Yulyen: Renaissance (by WJSN)

Siren’s Collection

A/N: Please give this side song a listen! I've written this based on the lyrics and overall vibe of the song. It's been a while since I last updated and I felt that I should post this up now haha...Hopefully this first Yulyen OS won't disappoint you guys too much! 

Sorry for any grammatical errors and stuff! As usual, feel free to leave any comments, questions, and comments here or on my cc (which can be found in the foreword)! 




Drenched dark alleyways are normally places that one would avoid. Something about it being creepy and easy to be mugged. But to you, it’s your safe haven. Darkness is your friend. Your ally.


‘RUN!’ yelled someone, somewhere to your right.  


And run you did. You’re not going to risk it. Everyone knows that if someone yells, it means they got caught. Contrary to popular belief, you’re not going to risk your head just for a loaf of bread. You’d rather be hungry than to be caught BECAUSE of a loaf of bread. That sounds like something Hyunjin would do anyway. 


You pushed your legs to work harder as you ran through the maze of dark alleyways that you and the rest had memorized by now. If you didn’t know the way, you’d get lost. But not for you who basically grew up in these streets.


‘Damn it legs. Don’t give up on me now. You have to make it back in one piece!’ you mumbled, sweat dripping off your temples as you pushed yourself harder. You need to reach a certain part of the alleyway so that you would be hidden in the darkness. Your legs were feeling weak from the lack of energy in your body - probably due to the lack of food the past few days. This wasn’t the first time anyway. It’s always been like that but hey, at least you’re still surviving. Just barely.




After another one of those eventful nights filled with escaping from the people who were chasing you and the rest, you found yourself resting in the corner of the abandoned shed. The shed was run down and dusty, but secluded and hidden in one of the many familiar alleyways. Not a single person would know to look here unless they were told to. To everyone in the world, it’s another abandoned shed, forgotten and neglected. But to you, this is what you call home. You really didn’t want to wake up and head out with an empty stomach. Well, wake up from whatever little rest you could get from the time you came back anyway. But it looks like your stupid growling stomach is really trying to get you to move. 


So there it was, just another day of surviving in the wild. You roamed around town, hoping you’d catch a glimpse of any unsuspecting passersby whom you can...borrow a little money from. Of course, it wasn’t charity nor was it stealing in your opinion. You’ll definitely repay them one day. That is, uh...when you’re rich or something.   


A loud scream pierces through the quiet town. You know that annoying voice from anywhere.The fat butcher. He would always stand in front of the shop, waving his hands wildly to attract customers, all with a greasy grin on his face. You don’t remember his name. Never needed or bothered to. Thinking that he was always superior to everyone, no one liked him either. He would always mock and humiliate anyone and everyone he gets the chance to. No one likes him, but still go to him for meat. He’s the only one who sells meat around this place.


You stopped a few feet away from the local bakery after spotting something that you can only describe as ‘off’. While others may think that nothing was wrong, you’ve been running around long enough to recognize people to an extent. Recognize who was new, who was a traveller or who did not belong. Something about growing up in these parts of town really helped with your observation skills. To an extent, you were pretty proud of this. 


Now, the figure standing in front of the bakery was dressed in a simple pale pink coloured dress, topping off the look with a thin black headband with flowers in her hair. You couldn’t tell what she looked like but she seems to be a little shorter than you are. From just her backside, you can tell she is probably someone around your age and is pretty cute. Oh, and definitely someone who was well-off.    


Your curiosity is piqued for sure. What is some potentially well-off person doing in this part of town? While there was nothing wrong with the local bakery itself, the street that separates the local bakery and the other part of town is like an invisible line. An invisible line that distinguishes the middle-upper class to the lower class. The poor ones. The thieves. The unwanted. Anyone in their right mind would know that you don’t want to hang around the local bakery in case you get mugged. But clearly, this girl doesn’t seem to know anything.


You looked around, hoping no one else had spotted the strange girl yet. Today may be her lucky day! You feel bad for sure. But borrowing money seems like the perfect opportunity now. So you crossed the street and walked closer towards the girl.


‘What brings you here? You’re too well dressed to belong here,’ you questioned the girl who was a little away from you. 


‘H-huh? Sorry, am I blocking your way?’


