Night Encounter

It was Sunday morning. The day for most people to enjoy or have their quality time with either their families or their beloved ones. Jimin was one of those people. After such a busy week for her to do all the school-related stuff, she finally had the time to relax her muscles and mind.

But it seems like it was just not her ‘weekend’. 

Winter – or more familiar with Minjeong that Jimin preferred now, the girl who was known to be around Jimin for almost 24/7 was nowhere to be found. She missed the girl a lot. She couldn't be with the younger for the consecutive three days because she had a speech contest abroad and Winter still had classes to attend. They were arguing a lot before, especially Winter who kept insisting to tag along accompanying her girlfriend to the competition while Jimin kept disagreeing just because she didn't want the latter to miss the lessons and take any absence from her classes – saying the study was more important for her and it was just for three days after all. But thinking back about it, Jimin thought she shouldn’t underestimate Winter’s effects. In the end, she was the one who sulked and kept whining about it every night saying how she missed her already and how she wished Winter was with her there to give her comfort easing her nervousness. Although she was aware she's used to it before – joining a lot of single competitions alone with no issues of being nervous at all, and she was still able to obtain gold medals easily. But with Winter appearing in her life, everything started to change slowly, not in a bad way of course. Her monotonous life had become a lot brighter and her robot image that held the monotonous emotions and feelings inside started to react differently. She had become more open and expressive thanks to the smaller girl who had never been absent in giving her extra attention and care every day. Made her feel less lonely whenever she's missing her family. 

For the following nights when she was away, Winter would always do facetime calls with her just so she could check on her to see if she would have enough rest or not before the competition. Because Winter knew how studyholic the older girl was, especially for big competitions. She would even sacrifice her sleeping time for that. 

Jimin would usually ask her to sing to bring her serenity before sleep. Until the latter was already in dreamland, Winter would end the call with a satisfied smile painted on her face. 

Winter on the other hand, throughout Jimin's absence for the following three days, she stayed over in her parents' house as per suggestion from the older girl saying it's good timing too to visit her parents as her mom had been pestering her lately to go home even just for a few days to visit them. Jimin knew how much her girlfriend was spoiled by her parents. So it's not a surprise anymore to see the over-protective side from them, especially from her mother.

It was all fine for her until it was extended to be five days. Giselle, who had been paying a visit to accompany her best friend –or more like being forced– could only shake her head and let out tired sighs whenever Jimin was with her unusual random whines. Sometimes, if it's getting too much for the older girl, Jimin would ignore her and stay silent for the whole day ignoring her existence. But just when she wanted to go home, or worse only to go out to fetch her delivery food downstairs at the lobby, Jimin would already spare her cute glares, silently threatening her not to go home. She wanted to laugh at how whipped her best friend was over their junior. 


Jimin's weekdays were really spent without seeing her Minjeong. Even on her Saturday night, where most couples would be found spending their time with each other, she not-so-enthusiastically spent the night alone in her apartment sleeping the night away. She really did dump me. Jimin thought while pouting. 

Now it's Sunday and Winter texted her yesterday saying she would be back on either Saturday midnight or Sunday morning. 'That's the best thing I could negotiate with my mom :( even worse, she wouldn't let me go home until Monday before.' Winter told her last night. So she was just being told to come to the latter's apartment on Sunday. 

Waking up from her not-so-pleasant sleep, after washing up doing her morning ritual, she immediately left her apartment to go to Winter's.

I miss my baby so much…

As Jimin unlocked the younger's apartment door, she was greeted by darkness still enveloping the area.

It was still 6 in the morning after all.

Already familiar with the place, she found no obstacle to reach Winter's room.

Turning the doorknob carefully, she pushed the door slowly and sneaked in.

The small figure on the bed greeted her vision in the darkroom. With the way Winter slept, she knew it was a mess. The bed cover was no longer covering her body fully, and instead half of it was dangling to the floor. The bedsheet was kind of crumpled and the main character was sprawled on the bed just like how a baby sleeps. A sleeping baby instead, not a sleeping Beauty.

A tug on both ends of Jimin's lips went wider and her eyes turned into a beautiful shape of crescent moons. It might sound cheesy, but she thought the room had gone a lot brighter thanks to her own bright smile. It’s like her happiness was finally back. Happily, she decided to approach Winter. Seeing the younger was peacefully sleeping, she traced the exposed soft cheek gently and brushed some strands of hair away from her face.

