First official date, failed?

Night Encounter

"Minjeongiee.." the oldest of the two called, breaking the comfortable silence. Only the sound coming from Winter's Switch was heard in the spacious bedroom.

"Hmm?" Not bothered to avert her gaze from the screen, Winter, the said person hummed in reply. Winter was currently lying flat on her stomach, busy playing with her game console, while Jimin on the other hand was busy cuddling the younger from the side – trapping the latter's small body with her long legs and long arms.

"Let's have a date,"

"Uh, suddenly?" Caught what the older girl said, Winter couldn't help but pay more attention to her. Once in a while, she would take a glance at the latter.

"Yeah.. why is it?"

"Mm, nothing.. I mean it's just out of the blue you said it? Which is kinda surprising to me," Winter replied, "but every day is already a date to me anyway.. with how you always treat me like a queen" Winter giggled before continuing. "Have I described it well? Or did I exaggerate it too much?"

Jimin rolled her eyes jokingly, "nope, you just accurately stated a fact there, honey,"

"Oh not with this conceited side of yours" this time it's Winter's turn to roll her eyes which caused the both of them to burst out laughing.

"But seriously though, I was referring to the actual date.. I'm such a jerk for being too busy until we never go on dates."

" are,"

"Yaa!" Jimin caged the younger fully in her embrace now. Winter could only shriek– complaining about her ongoing match on her Switch while trying to get out from Jimin's strong arms around her small body.

After a few hits from the younger, Jimin finally loosened her grips. She laughed seeing the grumpiness on her girlfriend's face after knowing her character lost in the match.

"But I may agree with you this time, our relationship paths were never paved smoothly.. and I feel like I'm just getting the chance to make it up to you now, baby, sorry.." this time, Jimin stared at her with guilt yet sincerity at the same time in her eyes.

With the sudden change of mood in the air, Winter decided to let go of her Switch and pulled her Jimin into her small embrace, "Something's bugging your mind, isn't it?"

Well, to tell the truth, Winter was already more than happy with what she had and experienced with Jimin for the past few months. With all the bickers in the first place to the worst experience that she's involved with, with the bullying things, accidents, etc.. until to the most memorable parts where she had always been by her side and treated her special like she meant everything to the older girl. It's just too memorable for her. And she's just fine with whatever she has now. She felt like everything she had was already more than perfect. Perfect as how it's defined in her own dictionary.

"Can't tell you what's exactly inside my mind.. but what I'm sure of is that I just wanna make you really happy now.. like really really happy."

"Silly girl." Winter buried her face deeper in Jimin's silky hair. She inhaled the smell of her shampoo which was becoming more familiar to her.





"So a date for tonight?"

"Sure.. but I'll decide."



"Gosh, I shouldn't let her plan our first official date though," silently Jimin muttered. But it's just so unfortunate for her that Winter was being extra sensitive today so she caught what she said earlier.

"Why? You don't want me to?" Winter's sharp gaze was directed to the older girl immediately.

"I-It's not that baby, I mean, are we seriously going to spend the night going around the city on a bicycle?"

"Well I do want to enjoy the night breeze and yet you don't ride motorcycles,"

"Well, I can change my car–"

"Nah we need some exercise too so that's okay. We don't need the car." nonchalantly Winter replied with her hands busy taking out her bicycle from its parking place. It's just another Jimin's car that they're talking about – the one that can have the top open. Winter found out about it the other time when she tagged along with the older girl to go to the basement to retrieve her usual car.

Although Jimin was still not completely accepting the fact that the two of them would have a night stroll with bicycles, her hands were still automatically helping the younger to take out her bicycle from its house.


"Aren't you going to change your outfit?"

"Why?" Traveling her eyes to her own outfit, Winter asked. Do I look weird? Something's wrong with my current outfit?

"Well.. it seems to be colder than usual.. and you're just wearing a bomber jacket and...short pants."

Seeing the hesitant Jimin, Winter laughed, "What do you expect me to wear, Jimin? Padding coat?" Winter approached the older closer, "and also, this is cycling shorts for your information, Miss protective much.." she gave a quick peck on Jimin's lips.

"F-fine.. whatever." Ignoring the younger, Jimin began riding her own bicycle.

Not until Winter shouted, asking her to wait.

"Ya Jimin!! Wait for me!"





At least give me a warning first, Winter Kim Minjeong. 



"Jimiiiinnn… can we… stooopp" with heavy breaths, Winter called – desperately wanting the two of them to stop for a while.

Aigoo my baby is already tired huh ㅋㅋㅋ Jimin chuckled.

"Am I the winner then?" Jokingly, Jimin asked – half shouting while still busy cycling around not too far from the younger.