You were like a scene from a movie, felt like time stopped, hurry and take me away  


Wow. She’s...so cute? Pretty? She can easily be the prettiest girl you’ve ever met in your life and honestly, you’re friends with some very pretty street kids. She also resembles a cute hamster. You mentally give yourself a warning. Quick! Snap out of it and keep going with the plan!


‘What do you think?’


‘Uh, I’m sorry...I’m just a little lost. I don’t really know where I am...’


Oh. Even better! Your prey seems to not only be scared but is also unfamiliar with the place but she won’t know what hit her after you borrow some money. Okay, so all you have to do after intimidating her with a rude comment is to ‘accidentally’ bump into her. Then be rude and blame it on her so she would leave you alone. Good. You’ve done this before and it’s worked every single time.   


With a slight frown on your face you keep pushing yourself to go through with it. You’re not going to stop for some pretty girl that you’ll probably never meet again. You know that hunger definitely weighs more than just a mere pretty girl.


...So why the heck are you tripping over your own feet for real and getting so flustered?!


‘Oh my god, are you okay!?’ said the pretty girl as she tried to check for any injuries on you. Now you wouldn’t say you’re a clumsy person. But something about this unfamiliar person is making you act strange.


‘Y-yeah! I’m fine. Just er...you know...shaky legs? Haha...’ 


What is happening?! You’re never one to stutter like that. Not to mention the awkward laugh at the end. God, what is going on with you today? And in front of some pretty girl you don’t even know!


‘Are you sure? I can bring you to a doctor if you need to?’ the hamster-like girl offered. 


Wait. Is this a trick or something? A pretty girl trying to help a street rat like you is something unheard of. Plus, what does she even mean by that? Didn’t she just say she was lost?   


‘Miss, didn’t you just say you were lost?’


‘I am, but I trust you to know the way so we can go together?’


Okay. So she’s not very reliable. But you guess the kind thought was enough for you to lower your guards around her.


‘No, it’s okay - I’ll manage. I’m Yena by the way. You?’ 


‘I’m...Yuri. Nice to meet you Yena.’




After that awkward meeting, you managed to talk to her while getting her back onto a busier road. Yuri had explained that she was not from here. In fact, she only came into town with a friend named Hyewon, but she had lost Hyewon on the way to the bakery. 


It was strange. Now you wouldn’t describe yourself as a terrible person. You sincerely hoped this Hyewon person would find Yuri soon and they can go home together. But then again, the longer you spent time with her, the longer you wished she could stay. Afterall, you’ve never felt this...warm before. It’s like she had treated you like another person and not some poor street rat.  


I wanna live in your world, it felt like a dream - there’s nothing I want more 


‘Yul! There you are! Do you know how worried I was?!’ said a panting girl who desperately tried to keep her breathing under control. 


She is definitely also a beauty, though you still personally find Yuri prettier. You were standing a little away when the panting girl made eye contact with you and gave you a subtle nod. You nodded back, even though you’re not very sure why you’re doing it. But whatever, if that nod can get you on the good side of this other pretty girl who looks like she was going to have your head, you’re more than happy to nod a few more times.  


‘Hyewon, this is Yena! I met her when I was lost. I somehow ended up at some bakery but I was lucky she helped me out!’ Yuri enthusiastically told Hyewon. She was so cute but Hyewon really looked on with a straight face. It really makes you wonder - is this Hyewon girl a robot? How can she NOT react to such a cute hamster? You’re practically melting on this end!  


‘How are you sure this...duck girl isn’t trying to rob you?’ Hyewon asked, voice flat and eyes narrowed as she glanced sideways at you briefly. 


To say you were offended wouldn’t really describe how you’re feeling right now. You were a little offended at being accused of trying to rob the cute girl, but at the same time, you can’t blame her. She was right - although you didn’t do it, you were still going to do it. 


‘Now, now Hyewon. It’s okay! I’m okay so we shouldn’t worry. Plus if she was to rob me, she wouldn’t walk me all the way to a place where you can find me right?’


Bless the cute girl for being an angel. You doubt that it would ease the suspicions, but it was better than nothing. You counted yourself lucky that Hyewon had slightly let her guard down and was not one a hair away from swinging at you. You can conclude that Yuri is someone of noble class. She must be. Otherwise she wouldn’t be wearing those clothes and wouldn’t have a friend like Hyewon. You can also bet that Hyewon is not just a friend but double up to be some sort of bodyguard (if the fancy looking sword by her waist was of any indication).