Cute!! Ugh, I wanna squeeze her chubby cheeks so badly, even I want to bite them too.. But if I do that, then surely she will go berserk on me.

But wait.. why is it so warm here?

Throwing her gaze around the room, she found the Air Conditioner was no longer on.

Did she turn it off?

Checking the younger's temperature, she placed her palm on her forehead and felt nothing. Just normal body temperature. No fever thankfully.

Joining Winter on the bed, she slowly crawled and laid down beside the younger. Of course, it woke Winter up from her sleep when she felt the bed dipped down. She’s still a light sleeper. But Jimin didn't care, she still decided to spend her time adoring the babyish face that Winter has. Cute, cute, cute! She's so adorable. Don't know how many times I already said it. Without her realizing it, her naughty hand already reached one of the squishy cheeks.

"Ugh.. Jimin.." With a husky voice, Winter called. She's the first person who appeared in her mind knowing none had ever gone inside her apartment without her opening them. More abusing her cheek like this while she's still sleeping.


"Stop it" reaching for the hand, she pushed it away from her face and whined to show the older girl that she’s not that happy to be disturbed.

"Minjeong, I missed you a lot~ didn’t you miss me?" 

"Hmm.", still with her eyes closed, Winter replied. She just needed more time to sleep while she still could. Because once she's awake, she would no longer be able to go back to her dreamland especially when there’s Jimin around her already.

"Baby~" with the whining, Winter already imagined how cute the older one would look, demanding her attention.

"Engh.. I'm still sleepy.. can we just sleep now?" Winter shifted in her sleep to face the other side of the room avoiding the older girl. Teasing her a little won't hurt right?

"Fine.." she obliged but before that, Jimin decided to reach the nightstand for the AC remote, turned it on back, and reduced the temperature to the coldest number.

"Yaaaa~ why did you turn it on?" With eyes slowly fluttered open, seeing the cupid, she shifted back to face the older girl. "It's still cold Jimin"

After placing back the AC remote, she faced the younger again and threw her biggest cheeky smile, pulling her closer by the waist, "just so you can stick with me for more warmth." 

"Your intention.." she muttered while giving a weak slap on Jimin's arm. 

After receiving a light kiss on the lips, Winter snuggled closer and buried her face deeper in the crook of Jimin's neck.

"Missed you a lot too, Jiminie.."


"Baby, what can I help?" Hugging the busy girl from behind, Jimin spoke.

"Aigoo you surprised me!" 

After getting up from their nice warm sleep quite late, they missed their breakfast and Winter decided to cook them Kimchi fried rice for brunch after showering and asked Jimin to take her turn. Just so she won't mess up with me and the kitchen of course.

But bad timing, Winter, who thought Jimin would usually take so long to finish, didn't expect to find the taller girl already standing behind her all fresh and smelled good with her body shower scent filling her nostrils and the kitchen air. She indeed missed me too much lol

“Hello? Miss? Are you still there? How can I help you?”

“Stop it, you sound like a CS employee.”

“But I’m here ready to assist you,” Jimin laughed, “Should I help you with the cutting? Something to chop? This green onion?”

“Yayaya, you’re just going to destroy my kitchen,” Winter answered and went closer to snatch the sharp long knife from the older girl.

“But I want to help..” Jimin spoke too softly. Even without taking a glance at the older girl, Winter knew she was showing her annoying aegyo again.

"Nah, I'm almost done.. you can just wait at the table." With busy hands, Winter replied nonchalantly. Just her attention was put into the food more than the older girl.

"Then I'm just going to wait for you here." Sliding back her arms around the younger, Jimin placed her chin on Winter's sharp shoulder. Once in a while, she would sniff and kiss the exposed milky skin around her neck. Winter having her hair tied in a low ponytail did give her easier access. 

"J-Jimin.." did I just stutter?

"Hmm?" A glint of mischief in her eyes when Jimin answered.

"Can you stop that? I'm cooking.." with her disturbed nervous face, Winter leaned away avoiding the latter's gaze. She just couldn't focus on cooking with the tingling feeling around her neck. Her knees started becoming like jellies too. It wouldn't be so good to see her collapse in the kitchen while cooking. 

Jimin burst out laughing instead. She found the younger one already turned red like a tomato. Her chubby cheeks were inviting her fingers to squeeze them again.

