too long 😂 so sorrymasen everyone 🙇‍♀️
And also, I'm still not ready for the drama.. so let's just enjoy the fluff for now 💙 till next time~


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i hope u r doing well authornim~
Chapter 19: been rereading this and they're so cute >.<
Chapter 21: really want this to continue
Jiminjeongaseul #4
Chapter 21: Welcome back
279 streak #5
Chapter 21: patiently waiting here~~ don't worry authornim ✊
reveluv316 805 streak #6
Chapter 21: welcome back
winternim #7
Chapter 21: ur backkkkk omg im the happiest person on earth now
manhmanh04 #8
Chapter 21: omg i'm so happy right now!! i thought u've dropped it already🥺
idk7564 40 streak #9
Chapter 21: i just started reading this and wowww excited for the next update!
kihs254 #10
Chapter 21: Welcome back