‘...Right. Thanks for taking Yuri back here...I guess,’ Hyewon said, albeit a little unwillingly. You reckon it’s because she isn’t that familiar with you, which to be fair, you understand. 


‘No worries. I’ll take my leave. Also, Yuri, try not to get lost and don’t go anywhere near the bakery again. It’s a lot more dangerous than you think. Good day to you two,’ you warned the cute girl, before leaving the two. As you had mentioned before, she’s just another pretty face in a crowd of heartless strangers.  




You bumped into her again a few months later. Well, you assume it was a few months since the weather was a lot colder and snow was bound to fall anytime soon. You found her looking out towards the road that separated the classes while leaning on the walls of the bakery. The same place where you first saw her. Your head cocked to the side, wondering what in the world is the girl of noble class doing even after your warning. You walked up to her and made your presence known. 


‘What are you doing here again? Didn’t I warn you?’


‘O-oh! Hi! I was actually out again and walked around while waiting for Hyewon to meet me at the same place as last time,’ she answered you, a twinkle in her eye. 


‘...Did you hit your head or something? I told you it’s dangerous here. Go back to Hyewon before something bad happens to you!’ 


‘...Uh, well, can you walk me there again then?’






You really wanted to tell her to stop looking at you like that. All puppy eyes and a cute pout on her face. God, you hate how affected you are but you really can’t stop the blush from showing. Instead, you turned your head to the side and answered her. 




What you assume is a one time walk suddenly becomes two. Then three. Then four. Until you have lost count and the seasons have gone past. The walks were consistent - happening at least once a week. 


It was snow season again - which means your back in winter. You’ve kept up with the routine of walking with her at least once a week for the past year. With each walk, you both became closer and you started to know more about her. You knew that she was of noble class and that she knew you were just another abandoned child left for dead on the streets. She knew that you learned to grow up by doing desperate things but never resulted in violence. You thought she would leave - but she didn’t. 


She didn’t mind because she understood.  


In fact, she was glad that you had been honest with her and trusted her enough to let her know about these things. Trust was a pretty big word for you. It weighed a lot and was also your key to survival. You’re not even sure why or how you started trusting a random noble class girl since it usually is very hard to earn your trust. For all you know, she could sell you out and that would be it for your life. But you must admit that you were glad that you decided to go ahead and risk it. 


With the increasing number of walks resulted in not only the walks becoming longer, but you also became a little braver. You would end up showing her around town, telling her about the restaurants to try with Hyewon or the shops that sold interesting things. You would talk her ear off, recounting stories of surviving with your friends and the interesting gossip you would hear. 


All while holding her hand. 


Everything’s so great, I felt nervous


You were nervous when you first did it. But feeling a slight squeeze from her gave you the green light to go ahead and ever since then, you’ve never not held her hand while walking with her. You’re pretty sure you didn’t want to let go either. You’ve also managed to make an unlikely friend. Hyewon has gotten used to your presence and you really would like to give yourself a pat on the shoulder for earning her trust. By that, you meant that you have offered her a new restaurant and menu item that she has to try when you do see her. You reckon Hyunjin must be onto something when she had told you before - ‘The way to a person’s heart is by their stomach. Mine can be through bread!’.     


Worried that everything will go away 


It wasn’t very long before you realized that you fell hard. It wasn’t anything extravagant. A simple confession that you accidentally blurted out on one of your many walks. You were definitely planning to confess. You’re pretty sure the original plan was to probably bury your feelings and take it to your grave. You may not have any academic background and may be seen as someone who’s ‘dumb’ but you aren’t THAT stupid. You know where you stand - a street rat and a noble lady? Please, it would never work out. But you suppose you were very glad that despite the class difference, she didn’t mind. She didn’t care. She was there to catch you and reassure you that nothing would change. Nothing would come between the two of you. 


Sadness, please go away (no need to speak)


And for once, you were happy. 




You should’ve known. Happiness doesn’t last forever. Especially for people like you. 