"I just miss you."

"I know, but I still need to cook, Jimin. Or else, we won't be eating lunch." 

"Hahaha okay, I'll stop that, but I'm staying here," Jimin spoke with her innocent smile.

Winter on the other hand just rolled her eyes with a smile that couldn't be held back anymore.

Her Jimin was in her clingy mode and it's so rare for her to be like this – probably the effect from the "1 week without baby Minjeong" challenge. But then with Jimin being this clingy, she would either encounter the cute Jimin or the annoying one. Just depending on how much the older girl missed her.

When Winter was done cooking, Jimin helped to bring the food to the dining room and sat down. She waited for the younger to join her.

"Baby, sit here with me." 

Winter halted her hand that was about to pull out the chair on the opposite side and whipped her head to the older girl, looking confused, "huh?"

Jimin got the signal. She patted her lap multiple times to motion the younger to do so. "Sit here.. on my lap" 

Oh no, here we go again.. Winter just wanted to hide. Her smile was about to escape from her lips and her blood was rushing too quickly to her face.

Umma.. save Winter, please..

"J-Jimin, are you serious?" Hesitantly staring at the older, Winter asked for confirmation once again.

And Jimin nodded firmly with determination in her eyes. She didn't look like she was joking either.

Winter had no idea which clingy type of Jimin she's facing right now. She did look so cute and soft with her request, but her request this time was unusual, and not sure since when it was but she's getting shy to do that while in fact, it was her normal thing to do towards the older girl. Jimin rarely asked such things for a skinship other than holding hands or stealing pecks. It's always been her who initiated the skinship like kisses and hugs. And now she felt too overwhelmed. So this is how it feels to face such bold affections.

"Do you want me to go there?"

That snapped the younger from her trance. 


Winter shook her head immediately and went closer to Jimin's side. Seeing the younger was approaching with her plate and eating utensils in her hands, Jimin fixed her position and helped her to sit on her lap. "Let's just use one plate." Then she took the eating utensils away from Winter's hands and placed them away on the table.

"My spoon.."

"I'll feed you."

"Gosh Jimin.." Winter exclaimed with amusement. "What made you become this clingy?" She gripped the table for support.

Of course, before Winter did that, Jimin already encircled her one free hand around her waist, securely preventing her from falling. It's just Winter needed mental support for herself to hold from passing out due to the overflowing affections she received.

"Your parents kept you away from me for too long~" 

"But you saw me every day before.." after chowing down the food Jimin fed her, Winter replied.

"I guess that's the main point. As I'm used to seeing you every day by my side, when you're not, I feel empty. Even now I'm still missing you.." Jimin pouted while now being fed by the younger in exchange.

"You're just exaggerating it." 

An expression of protest to what Winter said was thrown in her direction. "But anyway," letting Winter do the feeding now, she put her other hand on her waist too – locking the younger in her arms and placing her chin on her shoulder "Did something happen to you again? When I was away?"

After chewing down the food, she glanced towards the older girl and replied, "oh about that, nothing happened to me anymore. And I heard the students who tormented me were expelled from the university already." She fed Jimin again with the fried rice.

Jimin nodded in satisfaction. 

"But the other day, when you're still abroad, Mirae did come to me crying and asking me to make you forgive her too." Winter shifted a little to face the older girl, "what did you do to her actually?"

"Oh? She did?"

"Don't act like you're surprised about it. I know you must have done something to her right?" Winter squinted her eyes in suspicion.

So it went well..

Seeing the older girl was deep in her thought, Winter spoke again distracting her from the small convo she had with herself in her mind.

"Tell me what you have done."

"Nothing serious." Jimin avoided the stare and looked anywhere but the younger.

"You're lying. There's no way you did nothing when she came up to me sobbing while begging for forgiveness."

"Did you know she's the one who asked the two students to do that to you?"

"I know."

"Alright, then that's it."

"But you're not answering my question?"

Jimin chuckled and leaned her head on the younger's back. "Just a punishment to make her wary of what she will do from now on."

"Hmm okay, whatever you're doing.. but if it can be stopped, then I think you should stop it already. I'm all fine now."

