
Night Encounter

Outside the familiar tall apartment building, a luxury nebula gray of Lexus RX 450h pulled off in front of the lobby entrance. After climbing out from the passenger seat, Winter went to open the backseat door. With unnecessary help from her father, Winter was able to retrieve a small piece of luggage that was sitting obediently on the backseat. It's been a habit for her mother to pack her something she thinks will be useful for Winter in her apartment whenever she goes back or visits her parents’ house – either they are clothes, snacks, and food, or anything. Sure it was a nice thing at first. But since she rarely visits her parents’ house, they're getting out of hand, especially clothes. They're slowly invading her bedroom space as it's already exceeding her walk-in closet capacity – even some of her packed clothes were still kept in the luggage. Just pack me more snacks umma.

"Alright Minjeong-ah, here you go," Baekhyun spoke as he handed the luggage handle to the smaller girl. "I hope this incident won't happen again. If I heard this happens again, then unfortunately you're going back to live with umma and appa. For real this time. You got me?"

With a bored face, the blonde girl nodded. 

"And also about the sutures on your head, I'll pick you up back on Wednesday or Thursday to–"

Knowing how busy her father was and didn't want to burden him, she immediately butted in, "No appa, that's okay I'll see the doctor by myself."

"No, I'll–"

"Appa, please.."

"I promise I'll update you about the condition."

Baekhyun sighed in defeat. It's not like he could win over his stubborn daughter.

"Alright, you better be Kim Minjeong." Baekhyun watched his daughter – giving a warning stare. "Now go inside. It's getting colder." He patted his only daughter's head and smiled.

After bidding goodbye, Baekhyun went back to get inside his sporty car and drove off from the apartment complex.

Watching her father's car disappear from her sight, Winter put on her hood and started dragging her small luggage into the apartment lobby.


While waiting for the elevator door to open, to kill time, Winter fished out the small squared gadget from her jeans pocket and turned it on. A lot of notifications began flooding her notification panel with the unending notification sound that slowly became irritating.

During her one-week break of recovering, Winter didn't turn on her phone at all. It was hard to adapt at first, especially when she was waiting for a certain someone to text her or give her a call. But since she was under her protective mom's care – where the elder believes every pain you feel is due to phone radiation where you've been spending too much time on your phone, she took and kept Winter's phone away from her. 'It's for your own good' she said. But on the other hand, she also wanted to see perhaps the older girl would care or not. 


While still being too occupied watching her phone being flooded with notifications, her ears caught a ding sound of an arriving elevator. Without breaking her stare from her phone screen, she stepped further into the elevator and crashed into someone inside who was about to go out from the small room and was busy with her phone as well.



As their eyes met, Winter could only gasp in surprise while the current occupant widened her eyes in surprise.





"Jimin! Wait!" Winter tried to chase after the older girl who walked out immediately from the elevator – leaving Winter with no words. And since Jimin was way taller than her with her long legs, Winter needed to spend more of her energy to run after her and grabbed her arm when she's sure the latter was avoiding her.

After being able to stop Jimin from walking out any further from the apartment complex, Winter caught her breath before looking up to face the raven-haired girl.



"Are you mad?" Winter asked the so obvious question after her breathing became stable.

"What do you want?" With her cold voice and icy stare, Jimin asked back. She loosened Winter's grip from her arm. Where's the usual Jimin 🥺

"Can we talk?"

"We're talking."

"No, I mean talk as in talk." 

Winter didn't want to give up. Previously, she thought she's supposed to be the one to get mad after that incident. But after thinking twice to see the point of view if she was in Jimin's shoes, Jimin had the right to be mad at her too. She technically left and ignored her for the whole week without giving a valid reason or clear explanation for her sudden disappearance. 

"No, you say it now or never. I'm going out to the convenience store." Jimin spoke without sparing a glance at the blonde girl who's now pouting without her realizing.

Convenience store...

"Okay, I'll go with you.. but after that, can we talk?"

"Ugh, what do you want, Winter?" Jimin rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"I want us to talk, Jimin."