No other secret to hide - it’s like tightroping 


This definitely was not the first time that has happened, but it’s definitely happening more frequently than before. You were planning to walk to the bakery again to meet Yuri. It’s another one of those days that you were supposed to meet up. But you should’ve known something was off with the way everything seems to be quiet. Yuri wasn’t there waiting for you as usual. You thought nothing much of it - she probably got caught up in something. ‘Rich people's duties’ is what you both coined it as, while joking around. But as the streets got busier with time, you know something isn’t right. Where is she?


Worried for her, you looked around and started to roam around the area. Before you know it, the sun has set and night has taken over. The streets were in a shroud of darkness with the moon as your only source of light. You roamed a little more - refusing to give up just yet. You knew the dark streets were dangerous, especially this part of town, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to stop looking. 


No way, follow the moonlight, go away 


Before you could register what was happening, you were pulled into a nearby alleyway and came face to face with a group of five bulky men. The men looked at you with blood-thirsty eyes and you couldn’t help but feel shivers run down your spine as you found yourself under their gaze. 


‘You’ve made a grave mistake, Yena.’


‘How do you know my name? Who are-’


‘You useless street rat, you shouldn’t have done anything.’


‘Who even gave you permission to go anywhere near the princess?!’      


What? What princess? The only girl you’d consider as a princess in your life is Yuri. No one else. You don’t even know your own country’s princess but who cares. You only need Yuri. With that last statement, you found your head flung to the side. By the time the impact from the hit in your face had registered, you couldn’t even fend off the next offending hits. A heavy fist landed on your left jaw, another on your right eye - and they just kept coming. Hit after hit. You were winded and hurting everywhere. They didn’t stop when you fell on the cold wet ground. They kept swinging and perhaps, you should’ve held your stance. Perhaps you should’ve kept standing because as soon as you fell, they threw kicks into the mix of punches. At this point, you’re pretty sure you’re bruised all over and bleeding in several places. They probably bruised or even broke a rib or two. After what seemed like a whole eternity later, they stopped and spat on you before turning to leave.       


‘Stay away from the Princess!’


‘Disappear and never come back!’


‘It would not be just a beating - it would cost you your life next.’


‘Queen’s order, you street rat.’ said one of them, kicking you one last time in the gut before leaving with the rest. 


The iron taste was strong and you spit out the blood that pooled in your mouth. Your body is hurting and it hurts to even breathe. You tried to keep your breathing as shallow as you could, hoping it would somehow ease the pain a little. But honestly speaking, you're more focused on the questions that swirl in your mind than the pain.   


What princess? What queen? You had so many unanswered questions. But the more you think about it, the closer you feel to getting answers. You pieced together what the bulky men had said to you throughout the whole ordeal.  


Following the wind, you come to me 


You think you’ve got the answer. The reason why you were randomly beat up by bulky men during these past months. You’re almost certain what you are thinking is correct and very honestly speaking, you’re not too shocked. It was the only answer for all the questions you had when you were with her anyway. It suddenly all made sense. 


That name is love, true love 


You also know you love her and don’t want her to be hurt. You don’t want her to suffer any consequences for being with you because the cold hard truth has slapped you in the face. You were from two drastically different classes. Two different worlds. You were a fool for believing it would work out, that no one would see you two with all the sneaking around in town the two of you have done. There was bound to be someone who would be the queen’s eyes. And no one wants their daughter to be with someone like you. 


You understand and you know you love her. You want her to be happy. You want what is best for her. So you’ve decided that you’d do something crazy one last time. 




You’ve still kept up with the ‘walks’ which had now really been ‘dates’ at this point in time. She seemed happy, while you remembered what you had to do. When she met up with you a week after that cold night, she had questioned about the injuries you had sustained. But you brushed it off, laughing as if nothing was hurting. You told her you were just being a little stupid and got into a small fight with the other street kids. You’re lucky she didn’t push any further and enjoyed the day with you. You felt extra warm when she gently caressed you bruises and the scabbed over cuts gently, whispering questions of ‘are you okay’ softly. Nodding to give her a confirmation (you don’t want to worry her any further), she looked at you with worried clouded eyes. But she proceeded to give you a kiss on the cheek anyway. You were grinning like an idiot and thought you couldn’t fall for her harder than you already have. But you were oh so wrong. You asked her how her ‘rich people duties’ were and she enthusiastically gave you an eye roll, then proceeded to complain about it. You could only watch her with fond eyes. You really love this girl more than anything.