Jimin leaned away and shook her head a little, "no, just let her suffer for a bit. She deserves it anyway." Reminiscing about their past talks, Jimin closed her eyes and hugged Winter tighter. "And you're too kind, Minjeong. How come you could forgive them so easily? You almost lost your life.. What if I didn't come to check on you sooner? A worse situation would possibly happen." Jimin looked away. "She should pay for it."


"Aeri-ya.." the small desperate hoarse voice called, stealing the Japanese girl's attention from her phone. "Can we go back now?" Jimin asked.

"Are you done eating?"

They're now sitting inside a small restaurant near the hospital building. After telling Giselle everything, the Japanese girl decided to force Jimin to eat something outside as she wouldn't leave the youngest alone nor eat the food she brought for her. 

The former nodded her head as she pushed the bowl of ramen away from her. She was done eating. But not even half of the noodles were eaten.

"Yah, it's not even half you have eaten.. at least half of it then we can go back."

Jimin shook her head and looked down. She didn't have the appetite to eat at all. All she wanted was just to stare at the youngest until she falls asleep on the hospital bed. She already had a good amount of time for crying earlier, now it's time for her to calm down and clear her mind. She needed to think about what to do next.

'This is really my first time seeing her being like this towards someone new who she just met a few months ago. It almost looks the same as the broken Jimin I saw when Lami left her.' Giselle watched her best friend in sympathy. 

"Hey I'm sure even Winter was here, she wanted you to finish your food."

"Just if I prevented her from coming into my life, this thing wouldn't have happened." She let out a heavy sigh in despair. "What should I do Aeri?"


"Hey Ji,"

"What's up?"

"The two students who tormented Winter are expelled from the university already. I've taken a look at their records" Giselle explained. Then she took a sip at her lemon iced tea before continuing, "for a freshman I'm surprised they already have a lot of bad records about bullying even to some 'weak' professors."

"Let me see" then Giselle handed her phone to the taller girl.

"How about Mirae?"

"I've collected some proofs from the two students and they admitted that Mirae asked them to do it. Just waiting for more proof from the school CCTVs and we're good to bring her to jail for the premeditated murder of Winter."

Instead of being happy, Jimin shrunk in her seat. Knowing Mirae, she knew she still couldn't breathe calmly as the latter still could just get away from the punishment easily. She had the money after all.



Days and nights were spent with Jimin thinking of a way to pay Mirae revenge. If the law was still easy to break, then she would need to find another way to break her source of power that could make her break the law.

She never told her parents about this issue, thinking it was just a small matter. But every day, her 'fans' were starting to go beyond the limits. They now even dared to touch or hurt the people close to her, she should do something.. finding a way that wasn't with her parents' intervention. Because she knew, if this issue ever reached her parents' ears, they wouldn't hesitate to bring her back to the US.

Until one day, the person who she never thought could ever help her with her issue, texted her..


Jae oppa🤍





Since then, the two of them had been exchanging messages for updates, or just about asking each other's days.


Jae oppa🤍


Oppa, how is the progress?

Any issues?


Nah just left waiting for the investors to agree.

Once they agree, all the investors will take out their investments from Jang Enterprise and start investing in my company.


I don't know how to thank you 😔



I'm flying to Korea next week

You can treat me to dinner


Really? Sure! 

Just let me know when you're in SK alr

I miss you a lot 🥺

But you didn't tell anything about this to Mr & Mrs. Bae, right?


Hahaha of course 😘

I know you so well


Great! Talk to you soon oppa 🤍



After a week and a few days, It was Winter's first day to walk to her campus alone by herself again. She woke up this morning only to find Jimin was already nowhere to be found. The older girl went to the airport early in the morning to take her flight to Japan for the speech contest. 

The atmosphere had turned colder and more awkward with how most of the people who used to like watching shows -her shows- were now avoiding her at all cost, despite she's walking alone. It used to be like that for other people not minding her existence until she encountered herself with the campus star, Yoo Jimin, who was now her girlfriend. But now it's so obvious they're avoiding her – aware of her existence but just decided to stay away.

'Jimin must have done something.'

Was deep in her thought, her mind was distracted by the notification sound coming from her phone.

She fished out her phone only to see unread messages from her girlfriend.


Baby Jimin❤


Missed you already :(

I've asked Giselle to take care of you while I'm away

If something bad happens to you again, tell me or Giselle okay?


Yah, no need Jimin. I'm sure I'll be okay now.

You're exaggerating it.