Diverting her gaze to the younger girl, Jimin felt like regretting her decision. She knew she's so weak when it comes to puppy-Winter so when she found the latter was staring at her with those hopeful puppy eyes, Jimin had to give up her ego.

Exhaling a deep sigh, Jimin muttered, "fine." And began walking in the direction where it led her to the convenience store.

Winter smiled as she ran to catch up with the older girl.

Let's just leave the luggage behind. Probably the security will keep it. But that doesn't matter, Jimin matters the most.



It was a silent trip to the convenience store. None dared to break the silence. Even Winter who was so excited before was muted not uttering a single word. She was afraid if she said something lame then Jimin would be more upset than how she already was and they won't have a serious talk later. Despite she badly wanted to hug the older girl to fill in the empty feeling she had all this time for not having the older girl around, Winter decided to just walk silently following the older girl from behind with her mind busy thinking about how to start their conversation later.

As they're passing the street where the incident happened before, Winter tensed up. The last scene she witnessed before she passed out, crossed her mind again. From the moment she fought the goons until someone came to save her before she was hit on the head with a hard material. She had no idea what it was.

Droplets of sweat began flowing on her temples and her heart started beating faster. She unconsciously jogged to the older girl and reached for her hand to grip her wrist for mental support. She bit her lower lip in anxiousness.

Jimin who was drowned in her mind was startled by the sudden cold hand that was now gripping onto her wrist. She whipped her head to the younger girl and was taken aback by her not-so-good state.

Hesitating to stop and check on her, Jimin slowed down and asked, "...are you okay?"

"Umm sorry.." noticing perhaps Jimin was feeling uncomfortable, Winter decided to let go of her wrist and put her hands inside her hoodie kangaroo pocket "Just keep walking."


Winter was waiting outside the convenience store – sitting on a chair while observing the sky. The orange shades were slowly mixing up with the blue color that's starting to get darker. She kept taking glances at the older girl inside who was now at the cashier to pay for her things.

In a few minutes, the door was pulled open and Jimin walked out. She approached Winter while taking out a cold bottle of mineral water from the plastic bag.

"Here, drink this."

Winter was puzzled. She believed she didn't request this in the first place, but seeing Jimin was pushing the bottle closer to her, she decided to take it. "..thanks." Winter smiled before drinking it up.

After seeing the latter was already closing the cap of the bottle, Jimin began walking away.

"Jimin wait!" Ugh does she know that I have short legs?


As the sky was already turning dark navy blue, Winter shivered at the memory as the night breeze blew in their direction – adding the spooky feeling. She’s becoming more alert and this time she couldn't hold the jittery feeling anymore, she walked past the older girl.

"Jimin.. come on.. it's getting darker."

Jimin furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. What is it.. when we're passing this street again, she's acting all nervous and scared?

Catching up to the younger girl, Jimin jogged and grabbed Winter’s hand before intertwining it with her free hand.




“I thought you’re still mad?” while trying to suppress her smile, Winter asked. I’M NOT OKAY. I’m not okay… heart please don’t get too excited. This is just an appetizer.

“Aw it hurts! Okay okay, I will shut up now."


"Alright, let me put my luggage first, after that I'll go to your apartment."


Then Jimin went out from the elevator – leaving Winter alone inside to go to her apartment floor.

As Winter stepped inside her apartment that smelled old already after being left for a week, she was distracted by the sounds of papers being crumpled. She threw her gaze down to her sneakers where the sounds came from, only to realize she had stepped on some papers.

Her heart raced. Could it be?

As she picked them up, she was happy knowing they're from Jimin until her mood was ruined after reading the contents. A notebook size of paper caught her attention,

Hey brat, coz you're not reachable, probably you're in a rural environment or what, then here I made these materials for you to study. Please read it and don't waste my efforts on attending your classes.

"Ugh, could she care less about the study? At least ask me about my conditions or my whereabouts.. not about college-related." Winter grumbled as she flipped the papers. "It's always about study and study. Just by reading these things already gave me a headache."

Her mood became sour. The thoughts of going back to study from her break were already added to her GIVING ME HEADACHE list. She drastically lost her excitement to live. Until the last smaller paper caught her attention.