When it came to parting again with Hyewon being a slight respectful distance away from the two of you, you asked her about the next meet up time. She told you that she would be busy with a ‘rich people event’ that she ‘absolutely destests’. You could only chuckle at the way she worded it, whilst hoping that the laugh didn’t sound hollow. This was all the confirmation you needed. 


After bidding farewell to both Yuri and Hyewon, you watched as the two made their way out of the town’s square. Once the two were out of sight, you exhaled the huge sigh you’ve been holding onto since you’ve gotten the confirmation.       


You made your way back to the abandoned shed, hoping your two friends were there to help you. However, once you arrive, the abandoned shed looks even more empty than usual. You decided to call the two, hoping one of them picks up on your shouting from wherever they are. 


‘Hyunjin! Yuqi!’ 


When you didn’t hear anything from the two girls, you decided to try again. Mayhaps they heard you the second time because in came the two - coming from god knows where. 


‘Hey ducky! What’s up?’


‘This better be good, ducky. I was in the middle of trying to get some bread when Yuqi pulled me with her.’  


‘Pft. Stop blaming me for stopping you from getting bread when you were clearly trying to talk to that Heejin girl.’


You looked at the two. You’re not very sure what’s going on anymore. Who is Hyunjin trying to talk to? What is happening? Have you been missing so many things from your sworn sister’s lives?


‘Yeah...Definitely something important that I need you guys for. Also, am I missing something? Who the heck is Heejin?’


‘Oh ducky, you remember the hatmaker on the good side of town? The one opposite the clothes shop? Heejin is the cute bunny girl who helps make hats by the window. I think she’s the daughter of the owners…?’


Oh. You do remember how Hyunjin has been nervous to go near the hat store, just because of the cute girl who sits by the window and makes hats. Honestly, you’re quite proud that Hyunjin managed to make a move on the girl she’s been looking at everytime we try to walk past. A group talk got all of us spilling secrets to each other and honestly, it wasn’t like you guys weren’t close before. But after that talk, you feel that you three have gotten even closer - the ‘I don’t mind giving up my life for you’ kind of close. 


‘Well, anyways, what is it ducky? What did you need help with?’


Ah, that’s right. Back to the main topic - the reason why you were calling for them in the first place. You really need to stop your thoughts from wandering.


Today, I wanted to pick the prettiest clothes from my closet 


‘I want you guys to help me with finding something decent? Something that looks good on me?’


‘Uh, are the clothes you have on not good enough?’


‘Wait. Stop there Yuqi. She’s wearing her everyday clothes that are dirty, soot covered AND patched up over and over again. Her outfit literally screams poor! No offence to you ducky.’


‘Shut up, Hyun. You know what I mean. Plus we three are wearing the same things anyway. Ducky, what’s the outfit for?’   


‘Crazy idea I know. But, your girl is going to crash something big and is in need of a decent outfit. Preferably easy to run in, dance in and look kind of good on me - though looking good isn’t really the MAIN point...’


You needed an outfit. Of course, you would love to look good. But the main point of it is that you need to be able to dance and move in it. Be able to run in it. You’re going to risk your life one last time. You just want to go through with this crazy idea one time. You just NEED to see her one last time and want the last image of you to be...perfect - or as perfect as you can manage.  

I always want to be perfect in your mind, only want my smile to remain 




You’re definitely not one for fancy places like this. You’ve lived on the streets your whole life - you’ve never even stepped foot anywhere near the richer people. The most you’d venture to is the middle class area to...borrow money. But never the really well off people. You could get away with middle class people a little easier and it was less hassle anyway.     


‘You ready ducky?’


‘...Ready as I can be, I guess…? Giraffe, what happens-’


‘Shh you’ll be fine, ducky. You’ll be okay. It’s just go in and dance with your girl and that’s it! Easy. I’ve made sure we have bread and water so we can drink and eat with you while you cry.’


‘Uh...thanks for cutting me off, cat. Oh and for the prep talk and everything...’


‘No worries ducky. Good luck! Giraffe and I will be heading back first hm? Rich people's places intimidate us haha...’