On the other hand, running out of energy pedaling her bike, Winter decided to stop. She didn't care anymore about the older girl leaving her behind. Her leg muscles started to cramp. She just mentally noted herself to never have any competitions again with the older girl especially to those that require strengths as the main weapon. She shouldn't trust Jimin's words in the first place when she said she rarely did exercise. Her stamina was just too.. ugh I can't keep up, Winter mentally gave up. 

Not receiving any replies, Jimin pedaled back to where Winter was resting, "Aigoo… tired?" 

Seeing her girlfriend was being grumpy about it, Jimin decided to more, "It's funny though for someone who said they used to work out a lot before, now is the one who's easily out of breath," Jimin spoke with some disdain in her voice. Just her naughty side wanting to play around with the younger girl.

"Well, you were so competitive about it?! There's no way I would lose.."

"Yeah yeah there's no way you would lose." Jimin laughed. Oh, she's having a good time teasing the younger, "But I rarely work out though,"

"BUt I RareLy WOrk OuT ThOugh," with an annoying expression mimicking the older girl, Winter spoke. "you say that again, I'll surely smack your mouth to shut up" she rolled her eyes at the end. 

There's no way her so-called lazy girlfriend don't work out knowing how her body portion is such a "body goal" for every woman out there possibly, especially from their campus. She; holding the campus star status was not for nothing.

Not wanting to annoy her more, she decided to stop it from there. And instead, she brought the back of her bare hand to wipe off some droplets of sweat on Winter's forehead. Not until it's being swatted away.

"Why so rude?" Jimin giggled. She knew Winter was still feeling bitter about her loss. But her current sulky expression just added more to her cuteness level. She wanted to squeeze those chubby cheeks so badly– even crashing those pouty lips, but only if Winter wasn't in her scary mode.

"Just because." 

Jimin could only laugh in her misery. 



"Babe, where are you going?" Winter asked when she saw Jimin stand up. The two of them were currently chilling and resting sitting on the grass in a park with a large empty field. Just a few meters away from the Han river. It's often used by many people for exercises in the morning, or even at night also. Just this time, not so many people were there, only a couple of people. So Jimin was kinda glad to be able to enjoy her so-called date with Winter more privately.

"Just wanna grab some drinks. Do you want something?"

"Convenience store?"

"Mm.. sure.." Jimin looked hesitant, "I'll buy you that later but maybe.. not now?" 

After realization came to hit her, Winter mentally facepalmed herself.

"That's not what I mean," Winter shook her head, "Will you grab them from the convenience store?"

With her silly grin, Jimin chuckled after coming to her realization and rubbed her not-so-itchy neck. "Ah sorry, yea.."

"Alright then let's just go there together.. I'm hungry also."

"Okay sure." Then the two of them rode their bikes to the nearest convenience store.


On their way, a sudden small thunder was heard. Not in a shocking way greeting their ears.. but it's obvious it's gonna rain hard sooner or later.

When they arrived, Jimin glanced at the night sky that was slowly turning dark gray instead of shades of dark blueish color.




"Jimin, I want to get the ramen," Winter cutely walked with a cup of ramen in her hand to the busy woman who's currently roaming around the frozen food area.

"No, we should be getting a proper meal, baby," not glancing at the latter, Jimin was still busy checking both frozen food in her hands. Rice with bulgogi? Or–

"Jimin~" oh not with this babyish voice, please

"Winter.." Jimin spoke and stared at her. With Jimin mentioning her name now felt weird. She knew whenever this happens, Jimin is serious about it. Not wanting to argue more, Winter decided to give up.

"Ugh fine." Reluctantly Winter walked away to return the cup of ramen in her hand.

Lol I can't do this.. Not when Winter was already sulking about it. Surely enough, she would be getting a cold treatment in return later. 

See how whipped I am for this girl. Just for the sake of me not to be ignored later.. because I need her attention 😣 "Okay fine, you can give it to me–"

"Nope, I'm just gonna take whatever you're holding now," Winter nonchalantly replied as she ignored Jimin and went closer to her again to take one of the frozen foods from her hand. She took the one meal set with bulgogi as the toppings.

"You sure?" Winter's reply was so going to decide her future she thought.

Avoiding Jimin's eye contact, Winter nodded and walked away to the drink section.

One step too late. Here we go with the "ways to melt icy Winter" agenda.


Going to the cashier, Jimin decided to ask Winter to keep them some seats instead. And Winter, still with her sulking mode, only stayed silent and walked away to comply. The urge to pepper the younger with kisses was big. Only if they're not in public now.

Once all settled with the payment, Jimin brought her purchased foods to the cooking area where she could find a microwave and also a dispenser to get hot water. She put away the frozen food into the microwave and also made the ramen that previously Winter took. She also purchased a set of kimbap and a pack of sausage as additional compliments.