I miss you );


After reading the small paper multiple times, she sat on the couch in the living room and fished out her phone again to check all the notifications that had long stopped vibrating. It was embarrassing.

Not caring about anything, she immediately ran her finger skillfully to open the said person's chatroom with her.


My bae Jimin❤

Anyway unnie,

Sorry to inform you so late,


But starting tomorrow I won't be able to attend my classes until next week.

And don't worry! I've informed my rector to pass the information to my professors. So you'll be free from attending my classes for the time being.

Take a rest well while you still can Jimin! 🤭

Thank you and good night! 🥰


Unread messages



But why is it?

Tuesday, xx-xxx-2021



Kim Minjeong


Aren't you gonna answer me?

Whoa for real.


Oh yea family gathering it is.

But can you reply to me at least?


Wednesday, xx-xxx-2021


Are you avoiding me?

Fine, I guess you're too busy there.



I'm sorry.

Saturday, xx-xxx-2021


I miss you a lot ㅠㅠ


Come home soon, you have a lot of tasks lining up on your TO DO list.


Busy squealing while re-reading the texts from the older girl, Winter almost forgot to go back to the latter's apartment if it's not because of the pop-up incoming call that appeared on her phone screen.


My bae Jimin❤ is calling…


Rushing out from her apartment, she picked up, "I'm on my way already."


"Sorry, just sorting out something hehe"

"Wait! I’m coming down already, the elevator is just too slow. Blame this elevator" Winter faked a grunt while in reality she just arrived in front of the elevator door and pressed onto the button.

"I know you missed me–" 

"Hello? Jimin? Jimin unnie?" Winter checked her phone screen only to realize the caller had hung up the call.

"Winter has never been hung up before but this person has the privilege to do that" 

When she arrived in front of the older girl's apartment door, without bothering to knock or call the older girl to open the door, Winter just shouted for Jimin's name.

"Jimin..!! Open the door please~~ I'm outside..! Hello? Jimin~! Jim–"

As the door was unlocked and swung open, Jimin pulled Winter inside while closing Winter's mouth in a kidnapping way.

As they're both inside already and the door was already closed, Jimin released her hand from Winter's mouth and glared at her, "why did you do that?! You could just call me! You even know my passcode."

While being scolded, instead of feeling sorry or scared, Winter giggled shamelessly.

Jimin rolled her eyes looking at her boringly. She shouldn't be surprised anymore with Winter's 4D personality. 

Ignoring the blonde girl, Jimin walked away to her bedroom. When she was about to open her bedroom door, she realized Winter was following her from behind – she questioned the girl, "why are you following me?"

Winter on the other hand innocently looked at her confused, "mm I thought we're going to talk?"

Jimin exhaled before putting her hands on her shoulders and turned her around, "not here, wait for me in the living room." Then she pushed the younger, "now go."

With a pout Winter muttered silently while walking back to the living room, "I thought we're going to talk while cuddling in bed.. Didn't she miss me? No hug or something like that to welcome me back? Tch meanie."

Little she didn't know Jimin watched her with a smile plastered on her face, cute..


After getting changed, Jimin plopped down on the couch a few centimeters away from the blonde girl who was staring at her.

Not minding the latter's stare, Jimin grabbed the tv remote and turned it on.

"Unnie, I thought we're going to talk?"

"Well we are.. now what do you want to talk about?" 

Watching the older girl wasn't paying attention to her, she pouted. "Can you turn it off? And didn't you miss me? Aren't you happy to see me?"



"Come on spill what you wanted to talk about."

"Yeah, but can you turn it off first? Are we gonna talk with random sounds from the tv as a third party here?"

"Jimin unnie~"




"Okay fine, just watch the damn tv."

Caught what Winter said, Jimin threw her gaze in her direction.

"Seems like you're not happy to see me." Standing up, she waited for the older girl to say something, 'where are you going Winter? Don't go! Stay..' pfft probably she won't say those dramatic lines. And nothing came out from the older girl aside from the 1 second of a glance.

Stomping off her foot, she walked away to the door sulkily "I'm going back."