With that, your two friends (who decided animal code names would be a fun spin to what you’re doing after telling them one night, though they only know the girl you were dating is of noble class) turned to leave and you continued to the imposing gates in front of you. You’ve never been here before. You had spent the past week trying to find out all the information you could about this place. In order to enter, one will need an invitation that you definitely don’t have. Wracking your brain for a solution, you watched as people held out their invitations and walked through the gates when the guards bowed to them.


It’s because I like you so much, I keep getting foolish thoughts


This is definitely something that you have never done before. You really hope you weren’t going to be caught because how in the world would you be able to explain yourself? The idea was definitely crazy but you guess you’re just a little crazy for her to be willing to do all this.  

I’m worried that I’ll ruin this moment

You’re definitely worried that you won’t be able to pull this off. Not only could you be accused of anything and everything, but you could possibly be executed for pulling something like this. Waiting for an unsuspecting person who can be your key to getting past the guards, you watched every single person that walked past you with a scrutinizing gaze. You need to pick carefully, or you’re definitely screwed. Finally seeing someone that you deem is suitable to be your key, you prepared yourself a little and followed him. You have to be strong today. There’s no room for mistakes.  


I won’t cry - at least for today   


Today’s the day. And you’re going to pull this off without fail.  




Eyes wandering around the giant building in front of you, you tried your best not to feel so overwhelmed with everything you’re seeing. The man in front of you with the strange clock-hand-like moustache had finally finished his champagne. Great. This means you could continue with your original plan.  


Your ticket started walking towards the main event hall. Tailing him, you took in all the possible exit areas and noted where the guards were so that you could evade them if needed. 


The man with the clock-hand-like moustache had turned to the right and opened the white painted wooden doors that were decorated with intricate gold patterns. It was definitely too fancy for your liking - you’re so used to the broken shed door that had green paint peeling off and was dangerously hanging off of the hinges. You took in your surroundings - the hall itself was nothing short of grand and majestic. 


By the front right side of the hall, a figure dressed in a beautiful midnight blue dress immediately caught your attention. Of course, it was Yuri. You couldn’t help but stare at her. The midnight blue dress had glitter incorporated to the fishnet looking layer on top, making her dress seem like the night sky. The dress looked amazing on her and you couldn’t stop the stupid grin from forming on your face. 


That beautiful girl over there is yours. 


She was with who you assume as her parents, talking to several intimidating looking adults. Diplomats of the sort, you reckon. Definitely not wanting to draw any attention, you waited patiently on the far left side of the hall - near the back balcony doors. You hope she’ll notice you. You trust her. She seems to always just...know.  


And you were definitely right about it. 


Not long after you have moved to the corner, she suddenly turns away from the adults talking to look around the hall. Her eyes met yours and the widened eyes and open mouth expression is definitely a sign that she was surprised to see your face amongst the crowds of noble people. 


You were once again reminded that you don’t belong here. 


She bowed to the adults politely before excusing herself. She ignored everyone in the room, eyes trained on you. Once she’s close enough, she clutched into the sleeve of your blazer and asked in a whisper. 




You looked at her, admiring the way she’s dressed. God, she’s doing things to your heart and you really just want to hold her close to you. Alas, you’re in a room full of stuck up rich people, who would probably have your head with every little thing that seems like a mistake. 


‘Yuri...’ you breathed out. You haven’t even started running but you’re already out of breath because of her. Just look at the things this girl can do to you. 


You knew she had a lot of questions. The questions were practically screaming from her body language and the emotions that flicker in her eyes is enough for you to know what she was feeling. You could feel the desperation emitting from her - probably wanting to explain herself to you.


Because she knew, you knew. 


Seeing the little lip bite habit that she does when she’s nervous, you decided you’ll take her out of her misery. You brought her focus on something else. 


I hope you don’t forget either - how I’ve blossomed in your heart


‘Do you like the outfit? It took Hyunjin and Yuqi three weeks to put this together...’ you said as you lightly tugged at the slightly stuffy collar. 


You were dressed in a velvet maroon suit, paired with a white collared shirt and black pants. The collar of your white shirt had gold lace that shone under the chandelier lights. 


‘I love it. Please, thank your two friends for putting you together like this...’ Yuri said, as she held your cheeks softly. 


Chuckling, you pulled her a little closer by the waist. You’re suddenly feeling a little protective of your girl. She’s definitely the most beautiful girl in the room and you don’t like the way the other old men in the room eyed her. 