I'm just worried Minjeong

And it will be 3 days for me not to see you


I'll be okay, don't worry


Pls baby, I won't be able to concentrate later if not 🥺


Okay fine I'll let her 😩


Great! 😍🥰

Anyway, I'm boarding soon


Alright text me when you have landed okay?

Have a safe flight

Love you, baby❤


You're the baby here! 😠


Hahaha whatever 😌

Anyway, I'm heading to my class now.

Take care Jiminie~


You too baby, love you 🥰


And just like that, a smile bloomed on her face before she headed straight to her first class.

But not even a few meters she walked, someone called her from afar.







When she took notice of the voice who's calling for her, she looked up immediately only to pierce her glare hard on the person who she loathed a lot now. Not wasting any seconds, she approached the girl who was the same height as her and presented her with a hard slap on the cheek. Tears of anger mixed up with disappointment were running freely from her beautiful sharp eyes.

Mirae on the other hand chuckled a little as her hand touched the stinging part of her cheek. She already expected this though. Sooner or later, Jimin with her power would immediately find out who was behind all these issues.

"Whoa.. I wasn't prepared. You should have told me firs–"

"Tell me, you're the one who did that to Winter right?"

"Winter? Ah.. so her name is Winter."

"Jang Mirae!!"

It's such entertainment for her to see Jimin being all vulnerable and frustrated like this just because of a certain freshman.

"What made her that special to you? It's been a while to see you being like this again."

Jimin was having enough of these, her patience was thinning out quickly.


"If I answer yes, then why?" Mirae challenged her. Her gaze looked into Jimin's eyes straightly.

"I tell you to stop."

Mirae just laughed it off. Her ears would always turn deaf whenever Jimin asked her to stop.

"You almost killed Winter!"

"THAT'S THE PURPOSE!" Surprisingly Mirae screamed at her. Anger was as visible as the one in Jimin's eyes. Anger of jealousy and irritation.

Jimin's mouth was left hanging. Although she already expected that. But hearing it straight coming out from Mirae's mouth still made her stunned.


"You're my obsession, and probably still.. and I just hate it seeing other people but me getting special treatment from you! While I never got one. It's already the 2nd time though.. hahaha," she let out a bitter laugh yet mischief was still evident in her voice.

2nd time?

"Ah.. so you didn't notice huh?" Once again Mirae chuckled seeing confusion written on her face.

Jimin was still deep in her thoughts trying to remember if her close people ever had a similar case or not.

"Kim Lami.."

That snapped Jimin from her thoughts.

'No way..'

"Yes. I did that to Lami too. And thankfully she's not so hard to get rid of.."


"Now it's all up to your choice, Yoo Jimin."

"You're sick!!"

"Hahaha, maybe you can be my doctor?"

"I'm telling you to stop, Jang Mirae." Frustratedly, she grabbed onto her collars and looked straight into her eyes. The pulse on her neck was starting to pop out due to her gritted teeth. 

"It depends on your choice, Miss Yoo."

"Okay fine. I'll find a way to stop you. Just don't come back at me begging. I remind you!" Then harshly she pushed the brunette girl away and walked back to her car before driving away with the not-so-safe speed. 

"Sure Jimin, I'll wait for it." 

She was smiling, but if she's being observed closely, people could tell it's just a cover. Sadness in her eyes couldn't lie when her eyes were glued to Jimin's car driving away.

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Hola~ a fluffy chapter for the first update in 2022! Guess I won't be freed from this guilty feeling whenever I leave this story on hold for too long 😂 so sorrymasen everyone 🙇‍♀️
And also, I'm still not ready for the drama.. so let's just enjoy the fluff for now 💙 till next time~


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i hope u r doing well authornim~
Chapter 19: been rereading this and they're so cute >.<
Chapter 21: really want this to continue
Jiminjeongaseul #4
Chapter 21: Welcome back
284 streak #5
Chapter 21: patiently waiting here~~ don't worry authornim ✊
reveluv316 815 streak #6
Chapter 21: welcome back
winternim #7
Chapter 21: ur backkkkk omg im the happiest person on earth now
manhmanh04 #8
Chapter 21: omg i'm so happy right now!! i thought u've dropped it already🥺
idk7564 40 streak #9
Chapter 21: i just started reading this and wowww excited for the next update!
kihs254 #10
Chapter 21: Welcome back