But it looked like she gave too high of an expectation and only hallucinated everything.

Damn, this girl.. 

Turning around and walking back to stand in front of Jimin this time – blocking her view from the tv screen, Winter pouted. "I miss you Jimin.. and I'm still missing you.. are you still going to ignore me?"

Heaving out a sigh, Jimin reached for the remote and turned off the tv. 

Winter, on the other hand, not waiting for the older girl to say something, without permission she sat on Jimin's lap and draped her arms around her neck for support.

Jimin flinched in surprise. Her vital organ began thumping erratically without giving her mind time to process everything.

"W-Winter, what are you doing?"

While burying her face in the crook of Jimin's neck, Winter sniffed the scene that she had missed a lot before replying, "I'm fulfilling my 'I miss you' needs." Winter smiled as she felt safe in the older girl's arms "hug me tighter please."

Jimin didn't know anymore how many times she let out a heavy sigh, either it's due to frustration or feeling content. But it looked like this was the first time a sigh due to feeling content.

After making sure the younger wasn't looking at her, she smiled fondly as she began enjoying the feeling of the younger around her again. The familiar fragrance, either from her perfume or from the fabric laundry softener began filling her nostrils.

How she had missed the blonde girl a lot. And not gonna lie, during the one week of "NO Winter" was the first time loneliness felt like torture for her instead of peacefulness. All this time, she was never aware or paid attention to how impactful Winter's presence was affecting her life. Despite most of the times the younger girl would only disturb her or ruin her peaceful day almost every day, without realizing it, she had let Winter squeezing in, for a space in her heart. She felt the impact when she left without saying anything. It's like when her heart began beating alive again, she stole it and brought it with her away. Her days that previously had gotten a lot brighter became dull and gloomy. Her heart felt empty. The emptiness was twice worse for her. When she used to feel nothing but flat, this feeling was way lower-awful than it.

And now that she's back, she was kinda afraid that her heart might really feel those fluttering feelings again just like when she fell in love before. 

She's still afraid to fall in love again.

But at least let me enjoy this moment..

Tightening her hug to secure the younger in her arms, Jimin hummed in response.

Silence filled the room. Weirdly enough, it's not awkward like how Jimin had predicted it would be. And since Winter was the one to invite her for a talk, she patiently waited for the younger to begin.

"Jimin.. I'm getting sleepy."

Realizing it's probably the effect from her naughty hand that she wasn't aware of since when it was, began rubbing her back slowly – sometimes giving gentle pats. Jimin stopped her hand immediately.

"Sorry." Hoping Winter didn't notice her blushing face.

"No, just keep it up," Winter smiled silently. "I like it."

"But aren't we going to talk?" Despite arguing, still her hand continued – even now drawing small circles. Why do I feel like rocking a baby to sleep?

"Yes, of course. We're talking right?"


The said girl chuckled, after all, she was just copying how she spoke to her earlier.

"Okay okay miss Yoo.." shifting a little bit, Winter began, "so.. how are you?"

A simple question yet it was hard to answer.

While waiting for Jimin to reply, Winter muttered slowly, "you're so warm, I like it."

Not getting a response, Winter continued, "when I went back to my apartment, I found some scattered papers on my door. I assume you went there and slipped the papers inside through the door gap."

Jimin was still not saying anything but she was listening. She thought the younger had a lot of things to say first. On the other hand, her mind was equally busy thinking about how to answer the latter's question.

My papers can wait until later.

"I found the small paper when you wrote 'I miss you' on it. It's cute and I'm keeping it. I'll probably laminate it with a plastic cover or frame it." Okay, the conversation was still going nowhere. It's like Winter was just telling random things. "And after that, I went to check my phone. And you sent some messages to me." Then silence filled the atmosphere again.

Jimin thought Winter had fallen asleep, "Winter..?"

"I'm sorry."

"That's okay, just thought you fell asleep–"

"No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not replying to your messages."

Ah okay, she's still on the track.

"So the reason why, like what you have heard from my professors probably, I had an urgent family gathering and was too busy so yeah rarely checked my phone. But that doesn't matter."