But you know you’re not allowed. 


When you need to leave me, don’t look back 


So you let go of her waist. Yuri looked at you wondering what was going on when the most beautifully slow and romantic piece of music resounded in the hall. You shoot her a cheeky grin and raise your palm up to her. 


‘May I have this dance with you, Yuri?’


With a soft smile of her own, she replied with a simple ‘of course’. 

Or else my heart will grow weak 


You held her by the waist, while she had her arms around your neck. Out of the corner of your eyes, you could see the few people who were paying attention to the two of you frown; faces had displeasure written all over. But you chose to follow your heart and ignore those people. There was no need for any disturbances. You wanted to spend your limited time with the girl you love. 


My most beautiful moment is you, the centre of my brilliant season is you


‘Yuri, have I told you how beautiful you are?’ you whispered to her as you leaned your forehead on hers. 


‘Really?’ She whispered back, voice soft but full of affection. 


‘Mhm’ you hummed back, eyes closed as you tried to lose yourself in the moment. But you know you have to face reality very soon. 


You’re crazy in love with the girl in your arms. But you have to make a selfless decision for her sake. You honestly don’t mind being beaten up every week if it means you can be with her. Yet you don’t want her to be upset over the multiple new injuries you sustain from those weekly beating sessions. 


Plus she deserves someone better than you. You can’t give her riches. You can’t give her anything. You’re just a street rat as those people had called you. Poor, did not have proper schooling and have done things that are considered illegal. You’re no match for her. 


After all, she’s the princess of your country. 


Even if you understand that there are things that can’t belong to you. So you’re going to go through with your original plan in order for her to not suffer from her parent’s constant pressure of finding a suitor. You can only imagine how bad it would be for her if her parents found out - if her mother had told her that she knew about them. 


I’ll remember you, you don’t need to be sorry


You’ll be okay. You don’t think you can love anyone else other than her, but you know you need to let her go. You’ll remember your memories forever, for the two of you. 

I’m alright, really 


As you twirl her around slightly, you try to burn everything in your mind. The way she spins lightly. The way her hair sways. The way her eyes look at you fondly. The way she smiles at you full of adoration. The way her arms found its way back around your neck.

Destiny has passed by me (dangerously)


You really think fate has been rather kind with you, your whole life. From the time you met Hyunjin and Yuqi, to the time when you met Yuri. But destiny really had to play with you like this. 


So close, yet so far. 


It’s like the two of you were a match made in heaven but weren’t meant to be. The two of you are just way too different.


For a moment, just like this (as if nothing happened)


Shaking your head, you try to snap yourself out of it. Stop it Yena, you’re here to enjoy this moment with her. 


Dance the most beautiful dance as if it will never end


‘Thanks Yuri…I love you so much more than you think. Don’t be sorry, I’ll be okay...’ you whispered as the both slowed to a stop. You left a soft kiss on her forehead, lips lingering a little longer than necessary. 


Letting her go, you gave her one last smile. 


‘Goodbye, my love. Please, live your life. I’ll be happy for you,’ you said, unable to hide the crack in your voice. You didn’t want to worry her anymore so you turned around and ran out of there. 


And you can feel your heart breaking into pieces with each step you take away from her. 



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ilovetakumiusui #1
Chapter 13: I just finished reading Wish You Were Sober and OH MY GOD A PART 2 IS A MUST
reigngrey #2
Chapter 13: Definitely need a part 2. I like this kind of stories for annyeongz
Chapter 13: AAAAAAAAA! Annyeongz their so fluffy and cute🤧🤧
I need part 2 of this. Thank you author!🥰
Chapter 11: awww annyeongz baby
Chapter 12: reading this in yuri's pov broke my heart so much more, my yulyen babies huhuhu thank you for this!!
hee_hor #6
Chapter 12: thank u for the update 🥲it’s Soo good
AlondraCmr #7
Chapter 10: will there be a second part?
hanonstar #8
Chapter 10: Wow,this storyline is unique. I enjoyed reading since I seriously have no clue what would happen next. This is so beautiful thank you so much!
Tzuunaa #9
Chapter 10: Oh myyyy this is sooo deym good thank youuu
yujinz_wonny0304 #10
Chapter 9: my heart is hurting. Nooo