Once they're all set, she brought it all at once to where Winter had saved them some seats.

"Here, you can have this.. but you will also need to eat the kimbap or the sausage" The older placed the cup of ramen in front of the younger who's busy watching the outside from the glass window.

"Why did you purchase this? I want the bulgogi though," Winter asked. But not realizing it herself, her hand was already reaching for the ramen cup.

Jimin smiled silently. Just her with her pride lol

"Although you're still cute when you're sulking, I prefer not to deal with that side of yours. So you can eat the ramen now, baby,"

"Is that so? You don't love me wholly? Fine, go find another girlfriend then.."

"Aigoo, that's not what I mean.. you know how much I love you right? And only you?" Jimin chuckled. The urge to pinch the latter's cheek.. but she preferred not to risk the younger getting more mad at her especially after recently she just discovered her habit that's kinda violent– intentionally or unintentionally hitting her with her open palm in any situation whether when she's mad, frustrated, or even when she's laughing or feeling excited. It's spicy and hot if I could describe how her hand feels like on my body. Evenmore on my bare skin.




"I love you, baby," Jimin sat beside the younger close and stared at her – trying to melt down the cold wall she had built up since earlier. Her sweet smile still plastered on her face.




"I love you, Minjeong.. I really do," this time, Jimin went closer and placed a soft peck on her cheek, just a little bit down further near her lips. Call me a loser but am still not used to kissing in public especially on the lips.

Still not moving from her proximity she stayed there and stared at her closely. Her persistent stare made Winter blush slowly.


That's it. Winter gave up.


"Fineeee I love you too. Now excuse me, I'm hungry," still not daring to make eye contact with the older girl, Winter pushed her away lightly. It's so obvious her cheeks had gone redder and redder from the time the older girl went closer to her.

"Cutie." Jimin giggled and pinched her cheek this time.

"Stop it and eat your food, Jimin.. it seems like it's going to rain hard soon." She purposely changed the topic, not letting the older girl to have her great time in teasing her.

"You're right.."


In the middle of cleaning up their leftovers, it started drizzling outside creating some droplets running on the window that wasn't covered by canopy above it.


"It's raining.." she stood behind Winter and watched the weather outside.

"But no worries, we can just stay a bit longer here–"

"No, we need to go back now, or else it might be heavier later,"

"But we're just done eating, babe," Winter complained while whipping her head a little to glance at the older girl above her.


After a few minutes passed, as per Jimin's speculation the rain started pouring harder. It couldn't be helped either when the temperature was getting colder also. They're still currently waiting inside the convenience store with it being open for 24 hours straight.

"Jimin.. I'm cold,"

Without thinking much, the said woman took off her hoodie and gave it to her to wear, "here wear mine," 

When hesitation was evident in the latter's eyes, Jimin immediately butted in, "I'll be fine baby, don't worry"

"Thank you, Jiminie"


"Do you want me to get you a warm tea?" While side hugging the younger who's currently resting her head on her shoulder, Jimin asked.

"Nah, I'm good."

"Mm okay." Taking a glance between her girlfriend and the rain outside, she spoke again, "sleepy?" She gave a small rub to Winter's cheek. "There's still no sign of the rain going to stop soon.."


"Should we just grab a taxi? But I doubt a taxi will pass by here.."

"Oh let me call Giselle–" when Jimin was about to fish out her phone from her training pants pocket, Winter, already in her half-sleepy mode, stopped her hand immediately and shook her head in disagreement.

"Let's not bother her.. we can just wait a bit longer" instead, she fished out her own phone. "Let me find a Grab then.. and then we can just keep the bicycles here."


"Yeah, you don't know?" Winter whipped her head to the side with her surprised expression only to find the latter with her innocent clueless face. Well, she already kinda expected this thing to happen to some people in real life but to her own surprise, this happened to her girlfriend. Is she that dependent not to use such a thing? Winter thought. Well personally for Winter, she doesn't drive. Her protective parents still not letting her take the driving lessons. They thought, with many accidents and crimes happening lately on the street, it's not really safe to drive alone, especially for a small girl like her. So they provided her a driver who would drive her anytime and to anywhere even though she's no longer living in Kim's residence. Although she had a driver who's always one call away, she still sometimes preferred to use Grab to go somewhere else knowing her apartment complex is still quite far from the residence. But still without her parents' knowing of course – just a secret between her driver and her. "It's an online app that offers service for transportation or something like that"

" never use this?"

Jimin shook her head embarrassedly, "if I can't drive, I usually will call Giselle,"

Winter smiled hearing that. Giselle unnie is a truly best friend indeed.