Doesn't matter for not replying to me?! What a jerk. Jimin took a glance at the pink-pastel hood that's still covering the younger's blonde hair.

"But tell me first, did you feel happy when I wasn't around?" This time Winter leaned away and stared at the older girl. "Because I didn't."

That stare, the stare that sometimes made her heart flip upside-down. 

What does it mean?

"...and then?" Cautiously Jimin replied. Honestly, she didn't want to answer. She knew exactly she's just going to lie if she were to answer the question. She just wanted her to continue.

"Then now is your turn to answer?" Winter chuckled, easing the heavy atmosphere. She tried not to be serious here, looking at how lost and nervous Jimin was. 

"Haha you're so cute Jimin.."

Winter's poke on her cheek woke her up from her complicated mind. She was just arranging words to convey her feelings, not openly and not too obvious until the younger messed it up again with her reckless gesture. She's still the tsundere Jimin we know.

"Anyway," pulling her hands away from the older's neck, Winter threw her gaze to her hand that previously got injured. "Last week I also went for a daily check-up with the doctor," she brushed it and moved her fingers easily like how it's never been injured before, "and it's already healed" Finally Winter looked up and smiled to meet the older girl's uneasy gaze.

After being lost in her eyes, Jimin avoided her gaze. There were just a lot of things she wanted to say but she was just too afraid to let it out.

"...great to know that," Jimin muttered.

"I thought you're supposed to be happy?" Winter pouted.

Mentally Jimin blamed her ego. She was just too shy to admit that she wanted the girl to stay. Either the younger remembered or not, if her hand was finally done with the recovery, then they would need to stay away from each other. And not wanting to admit that out loud, just by thinking about it already made her suffer mentally. But on the other hand, she couldn't let the feeling grow inside her anymore for the younger girl. She was afraid if the same situation would happen again for the second time.

"Yes. I'm happy of course.." Jimin looked hesitant, and Winter looked at her patiently, "..but?"

Like suddenly something clicked in her mind, Winter pecked her cheek and leaned in to hug the older girl again while suppressing her laugh, "is it about the deal you made?"

Okay, Winter won the game. Jimin was left flustered by the quick skinship.

Surrendering herself, Jimin sighed as she returned the hug. "Ugh, yes." Admitting that felt like admitting a crime for her. "I missed you a lot, Winter. Even until now." Not waiting for the younger to reply, she continued, "you don't know how worried I was. I thought you're avoiding me because of the incident last Sunday, I'm really sorry Winter. I didn't mean to act that way." Winter just chuckled as she tightened her hug and leaned in deeper. 

"Can we cancel it?" Jimin muttered.

"But you haven't answered my question,"

"Which one?"

Rolling her eyes, Winter leaned away to face the older girl again, "did you feel happy when I wasn't around?"

"I thought my explanation already answered it well?"

"I want you to admit it." With a final decision, Winter replied with a teasing smile. Admit it or nothing.

Jimin rolled her eyes, "fine, I wasn't happy at all."

"Great! Then I guess we can cancel it." With a happy grin, Winter spoke.

Jimin on the other hand was a blushing mess. She was just too happy today.

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Hola~ a fluffy chapter for the first update in 2022! Guess I won't be freed from this guilty feeling whenever I leave this story on hold for too long 😂 so sorrymasen everyone 🙇‍♀️
And also, I'm still not ready for the drama.. so let's just enjoy the fluff for now 💙 till next time~


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i hope u r doing well authornim~
Chapter 19: been rereading this and they're so cute >.<
Chapter 21: really want this to continue
Jiminjeongaseul #4
Chapter 21: Welcome back
284 streak #5
Chapter 21: patiently waiting here~~ don't worry authornim ✊
reveluv316 814 streak #6
Chapter 21: welcome back
winternim #7
Chapter 21: ur backkkkk omg im the happiest person on earth now
manhmanh04 #8
Chapter 21: omg i'm so happy right now!! i thought u've dropped it already🥺
idk7564 40 streak #9
Chapter 21: i just started reading this and wowww excited for the next update!
kihs254 #10
Chapter 21: Welcome back