"Okay spoiled princess, let me teach you how to use this"

"Yah! I'm not okay," with her grumpy face, Jimin argued.

Winter laughed, teasing the older girl even more.


After a few minutes running the Grab application, they still couldn't get a driver to pick up their order.

"Baby, still no driver is available at all," Jimin let out a sigh of disappointment holding Winter's phone in her hand. Yep, she's the one who insisted to watch over the app in case a driver picks up their order. "Is it always like this?" Jimin asked again while her eyes still locked to the phone screen.

"Yeah, it's hard to get a driver when it's raining.. I guess we have no other option other than.. going in the rain!" Winter's face lit up at the thought of them cycling in the rain.

"No! There's no way I would let us do that,"

"But it would be fun, babe! And also the thunder is long gone.. and the rain is not pouring that hard anymore," Winter argued, trying to change the latter's mind. She knew how protective her girlfriend was.

"Still not an option," Jimin shook her head in disagreement, "and I think if we wait a bit more, it will subside somehow."

"But I'm already tired and sleepy.. and it's getting late Jimin," Winter pouted, whining to the older girl.


Looking around to find a wall clock, somehow she just remembered that they're not the only people there in the store. She forgot about the girl who's on duty watching out for the cashier. Wondering how long that girl had witnessed everything she did with Winter all this time, her ears started burning red.

"15 minutes more–"



"No Jimin~"

"Okay okay, 5 minutes–"

"No, it's now or I'll go home alone?" Winter gave two options to the older girl, "we can't predict either when it will stop raining.. what if it goes heavier again?"

Jimin took a deep breath before giving in, "fine."

At least she made a point there.


"No, keep wearing it, and wear the hood also"

Both of them were already outside the convenience store. 

They're currently standing near their parked bicycles under the store canopy, preparing to fight against the rain. 

"But what about you? You're only wearing a T-shirt" Winter, who's about to take off the hoodie, stopped midway when Jimin spoke.

"No I'll be fine, I don't want you to catch a cold.. or at least you won't be having a bad headache later,"


Caught what the younger said, Jimin whipped her head to check on her, "mm for what?"

"You're being cold now.."

"Nah, I said I'm fine, Minjeong," Jimin continued to unlock their bikes. She still hadn't fully paid attention to the younger girl yet.

"Not that cold I'm referring to.." Winter felt sorry to put the older girl in such situations. "You're mad at me right?" She spoke with a low voice.

Realizing probably her cold aura had surrounded her and affecting the mood to be tensed up a little bit, Jimin felt guilty.

"No, sorry baby, please don't mind me, okay? I'm just trying to get us to get home safely as soon as possible" 




Seeing the younger still standing frozen in her place, Jimin chuckled. She's seriously dating a baby.

"I'm not mad, okay? I'm just worried.." Jimin engulfed the younger in her embrace. "Just pretend I'm being a protective mother of yours at this stage" Jimin grinned, trying to lighten up the atmosphere while staring at Winter's gloomy face.

"...okay, but I still want you to wear it" Winter stared back at the older girl with her puppy eyes.

Thinking for a while, an idea popped up in her mind.



"Are you ready, baby?"

Despite her muffled voice, Winter replied enthusiastically, "Yes! Come on Jimin!"

Giggling, Jimin started pedaling her bicycle with her right hand holding onto the handlebars while her left one holding onto Winter's bike handlebars.

Winter, on the other hand, was comfortably sitting behind Jimin while effortlessly hugging onto her waist for a hold with her head hiding inside the older girl's oversized hoodie from the back. It was Jimin's idea saying at least it could prevent her head from getting hit by the rain directly– to avoid a bad headache later, she said, although not really effective in this situation.


Little she didn't know, Winter thanked the cashier girl earlier for telling her girlfriend that they're running out of umbrella stock.

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Hola~ a fluffy chapter for the first update in 2022! Guess I won't be freed from this guilty feeling whenever I leave this story on hold for too long 😂 so sorrymasen everyone 🙇‍♀️
And also, I'm still not ready for the drama.. so let's just enjoy the fluff for now 💙 till next time~


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i hope u r doing well authornim~
Chapter 19: been rereading this and they're so cute >.<
Chapter 21: really want this to continue
Jiminjeongaseul #4
Chapter 21: Welcome back
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Chapter 21: patiently waiting here~~ don't worry authornim ✊
reveluv316 815 streak #6
Chapter 21: welcome back
winternim #7
Chapter 21: ur backkkkk omg im the happiest person on earth now
manhmanh04 #8
Chapter 21: omg i'm so happy right now!! i thought u've dropped it already🥺
idk7564 40 streak #9
Chapter 21: i just started reading this and wowww excited for the next update!
kihs254 #10
Chapter 21: Welcome back